Name: Winell

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~12@Events

Origin: Repurposed Earth AAEC

Family: All the ELLs are her sisters (and brother), though she's been thinking maybe kinda she should try that motherhood thing now that they know that it's possible?

Other: Though she is painfully shy at times, over the years after the Combine's defeat she's come a bit out of that shell, and quite a few people really like her. She still isn't sure what to do about it though

Height: 5'6"

Weight: ~110, slight build, though still as muscular as needed for her original work load; Notably she's had her knee replacements 'internalized', with advances in the surgical process and the availability of healers on hand to fix up the exterior, you'd never know that she's fully capable of falling 200 feet without injury...

Hair: medium nutty reddish brown, straight and stiff, kept short as shown, lots of people love the style of it

Eyes: frosty blue, verging on steel grey, almost always wide but under worried looking brows

Appearance: with the tan skin and pale blue eyes of most ELLs as a starting point, Winell has chosen to go to a more exotic look: most ELLs don't wear dresses after all, since their work tends to make it impractical. But with the freedom to do so, and the arrival of more exotic bits and pieces gathered by the Rookery's travels, she's adopted a full on 'Egyptian' motif, and everyone swears she is perfect that way. She has long and slender limbs and fingers, often wine-stained, along with her feet - no they're not going to stop her from stomping the grapes being grown, that's half the fun! She does continue to keep the orange-colored outfit overall, perhaps she feels she can just blend in with it?

Icarus Processing: Yes, but only after the Rookery was established. By that time she was old enough to know that Melissa was right about the ELLs being Vortally strong, and though she had the process erased from her memory, she still does have nightmares.

Image Credits: DollDivine Jewel of the Nile

Genetic Abilities: Her innate power wasn't given to the mechanical and machinery of many other ELLs. Instead, she has a moderate ability with wood, plant matter, fungus and spores, and other simple life forms like algae and bacteria. With all that in mind, she does make a terrific vintner! Though she cannot actually force a plant to move or grow faster, she can heal them from damage and sense their wellbeing while touching them. She suffers no ill effects from what otherwise might be dangerous plants; she recognizes that poison oak and ivy are around, and warns people away from them, but she herself can just pick out the plant from its location, and move it away. Yes, she just moves them - they keep other creatures at bay! She has a strong Vortal connection to her sisters, as they all do, but also can now sense and to a limited extent instigate contact with stronger Vortal minds nearby, within 30 meters. She uses the sensing to balance plant matter with its environment - knowing what nutrients a plant needs, and selecting among the available options to fertilize or balance their needs.
Skills or Profession: As all ELLs pre-Combine, she was given a strong set of construction, navigation, repair, and mechanical skills. When the Events occurred, she took it upon herself to help Eden and the kids locate food and fresh water, fixing up the water lines, and reinforcing locations where they were then growing food. It was actually partly her doing that the garden under the massive breach in the ground above was protected and watered correctly, she helped create the hydroponics and water lines there. As time went on, and the Combine arrived, she went to Black Mesa to do virtually the same things there. Her personal skills grew from mere maintenance into invention, as they found user manuals and books on botany or horticulture scattered around Black Mesa: she does truly have a green thumb, even before her Icarus treatments, and the only thing she doesn't tend to are Xenian plants. What intrigued her more were some of the books that were found in schools and museum ruins: Ancient History? There were some amazing things done hundreds and even thousands of years ago, and she recognizes their value to a society that has to rebuild. Water clocks, sundials, hanging gardens, pyramids?! So much innovation, she's set about rebuilding her own gardens with ancient techniques. Now with the Rookery, she's clearly hitting her stride with the Grounds, becoming their main garden expert and keeping the vinyard productive. She definitely has her work cut out for her!
Personality: Shy, pretty much in a nutshell. Oooh, nuts! She likes nuts, they're so much better when they have ripened on their own tree! Always concerned about others' welfare, she will simply get something done and scoot away before anyone even realizes it. It's not really a stealth tactic, she's an ELL after all: that's what they have always done - get in and get out without notice. She doesn't tend to linger around groups, but she does observe them from a safe distance. She isn't jumpy, but she, like Lane, has 'avoidance issues', and will much prefer not to be in any kind of spotlight or attention. She likes it when they toast her around a banquet at the Grounds, and it's been said you can hear her giggling glee at other people enjoying her work, in the distance.

Events or History: Mostly as already said: she survived the Events and helped greatly to improve the food supply and fresh water of both the EC and the Mesa, primarily without much in the way of recognition for that, but everyone does feel the impact of her work. With the Rookery, she took the boldest step. She knew that there were people who would need those things all over again, and she was not wrong. She did spend a few years at the Rookery itself, again working with Eden and her family, though she knows they've got the process down more or less. She's never felt left out or like a spare - because her skills are always going to be helpful regardless of whether there are other shapers around. Over at the Mansion, though, there she's gotten to really shine. Verdant nudged her toward this goal, as his duties as a Leafwing plant shaper weren't really necessary at the Rookery so much - but this whole 'farm land' thing? Oh how that's perfect for him! So off they went, and soon enough parties of others came with those exotic outfits and costumes? She immediately dropped any pretense of being a 'modern girl', and went directly for the fashion of Egypt and Greece - if she's going to be tending gardens they may as well become the new Wonders of the World!

Resides full time in the Mansion, but Verdant stays put at Dragon Tower 13, right among the graps in the vinyard.


Name: Verdant
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 7'3" s / 50' l / 56' ws
Colors: All shades of green, from spring belly and under neck to tail; main face, neck, body, limbs, tail strong light green with darker olive scale inset armor; dorsal scales and spines richer dark green; wingsails and all webbing, tail spade light malachite green; claws black, eyes extremely light yellow-green
Features: Full Leafwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Verdant is excellent at hovering and maneuvering at low altitude, even in blustery conditions. He doesn't make much of a wake, he is fairly small after all, and is light weight for his size to boot. In this manner he can help spot problematic plants, ones which need aid, or even varmints that need catching. The highest he tends to go, is 'high enough to see the whole Grounds', which is about 200 feet higher than the Coffee Mountain. He can gently pick plants out of the ground with a tug from above, and relocate nests in trees, with equal grace. Where he doesn't excell is speed: he prefers a careful eye, and a slow pace. He can lift a good amount more than expected, and he often will be responsible for whole batches of apples or fruits from the citrus orchard in one large bin.
Communication, given that he is bonded to his human in a very 'old-world' style, he and Winell cannot be parted. He isn't needy, but he always feels her nearby, and takes comfort from that presence. He can easily send and receive thoughts to her, less easily but still available to other strong Vortal minds. However, he tends to just speak Draconic to his same-world friends, and English to anyone else. He has a strong grasp on technical bits, his human's fascination with traditional techniques and modern advances means he knows all the Latin names, and even some local words, for specific plants. He has a soft and purring voice.
Photosynthesis, as a master of plant life, he's also subject to their whim. Like many advanced Leafwings, he can take sustenance from both eating plants or animals, as well as soaking up sunlight and warmth to energize. He takes care of pests in the gardens by snapping them up and eating them, but feels that's more of a supplement to his solar 'diet'. He doesn't require a long time before being fully ready for the day, about as long as his human takes at her morning cup of coffee!
Plant Mastery, with his colors you'd imagine correctly that he is very well suited to life on a plantation farm. His power with plants is strong, probably stronger than most of the Pantheon's, but reasonably specific. He can only work with living plants, and more or less the 'advanced' ones - so, his human's abilities with bacteria and fungus are beyond his scope, and some that he's seen who can shape dead wood or lumber also unavailable. Also his abilities are reasonably short-ranged, which is why he tends to hover quite near the ground. His abilities to sense plant matter extend only around 50 meters away from himself, and grow more difficult with anything in the way that is more solid: so he can sense root systems if he can perceive the plant above the ground, but if he isn't able to sense the above-ground matter, he has a hard time finding those roots through dirt or soil. An exception there, is 'live damage' being done. If there is an animal actively chomping on a plant while he's within range, he knows exactly where it is, and can take measures to stop it. Like many in the Pantheon with plant-based powers, he can heal damaged plants, cause them to flower or bear fruit if they're pollenated, make pollen work with difficult plants, and grow them at a rapid pace if given enough water and nutrients around the plant. He also, however, can quicken a plant's fermentation, though this is not because of any control over the bacteria, it's more that he weakens the individual fruit's ability to fight it off.
Parentage: Unknown very bright and rather small Leafwings; He is the sire of Vegas, Baby! with Bubblegum the Rainwing.
Origin: Adopted from Mooncrest-Necrozma on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He doesn't work on the coffee plants, others are quite a lot more suited to that work. He spends much more time with his human friend and their grape vines, and all the fiddly herb gardens.