North Campus

Skyline Dorms, Glass Tower Dorms, Fountain, Memorial Monolith

Ahh, on campus living. Something for every taste and budget. The Carramba Memorial Monloith is the only taller object on campus than the Caffetorium's rim!

The inner-campus street Carramba Circle runs across the north portion of campus, and parking north of there is often cramped. Plans are in the works for a three-level parking structure (with landing pads for space- and air-worthy vehicles) specific to the Skyline, Glass Tower and Special Needs dorms.

Skyline Dorms

Built for our Human and Near Human students who need a place to stay during school sessions.

Each dorm is large enough for a bed, desk and some storage (all provided), there is a group kitchen on each floor, restrooms at the end of each hallway (six stalls each), and a bathing facility on the first floor only.

The building is three stories tall and has thirty dorms per floor. Currently there are six empty dorms, and a waiting list normally starts up in June.

Carramba Memorial Monolith

Honoring Olivier Carramba and his discoveries, this beautiful marble piece rises over 200 feet tall, and is brightly lit at night.

Dorms which require spot-shadows to sleep or study should request specific times and dates to have this bright light blocked.

  • Don't Climb the Monolith!
  • Yes! It's Art!


Glass Tower North/South Dormatories

Impressive as all getout, huh? Both Towers of the Glass dorms are made to last, all completely Cali-Quake-Safe. Six floors of pure white light, spun sugar and glimmering magic.

These dorms are for seniors and those who can afford them: they aren't free like the Skyline Dorms. There are four suites on each floor except the third, which has three and the large landing for the connective bridge.

  • Each suite has two bedrooms, a small kitchen, bathroom and shower, main common room and a computer network connection.
  • Parties are okay until 1:00 AM, after that, power shuts down automatically if more than three individuals are detected in the Dorm. (This may be an unexpected disaster for those who are studying in a group - please make arrangements with Admin so this won't happen to you!)
  • Only ONE person per bedroom! Two per suite!
  • Rent is $300 per month, utilities paid.
  • Three Suites open in North Tower, five open in South Tower.


This large pure-water fountain uses its own supply of recycled water and does not require outside lines.

It's great for splashing around in, and having fun getting good and wet!