Name: Norell

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~10 / 2023, aged

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC, Alabama

Family: Spliced from numerous sources including original ELL samples, all ELLs are her 'sisters'; in RY0 shortly before the bulk of their population moved to the Rookery, she and Lonnie raised their daughter Ellenore

Other: Norell and several others were created by Melissa under the supervision of other ELLs, after losing a number of them over the years.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 100* sleek, doesn't look particularly muscular but you'd be very surprised at how strong she is, mostly due to Icarus treatments

Hair: Black, blue-tinted, straight and kept no longer than jawline

Eyes: Grey-blue, steely and dark, almond shaped, nervous looking

Appearance: Fair to tan skin, no blemishes or markings, including no barcode as most of her sisters have. Prefers a colorful Icarus-styled suit as shown, also has supports for long-fall knee replacements, and a left-handed portal gun

Genetic Abilities: Like most of her sisters, Norell is talented with angles, distances, engineering, and physical tasks involving scrambling around in weird places. The Icarus processing she's had accentuates her speed and agility tremendously, she's upwards of 3 times faster than a typical human, and is precice with her movements to the point of never missing when aiming with the Portal gun, or any other kind of device for that matter. She is also around twice as durable, and at least that strong, able to lift quite heavy or ungainly things with ease if they're in her way. She has an intimate Vortal connection to all ELLs, and can be detected by Pantheon or Vorts as having a bright red aura like her outfit implies.

Icarus Processing: Yes, when she was created she and her age-mates were given beneficial treatments to enhance their abilities, which worked as above.

Image Credits: Valve Portal 2 concept art / PotatoFoolsDay

Skills or Profession: Though most ELLs were made more than 20 years before Norell, their skills and instructions have always been easiest to download, thus she is well versed in engineering, maintenance, and other such mundane tasks around a facility. She however has also requested downloads for tactics and patrol patterns, observation and even sniping training, which she's put into good use at the Rookery. She uses a modified Portal gun which doesn't require a portalable surface, and with it can send Combine troops into absolute chaos. Because she's as unerring a shot as she is, Norell's track record for keeping the perimeter of their facilities safe is nearly 100%. Somehow, even though she's in what might be the brightest outfit they have, Norell is also remarkably good with stealthy movement. Maybe it's just that she runs so fast as to be a blur?
Personality: Though typical of ELLs before her, in that she's normally quiet and observant, she's hardly 'docile' and definitely more keen-eyed than many. She's eager to be challenged, and enjoys difficult runs through unknown parts of the territory. Not particularly talkative, she does still brag a bit about this or that event, and loves hearing about other people's clever and unique solutions to issues.
Events or History: During the era when Paxton was out looking for Alma, several ELLs were created by Melissa when they realized that their number had dwindled. As basically all of them had been created and aged in the Medusa or EC, she was sent with her other age-mates to the Icarus facility to undergo the first of the ELLs transformations into fully-fledged Vortal beings. Norell and her sisters were encouraged to discover what they would like to learn or do, and within a year she'd become known as the quick-on-her-feet sniper, even before the additional downloads for skills she requested. Now with dragons in the mix, and an entirely new area to explore and keep safe, Norell is unsure of which facility she'll be needed in the most, so she just... moves between them. Why not?


Name: Crosshair
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 7'6" shoulder / 31' l / 40' and 30' ws
Colors: pale, slightly metallic red along back and sides, limbs, tail, and face; grey-red metallic inset scales on back; belly and underlimbs, under tail, and small markings pale grey to white; wingsails faded grey with white butterfly markings; horns medium red, antennae with white; dorsal spikes pinkish; eyes bright aqua green
Features: Pure Silkwing, four slender legs with 5 and 4 short sharp claws, thumb on fore, heel-claw hind; four leathery wings, larger with 3 visible fingers, elbow strut and straight wrist thumb, smaller with one finger, strut, and short clawed wrist, all have small claws; scaled body with soft armor belly from neck to under tail, overlapping curved scales on sides and back, fronts of limbs, bearing small inset markings; along entire dorsal area has short dull spikes; face is dished with sharp nose-beak, external ears, two long slightly spiraled backswept horns, and two thin long antennae
Powers: Winged Flight; Crosshair is strong enough to pick up his rider and some of her goods, but mostly he's a speed flier surprisingly given his wing shape. He can maintain a strong line in wind, but prefers not to fly in storms or with too much stuff in the way of his destination. However, he's also quite good with evasion in the air, dodging all manner of Combine fire or Hacks.
Communication; though he can and does speak English or Draconic, he prefers to just let his human companion hear his mental voice, which is quiet and sharp, like a surgical knife. He chooses words to speak very carefully, lives up to his namesake in all ways.
Silk Production; As a pure Silkwing, Crosshair has deadly aim and strong silk, and can wrap even large items in his silk in minutes. He tends to use strong, hard to cut strands, for restraining enemies, and unlike many of his kin he absolutely enjoys eating them, with or without removing the metal bits. For long-distance sniping, the silk can become hardened as it travels, effectively impaling a victim like a javelin. Short bursts of it are sent out, when needing to actually 'snipe', and it can go upwards of 300 meters without drift. His silk can be used for rope or tripwires, though it's not as intensely sharp and deadly as Razorwire's is - he admires that dragon's ability, and they often cooperate by sending troops into traps and mazes created by the two of them. But Crosshair's webbing isn't all used for this, as they do occasionally come across refugees in need of help, so he does wrap humans or vorts up gently enough to be carried safely away.
Parentage: Pure Silkwing, unrelated to any in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from HufflepuffHannah at Deviantart
Other Info: Crosshair has at least as good an eye for spotting enemies and prey as his human, and together they keep the distant skies on watch. In fact given their abilities, dozens of manhacks and scanners have simply 'vanished' off the Combine radar, falling to Crosshair's deadly aim, and even then subsequently being shot out at other Combine with Norell's extremely clever placement of portals.