Name: Victor Maleev

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~18, aged, born 202x

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Black Mesa Refugee City

Family: Mother Veronica, father Dante, half-siblings include Clarity and Caleb (missing)

Other: This boy has an impressive ...mind and Melissa will absolutely tap him for future splices or Icarus-based experimentation (yeah, 'mind'. we know that's why she wants him...)

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 135* Icarus treatment lightened overall weight, strengthens bones and joints, he is lanky and much stronger than he might be otherwise

Hair: black, thick, slightly wooly texture that is looser curls than an afro unlike his parents' natural hair style; keeps it roguishly styled, excellent facial hair habits, and a decent amount of body hair

Eyes: eerie yellow-green, not particularly a color found on human eyes for the most part, until the Pantheon, under very dramatic brows, has naturally thick lashes making him look like he's got eyeliner

Appearance: dark brown skin, slightly darker than shown actually, with what can be considered extraordinarily handsome features. He looks much more swarthy than African American, all those background genes from Veronica at work. Likes layered clothing and can clean up remarkably well, but doesn't mind getting grimy. Has a smooth and deep voice like his father's.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 3 or so (actually 2 but who's counting?) at which point he was also aged slightly to a pre-teen. The processing was mixed with Pythagoras boosters when he was out of the vat. Like his father's eventually, his body accepted the Icarus remarkably well, and has helped him with an incredibly strong frame, he is able to withstand damage and heals about three times quicker than normal, and is about 2.5x stronger than a normal man. His dexterity and agility have been strongly impacted, he can do detailed work with his fingers as well as aim very precisely for both thrown and aimed weapons. He's about 2x faster than normal, though he can type or use small tools with accuracy at up to 4x speed. His eyes, sense of touch, and hearing have also all been improved by about 3x.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Ammotu IX

Genetic Abilities: In addition to the physical traits above, the Pythagoras solutions enabled genes from Veronica to blossom - he is easily able to calculate complicated math and theorems in his head, 'doodling' with his nimble fingers to aid him. He is certainly in the top-ten smartest individuals at the Rookery or Mesa, and that's saying a lot given who populates the place. Easily grasps new concepts, and can speed-read with a glance: his photographic memory at work. While he doesn't have the same properties of that memory that Melissa does, he can look at an unbuilt puzzle and put it together in his mind and then direct someone else how to place each piece without watching. The consummate detective, evidence comes together for him in Vortal fashion, not just because of his savantism. Anyone looking through his strangely lime colored eyes will 'see' a vast network of connectivity, Vortessence that binds everything that has been touched or altered. It's a Vortal form of psychometry, he doesn't have to touch something, though he cannot truly see a history, he can follow the dotted, invisible, lines to prior contact points until he finds a solution or whatever is missing. Dante... really wants to see whether he can find his half-brother, and his auntie, in this manner. It's entirely possible he might just. Since his mind is paired with a stunningly precise body, he is able to leap improbable distances and land just right, find hand-holds that would be missed by anyone else, and if you give him a portal gun he's amazing as an ELL might be. Because neither of his parents have any further Vortal skill, he doesn't have telepathy or other such gifts. However like both of them, his mind is exceptionally clear and easy to communicate to, as well as sense through for those with that skill. He allows it, because of curiosity: he knows that others can telepathically or empathically connect, and he sees those Vortal lines, though they are weaker than physically-present impressions.
Skills or Profession: Given plentiful forensics training, math, engineering, physics, and theoretical work as downloads, but also weapons training thanks to his dad. He came out of the Icarus and aging process with an eye to be a 'finder', he wanted to put all those glowing web lines to work for him. And he is the sort who will show up with your long lost favorite toy or the keys to your office without even asking him. Between him and Chet, any item on the planet might be put back into place. He is of use in the Combine era since he was aged shortly before their downfall, and has been able to put those skills back into use on the Rookery once more. He could detect patterns in troop movement, decode scripts and Combine computer codes, even estimate to a precice number the amount of ammunition needed to either push through, or expended on the enemy's part, in a battle before it happens. If he shouts 'stop firing, let them go on', it's for a reason. In the Rookery, he is apt to be looking for weapons and ammunition stashes, refugee groups who have been split up, and local Combine codes for invasive spying. He can read virtually any language that he has a reference for, though not speak them or even particularly know the differences in them. He merely recognizes scripts and patterns there too.
Personality: He does know he's attractive and smooth, and does enjoy being looked at, touched, and communicated to. However, he often treats these things as an experiment, testing both himself and others to see what exactly is going on. Is it chemical attraction? Vortal? Personality meshing? He gets along very well with Caroline and Thomas both. Victor does have a temper, and he can be short with people who either underestimate him or argue when he knows what he's doing is best for a situation. He is mostly kind and reasonably fun to be around, because he does like to experiment... But woe to anyone that crosses that dark point on him.
Events or History: Melissa suggested this pair hook up, and while both Veronica and Dante agreed and raised him, there was surprisingly little physical contact between them. Dante is still, after all, looking for his son, perhaps pining for him. But both of his parents certainly are attached to Victor quite strongly. Neither are overprotective of him, they knew that once Melissa put him through the aging process and downloading, they would have a very interesting little relative on their hands without the fuss of changing too many diapers or teaching him to speak. Once the Combine was taken down on Repurposed Earth, he was given tasks fit to help make the world a more functional place to live: where is the power supply, can you find the keys to this power plant, did you find the activation code? He liked scurrying around and locating things, and that has not gotten old in the Rookery either. He resides on site at the Rookery.


Name: Strand
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (bulky) 13' s / 50' l / 100' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind legs, face armor grades from rust-orange to medium yellow at feet, darkest at neck and wing join; face, limbs and wing arms light brown; middle armor graded medium brown to charcoal with red teardrop* insets; dorsal armor brown-charcoal with lighter edges; limb armor metallic black with yellow-copper highlights; dorsal stripe, spines, horns, nose beak orange copper brighter at beak; wingsails banded black, reddish orange, yellow, in strand-like nebula waves, with varied bright white star patterns; claws dark copper; eyes cyan
Features: Atypically colored Nightwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Strand is tough to beat in a distance flight, able to continue flying virtually while asleep, as long as there's nothing in the way. He does prefer to fly at night or in the evening, as he feels he's too brightly reflective in the broad day light to be of much use. He can lift tremendous weights, not just one but two freight train cars, and can actually throw those cars with reasonable accuracy while flying. He can be trusted to carry goods or people carefully, able to avoid dangerous locations or airborn threats, as well as getting to the ground and protecting things with his own body and wings. He's not fast, nor particularly maneuverable, but he gets the job done.
Communication*, as he is a gifted Nightwing, with his distinctive marks, his Vortal communication abilities are quite strong. He can sense and communicate with Victor - the only mind that Victor can actively reach out and communicate to - and knows where his little human friend is at all times regardless of distance. Strand has a way of adopting Victor's Vortal sight as well, and can pick out at a reasonably long distance any stray lines of connections: people that have wandered away from a group, or been taken off by Combine. Hence his name, those strands are important to all of them, and he intends to collect them properly. Otherwise, he is able to speak Draconic, English, and Vortigese with the same deep rumble, and he understands the Vortal context of those words.
Fire Breath, Heat, though his flame is reasonably hot, he tends not to practice with it, and is more focused on defense rather than offense. So he can blast a wide fan of flames to about 35 meters that will definitely kill anything smaller than a human, though Combine armor tends to mitigate much of that damage on soldiers. However, he also can use it to creatively heat up a location, after being shown which items might melt or burn at a specific point even without flames. This can be used to activate traps, trigger events in other areas, or just keep refugees nice and warm while they're being transported, as it can be produced by his whole body and not just his mouth.
Parentage: Unknown pure Nightwing parentage, however he may be Stellar Dust's parent or uncle.
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: of this pair, Strand is actually the more social and empathic. He does know that his rider is apt to be at arms length to many people, even if they're cuddling. Sometimes he's had to nudge his human friend into a social situation 'as a variable you didn't account for', to remind him to socialize more.