Name: Clarity Maleev

Gender: Female, Bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY6

Origin: Rookery Earth to Repurposed/Clone parentage

Family: Mother Cobalt, father Dante, half-brothers Grey, Victor, Caleb (missing)

Other: Very clearly connected to her dragon, Clarity will make an exceptional Search rider

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 110* Icarus treatment dramatically reduced her overall weight, strengthened her joints and muscularity, and her bones are nearly unbreakable even though they're light as a feather

Hair: Richly blue-black, quite thick and slightly wooly, will curl into loose fro if not bound into dreds. Is usually at least mid-back in length, it's never been fully cut but occasionally she'll get it trimmed and toned. Has had to learn how best to take care of it and will often use hair care goods scavenged from Carramba's restrooms and beauty training classrooms, because they're just not found on the Rookery

Eyes: Brightly spring green with the hint of yellow that emulates her father's Icarus-treated color. Slightly narrowed in thought most of the time, under perfectly trimmed brows

Appearance: dark brown skin that's quite a bit lighter than her father's, a smaller nose, but very full lips and high cheeks; quite a bit more curvy than her weight and height would indicate. She likes wearing snug vests, camo, and always has travel gear at the ready, including stompin boots and a utility knife. Though she looks delicate, be assured: she is quite a bit tougher than she appears.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 2 it was decided that even though both her parents were effectively treated already (Cobalt by virtue of being engineered, and Dante had finally had it done by the time she was conceived) she would still benefit from fine-tuning while being aged and given skill downloads. Notably, however, since her dragon had already been bonded Vortally, he flipped the fuck out while this was going on. Even with strong telepaths and dragons assuring him that she herself would not remember the processing, it was altogether awful for the dragonet. With the above changes to her physical traits, it also allows her to heal at nearly 3x normal pace, and she is astoundingly dexterous, with finger speeds up to 5x normal, and agility at least 3x a typical athlete. She is around twice as fast as a normal person, so she can take a running sprint and cling to a wall with tiny hand-holds no one else could find. It clearly has a strong impact on her Vortal presence as well.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Adventurer

Genetic Abilities: Clarity is well named. Her Vortal abilities are centered around perception and distinguishing auras, Vortal energy, and she has a small amount of precognition with regards to living things. While both of her parents are quite adept at machinery and guns or items, her specialty is with living creatures - from dragons and flitters, to peeper-puppies, Vortigaunts, humans, xenos... you name it. She is among the few people who can distinguish between the Vortessence and the Force - and since she's met Jedi Dawe among other Force users at Carramba, she has cause to discuss this with them. Visually she sees with equal amounts of physical sense and Vortal ones, there has never been a time she's seen one or the other. She does sometimes have to close her eyes or cover them to block out 'unused' perceptions in order to get details from the Vortal inputs. Additionally, she and Lonukiz share that vision, quite strongly, so she will be able to see the same mix of information if she's looking through his eyes, and neither of them seem to understand how anyone can see without that. She is good with telepathy in a more direct way than her father, but anyone that's been in contact with her while she is 'looking' through her directory of people to mentally chat with will say that they both have the same flowing lattice of Vortessence swirling in their vision, she just takes hold of one line and uses it to communicate more easily. Unlike some, she can speak to non-Vortal minds as well as telepaths equally well. Her telepathic range is long, over 10 miles with ease, and she has never been overwhelmed by the presence of other minds, this all comes completely naturally to her. Her ability with foresight however is something that she has to concentrate on. Vortal echoes move in both directions - past and potential futures. She can focus on one rather than another, and discover whether a person will wind up being good at something, the right match for a dragon, or if they're hiding something that comes out later. (She cannot see specifics about those things - it's vague because everything is still changing even while she's looking at it.) If she was more gregarious or typically-teenaged, she'd wind up being a match-maker, but instead she's very keen on finding matches for dragons and riders - those Vortal lines are impressive even to Vorts that look into her mind while she's scanning a group. She does have a minor and virtually unused Vortal sense of machinery and computers, if she's needed in a pinch she can coax a broken device into activity briefly, but she's never been really into it.

Skills or Profession: Given downloads and skill sets befitting of a young Rookery rider, she's got survival skills as well as Carramba-sided socialization under her belt. She can easily speak English, Vortigese, and chats with others with telepathy to avoid any mistakes in pronunciation. She's used that knife to open cans of beans hidden in North Aperture's neglected spheres, as well as chopping headcrabs into stew meat, but also on more than one occasion has had to defend herself against Combine soldiers, doing so with a precision that makes both her parents proud (and then makes them cringe that she was in that situation at all!). Because she is a search rider, she does have certain responsibilities to make sure that those being searched are not only capable but allowed to be put on dragonry lists. Her Carramba courses have really helped a lot in that regard - from all angles, she can make sure that the right person is where they belong, but also that their families know, as well as keeping records for such things in order.

Carramba High Junior Year schedule:

1 Time Travel Machinery and Mapping/Pepper Decent
2 Urban Exploration/Saqqaf Superb
3 Betting and Odds/Haital Superb
4 Dragon Care/Kenobi Excellent
5 Careers: Admin+Legal/Wesson Excellent
6 Nexus Geohistory/T.Kshau Decent
7 Technical Writing/Wheeler Decent
8 Using Telepathy Politely/Paveh Superb

She particularly enjoys her Dragon Care and Urban Exploration classes, as they're both things that come quite naturally to her. Atasenne Haital would place her higher than the top of the Betting and Odds class if she could, expressing that this girl understands probability better than anyone alive - or dead. Even Greg Wesson thinks that she keeps better records than most, and has a good way with paperwork even in her ruined world.

Personality: She is personable but practical. She knows the importance of her work, but never lets it consume her time. Clarity is equally at home among refugees, Vorts, dragons, or students, and has virtually no preferences specifically among any of those. Though she can easily fit in to any group, she has few very close friends save those from her 'generation' at the Rookery. However, she does seem to think less of the 'hippies' and their ultra-casual take on life in a post-apocalyptic world. She doesn't hate anyone, though, she reserves hate for the Combine. And - for Vocorr. Those asshats have interrupted her Search process more than once on Twoarth, and she feels that if they ever got together with the Combine things would go downhill dramatically.
Events or History: After Dante had his Icarus treatments, Melissa made the concerted effort to get him to hook up with other ladies 'naturally', and since the Rookery was in full swing at that point, she made a point of locating folks she felt might work best. At the time, the Hallowed Silk 'flight' was being worked up, and with Dante bringing his spectacular dragon to it, things worked out remarkably well... Because Tork and Indrobiiz brought Dante and Cobalt together sort of whether Mel intended it or not. Cobalt and he actually are quite compatible in most ways, and their daughter proves this. But Mel always thought there was more to this little girl, and she was not wrong. Even before her birth, while Lonukiz was still in his egg, Cobalt would spend quite a lot of time among those eggs, always dwelling a little longer by that one particular egg. When she was giving birth, that egg also hatched, perhaps prematurely, and this little silver dragon was furious that he was not 'where he needed to be'. Dante was the one who brought the dragon to his daughter, and he and Cobalt simply watched in Vortal awe as this bonded pair calmed or cried together. With some amount of difficulty they made sure that neither went hungry - both would cry out for food - and that their needs were taken care of. But when the time came for Clarity's Icarus treatments, since it was very obvious that she should be taking care of the dragon herself, and not her parents working double time when they're already exhausted... Oh boy did the sparks - or flames - fly. At that time, dragon-based treatments were not yet created, but if they'd had them, Lonukiz would probably have been okay with going through it himself, as long as he was with his beloved. With aging, downloads, and treatments fully affixed in Clarity's mind and body, she did take up the mantle of caring for her dragonet. She has never once balked or shirked that responsibility, enjoying her time with him and learning how they can function both together and apart. She spent two more years in the Rookery with Dante and Cobalt (well, moving between Rookery and North Aperture frequently) learning what was needed on that world, and then was sent to Carramba herself, with numerous others in her generation to pick up skills that the future would require. She serves as a Search Rider full time once she graduates, but even before then has tended toward eyeballing most dragons and groups of kids, she can hardly stop doing so - Melissa has offered her help on how best to deal with the frustration of not being allowed to just shove people at one another... Or people with their right potential dragons...


Name: Lonukiz
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (long) 8'6" s / 50' l / 55' ws
Colors: shiny silver body with pale white-blue star markings; pale misty grey horns, spines, and tail spade; wingsails and chest scale trim indigo night sky with bright blue-white stars that are active and move; golden yellow claws; eyes usually violet, but do change with strong mood shifts due to Old World breeding
Features: Alskyran Mutt, features may change among nestmates; long danger noodle body with scaled skin and large armor on dorsal areas; quadrupedal with 5-fingered fore having thumbs, 4 toes with heel claw hind; two leathery wings with three visible fingers, elbow strut, and very prominent wrist thumb having long claws; long smooth face; large smooth horns; neck spikes connected with solid 'fin'; strong tail spikes; spaded tail; Egg Layer; while bonding is common among his nest mates, it's not fully required; naming convention - offspring will inherit -KIZ, and young take longer to mature than pure Old World dragons (6 to 8 years to 'adult' maturity, rather than 2-3)
Powers: Winged Flight, Good for short distance flights, but less so on longer duration runs, Lonukiz likes verticality and quick dodges, and is highly agile in short flights. He can carry up to three human-sized weights easily but any more than that will ground him, he's light on his wings and prefers only Clarity and perhaps one Searched newcomer on his back. He looks like a string of tinsel in the air.
Travel - Local Teleport, Long Distance Teleport, Genrehop; All of these things are extremely strong abilities. He can teleport short distances line-of-sight in quick succession, hardly tiring of doing so - in fact he is well known for doing aerial acrobatics with such precision that he leads a team of similarly talented dragons on demonstrations. (It's an amazing sight, with six smallish dragons swirling around in the air in the stadium, and then changing places with teleportation...) He can teleport considerably longer distances, up to 500 miles at a step, but does require rest afterwards, and can only take Clarity and one human-sized creature with him. This goes through the Nexus, not Between. Also through the Nexus, he has learned how to very precisely Genrehop, if it's a place that he knows of through his rider or conversation with other dragons, he can reach it. It doesn't even wear him out, but he does like to explore a little before heading home. In this manner Clarity can actually Search on multiple worlds, or go straight back to the Rookery with someone from, say, Paragon City, without having to muck about at the Healing Den or Carramba between.
Communication - Telepathy, Bonding, Verbal Speech; Obviously, Lonukiz and Clarity were bonded from the very start of both their lives. Any of his own offspring will very likely require a tight and permanent bond, though it's unlikely to be as strong as this. (In the history of her dragonry, Baeris Kshau asserts that she has literally never seen such a strong bond.) As a telepathic dragon, he tends to address the draconic types more than humanoids, as he feels this is complimentary to his rider's power. He can sense and communicate with any dragon regardless of breed or Vortal status, at distances up to 100 miles (it always seems that dragons have a broader range, but their communication is radically different from human speech). He can, however, speak English, has learned the Pyrrhan Draconic tongue, as well as Vortigese all with ease and without an accent.
Firebreath - pff. This dragon is not a combat model, if he's ever belched up flames it's entirely by accident. Oh no wait - there was one time, when he was quite young, as Clarity was going into Icarus. It is actually a good thing he was small, because he could easily have toasted the fuck out of the machinery nearby. But that's about it - toasty, not burning.
Vortal Vision; his vision mirrors that of his bond's: he can see magic, the Force, Vortessence, even 'divine' power all around him. He tends to see living things and items which have been altered by any form of magical power, and lacks the ability to 'track' with it, it's an immediate vision, rather than a longer-term or psychometric power. But when he and Clarity look through each other's eyes, they see and comprehend the same things about all of it.
Parentage: Mother Tork, dragon of Cobalt; Father Indrobiiz, dragon of Dante; (both linked on parents of Clarity above) it's no wonder they're paired up. Has nest-mates (unnamed / unbonded yet) around the Rookery. Also has half-siblings on Tork's side including Valentine's Ell'daa-veth, and on Indrobiiz's... in the form of Voy'urr
Origin: Hallowed Silk flight/pairing, Rookery/Healing Den sponsorship
Other Info: Lonukiz is a bit of a busy-body, and if he's not involved in something physical he tends to fidget and get a little on the nervous side. This is clearly why he's involved with dragon demonstrations at Carramba and in the Rookey, because if he wasn't worn out, he'd be doing that without supervision. He is actually a very good team leader, and enjoys the praise that he and his 'dancers' get when they perform.