Name: Domiel Holiday

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~17 (in RY0), Aged, 2027

Origin: Repurposed Earth, spliced in the AAEC

Family: Mother Uriell, father Doug Holiday, can be considered a cousin properly to the ELLs, and feels quite close to them as well as 'normies' of the Mesa; Is spliced later on with Carmen, their daughter is Debra

Other: certainly has half-siblings among the Pantheon based on Holiday's ... performances...

Height: 5'10"

Weight: ~130* Icarus lightens his weight by a large margin, normally with his muscular frame he ought to be around 250

Hair: Very rich black, naturally wooly, and kept to his high back with dreds as shown, often adding clips and beads, or headbands and hats

Eyes: outright black, deep as the Void, and apparently as pretty, to anyone caught looking at them for long periods; even, under expressive eyebrows

Appearance: very dark skinned, with a few moles here and there, prefers to wear the Aperture orange and white look with a badass black utility jacket over it and work boots to round it out. He has incredibly soft lips, a broad nose, and a voice to die for, just ask anyone.

Genetic Abilities: because he has the unusual genetic makeup of an ELL and a latent normal, Mel didn't really know what to expect out of his genes beyond 'matter related'. And that, they are. He can lay his hands on virtually any inorganic substance, from diamonds to paint chips, and reduce it to component molecules in minutes. He can destroy virtually anything in less than ten minutes, if he can still hold on to part of it. The influence of this power extends about 3 meters from his hands, so one of his favored tactics is to run a finger along a wall or even the floor as he's being pursued by Combine soldiers, and momentarily that wall collapses, that floor vanishes below them. This is a consciously used ability, normally if he is holding on to something, he does get a strong psycometric sense of its component elements, and can make sense of even complex machinery if the parts are touching and within his range. He cannot tell details about anything other than the makeup of that item, so he relies on sensible knowledge and downloaded information to identify tools, machines, devices, and structural components. He does have a minor Empathy, close range, around 10 meters, and he can 'ping' ELLs within about 200 meters. He has a tight Vortal bond with Avenger, however.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Hipster

Icarus Processing: Yes, while he was being spliced up and with a booster revision when he was aged. He was born, via a surrogate, so his Vortal abilities are very secure; the process certainly lightened his adult weight, he is quite a bit more muscular than anyone of that weight. His strength is nearly 3 times normal, and he takes no damage from scraping, impaling, cutting, or abrasive items, though his bones can break, and he does get sick now and then, only from organic or biological sources, however. Basically if it's inorganic it isn't going to be doing much damage, as edged items seem to instantly dull on touch, and even boulders have crumbled against him as they fell. He isn't cocky about this, however, because he never knows whether there's a weird mutant animal right around the corner of that fallen boulder. His speed and senses are normal, though he is more flexible than a musclebound man.
Skills or Profession: Given skill downloads appropriate to both of his parents, and more specifically the ELLs work. His father has helped him learn the more practical side of life, while mom makes sure that auntie ELLs will aid her son. As his powers developed, he was afforded more specific demolitions and chemistry, physics, and that sort of practical application downloads. Mostly, he likes to be able to touch something and list off its specific elemental components just to show off. As a young man, he is quite ... randy, like his dad, and enjoys posing and showing off for the ladies. Also as a young rider, he is incredibly good with the dangerous flights that he and Avenger do behind enemy lines. He is a visible threat, and he can keep a squad of soliders, or even a pack of Striders and Hunters, busy while the others in his team get in and do the real damage. He likes narrow escapes, but he also likes embellishing the stories of those escapes while he's playing B&B with dad and the group...
Personality: One might expect someone named after a fictional angel of justice to be a bit more ... well, stately? He's anything but. He is flamboyant but not hot-headed, reliable and a self-starter who can figure out just where to be when the shit hits the fan, and makes sure that he is not either the fan or the shit. He's no trouble-maker: his best interests are for the world and the people in it, and he intends to rid the Rookery of the Combine threat any way he can. He follows instructions very well, possibly thanks to his ELL downloads, but he also likes to innovate here and there. And when he's done in the field, he really, really enjoys the down time with friends. He's one of those gym hounds that has a deep love of geeky things.

Events or History: As above, he was created very shortly before the demise of the Repurposed Combine, and has had his job cut out for him ever since. Once the local areas around the Medusa, Icarus facilities, the EC, and even the Mesa were settled, he moved over to the Rookery and started over with his dad mainly to guide him. He's tried to encourage the ELLs to join their B&B group, but they seem to think that it's less interesting than he likes. With Avenger bonded to him - truly - they are quite the avenging pair. He would probably cosplay as his namesake, if that was still a thing - and it might be, if he heads out to the Grounds to play with the hippies and that lot for a 'convention'.

They reside at the Rookery proper, and are on call for a large range of destructive duties around the wastes.


Name: Avenger
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (chonky, overall bigness) 24' s / 90' l / 150' ws!
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip and behind legs khaki buff; neck edge dusty mauve; face, neck light brown; face armor, dorsal armor from head to tail, legs, wing arms strong dark red with bright red trim parts; edge scales and wing / feet armor brilliant yellow; wingsails and dorsal spikes grade from strong orange to bright goldenrod yellow; horns orange tan, claws orange; eyes brown
Features: Mudwing, quite a big one, and with her abilities as well as that coloration, it's highly likely that she has a Skywing in her line pretty recently
Powers: Winged Flight, with such a huge dragon, it seems like flight would be insane. And yet, she is at least as good in the air as any lighter-weight dragon. Strongly likely that her Skywing heat production aids her in that flight. She is still more comfortable on the ground, but if she is in the air, you'd best watch out. Her speed can reach 80 to 100 mph, but she is not going to stop for any reason short of slamming into a Strider or Gunship, and even then they tend to just fall apart in her wake and not slow her down at all. She doesn't tend to fly that fast very often, preferring to take to the skies over a battle site and join in the fun, and then get back on the ground. She can run up to 50 mph too, and with her mass behind her, can literally take down a Combine Wall... or leave a dragon-shaped chunk torn out of it anyway.
Communication, Highly literate and able to speak Draconic, English, and Vort with ease - even to the point of knowing the technical terms as well as nerdy stuff. She isn't as science minded as some with those big words behind them, but she can listen in on various conversations around the Rookery and still be on the same page as everyone talking. She can communicate with her human rider at distances up to 100 miles, though she lacks any other outward communication she is very easily spotted Vortally.
Hot and Bothered, her flames and overall heat projection as well as defenses from such things are well known among the dragons of the Rookery. Though not a firescales dragon, she can withstand the heat of the few that are around, and is actually also willing to put that to the test. Not immune, she heals very rapidly, and doesn't need to rely on mud with magic to do it. Her flame breath is just one-tier down from a true Firescales dragon's, and definitely hotter than any Mudwing's around. Accurate for short explosive bursts at 200 meters, she can dot a combat field with scorch marks and Combine-shaped grease stains. She does like being above a battle, at least at the start, to survey the area, and then blast bits of it up. When she's on the ground, she also might add insult to injury by stepping on something, yelling EXCUSE ME, and burning the rest to the ground.
Throwing Her Weight Around, she's huge. So, let's face it, she's not going to be delicately picking through the wasteland - she absolutely ruins broken buildings, so it's best to make sure that they're cleared of any refugees or items before she gets to them. Because between her smashy smashy enjoyment of making walls fall down, and her rider's hands-on experience... it won't be there much longer.
Parentage: Unknown Mudwings, perhaps with a Skywing grandparent
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice with PeregrineCella lines, on Deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: A big dragoness fitting the family pattern - after all, both of Domiel's parents have massive dragons aiding them. Avenger has read up on Domiel's ... backstory, if it can be called that, in that Bunkers and Badasses game thing they play. And she absolutely wants to live up to the idea that her human partner is an incredible angel of vengeance and justice, she makes sure that justice is meted out.