Name: Veronica Higgins

Gender: Female, primarily asexual

Age/DOB: 25/1998

Origin: Armacham Pythagoras Project, not engineered but given specific treatments (not Icarus)

Family: Unknown parents, has several engineered children among the Pantheon, including Victor with Dante, and Vodell with ELL genes

Other: Doesn't seem close to any partiuclar group, but reliably enjoys being near many

Height: 5'8

Weight: 135, slender and healthy, somewhat boyish

Hair: Black with brown undertones, straightened short afro

Eyes: Bright green

Appearance: Dark brown skin with small moles/freckles, prefers looser boyish clothing but is perfectly able to look pretty when the girls dress her up (usually not her idea)

Genetic Abilities: Extremely strong mathematic savantism, as the Pythagoras Project was attempting to create 'pure science' ideals. She was given some specific chemical treatments as part of that program that enhanced this ability. She can visually read expressions and body language in a way that is almost empathic. If she can see (or perhaps hear) someone attempting to communicate, she can decode that message.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Sari Maker / tektek
Candy'sWorld X-Girl (below)

Icarus Processing: none, Pythagoras treatment at age 2, no other Vortal potential. Chemical coctails from Pythagoras Project with unknown substances were injected or ingested on a constant basis until the Events.
Skills or Profession: As all of the Pythagoras Project's subjects, Veronica was intended for use in lab and science outposts and back-end board rooms doing statistics, rather than visibly out in the field. As such she has had access to downloaded 'number crunching' and theory more than physical skills. As she is the only member of the Pythagoras Project left (actually, the only one which made it through the Events, all others were too young and perished in the nursery) her skills are somewhat unusual even among the Pantheon. She has the kind of mind that you can yell a bunch of math at and she'll blurt the answer out before you're even done speaking.
Personality: A serious young woman, at times seeming abrupt and if pressed a bit short tempered. She's not unfriendly, but she is the flip side of the emotion-reading spectrum. Where others with Vortal empathy can often be said to be affected by the emotions around them, she isn't affected at all and sometimes is actually curious about why someone would be sad, angry, etc. She's not particularly autistic in a significant manner, but she certainly can focus on the tasks she's given much better than most.

Events or History: While she was among those who survived at the Enrichment Center during the Events, she didn't really play much of a role aside from helping Melissa sort through numbers (how much food volume left, distance estimation) until the Snakefist incident. With her ability to concentrate on numbers and patterns, she eventually decoded the background noise and raw number stutter that Terry Halford (aka Snakefist) had put into the single piece of music he broadcast to get himself rescued. She and he actually get along far better than she does with others even among her own peers.

Now that she has a dragon to carry her around, Veronica is actually putting some other skills to use: she's become a bit of a cartographer, and is able to unerringly draw landscapes with their correct heights and features - but also able to add a personal touch to make the maps less sterile and boring than those a computer would create.


Name: Durmak
: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small (Medium for a blue Pernese) / 7'6 shoulder / 32' long, 45' wingspan
Colors: Very dark blue, almost indigo body, with night-blue wing sails
Features: Mostly Pernese, clawed feet with thumbs, spaded tail, head knobs, faceted eyes, neck and head crest, 3 fingered clawed wings, must bond but he survived being abandoned so there's that. Name is indicative of switch to Paniya, offspring may have TH or *K endings.
Powers: Telepathy (strong overall, exceptional with bond), Teleportation (strong local, but very good dimensional and timing it), Winged flight, Firebreath (unassisted, a Healing Den feature), Verbal Speech (rarely used, but learned to speak when brought to the Healing Den)
Parentage: Night-Green Ryslen Serrith / Blue Firestone Havockth
Origin: Healing Den Cross Gender Frenzy
Other Info: Durmak is a natural "lawgiver" type, and looks forward to settling disputes on the sands or in the air. Durmak enjoys his new life, his bond is straightforward and cares for him even if she doesn't seem the type to get too attached.