Name: Ji-Min Vahh (Munoz Blankenship) "hidden curled strength"

Gender: Female, bi

Age/DOB: ~16 / RY 8, aged artificially

Origin: Rookery Earth BMRookery

Family: Mother Imelda Munoz-Wong, father Peregrine Blankenship Vahh; half-brother Edgar, numerous other relatives all over the place including Bella and Gracie (spliced grammas), and a ton of Convocation

Other: Quite the opposite of both her parents, Ji-Min is quite gregarious and enjoys physical contact, so... watch out

Height: 5'7" she looks so much taller than she is, thanks to her build

Weight: around 80, maybe, if she's fully clothed and soaking wet; very long, very lean, incredibly flexible and surprisingly strong for such a willowy build, she actually seems quite a bit like her grandmother Bella in her just-right curves and remarkably slender limbs

Hair: dark and shiny brown, very coppery in the sun but almost out of nowhere it'll look virtually black; quite straight but not as thick as she'd like it to be, frizzes in wet weather, kept to about mid-back but often in an up-do

Eyes: Shiny near-lime green, with sparkly emerald flecks up close; heavily lidded, with long natural lashes

Appearance: medium tan skin that bronzes brightly with sunlight, and a light dappling of freckles on her shoulders and cheeks; loves to pose and posture, look adorable, and then swiftly fuck your shit up after a tittering laugh; her outfits are usually Icarus-undersuit with adds, and super-strong running shoes

Icarus Processing: no, but pretty much everyone in her line is either spliced, treated, or superhuman, so there's no point in this. Her physical abilities are incredibly strong, thanks to those lines, including being effectively immortal thanks to both incredible resistances against disease and injury (just don't even bother trying), and her mastery over molecular speeds. Though she's not as overtly adaptable to other environments like underwater or without air, she can absolutely survive those things, she just doesn't like it much. She is about 3x stronger than a normal person, and remarkably flexible and agile, and thanks to her weighing nearly nothing she can walk on wires and cling to things that would crumble under other weight

Image Credits: Meiker Dressup Schmessup

Genetic Abilities: She has a strong psychic suite of empathy (weak, close range), telepathy (highly invasive but only under 100 meters), and Vortal sight (strong at ranges up to 2km), she can connect at any distance or in any dimension to her bloodlines, and a very strong sense of location both on-site and interdimensionally. She can sense other dimensions, and with a lot of concentration she can actively move between them. She can teleport and does so as a last-ditch tactic, because she basically loves running and jumping, and her power over molecular agitation gives her boosts for any form of locomotion. Her senses tune to this movement and respond, but she doesn't have any enhanced sight or touch features aside from when she's racing through a location at 400 mph. She can also produce a bit of a shield, mostly to keep the wind out of her eyes and the bugs out of her teeth, which also causes her to sparkle and shine when she's going at speed - those things hit at 400 mph... pop! The molecular movement she can produce can set things on fire, though isn't an outright pyrokinetic, as well she can reduce movement to nearly 0 kelvin but wouldn't consider this to be an 'ice' power. Accelerating small items like mom does she can actually heft a greater volume, but not much more weight than that. A set of knives, a book or two, things of that size - but she can also pinpoint small items like bugs, dust, or raindrops, and vaporize them instantly, within about 20 meters, and manipulate projectiles up to 100 meters if she guides it the whole distance. She can bring along living things when she boosts her speed, but it really needs to come with a warning: she can pick up and run with two human-sized weights on her skinny shoulders, so buckle up buttercup... Ji-Min can leap from rooftop to rooftop and land precisely on one toe without falling, and she can even balance those people while doing so. Though she's not as fast as dad, she's absolutely as mobile.
Skills or Profession: Given downloaded skills while being taken from toddler-to-tween age down in Rapture's facility. She has all the basics, reading and maths, survival skills and navigation - and those she's taken to an extreme. Because she is able to zip around easily and hardly weighs a thing, she is effective at rushing through a place to disarm the defenses or trigger things using pressure plates and tripwires (which alternately have to be manually triggered, or burn up with her speed shield) before others go in, and has a stunningly strong memory for her route. She has a great skill with estimating distances, volumes, and elevations, and scale - which is extremely important when she spots a teeny tiny outcropping that looks much smaller than it really is, or is farther away than expected. As a navigator she is sure to make great looking quickly drawn maps, using her molecular power on a very small scale she can 'draw' using dust burned into paper. Ji-Min speaks English and can understand but not really 'speak' Vortigese, she lacks the lung capacity to really produce their sounds - and... maybe, if she's thinking hard on it, she could try creating sounds using her Vortal powers. But that's a ways off, and she'd need a lot more practice. Ji-Min has a strong science and engineering background, but more or less to help others do the work, rather than design or fix items herself. She identifies parts and equipment easily, but that's about where her interest in building things ends. She does however really enjoy exploration and environments, so she has a collection of weird small (dead) animals from extremely disparate locations on many worlds. "I got this 14 miles up on that one planet with the semi-intelligent jellyfish!" right along side "a jellyfish from next to Rapture's dragon exit!" And she's fascinated by the variety of ways things evolve. That's why she is fond of going to Xen with dad, to look at all the weird places and see how creatures that Lane put there have adapted.
Personality: Brighter and happier than either of her parents, she knew how stand-offish they both were, and knows better than to try and encourage them to hug or whatever. She's learned how to be a badass from mom, and self-sufficient thanks to dad, but she absolutely loves being around people instead of being alone, at least in her down time. When she's up and running, doing any exploration, rescues, or mapping - that's her time, and hers alone. She does talk a mile a minute, and when she has a subject that she likes, she'll learn as much as possible, and hang with people with similar interests, until she's on another subject with a different social group.

Events or History: (story had been in progress for an eienic but didn't get it in time, whoops)

She perched on the top of the research building's array antenna, unblinking. The colors of the Xenian horizon defied description, but words came to her mind anyway: gold and violet, green and orange. A billowing tapestry of particles seemed to eminate from the nebula that formed most of the sky, hardly ever appearing the same way twice. She knew that the nebula wasn't really a space phenomenon as she'd been taught from downloads and classes, on Xen anything but that would be true. She knew because her father had explained, this place belonged to his own father - co-opted by the other version, her half brother's grandfather. It existed outside of normal space and beside it at the same time. It was far easier for her to move from the real world to this place, than to any spot even nearby on Earth. Not that it was easy to get here? But here she was.

The antenna array had held up pretty well, all things considered. It was old, some of the walls had plaques and faded stenciled lettering dating back as far as 1986. To a girl born on another planet less than a decade ago, sixty years seemed impossibly long before her time.

(( something something assembles the portal plate lol I ran out of steam writing this ))


Name: Salmathrikax "Sal" "Sax" (sal MATH rih kacks)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large! 14' s / 80' l / 125' and 65' ws
*Colors: midnight indigo blue body and limbs, backs of wingsails; belly from chin to tail tip pale blue-white; mid scales aqua, then dark teal closer to spine; armor and neck spikes matte very dark denim blue; horns and claws medium denim blue; all fins and wingsails underneath are starry nebula swirls of these colors, from a brighter white blue through sparkling indigo, with a lot of greenish teal and blue-green, and added tiny speckling stars*; sky blue eyes
Features: long noodle with many limbs! Four legs with 4 very long sharp claws; four wings, two much larger, larger with 4 fingers and elbow strut along with a very large long wrist thumb with claw, smaller with 2 fingers and elbow strut, smaller wrist thumb/claw; hind legs at hips have large sharp spine with 5 points and webbing joined at the leg; body is very long and noodle shaped with large chest/keel area, all limbs are very strong and muscular; head is sharp with nose horn, back pointing horns, external ears, pupiled eyes, and neck spines with webbing; neck has sharp fin-wattle on front, and sharp spikes that increase in size toward shoulders; tail has very large spine web fin end; scaled with soft belly armor
Powers: Winged Flight, you'd be crazy to think that a dragon with wings this big (and numerous) wouldn't be an incredible flyer. He is very acrobatic, able to do fancy loops and flying in improbable patterns, and always manages to land on his feet properly; he's really the only good match for such a noodle partner, after all, since she is quick, like a ribbon on the air... he will definitely match her for speed but sometimes she can get away...
Starlight Portal (teleport/genrehop?), those swirls on his wings are there for a reason, they all but come to life when he needs to get somewhere quickly - but he can also create one that appears as a green-black-white sparkling whirl in mid-air. These can lead anywhere he's been, or wherever he can see directly (not on video); he has memorized a lot of places, and has asked several teleporters to take him to interesting locales... This power does consume a lot of energy, so he must be well rested, and will need a few minutes to collect himself after going through one, though he can also maintain a portal for others up to half an hour before it will falter
Starlight, Starbright, light illusions and bending that take little effort; he can manipulate frequencies of light more easily when they're focused, so lamps and candle flames, fires, and lasers are all his to command; the effects can be dramatic, as he can brighten or dim existing light sources or cause them to flicker or strobe, and even blind things that stare into them too long; this power works within 100 meters of him, but can be seen by anything with line of sight if the effects are brighter than the surrounding area
Communication, verbal speech is his method, and he has a resoundingly strong voice, and tends toward using big words (and uses them properly) in humanoid or vortigaunt presence; but he loves chatting to Livoyhoth 'on her level' knowing that if someone believes his partner to be dull witted, she can occasionally tap him for backup and blurt out whole sonnets or technical manuals if needed. Yes, he reads both sonnets and technical manuals provided he's got access to something big enough to read them from...He can kinda-sorta make words appear on his wings, but he can also use his wings as a sort of sign language at a very great distance
Visualize Whirled Peas (illusion-causing particle effects), this might be an effect of his portal generation, but he can manipulate nearby small particles into semi-physical shapes. As long as they're tiny, grains of salt or sand and smaller, he can move a tremendous volume of it but the effects will always seem a little fuzzy around the edges or somewhat transparent; also these things must be in motion, he cannot create a static image and keep it still for very long before he loses concentration and it falls back into dust
Chameleon Webbing, the undersides of his wingsails are also always in motion, visually, and it's possible that they show some other dimension or reality... a few Nightwings and other dragons have such a feature, but no one's really ever walked up and tried sticking their hand through his wing to find out; the upshot is that he can manipulate the patterns that are there, in the same colors as shown, in many geometric or natural looking patterns as well as splitting up 'stars and swirls' or 'night sky patterns'; his wings are also so large that he can create what amounts to a theater screen sized image, which keeps the local predators at bay because all of a sudden there's like 6 more dragons ...
Parentage: Unknown pure ... whatever they are or were, Seraphwings? Something else? They are unrelated to but the same breed as several others in the Rookery
Origin: No one on the other dragons' world seems to remember these incredible dragons, so maybe they're just from 'wherever'; adopted from Synthwave-terror with lines by x-tamara-x on Deviantart
Other Info: One of the few dragons to arrive from somewhere that doesn't truly exist any longer, Sal showed up thanks to one of the Rookery's 'collection plate' portals being posted on Xen. That plate was assembled by JiMin, and has collected at least one other wayward dragon, and she's become the focal point for his interests. Together they wander and find stray people, or remove unwanted arrivals to a holding area. Xen tends to acquire odd things, after all, and unless Keenan has approved it, it shouldn't remain without observation!


Name: Livoyhoth Sikani - "stunning night sky" (lalli voy hoh; lee-VOY hoh'th)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: large (long) 7'4" s / 68' l / 32' and 18' main ws with adds
Colors: body indigo night time with darker black-indigo on face and tail end, and more violet-blue-indigo between back wings, all speckled with delightfully sparkly white star patterns; mane, leg and tail floof shiny violet; webbing sky blue with paler cloudy markings; feathers darkish green and golden-green; eyes cyan-sky blue
Features: noodlemutt; four legs 2 clawed toes having short thin claws, floof on backs; several sets of wings on neck, back, and tail; neck wings 2 visible fingers, webbing, two layers of feathers; forewings 3 visible fingers with webbing and 2 fingered webbing extended, two + layers of feathers; hind wings 3 fingered with webbing and 1 layer of feathers, one set smaller, rear larger; three wing pairs on tail end with 1, 2, 1 visible fingers and only webbing; head is canine-ish with faceted eyes, mop of fur mixing with full neck and chest mane fur, head framed with large extended soft frills; long tail has silky fur tuft after wings; hide with fur/feathers
Powers: Winged Flight of course lol but she prefers being in the lighter gravity and thin atmosphere of Xen, to fly like a noodle should, energetically and in about three directions at once; on Xen she can lift quite a bit of weight, though holding on to it is harder than it looks so she lets Sal do the heavy lifting of camping gear or machinery, and she takes care of the visitors who can easily cling on to her furry neck
Teleportation, generally she uses this power to reach only a few locations, returning to their home island or one of the existing Rookery encampments; her range is 'who knows', but she tends to fly much more than use any teleport, as it makes her feel more disoriented than if she's flown
Telepathy, able to reach intelligent minds and communicate with them, her mind is not remarkably clear, but that's mainly due to having so many limbs to deal with it's more complicated than many, so there's a lot of 'background noise' to anyone trying to actively communicate with her; she is capable of understanding advanced ideas and concepts, but prefers simple discussions about locations, weather effects, and the like; she's not simple minded, she just doesn't want complexity; along with this, she has a weak Human Empathy component that allows her to sense a humanoid's emotions, so she makes a reasonable search and rescue dragon, since on Xen there will definitely be strays in need of rescuing
Dream Walking, this power she's started really enjoying because there are many creatures that sleep and dream in this realm and their dreams are even weirder than Xen itself! She does have a short range on this, but she is big enough that she keeps predators away from campers while they're on trips here
Sonic Control, because sound seems to travel really well here on Xen, she's started using this to communicate 'verbally', though only in terms of 'loud bellowing and barking' that emulates the gigantic 'whales' or smaller 'peeper puppies' here; she has to be careful not to let loose a big noise near sensitive ears or equipment, because they will break, it's not a matter of 'if'...
Dragon Healing, some of those campers bring their dragons, and those dragons woefully underestimate their ability to navigate the vast Xenian skies. She treats a lot of exhausted wings, bumps and bruises from landing hard on weird terrain, and more than a few broken wing fingers; she is strong with this ability, and will continue to use it as long as there are visitors in need of repairs
Light Weapon, while she can manipulate nearby light sources, her favorite thing is to use Sal's provided lights and amplify them, they make an incredibly good lightshow team! They challenge each other to fiddle with their colors and patterns, and to practice their illusion durability without wearing her out
Psionic Dampening, Genetic Alteration and Shapeshifting, while she does carry these powers, she's neglected them in favor of other things; should she have children with ... well, with that lovely big boi over there, the dampening component will likely vanish, but the shifting and genetic alteration will grow stronger thanks to being reinforced by his own color-chameleon wings; her shifting gets only the 'make my stars sparkle' treatment, and she probably won't try changing her whole body (what if she gets stuck!? what if she can't fly?); also since most of the Rookery Pantheon kids have powers and abilities, why would she ever want to stifle them?
Parentage: Banyak Sikani and Lorikath
Origin: Ktrenal / Mirus shipping pairs April 2022
Other Info: Though she was young when she arrived, she instantly knew that this was the place for her to remain. She's visited other realms connected to Rookery Xen, such as 'The' Rookery on earth, but it's heavy and dry and gritty there. Livoyhoth took this name based on the Vortigaunts who spoke of her, and she has a good laugh internally when people can't say it and fumble the syllables. She doesn't have to worry about speaking it, the Vorts catch her every thought and she lets them. JiMin acts as a director for the actions of those humans here, sometimes making sure that visitors are cared for, but equally challenging to them to get good and lost so that the rescue squad can go looking for them!