Name: Rosell Harvester

Gender: Female, she/her, pan

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, RY12

Origin: Rookery Earth, Rapture facility, with ... very, very interesting ancestry...

Family: ELL base, Ixchell (carried to 4 months) donor, and Nasir Harvester 'father' - which means this girl is at least a quarter actual God. Nasir's father is, improbably, Nergal, the Sumerian god of the Harvest Fire and Underworld (notably: only in Twoarth's mythology; this does differ from 'real Earth' where his domain was more of war and the underworld/ghosts), okay so his mother is Orchid of the Color Guard which makes the godlike genes even stronger, because she is spliced from Rookery Earth's Lane

Other: that's not enough? Currently placed in Mojave Conglomerate New Vegas, where for sure she's going to be doing quite a bit more than crop maintenance...

Height: 5'8", among the taller of the B-ELLs

Weight: around 110, slender and long, not remarkably buff or curvy looking, but she is quite strong, durable, and flexible; weight reduced by Icarus-Plasmid processing

Hair: very dark brown which has violet undertones; honestly even with the amount of kinked curls she has, her hair is far more tame than either of her 'parent-donors'; kept looking short but it's very full, and when straightened or pulled into locks can be nearly to her mid-back

Eyes: pale icy blue, like Ixchell's, larger than Nasir's and more open; yes that eye shadow is natural, has epicanthal folds though her eyes are large enough to not look like they do

Appearance: light bronze-tan skin, in the sun it glimmers and grows almost metallic, no scars or markings; even under the hot New Vegas sun, she hardly ever puts any protective gear on, preferring to just soak in the heat and light; even with as slight a frame as she seems to have, she is quite slinky and moves with the ease of a dancer; heart shaped face, always smirking lips, and a voice that may cause a double take, since she can claim a four-octave singing range, and occasionally just hisses like radio static

Icarus Processing: yes, while being spliced, the Plasmid mixture allowed Mel to modify some truly impressive genes into something very useful. Her body responded more strongly due to having two generations of the stuff, making her practically invulnerable to most forms of damage, and about half again stronger than most people; her senses of smell, touch, and taste are very strong, but she can also hear and see with greater clarity at farther distances in both cases

Image Credits: Meiker Roi Leggings

Genetic Abilities: connected to the ELLs Vortally, she's glad that there are at least a couple of them here in New Vegas. Though she can communicate telepathically with any other telepathic mind, she mainly sticks to sensing for genetics and collecting samples from people or creatures that she thinks might be worth looking into. Melissa had to directly train her with this power, as it's quite strong and applies to humans, humanoids of almost all types, plants, dragons, Earth animals, Xenian wildlife, and insects and in that order of strength - and even the last on the list, insects are still easily told apart from anything else their size. (Or, normal ones - Cazadors and Bloodbugs are massive things, ew?) Depending on the complexity of their genetics, Rosell can detect anomalies, fix small issues even in a live adult subject (less painful because of other powers), and create life in vitro as well as literally by waving her hand over some creatures gonads... She is the consummate shaper of life, really, and enjoys this status. She's on the verge of figuring out what codes in Ghouls caused them to become effectively immortal and also lose most of their skin, and is looking for subjects that want to volunteer for 'gene therapy' that might just grow that old skin back.. She can adjust plant life to live in harsh conditions, or under massive amounts of radiation and toxicity, and then help boost the immune systems of people wading through that toxic gloop to pick those fruits... Her powers don't work on dead plants or undead creatures, those which are supporting their physical shape purely by force of will are off limits and yes she's met people like that. She's able to sense on average a 20 lb mass of living tissue regardless of what it is, from around 100 meters as 'alive', at 50 meters 'it's an animal', and at 20 meters begin seeing its basic DNA. She must be within proximity or touching creatures if she wants to heal their injuries or change their genetics around, but it's nearly instant when she does so. On the flip side, however, she has been known to actively use her 'healing' power to kill, breaking down individual cells worth of proteins until there's nothing left but a pile of bone and gristle. Hey, granddad's a harvest and underworld god, what do you want?
Skills or Profession: major health care downloads as well as hands-on experience mean she's ready for nearly anything that New Vegas can throw at her. She has had to also pick up local information about things like FEV and Synths, plus ... oh yeah those people from Aperturth don't even have the same mutations as anyone else around here because they went through the ringer back on their dimension. She keeps very good and detailed notes about people, creatures, plants, and effects, and sends those back to Mel when needed. She's had to gain access to people or dragons who can alter stone and minerals, and has a checklist of equipment that needs to be ported in so she can properly set up her medical stations and genetic tools.
Personality: Aside from being a wandering healer and collector of odd scraps of bloody clothing or a spare shed wing here or there, she loves to live it up on the Strip, and then head back 'home' to Vault 21. Very much a 'balance work and play' type, though she almost always looks like she's enjoying 'work' quite a bit. Fashionable, clean, and sometimes fierce.

Events or History: The first thing she noticed was that New Vegas doesn't seem to have an actual hospital of any kind. There's that little dirty clinic, and a couple spots tucked away in old buildings, but nothing that screamed 'actually used for clean surgeries and recovery'. So she did the only thing that made sense - she found that nearby Vault, 21, and convinced the two or three people living there that they could, in fact, have a home and a proper tourist attraction, if she could only ... y'know. Hollow out that 'filled with concrete' bullshit. When she spoke with Aretha about this, the MoCon leader merely rolled her eyes and muttered something about 'that dumbass House and his need to control everything'. Since the Vault would have been destroyed if they hadn't agreed to leave anyway, Rosell supposes that having most of it gutted and then inexplicably filled with concrete to prevent the old inhabitants from coming back, was a pretty powerful move. But now, this perfectly good Vault is still a bit of a mess. The folks over at the North Aperture facilities seem to think that's nothing they can't handle, after all their Testing Spheres were often 'vitrified' too...

Eventually however she will have a fully functional Vault to play in, erm, to put patients and surgical supplies, research equipment, and maybe if those spare Vault dwellers want to come back and inhabit the place hey so much the better.


Name: Euporie (ew POOR ee)
Gender: Female, will choose female partners*
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11'3" hip / 52' l / 80' ws
Colors: (lesbian flag!) body snowy white on face, neck and wing arms, and all features dorsally along entire spine to tail tip; belly from face to tail and upper legs dusty pink; legs bright maroon; wingsails and tail fins orange (lighter toward body/arms) and rich rusty orange at edges; horns and ridges white, wing and tail spine claws light grey, leg claws dark grey; eyes pale yellow-green
Features: Bipedal Wyvern shaped, two long raptor legs with very large hook claw and 3 smaller digits; two leather wing arms with 3 fingers, 2 elbow struts, and a large wrist thumb all clawed; wing sails continue on side of tail with paired 3-clawed fins (marginally dextrous, can fold downward or help with flight); tail ends in stabilizing fin; head is equine-like with very long jaw (face opens very widely...), horn on nose, external ears, two conical curved back-pointing horns, neck and back triangular ridges largest on hips
Powers: Winged Flight, Euporie is speedy in the air as well as the ground, but loves to glide on the warm drafts above the Strip, circling for an hour or more just to bask in the glorious warmth. She's big enough that she can carry at least three humanoids, though rarely carries anyone other than her bond - but she'll certainly help carry kids around, including dragonets, if there are any clutches! Her tail 'wings' are very useful for turning and spiraling around in the jungle canopy, but without a jungle she's getting a workout for them by holding on to things and doing tricks instead
Super Running, with legs like those, you don't just sit around, you run! Her long tail can help balance and swiftly change direction, and her wings are kept tucked down to change her center of gravity. She can fit into surprisingly narrow spaces provided they're tall enough to comfortably crouch through, as at her widest (across the keel/chest) she's still only about 5' wide; those claws on her feet can easily rip into heavily armored prey, as well as help grip slick treetrunks and limbs, though she's not technically speaking 'arboreal'
Sonic / Verbal Manipulation, Euporie can mimic virtually any sound she hears repeatedly, and is clearly intelligent enough to actively learn languages such as English and Spanish, which she loves chatting in. She has a very strong voice, and can cast her voice across a very wide area with the right frequencies, and even create self-echoing sounds. Typically this would be useful in the jungles, but out here in the desert there are still an array of interesting noises such as radio beacons, music, the sounds of Deathclaws howling, and Cazador wing hums. She can also 'hum' to negate sounds, producing a white noise that can blot out any nearby sounds such as footfalls or gunfire
Plant Manipulation, she knows that if she busts up that corn field, it'll have to be fixed. Good thing she can huddle down near the ground, as though nesting, and raise up to find fresh stalks and sprouts! Mainly this is a passive power, as she can be resting and small seedlings will take root or broken leaves will heal overnight. She can concentrate on fixing living plant matter, but cannot fix or change dead plants. This works best within the area of her wingspan and under them specifically
Parentage: Unknown, unrelated to any currently in the Rookery
Origin: adopted from MrLoggins/Logan Adopts with lines by Amira_the_drake on deviantart
Other Info: *because Rosell is quite capable of whipping up base DNA, even if she doesn't have a partner, any eggs that this dragon lays will definitely hatch into little clone-copies but can then be changed for some variety in colors or features.
Used to being more in tropical locations, but the warmth is good enough here even if the humidity is shit! Spends a lot of time at fountains and asking dragons that have any kind of water-based powers to spritz her, plz? She really does enjoy living here, and the people and dragons around her. Apparently her species does have some form of reproductive variation, but what Rosell has gleaned is that most of her breed are female, and only rarely have needed males to produce offspring.