Name: Montell

Gender: Female, pan, aro

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, RY7

Origin: Rookery Earth created in Rapture; resides in Black Mesa

Family: Spliced from Laszlo with others, and ELL basis DNA; she has infrequent contact with him, since he's down in Rapture most of the time, but when needed they will collaborate and the results are stunning

Other: Though she doesn't care for romance, Montell is clearly more than willing to experiment with whoever comes along... for... reasons

Height: 5'8"

Weight: around 120, much lighter than a woman of her generous curves and long legs should have; she's very muscular but in a casual way, she's not showing off, she just is casually able to lift up to 2x normal weights is all

Hair: richly black, and though wooly to an extent it falls quite long and shaggy, and easily twines into dredlocks if she wants; actually depending on where she is at the time, her hair is either straight or remarkably afro-curled, the humidity and temperature have everything to do with that. She actually loves how people don't recognize her if she's on a screen instead of nearby, because of this

Eyes: clear sapphire blue, almond shaped and large, under thin brows

Appearance: very dark red-brown skin with barely-visible moles and freckles; she is quite attractive, with a broad nose and thick lips, and carries herself with strength and style; she has a deep and husky voice and a very large vocabulary; Montell wears slinky clothes and likes the Aperture branded orange and white, but will put on appropriate clothing from anywhere around if available

Icarus Processing: yes, along with Pythagoras this has expanded her Vortal abilities along with a minor amount of physical modification. She is around 2x stronger than normal, but also durable and heals quickly (around 2.5x), and speedier for dexterity tasks requiring little overt movement (her fingers are so fast you can't even see them when shey's doing manual tasks, items must be able to keep up with inputs)

Image Credits: Doll Divine Viking

Genetic Abilities: like her spliced 'dad', Laszlo, she is stunningly brilliant. And with the additional boosts of Icarus and Pythagoras, Montell is essentially a human computer for her speed of thought, precise calculations, and ability to predict accurately to a very long decimal. Not just mathematically, she can predict movements, traits, tactics, and broad events. She can calculate things in her head but also can read code and numbers at a glance. She is very aware physically and her senses are quick enough to pick up tiny details; her vision is up to 4x as keen for things under 20 meters away, she also has a very strong locational sense that is Vortal in nature and can 'ping' both minds and machines within 100 meters. With this sense she all but siphons information from willing brains and uncaring computer systems alike. This means that sometimes she is on call to show up at defeated Combine sites, to grab any information from both the dead or their implants that is available. Though her memory is not eiditic, it is photographic - she gets more out of a glimpse at a battlefield or transmission than she would from listening in on a conversation. And working in conjunction with dragons, her knowledge base keeps expanding. She can also imprint these things - from video image processing, to raw numbers - onto computers, so others can then review her results. This must be done with touch, so 'her' command center in the Rookery is where she spends much of her time.
Skills or Profession: As a tactician she's invaluable, and works as a communications expert centrally in Black Mesa keeping track of enemy movements wherever they can be found. Though she is decidedly not a combat rider, she doesn't shy away from a battlefield, and has on occasion helped mop up straggler troops. She knows more about how to hide than fight, however, and spots the best places to observe an enemy with ease. Mostly however her skills are in communication tools, including satellites and Combine networking, but also basic Human discussions. She can program like nobody's business, having gotten downloads from Martin and others, and doing math better than 'dad' at times. Tactical prowess comes with being entrusted to aggregate all the dragonry fights, tapping into people's memories about specific moments, and filtering through the visuals at her leisure.
Personality: Far from being a cold-fish computer nerd, Montell is actually very personable, if much more intense than some people can handle. She isn't high maintenance, but she is high-intensity, and if you can keep up with her energy and focus, you're going to be on her friends list forever. She doesn't know how to flirt, but she does know all the best ways to compliment someone for results. That sounds much colder than it works out being, by the way. However, she's a work-play separatist, she designates portions of her days to wandering the facility, talking to people, playing darts (you will lose), and occasionally being called out to distant locales. She considers those times to be 'working vacations', because there's much more of interest than merely the dead Combine or a computer left over from a battle, and generally speaking unless there are time constraints she'll get her 'fun' stuff out of the way before getting to work on something there, because then she'll be required to be 'working' back at Black Mesa straight away.

Events or History: Created with a number of other spliced ELLs, she doesn't diverge as much from their typical mechanical engineering and repair work as some do. Though she is mechanically adept, her specialty is in information and connectivity, and she's helped repair and launch numerous satellites in the time she's been around, which makes Magnusson quite happy with her ... even when she's plying him with sweet talk, shouldn't she be doing that with his own manufactured 'son'?

She works in one of the biggest and coldest spots in the Rookery, where all the servers and information storage is held. This is one of the locations of Black Mesa that was only marginally damaged in any dimension, thanks to its massive walls, heavy insulation, and isolation from much of the 'active' labs and facilities. That said, it's also a bit isolated now too, which means she heads to almost anywhere when she's done jamming to tunes and jamming Combine satellites.

Orchitath is her best friend, confidant, and cohort - after all, he is just as good as she is at predicting things, and that's Vortal so they both know it's important to keep up.


Name: Orchitath
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 5'6" s / 33' l / 48' ws
Colors: body, limbs, wing arms, tail cloudy silver with violet and red-violet tints; wings, spikes and frills, tail tip point patterned with pale blue and violet on edges reversed on fringe; eyes pale hazel green-grey; claws silver
Features: Nexus mutt, siblings and offspring may show slight variations in features; quadrupedal, scaled skin, egg layer, jaw horns, high Ryslen crest, back/tail ridge, tail spade, four-fingered visible wings; 4-clawed toes
Powers: Winged Flight, though small, Orchi is swift and sure in the air, though he only ever carries his rider and very little else. He often maintains a soaring vigil above a field, if the lighting and weather conditions are good - he can hide among the clouds after all.
Teleportation, though he's not all that great with the ability he can make emergency ports that allow for quick exits. He is able to port about 10 miles, or a much more exhausting return to the Rookery outright, if they're within about 1000 miles of the place.
Communicaton, he is gifted with both Vortal and Verbal communication skill, and talks your ear off if you let him. His Vortal communication is stunningly strong, and he serves as much as a draconic switchboard as his rider does for humans. His telepathic range with dragons who also have the power is nearly infinite, able to reach dragons continent-wide, but also those who are in 'concurrent locations' across dimensions. (Meaning: if a dragon is in another dimension's version of Black Mesa while he's there, he can reach them.) He can comprehend any language, be it light-and-blinking of Aquatic Dragon, or beeps and tweets of robots, code, or physicians' chickenscratch handwriting... And offers to translate as much as he can. His focus on communication lends itself to predictive power as well, he and his rider share that Vortally and in fact amplify each other when they're doing it in tandem. A favorite tactic is to sweep slowly over a battle while it's in progress, 'listening in' and viewing from above, then allowing the two of them to just 'jam session' to work out the best strategies according to Paxton's needs. (He's always at battles, regardless of which dragon is there... he has enough Replicas.) The predictive power is more organic than his rider's, he will take the 'what if I was an ant' approach, while she is more analytical. Either way, if they get a look at troop movements, even ones they find on residual computers, the Combine are going to have a Very Bad Day.
StarWake - Invisibility, his scales and coloration lend themselves to a specific use of power, that is to shake loose some of those scales and use them in a sort of field around himself. They will remain about 1cm away even in drastic weather or speeding movement, and cast a shimmering effect that reflects whatever light is there. In slightly overcast early morning or late afternoon sun, or in a dust storm, humid haze, or other such conditions, he and anything on him is rendered nearly invisible. He can keep this effect up for about half an hour, but requires around a 2 day lead time to do it again - hey, shaking loose scales means they have to have time to be replaced!
Tuck Space, though he's not all that terrific with it, he can briefly put items up to about 300lbs worth into a pocket dimension which he can then access later. This only works for around a day, and anything that he has tucked in this manner will pop back out after that point, wherever it was before he took it. Otherwise he can remove it and put it somewhere else. He's great at parties, he can bring all the booze as well as chairs and stuff. Never mind that if those show-off Old World dragons go between it's instantly chilled...
He carries but doesn't use the abilities of his parents - teleport-attack, (with wings), and Shiny Starwake, though he could probably work up the Shiny if needed, since it's already half in use for his invisibilty. He'll stick with what he knows.
Parentage: mother Azhnach Starpath, father Alendreth; with siblings **, **, **, **, Anchenath
Origin: Healing Den Hallowed Silk flight, modified clutch, RY5
Other Info: Since the clutch was basically hatched at the Healing Den, it didn't matter that Montell was born 2 years later. Everyone was there at the right time to Impress.