Name: Yanell

Gender: Female, pansexual

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY1

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC, designed for Rookery

Family: though all ELLs are her siblings, she is also spliced a bit, and includes disparate dimensional DNA, since one donor is Delia, and the other Lee, both of the Ranch

Other: Because of those two genetic donors, Yanell was actually raised more or less as a regular child until 2 years, and she has helped to soften Lee's sullen mood quite a bit

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 110* Icarus processing lightened her build significantly, but she is also markedly healthier than she looks even with her slender form

Hair: black, thick, naturally wooly so it's usually kept in a turban as shown or a variety of braids; it's of medium length to past her shoulder as a natural afro, so there's a lot to work with, and she loves having her hair done

Eyes: grey blue, a steely color quite unlike both her spliced parents, but in keeping with the ELLs, large and round

Appearance: medium brown skin with very few scars or marks given that she works with animals, also she's much lighter than her donors, but that's due to the ELLs influence; prefers fun clothing in the Aperture white and orange, and she does have access to long-fall boots which she's modded as shown, accessorizes when she's relaxing but she definitely is the 'roll up her sleeves' kind when she's busy with work

Icarus Processing: yes, when she was being spliced, which strongly increased her Vortal abilities as well as having physical boosts. She is around 3x more durable and heals quickly from any injuries, and doesn't seem to be affected by extremes in nature such as cold, humidity and aridity (except for her hair), or heat, so she is good to go in the Ranch's climate and environment; she is a bit stronger and faster than a typical person, but not by much (perhaps 1.5x)

Image Credits: Doll Divine Urban Chic

Genetic Abilities: her typical ELL abilities have been subverted in favor of some bits that Melissa discovered among the Ranch inhabitants, and with that in mind she was among the first of the newer ELLs to have inserted genes from outside the EC's existing collection. Since those involved living creatures and the Ranch was still quite in need of animal control, this customization proved exceptionally appropriate. She can sense animals and living creatures from Earth or any other world - if it's got a nervous system. She can sense things up to 500 meters away in a broad way, but with great detail around 100 meters, and with closer proximity (around 25 meters) she can actively control animals. Up to a dozen small creatures around headcrab sized, 4 or 5 antlions, or 1 or 2 guardians or horse-sized animals. She must be within that same proximity if they are being commanded, but they will literally do anything - including sacrifice themselves - for her. She can take a very angry Guardian and settle it into complacency, or cause headcrabs to turn on one another to distract them from a target. While she's able to sense and easily communicate with humans and Vorts or other intelligent creatures, she cannot command them in any way. However she does show a strong empathic sense toward them, and her mind is clear for communication with other Vortal entities including dragons. Her telepathic range is 'all of the ELLs in the world' able to ping them from any distance, while Vortal minds can be contacted though not read at around 100 meters. She can 'hear' telepathic conversations as a sort of backgorund noise, but she doesn't have the ability to listen in unless the speakers are quite close to her.
Skills or Profession: Given skill downloads when she was aged, many of which are specific to working on the Ranch, or with animals. She has a strong suite of biology and chemistry, agriculture, pharmacology, and gardening. She doesn't really use the plant-stuff unless it's to feed her pets. But behavior training, veterinary skills, and machine operations for medical and agriculture are all used daily. Also somehow she keeps those white outfits of hers actually-white. In practice and further real world training, she's gained a lot of 'people skills' and is able to match up pets with potential owners, particularly notable she is responsible for finding both small flitter-like creatures and service dogs ("dogs" in some cases) for those in need of emotional or physical support. She mainly serves the Ranch and occasionally other areas for animal-healing or appraisal, and works closely with Jamie and others to make sure that an area has a good stock of supplies and the animals are friendly.
Personality: Yanell is friendly and kind, but she's definitely more an animal lover than a people-person for the most part. She does like knowing where she stands in a group, what her role will be, and she enjoys completing tasks for those in charge. She isn't afraid to try for praise, but she's not a groveling sort in any way. Though she doesn't tend to hang out with more than a couple people at a time, and has a small group of friends at most, Yanell definitely observes people enough that she can start looking for that just-right pet, or even just a little gift here and there like a wildflower bouquet or a spicy chicken wing from the grill when someone's been out too late to grab dinner themselves.

Events or History: spliced up both as a 'gift' and as a boost to the population of the Ranch, Yanell knows that neither of her 'parents' had really anything to do with her creation. But she knows that they actually do love her - she'd like it if they would actually get together and, well, y'know. Become a family. They're both good at it, right? She's the result of a few years of being a kid! Though she can clearly command animals, she doesn't typically 'take on' any as pets. But then...

Then, Paint arrived. Frantic and injured, half-starved, and obviously an escaped slave of some kind, she tumbled out of a portal at the Ranch-Rookery area around RY5, earlier than they'd established the 'collection plate' technology by a few months. There were several dragons that flew through that same portal - probably looking for her. Yanell was immediately drawn to her, and helped calm her, aiding in teaching her English and other world-specific information. They have been inseperable ever since.

This dragon is quite small, though she is still a bit on the young side she's an adult and is as big as she's ever going to get. It's clear that she was too small to be 'of use' for much wherever she had been, and she does not discuss the past with anyone other than Yanell. She's fully physically healed now, with the help of the Mudwings around the Ranch and Rookery, but she will not look most Pyrrhan dragons in the eye for very long, she has quite a bit of psychological damage yet to be helped.


Name: Painted The Sky, 'Paint'
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small (very small for breed) 7' s / 39' l / 80' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind legs, and wing edges pale peach, almost a mushroom shade; face, body, neck, wing arms and backs of wings, tail, legs is a strong red dotted with large medium-dark red paint-spot markings in patterns on her wings, but largely random all over; all armor scales dark red; edge scales yellow-orange; dorsal ridges crimson; wingsails under only grade from very dark black-crimson at arm, through bright coppery orange, mottled into brilliant yellow, and ending in bright white-peach; horns grade from black-red to bright red; claws graphite-black; eyes bright green
Features: Skywing, though about half the size of most found at the Rookery
Powers: Winged Flight, Paint is surprisingly fast and strong in the air, for her size, though she is not confident if she has to fly around lots of other dragons. She feels like she's in their way, and often fumbles around if there are combat dragons around her at all. But solo flights, she is quite the sight particularly in the morning when she likes to go up and soar on the dawn winds. She can heft a decent amount of weight, also, for her size, so if need be, she can move a crate with two Guardian antlions in it carefully enough across the entire Ranch.
Communication, she and her human friend do have an intimate Vortal bond, though it's mostly from Yanell's mind listening closely to her friend. Otherwise she speaks most clearly in Draconic, but has a very functional knowledge of English, and a decent amount of verbal Vortigese - she knows their calls by individual voices, but doesn't really 'get' that they have a much richer mental landscape than their words show.
Fire Production, Paint... is very bright in color, but she's not good with flames at all. She can produce a burst of fire that can ignite dry wood, but it's not easily aimed and seems to surprise her enough that she immediately loses any direction to it. She's still young, though, and might gain more confidence with the power. She knows better than to practice on the wilderness around them, but some local dragons have offered to bring her to a safer place where a big fire won't be noticed by the Combine and won't destroy crops or people.
Parentage: Unknown Skywings, probably slaves themselves by the way she acts
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by Biohazardia on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: yes those are chains, and while she does take them off now and then, she also keeps them near - because they've been repurposed as riding gear, as a harness for riders or carrying crates. She figures, why should they need to make more, when they're right there? She has a great attitude considering everything she's been through. She seems like she's looking for direction, and Yanell gives her that direction in the form of retrieval missions, helping with herding, and spotting strays from the Ranch. She may be partly why they decided to put up that collection plate for portal arrivals, though she's not the only reason.