Name: Lonnie, Alonzo II

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, recreated but not 'reborn' in 2027

Origin: Repurposed Earth AAEC

Family: rebuilt from existing samples, Lonnie is possibly related to Dolores and the Munoz girls, but not closely enough to consider forbidding further mixing of genes; before moving to the Rookery proper with lots of others, he and the ELL named Norell raise a daughter, Ellenore; RY6 he and Carmine of the Color Guard hook up and their daughter is Loraine

Other: Originally born to the first generation of Pantheon, and recreated genetically*

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130* Icarus modestly improves muscularity and durability, reduces weight slightly; an average build that won't get much bulkier

Hair: dark brown, short and fluffy and usually in eyes

Eyes: light brown, wide, often sad or confused looking

Appearance: tan skin with no flaws visible, prefers to wear the Aperture branded white Icarus suit with accessories, will likely never be able to grow much facial hair

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 3 both originally and in the Reborn group; this process strengthened his build a bit, though he's not really much stronger than any given normal person, he is more flexible than typically seen, and is about 2x faster

Image Credits: DDAZ Pixie / tektek

Genetic Abilities: Though Lonnie has a baseline psychic suite of aura sight, empathy, and telepathy, they are fairly weak compared to many with other Vortal powers. However he can ping other Vortal minds nearby (within 50 meters) and they can sense him with ease. For the stronger of his powers, though, telekinetics is his forte and he's been given extensive skill downloads to aid in his learning curve with them. Some of those were donated (read: copied out of the brain) from his 'original' incarnation Alonzo during their original training sessions back in the early 00s. He has a very strong shield that can be made from pressure and particulate matter, 'air', which is compressed by his power into a semi-visible dome. Over time and with practice, he's been able to move this over other people, into doorways, or swirling around a room, though generally it's limited to around 20 meters distance at most. The shield is strongest in a small area, around 2 meters across, but with that in place, it takes an incredible amount of force to get through it at all, or longer-term buffeting. He can hold this shield up for around 10 minutes if nothing is really beating on it, good for dodging flames or the spare bullet in combat situations, but if heavy items are falling on it, or a lot of bullets in a short period, it can only last around 2 minutes. While he can keep most physical damage out, including fire or sparks, this shield is permeable by gas or electricity, and a very large single explosion or pressure - such as a building wall falling, or a very big barrage of rockets (it took three originally) - will exhaust him quickly or overwhelm it. This is why he's practiced at a distance, because losing it 10 feet away is better than losing it around himself. In non-combat situations, he can use a version of this TK to lift and manipulate objects that are of normal-handling size or weight, such as doorknobs, window latches, bricks, small animals... anything he'd be able to do with his hands or arms, can be done around 5 to 10 meters distant. He can also swing it around as a smaller spot of energy, like a guided missile, and is attempting to figure out how best to work on using that to topple larger creatures, walls, or strike enemies like bowling... He cannot feel directly through this shield, but he can sense changes in it, so he can cast it into a room (no line of sight needed, just an opening) and let it get hit by whatever's there, and suss out whether it's a headcrab jumping around, or a Hopper Mine ready to explode.
Skills or Profession: Relied upon for helping refugees get from point A to point B unharmed, Lonnie is as sure of himself as he could be ... unless there are other older Pantheon members watching. He is quite skilled in manipulating his shield, and enjoys being relied upon by the refugees, so he's learned where to look for them in rubble filled ruins, and how to detect dangers in the way with that shield. He still cannot split it up to protect himself and look around with it, but perhaps some day. His downloaded abilities include the typical suite of history, language, math, science, and survival. But he in particular also got access to what Armacham had been storing of the original Alonzo's progress, so he knows he can build on it. After all, a 9 year old's skills were still fresh, but hardly untried.
Personality: Though Alonzo was a bit more outgoing, Lonnie is quite shy and hesitant, around Pantheon people anyway. He always knows when they're watching him, and feels that critical eye that some have - he knows they're not judging him but his creation, it doesn't much matter. He's more comfortable among the Reborn kids, the second generation Pantheon, and actually just... normal people. However, he is very much in keeping with the original's traits of self sacrifice and willingness to enter a fray with whatever he can. Though not trying to go on the offensive, he will eagerly head to a battlefield to help locate stray refugees.

Events or History: * Note that Alonzo Ortiz died in the battle with GLADOS in 2007, at the age of 9, while defending the kids from a massive amount of explosive rounds. When Melissa was busy with recreating other much younger deceased kids from the Paragon project, she made the judgement call to also take up Alonzo Ortiz's file and rebuild that boy as she knew him. She knew, however, that this child was not Alonzo: his lih had drifted into the All In One many years before then, and there was no 'original' mind to inhabit this new body. She faced a number of her peers with this, knowing that they would not really 'approve' - and did it anyway. She asked the Vorts as well as kallah-vahh for advice, and while none of them overtly told her 'yes that's a great idea' they all agreed that a new version of this brave child might be of aid in the future. Lonnie therefore is not fully expected to be the same as they all remember him, after all, Alonzo is dead. But so was Ross, and Melissa used his DNA to mix up Brand as well as eventually remaking him... Only those Pantheon who knew Alonzo even really recognize him now, and that's not saying much, because they only knew him until he was 9. He hadn't reached his adult appearance, and while there's still a bit of unease when they chat with him, no one outright refuses Lonnie. He will likely always feel a bit on the outside, at least among them. But with the rest of the Reborn group, he truly shines.

Though it seems like they'd visually fit right in with the Borealis crew or those at the North Aperture site, Lonnie and Tidewater were not placed up there. Whatever superstitious lingering doubts there are, Lonnie does seem to understand that GLaDOS isn't the 'same' one? But ... still, she killed him before. He feels like there's a target on him if he has to be around any version of that mad device. So he and Tidewater reside at the Mansion, and over time serve as a long-range scout and rescue team centered on Dragon Tower 1 in the north-west. They can put a damper on any of the fires that Blaze or Bonnie start...


Name: Tidewater
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 8' s / 50' l / 74' ws
Colors: Bold white with strong blue as shown, only has basically two shades of blue on her, a denim faded color, and a lighter faded cyan on her spines
Features: Leafwing with one Icewing grandparent, ice only shows in coloration and powers, claws have tiny barbs like smaller version of Icewing's
Powers: Winged Flight, Tide is a good flier with strong wings, excellent balance, and determined long-distance endurance. She's not really that graceful, but she gets the job done and can hoist around a large truck worth of weight, or fly with around 5 human-sized people on her back without losing any of them.
Communication, Tide speaks Draconic, a bit of Aquatic signs, understands some Vortigese, but usually just speaks English with the humans. She is only marginally bonded to her 'rider', but they do share an empathic tie, so she does know when he's in need or she wants to convey something close up.
Icewing Style, Tidewater is as pretty as any Leafwing, but her colors show her true nature - she is an icewing for all purposes of power use, including chill and cold weather adaptation, diving into very cold water, and gripping surfaces, even though it doesn't seem like her shorter claws can do it, they're lined with tiny Icewing-like barbs to cling to walls or glaciers. She has the ability to control an amount of water, from being immersed into it she can 'hold on' to it as a wobbly balloon, and carry it (usually on the ground) to another location. She can alter the force of a moving body of water, though not completely redirect it, so she can splash up a few gallons of it and then Vortally push that splash to any direction she needs. Also she can divert a bit of rapidly moving river or even a wave or tide, so that she can explore an area of tide pools, help rescue a stranded swimmer, or push through a waterfall into safety beyond. The 'safe' area does extend around her, so those riding her in emergencies may get wet, but they won't be swept away. She doesn't deal with ice so much as water in its liquid form. She doesn't have a 'breath weapon' of water, either, but she can help the Mudwings purify local ponds, or Seawings with their aim.
Parentage: Unknown Leafwing mother and Leaf-Icewing sire; unrelated to any in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from MooncrestNecrozma with lines by LunaTheNightwing on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Tidewater is sometimes concerned that her little friend is lonely, and doesn't like when his elders seem to reject him. She'd like to someday see these other exotic locations, particularly this Borealis, but she knows this is unlikely.