Name: Leon Gaultier

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~40, unknown

Origin: Rookery Earth, French-Canadian family, however spent quite a long while in Boston at university, and picked up terms and accents

Family: Deceased, no known wife or children; has DNA splices used to help create Odell

Other: Is the de-facto leader of the Shorepoint refugees, and as such has also retained a lot of his charismatic role while in the Borealis. Well-respected, and for good reason.

Height: 6'0

Weight: 160, even build, not particularly muscular but not out of shape

Hair: Greying black, short cut natural afro, with a full well-maintained beard

Eyes: Medium brown, alert and careful, often concerned looking

Appearance: brown skinned with moles and a number of scars, but likes to keep himself clean and fancy looking. Has a pleasant voice, which can be both commanding and soothing. Typical African appearance in a wide nose, thick lips, and strong cheeks.

Genetic Abilities: None known, his charm and charismatic behavior might have an empathic component.

Icarus Processing: None, but may benefit from it, though it's highly unlikely that he would have it done at this point in his life. However, Melissa has expressed interest in using his DNA, since he doesn't have any contraindicatory markers that would warn away from Icarus use.

Image Credits: Valve / Gmod (unknown mod)

Skills or Profession: A communications student, who was in grad school at the time of the Invasions. Since he already had quite a bit of expertise in language and the technology behind radio and satelite communications, he kept using that knowledge to serve humanity and Vortikind, and is still doing so. He is quite good with small electronics and communication gear, radios, and computers. He has attempted to learn how the Combine's machinery functions, but there's not really enough intact to do that, and he doesn't want to risk sneaking into a Combine installation to get more. He has strong leadership skills and people enjoy working with him, as he's able to get the right people on jobs, and keep the work flow smooth. His ability to speak not just English but French and Italian has certainly been of use, upon moving to European Cities, and also later to help other people adjust in their new setting. He can quickly learn functional words and phrases in other languages, and he can read several more than he can speak. (He is quite good with signage and directions, maps, and electronic manuals as well.)
Personality: Dedicated and charming, Leon is a well-liked man, and is humble enough that this hasn't gone to his head as it has for some people (looking right at you, Breen). He has a pleasant sense of humor as well, and isn't going to say no to a drink or two in his down time. As the group of Shorepoint refugees grew, he knew they would need to be protected and assigned duties, and with his 'radio voice', he stepped up and has been willing to reach out to whoever needs aid.
Events or History: As a child he always was curious about the radio, not just the music coming out of it. He had a 'ham radio' setup thanks to his grandfather, and was intrigued by the way radio waves worked. Enough so that by the time he was 9 he had several hand-made units that he used to communicate with other radio fans. He also had assembled a satelite detector, antennas that vibrated with the overhead passing of each differently tuned unit. Along with this interest, his clear ability to assign and command his young friends as they played, was good enough to get him elected class president and valedictorian at his school. He graduated early, and headed into college, moving from his home country into the USA, where he attended MIT for communications and applied electronics. Unfortunately, he was still not quite graduated when the Resonance Cascade threw everything sideways. But his skills allowed him to help route people into the Cities as they were formed - something which he still isn't sure whether to be proud of, or ashamed - because so many of those people perished when the Combine arrived, due to being in them. But he's been making up for it ever since, as he and the other survivors were shuffled from place to place, relocated to keep them disoriented and confused. His multi-lingualism helped keep plenty of his companions safe and comforted, and eventually along with a few others, a train they were on derailed and they discovered the abandoned Shorepoint Industrial facilities. They would have perished there eventually, but for the Rookery's intervention.
When the dragons were ready to pick through these survivors, and head around the world again, Leon's has meant the world to him - literally the world, because this dragon can fly so far and wide...


Name: Brittle
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11' shoulder / 45' l / 95' ws
Colors: Mostly slate blue, icy grey blue underbelly scales and limbs, with medium grey-blue diamond shaped scales along side, and slate with white and black accents along most of body; Wingsails are gradient pale grey-blue to a darker indigo slate at the edges, filled with sparkling icy markings; claws and spikes are ice blue, horns ice blue to white; along face and spots on back a deep indigo blue scales; eyes are pale blue
Features: Hivewing / Icewing hybrid, four slender legs with paw-like feet, 5 and 4 curved sharp claws including thumb and heel claws; two leathery 4 fingered wings with elbow strut and massive wrist thumb, all having remarkably long, sharp claws, straight on fingers, and heavily jagged curved on thumb; body is scaled, with heavy plated armor along entire body, segmented on back and neck, with diamond-shaped scales growing bigger from neck to tail, armor on fronts of legs; body is sinuous, tail is long and tipped with a sharp whiplike end; face is heavily armored, with prominent nose hook and back facing horn, jaw nubs, external ears, and two upward turned long horns; body from neck to tail tip has sharp evenly spaced spikes
Powers: Winged Flight, Brittle is a remarkably good flier, though he thinks he may be even better if he had his mother's extra set of wings. He tends to fly during evenings and night time, relishing his coloration and stealth while flying. He is almost entirely silent in the air, unless he's doing a power move, or slashing something with his tail, which sounds like ice being shattered. He is strong enough to hold very large weights, but he does displace a lot of air if he's hovering, so he tends to keep moving if he's got to carry stuff. The spikes on his neck make it difficult to ride him, so Leon tends to sit behind his horns instead, allowing him to actually be able to hear commands or information that the Human passes along more easily.
Verbal Speech, Brittle is adept with Draconic and English, and is trying to pick up some of the French or Italian that his human friend uses too, but that's a little difficult as there aren't really any others who speak it nearby. He has a limited English vocabulary, prefering to speak to dragons, but when humans are present he makes the effort.
Ice and Cold Tolerance, Brittle's sire clearly was good with ice and the cold, he doesn't take any damage whatsoever from any of the temperatures they're all exposed to up in the Borealis facility. He doesn't stick to things if they get wet and freeze, he can basically walk across any icy surface with sure footing even without gripping with his hefty claws. But that said, he can also pierce ice up to three feet thick just with his wing thumb, and that goes for other very heavy substances too - like Combine armor, vehicles, and structures. He can fly and walk through ice storms and snow as if they were bright sunny days, though he doesn't tend to fly in complete blizzard conditions, keeping to the ground so he can get his bearings, and protect the humans in his care. While he himself takes no damage from the cold, he also doesn't really give off much heat - he can't reliably warm up those little people, it's as if he thrives on chill where they need warmth.
Brittle Breath, rather than having a fire based weapon, Brittles's is a deeply chill blast of air - not even ice or snow, but super-chilled air that can actually cut through ice itself by causing it to shatter. If aimed at a living thing, it will freeze solid and then fall to tiny pieces, and he can do this to even very large creatures such as Striders, with ease, though not at great distance. The cone of this breath weapon is short, no longer than 25 meters, but he can focus it down to a few feet wide and extend the distance up to 50 meters. This breath weapon can create traps and hazards for any Combine patrols - because he can instantly freeze things, the rebels can put down sheets of water even in a warm area, and he freezes them into a deceptively clear 'black ice' condition. This also includes 'over pits' which they will then fall into when the weight is right. He can do this to aerial surfaces as well, so with the addition of Seawings spraying water into a spot, he can chill it into a dome, or sharp spikes, to rain down on enemies, or protect people.
Parentage: Unknown Hivewing mother and Icewing sire, possibly related to Flurryswarm or others with that coloration
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart
Other Info: Brittle is usually silent, careful, and plotting. According to some, he 'thinks like a Combine', which helps them plot out locations to trap or tactics to employ. While he's still friendly enough, he isn't going to be the one that folks turn to for entertainment, like his human.