Name: Sergeant Douglas Holiday

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~17@Events / 1989

Origin: Repurposed Earth, likely Chicago or Detroit

Family: Deceased parents and further (large) direct family, though some cousins and aunties may still be alive out there? Maybe?

Other: May have a relationship with some of the Pantheon ladies, if he plays his cards right... After all, he should have been one of the Pantheon in the first place right? Right? It turns out Uriell and he make a terrific team in more than just scouting and demolitions, and their son is Domiel - thanks to that Bunkers and Badasses he found just the right name...

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 160, well muscled, durable build due to training with JROTC, and a short period of military service

Hair: Black, close cropped natural afro

Eyes: Medium brown, observant, expressive

Appearance: medium-dark brown skin with few blemishes, overall considered quite handsome, and he plays that up quite a bit around ladies. He often has a mustache, rarely a beard. He has been described as having a 'really smooth' voice, and has proven to be a calm and collected presence, his body language rarely betrays any worry.

Genetic Abilities: Though he was not tapped as part of the Origin program, Holiday was on the list for investigation and retrieval when the Events occurred. He was still in high school, but had begun to show an amount of latent Psychometry, touching an item gave him 'flashes of inspiration' about how to use it or who had used it last. This was exceptionally useful in terms of becoming an explosives engineer, as he could instantly tell which was the 'right' wire to cut.
Post-Events, however, he did gain more fully-realized control over this power. (See below)

Image Credits: Monolith / tektek

Icarus Processing: Yes, age 27. Though he did not go through the process as a child, Holiday has seen the benefits of it in the form of all the Pantheon's people. And while he's glad the experience was wiped from his brain, he does not regret for one moment having the excruciating surgery and chemical enhancement done. It allows him to fully access his psychometric power, and while it's never going to be as strong as Chet's, he knows how to put it to good use in the field. He lacks telepathy, but still can glean some amount of Empathic impression from Vortal people nearby.
Skills or Profession: Holiday is well trained with demolitions, explosives, and military process as well as most munitions including handguns through laser rifles and automatic weapons. He can and does use computers but he's not a programmer, preferring to play games or read manuals rather than create things with them. He is able to pilot almost any Armacham-made vehicle, from motorcycles to hoverjets, though he's fallen out of practice with most of them after the Combine's rule. Holiday is adept with communications tools, and other small electronics. Part of this ability is clearly due to his latent (and later active) psychometric power, giving him an edge that even he didn't know he had with them. He can still just look at a building or ruin, and know what its weak points are, and where to hide if it's stable enough to move into.
After the defeat of the Combine, and the arrival of the Rookery dragons, Holiday has spent a lot of time in the air with his best buddy Harrier, and continues his professional bent of demolitions, clearing the way for new buildings, getting rid of rubble, and generally being a smartass with a gorgeous face to flirt with the girls back at Black Mesa.
Personality: Holiday is a smart, observant, and confident man. What with being a demolitions and explosives expert, one might expect those things from him. However he is also quite charming and sensible, and enjoys a good laugh. From the perspective of any given interested lady, he's a catch. Though he isn't interested in settling down, he absolutely is interested in the future of humanity, and 'doing his part'... He knows how to take and give orders equally well, recognizes the signs of either confidence or inexperience, and adjusts his tone accordingly. When he speaks, it's usually to the point, but not in a curt or abrupt manner; he takes time to assess his position among people, and treats them with care as needed.

Events or History: Holiday was born to a large family in a large city, and figured the only way to get ahead in the world, was to give himself an edge. He hadn't realized he already had an edge in the form of his latent powers, but perhaps that's why he chose the field he did when he entered the ROTC program in his local high school. He was trained in handling guns (let's not get into what happened when his mother found out he did, her first husband had been gunned down) and their safety first and foremost. While he was never looked on as a 'nerd' his penchant for sizing up any situation began as a child playing Bunkers and Badasses. Because the Events occurred when he was still in school, and the sudden call for expert military or defensive positions went out, Holiday enlisted the moment he was able, and began his full career at 18. He saw immediate action in the form of hunting parties and keeping citizens safe locally, and then was put on a squad to keep the peace when Armacham began setting up the Cities. Since he had demolitions knowledge, he was on hand to help educate or explain to people nearby when buildings were razed, and his charm and relaxed demeanor helped calm those who had just lost their homes.
After the Combine arrived, however, Holiday knew that something was desperately wrong with the situation. His squad was broken up years before, and he'd wandered a bit due to the lack of a good chain of command. People kept dying in that command, leaving more confusion than opportunity for advancement. He was found by a group of Pantheon explorers, and welcomed eagerly into their group once Melissa got a look at his genetics - and stuck him into the Icarus program. Notably, once they were able to properly settle and work on the Rookery proper, he brought his gaming equipment, and runs regularly scheduled B&B games out of one of the Rook common rooms.


Name: Harrier
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: large, 14' shoulder / 100' l / 190' ws
Colors: Brilliant red, dark red, mottled crimson and pale red nebula markings, reddish-black stripe on wing edges; shiny golden-orange belly armor/scales, tan-beige neck/spine/tail and front of limbs scales; red-black spines and claws; dark blue eyes
Features: SkyWing - potential hybrid with NightWing blood to account for coloration, four legs with 5 clawed forepaws and 4 clawed hind with heel claw; massive wings wtih one visible finger, total of 4 and a wing thumb bearing the only claw on the wings; heavy scaled hide with large armor plates on belly from neck to mid-tail, long slender tail, armor with short spines on head, neck, back, and down full tail, spines end half tail; nose spike and very small jaw nub, external ears, two slightly spiraled backswept horns
Powers: Winged Flight, with wings as huge as Harrier's it's impossible not to fly well. He can soar for literally days on end provided he needs no sleep, and would likely do so just to prove he could. Even with this massive wingspan, he's also remarkably flexible in the air, and can pursue much smaller flying prey (or give chase to a randy female, should the event occur) and he seems to use his sinuous form to aid in turning. He does require a huge amount of liftoff space, but can do a standing-start with no trouble. The wind from his wings can push back even fully armored troop vehicles, and thus he can be relied upon to clear away rubble or even give an advantage in a firefight with this ability.
Verbal Speech, his communication ability is also quite strong, he has massive lungs, and a mastery of a truly stunning array of noises. He can speak in English, draconic, and Vort with equal ability, but also resorts to his own weird little self-involved hissing mutter at times. He does have a strong telepathic connection to Holiday, and claims he can sense other telepathic dragons as well as the Vorts, but when they attempt to look for him, it's as though he isn't there. Of note, this may be because he does have NightWing blood, and they are known as mind-readers.
Flame Production, as with most of his world's breeds, Harrier can produce a massive gout of extraordinarily hot flame, and keep that flame going as long as needed. If he's in the air, the amount is dramatically reduced, but he can still make a 90-meter burst of flame while in the air. This increases to nearly 300 meters when he doesn't need to flap or intake air to power his flight. His flames are hot enough to melt through Combine steel, and that's more than enough for any use at the Rookery.
Parentage: Unknown Skywings, likely that his grand-dam (mother's side) is a NightWing; produces Forge and Blaze of Glory with Loveletter.
Origin: Adopted from dragonnadder at Deviantart
Other Info: Harrier is remarkably smart and a bit on the nerdy side, and goes absolutely bonkers for shiny things. He has in fact been known to roll around in piles of spent shells, after a big battle. And among the dragons of the Rookery, he considers himself to be quite the catch - and it seems that plenty of the female dragons agree. It's very likely that he'll sire offspring at some point, and will happily show his little brood around the skies, more than just Forge.