Name: Edgar Blankenship (Note that ead'garh means 'frustrated and uncertain' in Vortigese)

Gender: Male, bi

Age/DOB: ~17, RY10

Origin: Rookery Xen - though he doesn't reside there typically, he finds it to be a bit too open

Family: mother Ellenore, father Peregrine; half-sister Ji-Min Vahh, with cousins from both sides, and very strange grandparents

Other: Edgar seems so much more sedate than he really is, and people tend to discover this the hard way, he is super high-maintenance; that said, he wouldn't mind having some kind of companionship, if only they could keep up with him

Height: 5'11"

Weight: around 120* Though not specifically Icarus treated, his body acts as though it has been, thus he's tall and lean, wiry, and quite strong

Hair: Very darkly brown, with bronze tones over charcoal black; straight and satiny, though he keeps it to his neck if it goes much longer it does adopt a wave, has a distinct widows peak

Eyes: very pale aqua blue-green, and if you catch sight of his aura as it wavers around him, it is that shade as well, usually he looks bored or disinterested in things, nothing could be farther from the truth

Appearance: creamy skin that usually burns if he gets too much sun, and he has pale freckles please don't tell him; he definitely harkens strongly back to the Lane side of things physically, he's very upright if not stiff, and prefers formalwear or at least official looking outfits with an Aperture branded Icarus under layer; he has a menacing, quiet purr to his voice, and practices being as spooky as possible; oddly he has the scent of smoke on him like he's walked through a room filled with flames, but it's not particularly offensive, more like a pipe with pleasant tobacco, no he does not actually smoke, himself (but come to think of it he does sound like he does); note that during the Checkerboard Ball, he sits for an extensive tattoo, a difficult task for a person who often isn't physically in the same coordinate space for more than a second at a time...

Icarus Processing: None necessary, as he's the product of three generations of splicing and exotic genetics along with several of those odd grandparents being treated themselves. His body is definitely much stronger than it looks - he's about 2x stronger physically, but is markedly hard to hurt, as in 'bang that crowbar on me all you want it won't do more than get my shirt dirty' hard. Physically he seems quite precise and measured, and that might be due to him clinging to the margins Vortally: he concentrates to be in one place, but don't try and shake his hand unless he wants you to, because you can't...

Image Credits: Wayward Martian / Monteblanc

Genetic Abilities: Because both of his parents are remarkably speedy, it stands to reason that he too is quick on his feet. He doesn't float like his mother, but he absolutely could if he wanted to, telekinesis is easily available to him. He is a master of the energy of the spheres - or perhaps he's at its whim, because he definitely has a strange vibration to him that is slightly worrisome to the Lanes. Because he's not always 'here', sometimes he is in a very slightly different space, time, or dimension. In fact, all times he is in numerous spots at once. Generally this is localized to about a 10 foot uncertainty, but if he isn't paying attention to where he is 'supposed' to be, he's everywhere. At times he seems to be 'fuzzy around the edges' because of this. He's often not right in front of you, at least not for longer than a split second; rather, he's here, 12 seconds in the future, or next to you 3 in the past, or in a ruined or perfect alternate dimension right at this spot... all at once. Both Rookery and Repurposed Lane have helped him adjust to this weird vibration, and have even gone as far as suggesting that he have the Icarus processing done at some point, to 'fix' his Vortal energy into his physical form. He doesn't really like the idea, but perhaps if he cannot control his energy? Edgar himself has surmised, probably correctly, that this is because he is the product of numerous different dimensions worth of energies. Journey isn't from the same dimension as Rookery Lane, for instance, and his grandfather Lonnie ... well, maybe Alonzo really did come back to roost, after being dead for more than 40 years? A ghostly Vortal presence? Edgar talks to his dead relatives, and the living ones in other dimensions just as often. He simultaneously does exist in any given dimension, so perhaps he seems like a ghost to them.

But he definitely has more than just vibration and speed on his side. His Vortal powers include a strong psychic suite of empathy (close range, strong with individuals), telepathy (best with his genetic lines, but over 100 miles to any of them, and 10 with other telepaths, he can still communicate with absolutely normal people at up to 500 meters), and aura sight (yeah, he just doesn't bother pretending, if people see what he sees they tend to go a little mad). He's able to communicate easily with anyone or anything, if it's got a mind to touch - even a synthetic one - he can reach it. Though he does 'speak whatever is needed', it's due to him bleeding out between dimensions and picking sounds that are appropriate for the user to hear. This is definitely why he sounds creepy.

He can create Vortal spaces and even manifest objects that he 'finds' in other locations, summoning items or even living things to his hand provided they're somewhere he can reach. His reach is very, very long. He is keenly aware of particles from the size of a water molecule on up, within about a 10 meter sphere of himself. Everything from bullets to bomb shelters, if it's ever been created near the spot he is viewing, he can either bring it straight in, or recreate it using local materials. Edgar actually does like going to places like the Grounds and Mansion, Wilson's Ostentatious Nordic Bungalow, the Bayou - because he can sense where his ancestry has touched it, where alternate Lanes have meshed. He has traveled quite far afield, too, dimension-wise, as well as space-wise - he has visited Zekira both in its prime, and long after its downfall, Carramba High, even the original Ulathoi homeworld and a number of Earths that seem to all converge on Twoarth (it's actually a nice safe spot for him, one of the few where his powers can be dampened successfully). One thing that Edgar cannot currently do is take other living things with him on these journeys - they're for him alone*

Skills or Profession: Edgar is a curious sort, and will try and observe everything he can, which is quite a bit. But he's not going to interfere with anything, he's tried it, doesn't care for it. Rookery Lane is pretty certain that's for the best, honestly, and wants to keep his grandson as a bit of a retainer - a lookout, a scout for information or knowledge, anything that can be of use to others that have a bit more of a grasp on their physical surroundings.
Personality: Even as a young child Edgar was a bit on the snippy, edgy side. But anyone that was related to him could understand exactly why. Others, not so much, so getting close to him emotionally has always been as hard as physically. He dearly wants to be able to just sit and have a chat or play a game of cards with someone, and it's just so hard. He's quite brilliant, like most of his line, but he's also still so young for such an old, old soul.

Events or History: as above, he's seen some shit, even as a very young child. His abilities thankfully didn't start up until he was around five or six, and because he'd spent much of that time in Xen he wasn't exposed to Melissa and Rhea or their Plasmid-Icarus mixture. Frankly if Melissa had encountered him earlier, she would have refused to put him into the Icarus anyway, knowing how powerful he already would be - but she too sees the potential benefit of helping fix his lih into kallah, but that, it turns out, is Adovi's job.

He explored with his father, jaunted around islands of Xen and finally headed into the Rookery proper since it featured prominently in both his parents minds. If anything, though, he's more concerned for it than he is for himself. There are so many ways that the Rookery itself might fall into ruin - the Combine might win, they are everywhere on so many versions of Earth. While he was watching things and trying not to fret about them, he felt a distinctive ping from 'somewhere' that wasn't his timeline. Yet it was: right there in Rapture, sort of? He felt when the Healing Den, The Labs, and The Stage all descended into the place, forming a large ballroom and sending out tendrils searching for people like himself.

At first he wasn't sure whether going there was the right thing to do. After all, The Stage seemed rather needy - he could sense it being affected by him as much as he was drawn to it, and could sense the many disasters that might happen if he just let it absorb him ... or if he somehow let himself take it. But with the Den and the Labs together, the Stage managed to manifest something amazing: a small, quiet, well lit room. Just one room. With a presense in it that seemed both ghostly and monstrous, fleeting and eternal, mechanical and magical at one time. Familiar, because he'd seen this thing in different dimensions. One where it was just a person with a small device and a room similar to this one only with raucous music playing in the background. Another where a set of skilled fingers used sharp tools and hand-ground ink. Another where the Vortessence around actually just imprinted itself on whatever was near.

A tattoo appeared slowly on him, but it was still done by hands (were they humanoid? draconic? probably both), using a device (it hummed and vibrated in time with his own flux, somehow), with magical ink (made from what materials? seemed like the Void and the Outside, a sharp and static light and darkness came from that ink), and a strong sense that this was the start of something much more. When it was done, it was the shape of a chess Rook at a glance, but it was also patterned with a microcosm of fractal dots, each of them perhaps a place that they could visit some day, because they form the basis for the Paradise that Adovi sprang from. How long he was in this room is anyone's guess, even Edgar doesn't really know, but Adovi was with him when he left it. Edgar might have been the only participant at the Ball who could tell just exactly what was happening with this tattoo; others knew they were getting one, considered it might be part of the show... But only he felt the dragon within it begin to form more tangibly.

It might have been hours, days, months, centuries, before the dragon in that magical space known as Edgar Blankenship fully manifested. It was, in effect, "midnight" at the ball, when the dragonet emerged as a youthful looking but not hatchling-aged creature standing on the real floor next to his real bond. That bond was markedly strong, Adovi looked at her power source, her one, with shining white and iridescent graphite coloration just like her tattoo said she would be. She nudged her dished nose against his hand, and he made to scritch the space between her eyes, surprisingly able to do so. It was hard to focus, but this time it was because Edgar's vision swam with happy tears.

And he was very slightly more in focus - he shook his grandfather's hand for the very first time directly after, solidly, present in one spot, happy.


Name: Adovi Turun
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 6'6" s / 44' l / 54' ws
Colors: Body iridescent silver, wing membranes sparkling soft white, wing edge feathers sparkling flat black, middle feathers iridescent smoke, primary feathers shiny mist, floof iridescent light grey, orb graphite, horns and claws dark
Features: Tattoo noodle with feather-leather combination wings, 4 legs with paw-padded claws, a mane and facial floof along with leg and tail fluff that ends large feather struts and holds a glowing power orb; furry skin, sparkly; requires a host for tattoo that grows their energy and provides their first physical sustenence, though I suppose they could also lay eggs if they're bred out of this feature their eggs would definitely glow like their orbs do.
Stats: Strength 4, Speed 6, Endurance 5, Agility 2, Health 5, Intelligence 5 - can keep up with Edgar, to say the least
Powers: Winged Flight, reasonably good with flying, though prefers other forms of carrying or moving, such as planar travel (5) and moving through her Paradise in order to reach a place, both of which she's very good with but Paradise (6) just perfectly so. She can create lasting Vortal locations via her magic Paradise (6) and this has kept her bond safe and sound.
Communication, she's got a good vocabulary and speaks (3)with a less menacing purr than her bond, though she speaks Draconic and English, Vortigese with difficulty. She can telepathically (2) connect with those around her that also have telepathy, but isn't remarkably comfortable trying to contact others. She's also able to divine information (3) with concentration and a bit of calm around her.
Weapons - while she's able to produce a strong beam of light (4) that can damage creatures or essences, she does this sparingly because she's able to easily sense (3) the effects in the magic around her when she does. She has a poor knowledge of spell magic (1) and tends to avoid trying to use it.
Parentage: Sta Turun and Shiyo
Origin: Checkerboard Ball 2021, she is the Queen's Rook in this clutch
Other Info: *Once Adovi grows with Edgar as her host, Edgar seems much more 'in focus', able to contain himself to just half a dozen dimensions or moments, rather than thousands at once. She has a very strong ability to produce her Vortal spaces, and they have a collective desire and ability to go to them rather than blurring out into the multiverse at random.