Name: Ixchell [eesh-chell]

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~19, aged, RY7

Origin: Repurposed born, brought directly to Rookery Rapture / Aerie

Family: All ELLs are her siblings, and she is intent on living up to her namesake as a fertility and maternity goddess

Other: she is very professional and courteous to patients, but quite gregarious among friends, and doesn't hesitate to help people hook up - including herself

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 110* Though Icarus lightens her a little, she's quite muscular and fit, as well as having a very nice curvy shape

Hair: nearly-violet red black, naturally wooly and very thick, kept in tight braids to shoulders, sometimes pulled up or styled into a snake-like head dress

Eyes: brightly sky blue, strong epicanthal fold almond shaped

Appearance: red-tinted tan skin with no scars, but she has begun collecting tattoo ideas; she is very precise and measured in her movements, but also quite fluid, sexy. She has a scent of jasmine about her at all times. Her face is round, she has full lips, and a broad nose; Ixchell has a very quiet voice, but it is deep with a burr, and everyone seems to like hearing her speak

Genetic Abilities: with a strong empathic connection to all of her siblings, Ixchell is able to communicate deeply with any of the ELLs nearby as well as any strongly Vortal minds. She can sense Vortal auras with a keen eye for details, and has been trained by Melissa to view specific traits. Where many of her siblings have mechanical aptitude, her power has been focused on biological matter rather than metal and electricity. Aptly named, she is on hand for childbirth and most feminine needs, as well as family planning and natal health. Though she is able to heal wounds to an extent, her Vortal power is more able to help genetic disorders, illnesses, and even rid a body of toxins or parasites in minutes. She is able to tell whether a person is going to have adverse effects with Icarus, and directly helps in the lab when someone is going through processing.

Icarus Processing: yes, processed in Rapture with the Plasmid mixture, this was more heavy on the Plasmid and lighter on Icarus, so the physical properties are a sideline to the changes in her Vortal powers.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Witch Doctor

Skills or Profession: a lab assistant and birth specialist, she is on hand at Rapture's science hall to aid with both injuries and mixing up Plasmids to design new people. She knows all about laboratory processes, but also has extensive medical and physiological downloads, and a bit of pharmacology, chemistry, and surgical skills. She does serve up on the Aerie for emergencies at times, but her focus is on maintenance and birthing, mad science, and designing new fun ways to tweak DNA. Ixchell does also keep paperwork orderly, because apparently with two of them (or more) working in the labs at Rapture, between Melissa and Rhea they hardly bother to write anything down any more. No, Melissa, your memory can't be accessed by just anyone... Though her downloaded skills are mainly medical, she has practical experience with bedside manner, and can help calm people down, or explain what's going on in the lab to even the most confused or agitated person. With her empathic ability, she can actively take childbirth pain, and channel it into a glorious event for the mother as well as child, and does this almost unconsciously. She can hold a pose, be it full body or just her hands, for quite a long time, so if needed she can pose for a sculpture (which she's done) or keep a patient or piece of equipment steady (which she has also done) in one place while it's finished.
Personality: careful and precise in a work environment, but thorough, diligent, and enjoyable to work around. Ixchell then turns around and throws back a shot of gin with the folks in Fort Frolic, and watches her boss-lady Rhea sing with stars in her eyes. This girl loves life and living it to its fullest, but also remembers that without care, life can slip away instantly.
Events or History: Melissa expressly asked the ELLs whether it was appropriate or wise to have such a specific helper created, and they agreed it would be for the best - it's time, they said, for regular born Humans to understand that ELLs are exactly as capable in all ways as they are, perhaps more so, and that includes with birth and medicine as well as their mechanical duties. While her overt skill set might be of more use in the North Aperture site, she travels there on a regular basis to help but there are already a decent number of medics and healers on hand there. With her dragon being able to construct a diving-bell silk net, they have been on hand for emergency rescues when the bathysphere isn't available, or the stray is too far from the Aerie island to reach a portal in time.


Name: Argyroneta (diving-bell spider)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10'6" s / 50' l / 85' and 42' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind limbs, tail and wing armor mottled red-purple that is lighter or darker depending on angle of view; face, neck and gill armor, body, limbs blue-violet mottled with darker sooty violet, grades to purple on wing arms and blue on tail tip; face and tail fringe scales bright cyan; tail dorsal scales purple with cyan markings; wingsails vibrant purple, cloudy lighter sections on edges, deep nearest arms, marked with brilliant white, fins solidly red-purple; dorsal fin spines and tail spines dusty blue; chest spines, horns, claws dark red-purple; reflective bioluminescent patches center on brilliant cyan; eyes red
Features: Seawing-Silkwing hybrid, classifed Sea dominant even with as many other visible Silkwing properties as she has, due to DNA manipulation
Powers: Winged Flight, Underwater Maneuvering, because Argyro is half-Seawing she is typically under water to 'fly', and does so with the same grace that her sire does. She can fly above the surface, though slower and with more effort than below. She is ideally suited to life within water environments, so watching her struggle in the air is just... sad. Below the surface however, and down to the sea floor, Argyro looks just like a butterfly and floats along currents gracefully, but can fight those currents with surprising ease. Though her wings are quite strong below the surface, when her wings are dry she claims they just plain ache to move enough to take off. She swims with determination and direction when needed, but really does seem to enjoy goofing off by allowing currents to toss her around.
Communication, because she was not only hatched on the Rookery itself, but altered in the lab before hatching, Argyro is strongly Vortal in her connection to her rider, and to a limited extent to any dragon or non-dragon mind that is capable of listening to her thoughts. Her range for her bond is unlimited, but she can only think clearly to or listen in on other minds within about 50 meters. Otherwise she is very adept with Aquatic 'sign' language, able to use her white markings in addition to the flashing of her luminescent patches, Draconic speech (spoken in a high, chittering tone), and English as well as several other bipedal-type tongues with halting phrases. Since she's still quite young, she will likely learn how to listen in on Vortigese and speak human tongues more confidently as time goes by.
Underwater Silkweaver, unlike basically all Silkwings, Argyro is capable of living underwater without any assistance, thanks to heavy redesigns done in Rapture's lab. She is truly a dragon of two worlds - above and below the sea, but she prefers being out in the water. Her silk is durable and flexible, she can only produce silk that is good for diving rather than cloth or ropes. With it, she can envelop a creature around 4 meters long (usually fish) quickly suffocating it for prey purposes, or with a bell infused with air for helping relocate people. She also has a feature where she just sort of coats her neck and shoulders, the area beween her wings, and sometimes her chest, with this stuff, and leaps out of the water to catch a large amount of air - and then others can join her in her swims, whether it be for emergency use, or pleasure trips. This close-fitting bubble can last for an hour with a couple people inside it, longer if she takes a big breath and then uses her gills to 'breathe into' it, gulping air in with her mouth and then forcing the right gasses through the gills on her neck. People do claim that this kinda smells weird? But the webbing on her body is nearly transparent, so she can take people on tours outside Rapture if needed. The pressure is difficult to maintain, but she's learning how to balance it with thicker netting. It's usually a good idea for humans to go out with an emergency kit, more due to the pressure and cold than lack of air. She can spin a bell web right at the surface, when a person or even a dragon is floating unconscious from a battle, and bring them back down carefully enough that they don't get the bends. Also for her rider, she spins a specific line tethering her, so they can be at different depths doing different activities, and know when the other needs assistance. The silk is designed to be used under water, and if spun above and left to dry, it will just crust over and fall apart within about 20 minutes. Additionally most of her body is immune to any of the wear and tear that sea water might inflict on a typical Silkwing - she's been redesigned with the ocean in mind, and her wings as well as antennae are focused on this rather than airy detection or flying.
Parentage: mother Deco, father Urchin
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by Biohazardia on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Because both of her parents were actually hatched on the Rookery, she's considered among the youngest Pyrrhan-origin dragons around. However she was also experimented on in Rapture, purposefully brought to the attention of the scientists there because her parents wanted her to be the best of both worlds, rather than being more limited to air-born flight like her mother. Melissa and Rhea worked on ways to adapt scales that normally would be present on Silkwings, to those of her Seawing side, which is why her bright white wing spots are somewhat luminescent, and her antennae pick up low-frequency sounds rather than high-frequency ones. Other dragons might consider her just a flashy Seawing, for all her abilities, though some Silkwings are a bit put off, they admit that her use of these specially formed silks and flight are very clever.