Events? Why of course we have events!!

Right now, I can't think of any. I'm sure that'll change (6.17.14)(1.22.24 nothing much but links?)

Actually let's just use this space for 'connections'.

Carramba High is literally and metaphorically connected to a good number of other schools across Twoarth as well as the multiverse in general. These 'sibling schools' are often also nexus points and gather up some very unusual inhabitants. While some of these places can be considered 'accessable' not all of them are on Twoarth with Carramba. The world of Twoarth does have unique land features and the names of places, their locations, and their specific political geography may change from world to world.

Many schools listed here, like current Carramba, have a dragonry or dragon-bonding program in place. It is perhaps because of that, they have anything in common at all!

Wonder's Wonders - this is a school of (primarily) magic, located in a small town a few hundred miles from Carramba up in the foothills. The town's name is Wonder, by the way. Several students attend both schools, depending on their magical requirements, or those mages being sent to Carramba to learn 'normal stuff' to greater proficiency than their magic instructors can offer. (Currently has several alumni, but no main page.) Wonder is an offshoot of the deprecated wizard world we do not refer to any more.

House Domina - is a British school run by an American mage. With very close ties to Carramba as well as the Usagi Shimai of Gelgela, Domina is a very strongly independent resource for driven young mages. Where WW stresses overall achievement, Domina encourages unusual skills and focuses on 'whatever works best' for the individual. A number of instructors teach both at Domina and Carramba. Domina is an offshoot of the deprecated wizard world we do not refer to any more. Fuck that terf cunt.

Gelgela - where a necromancer and bunny girl can be king and queen... Sean and her husband Sapadt rule a carefully diplomatic and extremely well maintained country, Gelgela. Their world is filled with magic, humans and non-humans, and dragons. The 'bunny' thing is not figurative. The Usagi breed, furry quite like rabbit-morphs or kin on Twoarth but also all blessed with an innate form of magic, were all but extinct when Sean resurrected Sapadt and in the process discovered that Humans (and in fact other near-humans) could breed successfully with their furry companions. Most Usagi are at least partially Human, very few are full blooded. Carramba's nursing staff has several Usagi on call, as healing magic is an common power of theirs.

Paragon City Special Studies Program - Paragon's Earth was invaded by multidimensional aliens, but already had ancient gods and magical factions at war. It is a nexus of Superheroic types, and has a good number of instructors as well as students crossing over here at Carramba. Many of the local up and coming supers consider Paragon to be a goal, where they can contribute and aid, but also challenge themselves to become better heroes.

The Black Mesa Dragon Rookery - with a massive group of students here thanks to the Color Guard as well as any given Keenan Lane under the sun, the Rookery has a host of special people with amazing powers, not unlike superheoes, and many of those have residences and skill sets at Paragon too!

-- Though not 'schools' per-se, students and instructors hail from a variety of other places too:

Kshau Protectorate - alternate versions of the Protectorate's leader Shard have attended school here, and while he himself doesn't instruct, a good number of Dawnlight and Blackstone riders do. Site's in progress, lots of very very old pages there that won't work otherwise.

Alabaster Weyrhold and Alabaster In General - there's an Alabaster here in Twoarth don't worry.

Starship Caledrus - massive ship in the Hitch Hiker's universe, headed up by Woodstock Beeblebrox herself and hosting a wide variety of both aliens and dragons. Given the infinite improbability - or even the finite improbability that the Caledrus runs on - it was only a matter of time before they appeared in Twoarth's dimension. Sometimes along with the exploration and research vessel itself, another smaller ship can be found tagging along, the Starship Cherry Cream. Both of them contain passengers that have bonded dragons, and some instruct or even attend Carramba. (site revamp in progress.)

Far Far Galaxy - numerous new characters have been making appearances from this location, so here's a link to them.

Kthari Collective - set in the Star Wars 'verse, these humanoid aliens, while they have a very long-standing history on their world, were artificially created likely in the earliest eras of Human exploration. Multiple arms, wings and a tail feature on all of them - thus they have their own forms of martial arts as well as getting around, and some of them have been hired to teach at Carramba. Though they often shun highly technological aspects of their own universe, the ones who make it to Twoarth seem to be considerably looser in attitude.