Name: Ellenore

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY 0

Origin: Repurposed Earth, BMRC

Family: Mother Norell, father Lonnie; by extension she is a bit of an Ell and a bit of the Pantheon reborn, half-sister Loraine ; In RY 10 when having fun flitting around Xen looking for tools to bring back to their camp site, she runs into Peregrine, and she enjoys raising their son Edgar, though admits that he needs training for his much more powerful Vahh side by those creepy men over there...

Other: she's a bit of an elusive target for a lot of people romantically

Height: 5'6"

Weight: around 80* Icarus treatment as well as her parents both being fixed up with it means that she has strong effects both physically and Vortally, including being lithe and sleek looking but quite muscular and extremely agile

Hair: very rich black, catches light easily, straight and full, shaggy with long and short bits in equal measure

Eyes: light blue, large, heavy lashes

Appearance: tan skin with a bronze tone, she mixes eastern and south-American features fluidly, with a heart shaped face, tiny little nose, and long strong fingers; she likes the shiny Aperture branded white outfits most, and is hardly ever seen in anything else; she speaks quickly, as quick as she moves, in a high voice that is unlikely to ever be 'womanly'

Icarus Processing: physically she is around 2x stronger than a normal person, though this often comes in the form of pushing, pulling, or dragging items from the air rather than outright hefting boxes or tires over her head. Her dexterity is known to be off the charts - she can fiddle with small items so precisely that it's almost 'tooled' while she holds wood or metal. Her agility is similarly impressive, and she can wiggle through spaces that are barely wider than her head, without pain or getting stuck. Her speed is nearly 6 times that of a typical run, when she wants it to be, and when she boosts herself it's almost 12 times faster... She looks like a bright white spark flying around. She seems to suffer no ill effects from zero gravity, light gravity like that of Xen, or heavy pressure, and can operate as normal provided protection from elements even down outside of Rapture.

Image Credits: Meiker Ethereal

Genetic Abilities: a markedly strong telekinetic, she can twist gravity or matter to her will, and sometimes takes a running leap into the air only to stay in one spot exactly as shown and just casually drift without falling. Most of her power is centered on herself, rather than other items or objects. She can boost her own speed, change direction almost portal-like, and do amazing aerial tricks as long as she's had a bit of a running start. Her body almost acts as though she's in zero gravity, when she is using her powers. She can accelerate small objects, though only to a modest extent, so an ink pen might lodge into a cinderblock but not pass through it, however deadly that might be to anything of less solid construction... With her power to float, she somehow is also able to negate the time-freeze that Keenan or his kin might put up, but only by exerting quite a bit of effort and energy. Since it's Vortal versus Vortal power, she's not physically fighting to move. She can burst speed seemingly unlimited number of times in an hour, though she does tend to just do it once or twice to get out of range or into trouble. Also no, she doesn't really touch the ground while running, though her feet make the motion she has virtually never set foot on the ground. She has only a very close range telepathic ability but ELLs seem to like her, and she can be spotted by strong (or fast) Vortal eyes with ease.
Skills or Profession:
Events or History:


Name: Thillekiz
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium (long) 10'6" s / 60' l / 90' ws
Colors: Body and limbs, tail, wing arms mottled nebula dark and light grey with brightly white large star markings; chest armor, wingsails, horns, crest, back ridges and tail spade, all brightly silver with reflective shine; dark claws; eyes amber
Features: scaled body with armor on chest and under tail, four legs with long clawed paws, 2 wings with 3 visible clawed fingers, long smooth face with prominent teeth, conical horns, spiked crest on neck and along tail, large sharp tail spade, egg layer, requires bond
Powers: Winged Flight
Teleportation - Thillekiz is an incredible teleporter, adept with all forms of porting from local short range (within 250 meters at a hop without wearing out) to longer distances (up to 100 miles a jaunt with a leisurely few minutes between each), to genrehopping and time travel (with a very good memory for specific locations, they usually wind up heading to Carramba, Paragon, or the Healing Den if things go awry, though she needs a good hour or two of rest before doing anything and a full day to recharge either time or genre porting).
Communication, adept with telepathy to her bond at any distance, she can also spot intelligent minds of either Vortal or normal types up to 10 miles distant, and dragons up to 100 miles away to communicate as though she's right next to them. Also she can speak verbally, though with a bit of difficulty, she does understand complex speech but producing it makes her frustrated so she doesn't do it often.
Though she carries several other powers, particularly a Dark Spark breath and unassisted Firebreath, she doesn't use either of them and wouldn't know what to do with it if she could. She's a teleporter, not a fighter.
Parentage: Tork and Indrobiiz with several siblings in the Rookery
Origin: Hallowed Silk RY6 at Rookery/Healing Den, base by Taluns modified by me
Other Info: