Name: Gabriel

Gender: Male, Pansexual

Age/DOB: 34, unknown dob

Origin: Aperturth, Carnival family for at least 3 generations; has 2 children known, Parker with Passion, and Godiva with Freedom

Family: Carnies, and a mutt to boot, Gabriel's family has served as acrobats, clowns, sideshow freaks, and barkers

Other: Yes, yes he can bend over and do that. Why don't you try it?

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 120? All ligaments and rubber, apparently, visibly skinny but not bony so much as just ... Human Lite

Hair: Dark red, slightly wavy and flyaway, kept long and in a tail most of the time

Eyes: steel blue, large, seems to have really light pupils as well, often narrowed in thought

Appearance: light skinned but more pallid than pale, and he would probably bronze nicely in the sun if he chose to sit out or take off some of the fancy dancy clothes he likes so much. If he were on Our Earth he'd be a Goth or Vamp. When he's performing in any way, however, he will strip down to the minimal amount - and he really really wants to get a hold of one of those Icarus suits. His voice is scratchy, and usually sounds a bit peeved about something or other.

Genetic Abilities: Though not overtly Vortal, his physical limberness is absolutely a mutation, and probably carried through numerous generations much farther back than the Carnival's records of his family. He can squirm into tiny spaces with ease, twist half his body around and still be facing you, almost seems to stretch like a rubber toy at times. None of this incurs any damage or even apparently any pain, and his healing is also a bit faster than a normal person's in terms of surface scratches or cuts.

Icarus Processing: None, Melissa wants him to have it, she's tempted to dangle that much-wanted Icarus outfit as a shiny for getting it done. She is absolutely not above bribery.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Lord Stevan

Skills or Profession: During the Carnies tours he was a contortionist, and performed alternately in the acrobatics show above the center ring. Unafraid of heights, he'll climb nearly anything, and can do that with ease because not only does he just not weigh much, but his fingers are remarkably strong and can fit into very small nooks. His nails are also quite strong, so if he has to push his fingertips into soft wood or even earth, he can do that too and not really suffer from it. The modern upshot of this is that he can get into places no one else wants to: the plumbing, vents, electrical conduit, and other such spots. He doesn't care to know what it is he's doing: he will follow instruction and do it right, but jesus stop trying to tell him what the formula for that electronic connection is doing. He doesn't care.
Personality: He is fearless in front of people, even to the point of being a bit too bold or forward, however he is afraid of dogs - of any size or shape - and dislikes bright sunlight. Whether that's because he is allergic to either of those things, no one knows, but it's obvious that he will go to lengths to aovid both.

Events or History: Life with the Carnies was quite fun, rewarding, and busy. Even after the Event, for a short time anyway. He does like to relax with a nice hot buttered rum, and impress the ladies or gents with ... interesting positions, shall we say.

Though he doesn't love the sunlight, and generally will only grudginly remain during the day, he will pick up spare patrol duties for the Northern Dragon Tower 2, oh he loves that smell, what is that, cow dung? Delicious. mmm. yeah. >_>


Name: Passionfruit
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9' s / 55' l / 80' ws
*Colors: main body, belly, limbs, backs of horns, neck fin spines, tail a pale shade of buff; inset scale armor dusty brown; dorsal armor from nose to tail, neck and back spikes dark brown; wingsails and neck, back, tail fins quite passionfruit pink; wings edges also along nose and horns pale olive green; claws black; eyes olive
Features: Mainly Leafwing, Rainwing represented by neck fins and coloration*
Powers: Winged Flight, Passion is a strong but bouncy flier, apt to move around a lot and not sit still for long. He doesn't have a lot of durability but he can be relied upon to move things or people where they're needed and not complain particularly much. He can't keep up a fast pace, but at a slow flight he can travel at least a hundred miles without tiring.
Communication, he's an adequate speaker, usually in Draconic or English, though he's picked up some colorful words from a variety of languages and sources. He can sense but not really project any Vortal energies.
*Color Shifting, the evidence of his Rainwing grandparent is in the form of those brilliant wingsails and fins being able to flash in bold hues, usually red-centered but he can work up a startling violet as well as a brilliant yellow-orange at times. The edges of the wings in green go only through shades of light green, yellow, and a white-green. He can do this at will, they're not subject to his emotions in the slightest, but he does have to work at it, and cannot do 'combinations' or quick changes, only slower gradiation between colors.
Photosynthesis, his Leafwing parents certainly could soak up the sun, and he does so eagerly, unlike his little human friend who should really get himself warm and bright. He does however still rely on actual food, for longer term energy.
Venom Bite, last of his grandparent's genes, a Rainwing's powerful and potent bite. His is quite odd, it doesn't have any specific dangerous components, but will very much give a wild ride to anyone that for whatever stupid reason licks it. If he injects it with his fangs, it will cause immediate paralysis and neurological damage, killing most human-sized creatures quickly. But those idiots actually like the effect if it's not directly in their blood stream (nor combined with a really bad bite wound, of course), so he's contributed the stuff to the collection at the Rookery, for analysis and use. These hippies, they will do anything for a high...
Parentage: Unknown Leafwings, with one being dominant over a Rainwing grandparent.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He was already called that, shut up.