Carramba High School Course Catalog |
Last Updated 1.11.25 -- adding profs+classes
Class Schedule and Course Load Advisory While most students at Carramba will take 8 periods worth of classes per semester, two semesters per school year, it is possible to take fewer or more classes, depending on existing knowledge levels and passing exams to prove ability. All students take entrance exams to judge prior knowledge levels, and are placed appropriately with the level of advancement they are comfortable with. Thus, Sophomores are often taking the same classes as Seniors, if they have the background and ability. *See note below about new C4 integration! Some students may opt to take the same course for their second semester in the case of a One Semester class (see below), but that doesn't mean it's going to be the same class over again. Carramba instructors are encouraged to mix up their syllabus between semesters, and provide a slightly different experience over the years. Students may opt to take more than 8 periods worth of classes, and must get an okay by the staff and their class vice principal before doing so. Typically students who live on campus or are transfer students having little or no local committments will be given the okay but will be observed. As long as their social interactions are healthy, cram as much as you want into a year. Supplies for certain classes are provided - all books and materials which the instructor needs, all testing materials, and overall relevant items are included in the free student experience. However, some classes do need other items (cyberdecks, minions, advanced art supplies or computer programs). School sports uniforms and equipment must be bought and tailored to comfortably suit the student, though low-income or non-local students without the ability to independently pay will be given a stipend to acquire these goods without damaging their finances. Musical instruments are not provided for free, students are encouraged to bring their own, or arrange the rental of instruments from the music department when needed. Any damage to equipment that is not 'normal wear' (for example, a flute needing to have its valves cleaned is normal wear; a flute getting crushed by an elephant while on a field trip is definitely not normal wear) is the responsibility of the student to repair or replace it. Students are required to bring writing materials, notebooks, towels or spare clothing, backpacks and whatever else they're in need of to each class - all of which can be bought cheaply at the campus stores. |
Info |
Description |
A |
Course is considered "Advanced", the student must either have passed a prior course or have the Professor's okay |
B |
Special "Body" requirement, certain people will not be able to attend this course due to incompatable body parts and/or physiological restrictions; note that students without these parts may participate under some circumstances as observers |
C |
Student must supply their own "Cyberdeck" or "Computer Parts" |
D |
Course is available only in a "Dual" semester or one-year format |
G |
"Godhood" or deity status is required for this course (may be extended to those with appropriate powers) |
O |
Course is available only in "One" semester or half-year format; for classes such as these, other single-semester classes may replace it for the second semester as long as the course requirements per class type are met; Student may repeat the course |
S |
"Special" circumstances are required for this course (vary as per need, ie: state of unlife/death, presence of mutant powers / physical mutations, psionic ability, synesthaesia, magical component or ability) |
W |
"Waiver" is necessary for this course due to physical or psychic danger; Vice Principal must okay any off-campus activities, other approval may be required for certain courses or groups Because of some classes complexity or danger to the student or surroundings, there are certain requirements which may be asked of the students. Safety is of primary concern to the school and as such any waivers or permission slips must be filled out and processed fully before the student attends classes with those requirements. Waivers filled out for one class are not automatically transferred to others - each class has its own and each must be fully processed in advance |
Off Campus |
This course may take place at Carramba but also has field trips, off-site workshops, visitations to other planets / dimensions / times, or is actually held on another campus entirely |
Taught By |
Refer to the Instructors list for more information about which professor you might want to work with When multiple periods are listed, the classroom generally remains the same, while the instructors move to it that period. Some classes or activities are listed as "Staff" - this indicates that while there are staff members on hand for the class period, there is no specific instructor, and as such the administration is directly responsible for the actions of the class/activity TBD / TBA to be decided/announced, indicates that while the class is currently being offered, the instructor has not yet contracted for it and cannot be confirmed. May be taught by a variety or substitute instructors in the meantime Some existing professors or retired staff return to substitute for newer ones, however most retirees and 'swapped out' instructors enjoy their retirement, please don't bother them unless they say it's fine... |
Building and Room Number |
Campus is described elsewhere, refer to the map for specific locations Each floor has its own set of rooms, and those marked with * are newly constructed floors or additions to the existing buildings As of 2020 several new buildings and renovations to older ones are in progress, however this work is being done in another dimension and will be 'popped in' when finished to avoid unnecessary delays in reaching classes that are blocked by the construction; many of these overlap with both public land use and C4 campus, and by the end of 2025 C4 and CHS will effectively be one 8-year long school... (* note, 2020s may extend in universe from real-world 2018 through 2030, but like all on-campus things time is mostly muddled and largely irrelevant...) For chart space purposes, the following abbreviations exist: H / Humanities; MS / Magic Studies; PS / Physical Sciences; AUD / Auditorium; Hyperlabs / HL |
Course Catalog: Click the title of the department, to read and review full class descriptions on their own pages. |
Required - one course per semester |
Requirements / |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Off- Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
D | E101 | Basic English (S+F) | x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
often | 1/3/5/7-Kayode, 2/4/6/8-Young (f) |
H 207 |
O | E102 | Journalism | x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
often | 1/3-Young; 2/8-Leland; 4/7-Cannon; 5/6-M.Jackson |
H 201 |
O | E103 | Fur Side Studies | x |
x |
yes | Keevok | H 401* | ||||||
O | E104 | Speech | x |
x |
3-G.Fettel, 6-Prescott | H 204 | |||||||
O | E105 | Practical Composition | x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Feliciane | H 403* | ||||
O | E106 | Technical Writing | x |
x |
3-Leland, 7-Wheeler | H 205 | |||||||
O | E201 | Genre-Driven Fiction | x |
x |
x |
McPanda | H 206 | ||||||
D | E202 | Modern Earth Literature (formerly E/Alien Lit) |
x |
x |
x |
Leland | H 205 | ||||||
OA | E203 | Fiction Writing | x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
4/5/7-Singe; 6-Gray; 8-Kayode | H 206 | ||||
DA | E204 | Ironic Literature | x |
x |
yes | P.Fettel | H 204 | ||||||
O | E205 | Penmanship and Calligraphy | x |
Feliciane | H 403* | ||||||||
O | E206 | Netiquette | x |
x |
Charybdis | H 203* | |||||||
DA | E301 | English (Honors) | x |
x |
x |
2-Gabriella, 5-Leland, 8-Seagrove | H 205 / Dome | ||||||
OA | E302 | Offworld Literature (formerly Martian Studies) |
x |
x |
often | Gabriella | H 202 | ||||||
DA | E303 | Fur Side Literature | x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
trips | 1/3-Keevok; 5-7-Seagrove | H 402* / Dome | |||
OA | E304 | Epic Poetry | x |
yes | Rayne | H 202 | |||||||
DA | E305 | Olde Englyshe Studies | x |
yes | Underwood | H 101 | |||||||
OA | E306 | Coddling Codexes | x |
Kale-Baah | H 205 | ||||||||
DA | E501 | Draconic Literature | x |
x |
x |
x |
yes | Bethoi | Draconic Library** | ||||
OA | E502 | Fur-Side Ritual and Mythos | x |
x |
trips | Kirabo | H 402* | ||||||
OA | E503 | Howl, Caw, Scratch | x |
x |
trips | Mint | H 401* | ||||||
DAW | E504 | Glyphs and Scripts | x |
yes | Valena | H 403* | |||||||
OAW | E505 | Decoding Magical Texts | x |
x |
yes | 4-Candycorn; 5-Liaxeri | Magic Studies Library** | ||||||
DA | E506 | Ancient Scrolls | x |
x |
yes | Alorel | Magic Studies Library** |
Required - one course per semester |
Requirements / Course # | HISTORY | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off-Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
D | 110 | Galactic Geography | x | x | x | x | x | Huntington | H 101 | ||||
O | 111 | (Two)arth Geography | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1-4-Rubio, 5-7-Rands | H 102 | ||
D | 120 S | Locals (S Twoarth) History | x | x | x | 2-Huntington, 3/4- Prescott | H 103 | ||||||
D | 120 F | Locals (F Twoarth) History | x | x | x | x | trips | 1/5-6-Karoo; 8-Oryx | H 103 | ||||
DW | 120 W | Locals Underwater History | x | x | x | trips | Seagrove | Dome | |||||
O | 230 H | History of Warfare | x | trips | G.Fettel | H 107 | |||||||
O | 230 B | Battlefields of Earth | x | x | trips | 2-G.Fettel; 5-alSahra' | H 107 | ||||||
D | 230 C | Colonization and Conflict | x | x | trips | Trickster | H 107 | ||||||
D | 110 | Galactic History (Local) | x | x | x | x | x | trips | Argle | H 108* | |||
D | 210 | Far Galactic History | x | x | x | trips? | Cannon | H 108* | |||||
OA | 424 | Multiplanar History | x | x | x | x | x | trips | 2/3-B.Hill; 5-Freemind; 7/8-Prescott | H 404*, HL F-001 | |||
OA | 112 | Nexus Geohistory | x | x | x | often | T. Kshau | H 401* | |||||
OA | 240 | Archaeology (Earth) | x | x | x | x | often | A.Sanger | H 105 | ||||
O | 555 | Celtic Studies (Skin/Euro) | x | x | trips | Underwood | H 101 | ||||||
O | ?? | Ancient Cultures (F Twoarth) | x | x | x | x | trips | Trickster | H 104** | ||||
OG | 514 | Living Mythology | x | x | x | often | 3/6-Kirabo, 4- Ninhursag | H 106 | |||||
O | 515 | Mythological History | x | x | often | Kuumba | H 104 | ||||||
O | 224 | Religion and Belief | x | x | x | often | 1/5-Mehta, 7-McPanda | H 106 | |||||
O | 228 | Current Earth Religions | x | x | yes | L.Sidki-Sanger | H 106 | ||||||
DAS | 082 | Naming and the Power of True Names | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3/5/6-Akarist, 4/7-Noah | MS Ancient Library B |
Required - one course per semester |
Requirements / Course # |
HUMANITIESand LANGUAGES | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off-Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
D | 323 | Political Science | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1-Silverfish; 3/5-Brennan; 4/6-Talshoy; 7-B.Hill; 8-A.Davis-Dawg |
H 302** | ||
O | 122 | Philosophy and Reality | x | Farber | H 406 | ||||||||
D | 242 | Anthropology (Earth) | x | x | x | yes | A.Davis-Dawg | H 107* | |||||
O | 128 | Current Affairs | x | x | x | Talshoy | H 302 | ||||||
O | 128 F | Fur-Side Social Issues | x | x | yes | Rayne | H 301* | ||||||
O | 128 E | Human Culture Studies | x | x | A Caroline Clone | H 105 | |||||||
Includes studies of: African/American, Native American, Eskimo, Aztec, Mayan, Caucasian Euro, Arabic, Russian, Germanic, Mediterranian, Egyptian, East African, West African, Southern African, Polynesian, Chinese, India, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, South Asian, Hawaiian, Samoan, other cultures as requested. | |||||||||||||
OA | ### | Gender Studies | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/6-Brennan; 4/8-Hidalgo | H 406 x- change this | ||||
OA | 328 | Inter-Species Politics | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 2- A.Davis-Dawg; 3/7-Liaxeri; 4/5-Kuyul |
H 405* | |||
O | 128 B | NanoCulture and Cyborgs | x | x | yes | Mandragora | H 306 | ||||||
O | 128 D | Demi-Human Cultures | x | x | yes | B.Stonefist | H 105 | ||||||
O |
251 | Economics | x | x | x | x | 1/6-Engel(fs), 2/4-A.Vale | Math 102 | |||||
OA | 344 | NonHuman Evolution formerly Alien Evolution |
x | x | yes | C'thain | H 304 | ||||||
O | 124 | Zekiran Culture | x | x | yes | 2-Hylith; 4-Paveh | H 304 * | ||||||
O | 125 | Non-Human Culture Formerly Mars and Venus Culture |
x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/5/6-Zero; 2/3-Noah | H 304 | |||
O | 123 | Tea Ceremony and Club | x | yes | McPanda | Dojo | |||||||
O | 126 | Royalty and Regular Folks | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes |
1/8-Wheeler; 2-Sean; |
H 308 | ||
O | 223 | Debate Tactics | x | x | R.Oryx | H 208 | |||||||
D | 130 | Linguistics | x | x | x | 1-A.Sanger, 3/4-Kale-Baah | H 202 | ||||||
D | 131 | Skin-Side Earth Languages | x | x | x | x | x | 1/2-Prescott, 3/7/8-Hirayama | H 305 | ||||
ESL, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Japanese, Mandarin (and other Chinese), Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Hindi, Bantu, Aborigine, Souix, Yiddish, Arabic, others as requested | |||||||||||||
D | 131 | Fur-Side Earth Languages | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1/4/8-Hylith; 2/3/7-Karoo; 5/6-Racön | H 301, Dome | |
Predator-speak, 'Domesticato', Herbivore-speak, Songbird, Deep-Sea, Amphib, Feline, Canine, Scent-based, Display-based, Locational Dialects, others as needed, water-based classes held in Dome | |||||||||||||
DA | 232a | Non Human Languages | x | x | yes | 2/7-Argle | H 203 | ||||||
On-World or Arcane- Elvish (high/ancient/dark), Dwarvish, Draconic, Pixie, Deep One, Migo, others as requested | |||||||||||||
DA | 232b | Non Human Languages | x | x | yes | 5/8-Noah | H 203 | ||||||
Off-World or Astral - Betelgeusian, Venusian, Martian, Zekiran, Gagrakackian, Irkan, Hutt, Vortigese | |||||||||||||
DA | 134 | Universal Sign Language | x | W.B. Poddie | H 303* | ||||||||
Using whatever limbs are available, body language, signs and graphics | |||||||||||||
O | 133 | Non-Sentient Languages | x | x | Luau | Uncertain... | |||||||
We are not at all sure which languages these might be. Animals, plants and inanimate objects? | |||||||||||||
O | *** | Vortal Communication | x | x | x | Bethoi | Draconic Library | ||||||
From Flux Shifting with Vortigaunts to Whalesong and Hummingbird, creatures discuss things in their own ways, and Bethoi knows them all | |||||||||||||
O | 135 | Advanced Technical Languages | x | x | sorta | Charybdis | HL C-010 | ||||||
Includes 13375p34|<, Office Jargon, Stock Exchange Lingo, Gangspeak, Combine, and others as needed | |||||||||||||
O |
235 | Ancient Earth Languages | x | x | x | x | 1/7-Cameron**; 5-A.Sanger*; 6-Mel Nightwind*** |
H 303 | |||||
Latin*, Pretentious Latin***, Ancient Greek*, Celtic**, Old One**, Old English*, Middle English*, Ancient Egyptian***, Sumerian***, Maian**, others as discovered | |||||||||||||
OS | 136 | Using Telepathy Politely | x | x | x | x | 1/3/6-Apogee, 8-Paveh | H 306 | |||||
O | 484 | Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter | x | x | x | yes | 2-Foxx, 5-Peacemongrel, 8-Carver | Rooftops, usually |
Required - one course per semester |
Requirements / |
MATHEMATICS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off- Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
D | 151 | Math, Just Math | x | x | x | x | Smith | Math 101 | |||||
D | 150 | Logical Thinking | x | x | Farber | Math 205 | |||||||
D | 150 A | Algebra Basics | x | x | N. California | Math 204 | |||||||
O | 152 | Business Math | x | x | x | Sila'Casar | Math 102 | ||||||
OA | 351 | Advanced Statistics | x | x | A.Vale | Math 104 | |||||||
OAW | 455 | Hyperdimensional Calculus | x | yes | M.Vale | HL V-010 | |||||||
D | 250 | Calculus Basics | x | x | N. California | Math 204 | |||||||
D | 250 A | Intro to Trig | x | x | N. California | Math 204 | |||||||
OA | 354 | Relatively Speaking | x | x | Smith | HL S-010 | |||||||
O | 154 | RealTime Geometry | x | x | Lari | Math 202 | |||||||
OW | 554 | Chaos Geometry | x | x | yes | a Caroline Clone | HL C-001 | ||||||
O | 242 | Cartography | x | x | x | Lari | Math 202 | ||||||
O | 352 | Betting and Odds | x | x | x | often | Haital | Math 103 | |||||
O | 155 | Measuring Up | x | x | x | Haital | Math 105 | ||||||
142 | Topology Vs Topography | x | x | Varnhagen/h | Math 203 | ||||||||
OC | 284 | Computational Topology | x | x | x | 2/4-Varnhagen/h (001), 7-Vax (100) | HL V-001, V-100 |
156 | Binary Information Structure | x | x | Varnhagen/h | Math 201 | ||||||||
O | 256 | Way Off Base 10 | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1/2/4- Blitz; 3/7/8- Saiintenella | Math 201 | |||
O | 254 | It's Astronomical | x | x | x | Saiintenella | Math 201 |
Required - one course per semester |
Requirements / Course # |
SCIENCE | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off-Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
D | 141 | Biology | x | x | x | x | 1/2- Larrabie; 3/5-Paveh | PS N 301 | |||||
O | S100 | Lab Procedure and Safety | x | x | x | x | 1/7-8- Beck; 4-Darkmatter | PS C 404 | |||||
O | 140 | Health for N00bs | x | x | Virus | PS 101 | |||||||
OA | 342 | Practical Anatomy | x | x | x | x | often | 3/6- V.Sanger 4/7- Masui | PS N 304 | ||||
OAWB | ?? | Science of Shapeshifting | x | x | x | often | Hylith | PS??? | |||||
OAWB | 444 | What You Can Learn From Looking At Your Brain | x | x | x | lab | Farber | PS 108 | |||||
O | 244 | Chemistry | x | x | x | x | Darnold | PS S 402 | |||||
O | 244 | Practical Draconic Chemistry | x | x | x | Potion | PS S ??? | ||||||
OAW | 445 | Advanced Biochemical Reactions | x | x | A.Vale | PS N 501 | |||||||
OAW | 245 | Radiation is your Friend | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1/2-Darkmatter; 4/5-Virus; 6/7-H'zardus | PS S 602, Cafetorium | |||
OA | 349 | Genetic Engineering | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1/2-Paveh; 4/6-8- Larrabie | Dome 3 | |||
OA | 349 A | Research Tactics for Genetic Engineering | x | x | x | yes | 2/5- Shy; 8- Masui | Dome 1 | |||||
OA | 349 B | Genetic Engineering: Animal Theory | x | x | x | x | yes | 3- Shy; 4- Hu; 7/8- Raihu | Dome 2 | ||||
OA | 349 D | Genetic Engineering: Draconic Psionic and Magical | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/5- Vahh, **4/7-Halmoni, | Draconic Studies 1 | ||||
OA | 540 | Veterinary Tech | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 3/4-K. Marad, 5-7/8-S. Marad | Off Campus and C4 | |||
DA | 640 | Pre-Pre-Med (humanoid) | x | x | x | yes | 2/6- Walsh; 3- Masui | PS N 403 | |||||
O | 141 A | Oceanography | x | x | yes | 5-W.B. Poddie; 8-Plunge | Dome 1 | ||||||
O | 141 B | Marine Biology | x | x | x | yes | 1/2- Hu; 6- W.B. Poddie | Dome 2 | |||||
O | 241 I | Quantum Entomology | x | yes | Batty | PS N 303 | |||||||
O | 140 A | Allergies Are Everywhere | x | x | Virus | PS 101 | |||||||
O | 143 | Herbs and Veggies | x | x | x | x | x | x | often | 2/5-Ihrinnah; 3/4/6/7-Airich | PS N 401* | ||
O | 144 | Hedge Mazes: Alibi and Art! | x | x | x | x | often | 1/8-Ihrinnah; 3/4-Yvane | PS N 401 and field | ||||
O | 142 | Fertilizer And You | x | x | x | often | Herring | Field | |||||
O | 142 A | Rocks, Gems, Dirt | x | x | x | x | x | often | 1-Ramrod, 5/6-Ainea, 3/8-alSahra | PS S 303 | |||
OW | 146 | Explosions! | x | x | please | Walsh | Field, assorted | ||||||
O | 145 | Fun With Physics | x | x | x | x | x | M.Vale | PS S 302 | ||||
O | 145 A | Theoretical Physics | x | x | x | trips | Freeman | PS S 304 | |||||
O | 181 | Electronics For The Future | x | x | x | 3/4-G0rd-OS, 7-Smith | HL G-001, S-010 | ||||||
O | 281 A | Speculative Engineering | x | x | x | x | 3/6-Vax(100), 4/5-Valarian(100) | HL V-100, V-001 | |||||
O | 281 | Mechanical Engineering | x | x | x | x | x | 1/5-G0rd-OS, 4/7-8-Vasalo | PS S 304 | ||||
OW | 281 V | Vehicular Engineering | x | x | x | yes | Tirleda | Shop | |||||
O | 183 | Computer Basics | x | x | W.B. Poddie | HL P-001 | |||||||
O | 381 | Robotics | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/3-Wheeler, 5/6-Mandragora | HL W-010, M-001 | ||||
OA | 381 A | Synthetic Intelligences | x | x | Sila'Casar | HL S-011 | |||||||
OC | 283 | Cyberdecks And You | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1/4-Lyle(001), 3-M.Jackson(J-001), 5-Vax(V100), 6/7 Blitz, 8- Sila'Casar(C-011) |
HL J-001, L-001, V-100, C-011, B-010 | ||
OA | 283B | Advanced Computer Coding | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1/2-Freemind; 3/4-Wesson; 7/8-G0rd-OS |
HL F-001, HL W-010, HL G-001 |
OC | 283A | Virtual Realm Maintenance | x | x | x | x | sorta | 3/4-Freemind; 5/6-Charybdis | HL F-001, HL C-010 | ||||
O | 282 | Communication and Broadcasting Technology | x | x | x | yes | M.Jackson | HL J-001 | |||||
OAWS | 488 | Astrogation | x | x | yes | Lyle | PS C 604 | ||||||
OAW | 383 | Stardrive Repair | x | x | yes | Lyle | Shop | ||||||
OGW | 448 | Make Your Own Planet | x | x | x | yes | Ninhursag | Off Campus | |||||
OW | 246 | Steam Technology and Alternate Power Sourcing | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/2-Vasalo, 4/6-Wheeler | PS C 401 | ||||
OASW | 345 | Alchemy | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/8-Varnhagen/fs, 3/6-Cameron | MS Ancient Library | ||||
DAWS | 484 | Time Travel: Machinery and Mapping Tech | x | x | x | yes | Q. Pepper | HL K-001 |
Required - one course per semester -- IN PROGRESS 4.15.24
Requirements / Course # |
PHYSICAL EDUCATION | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off-Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
O | 160 A | General P E MALE | x | x | x | x | Tseo | Field, Recreation Center | |||||
O | 160 B | General P E FEMALE | x | x | x | x | x | Kaytcha Linea ahlKhat* | |||||
The General Physical Education department applies itself to the needs of mainly bipedal human-sized folks. With overall fitness in mind, the year's course will include a quarterly assessment of health so that no one is going to be overwhelmed or if they're already 'in shape' that they are suited to another class instead. Both indoors and outdoors activities such as basic gymnastics, weight training, running, and simple ball sports (usually not team-based) are covered in a curtailed manner. When more specific goals are intended, the student usually will be moved into that course before the middle of the first Quarter. |
O | 360 D | Draconic P E | x | x | x | x | x | 2/6-Halmoni; 3-5 T.Houten | Dragon Field | ||||
Overall these classes for dragons include exercises in climbing, ground running and agility, learning to fly, swim, or burrow as physical needs arise. Also health education for both dragon and bond if needed. Small dragons may attend internal classes, but the larger ones may have their own entire section of the Magical Campus for their use at this point, as it was already a pocket dimension suitable for large scale events. |
O | 161 A/B | Modern Dance A / B | x | x | x | x | shows | 2/3-Carson (a); 6/7-Jefferson (b) |
Dance Hall & Auditorium |
A class includes singles and group dancing with Shag, Salsa, Merenge, Lindy Hop, Balboa, Lambada, Zydeco, Jitterbug; B class includes Interpretive Ballet, Breakdance, Disco, Line Dance, others as invented/encouraged | |||||||||||||
O | 161 C | Ballroom Dancing | x | x | shows | Zvan | |||||||
Includes pairs dancing with Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Slow Foxtrot, Slow Waltz, Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble, Jive, East and West Coast Swing, Mambo, Bolero, Polka, Schottische, Two-step and others as requested | |||||||||||||
D | 161 L | Ballet | x | x | x | x | shows | 1/5-C.Benali; 4/8-T.Benali | Dance Hall & Auditorium | ||||
O | 361 D | Draconic Dance | x | x | x | x | yes | Gemb-Shale | Dragon Field, Auditorium | ||||
O(S) | 161 S | Digital Dancing | x | x | yes? | Boreah | HL B-001 | ||||||
OAW* | 261 Q | Pole, Belly & Burlesque* | x | x | x | yes | 6/7-Velenis; 8-Darrow | Dance Hall, Gym Floor | |||||
Includes pole, rope, trapeeze, ribbon, and other enviornmental assistance, and a variety of body-based movement (belly is hardly all that can dance!); *note that these courses are for acrobatic and athletic performance value, and are not intended as 'adult' content, however they do require an adult's signature for participation | |||||||||||||
OB | 163 | AntiGravity Aerobics | x | x | x | x | 1/5-Dyal; 4/6-Darrow | Antigravity Unit | |||||
OA | 164 | Cheerleading | x | x | x | x | often | Zhountiq | Field | ||||
Gymnastics | x | x | x | x | often | Xhaiq | Gym Main Floor | ||||||
Bollywood & Flashmobs | x | x | x | ** Crossover with Theater | Dance Hall, etc | ||||||||
All dance classes have been moved to more specific use venues. A newly constructed two floor Dance Hall is nearer the main campus but the lower floor also includes the ability to shift to full roller-derby and competitive interior rolling sports with a surface that can be altered from a large flat area to an incline-sided ring or reconfigured to any number of lumps and bumps for entertainment. Of course the Auditorium is still fit for a large audience, with the stage available for everything from poetry sessions and theater plays, ballet recitals to modern catwalk modeling shows, to full on rock and roll concerts! |
O | 274 | Semi-Pro Massage | x | x | x | Zoeller | Gym 1st Floor | ||||||
O | 162 | Posing and Weight Training | x | x | some | V.Sanger | Gym 1st Floor | ||||||
O | ?? | Wrasslin' and Sumo | x | x | x | some | Santini | Gym Dojo | |||||
O | 171 F | Modeling | x | x | x | x | x | often | 2/8-Lallidarr, 4/6-Heddi, 7-Hidalgo | Auditorium, Varies | |||
Hand-Eye Skill Training | x | x | x | x | some | 1/3-Xayn; 5/6-Xhaiq | Gym Dojo | ||||||
OA | 165 | Advanced Relaxation | x | x | x | x | x | x | 2/6/8-Neko, 3/4- Dude, 7-Luau | Anywhere | |||
The personal aspects of training for individual gains are represented by this cluster of 'solo' type events, though Wrasslin is definitely a pairs feature. These classes may also overlap with other types of class such as performance, textiles, and physical therapy. The Hand-Eye Skill training classes include solo, pairs, and teamwork for juggling, darts, and occasionally cross over to various track and field events, ball sports, air hockey, foosball, 'boardwalk' style skill (?) games, and and the like. While several of these courses also have competitive angles, they mostly provide a method for personal outlets without the requirements of a team sport. |
OW | 160 S | Swim Team | x | x | often | 4/5-O'tir | Pool | ||||||
OWB | 160 D | Deep Water Sports (waterbreathers+) | x | x | yes | 6/7-Dean Rhein | Wave Pool (under surface), Dome Exterior | ||||||
OW | 160?? | Water Safety (Basic) | x | x | yes | Plunge | Pool, Dome Exterior | ||||||
OW | 160 V | Pool Sports | x | x | x | x | events | 2/3/7-O'tir; 6-Dude^ | Pool | ||||
Includes Water Polo, Aquabatics, ^Triathalon Training/Swim, ^Rowing, Speed and Style Laps | |||||||||||||
OW | 260 D | Diving (Low, Platform, Cliff) | x | x | x | often | Apogee | Pool, Wave, Dome | |||||
Low and Platform held in the old Pool, while Cliff diving is available at the Wave Pool or Dome | |||||||||||||
OW | 160 P | Surfing (Normal, Body, Interdimensional^) | x | x | x | yes | 1^/5-Dude, 8-K.ahlKhat | Wave Pool, Beach | |||||
With the exception of the Interdimensional Surfing portion of these classes, all of the water-based PE events have been moved to a much larger venue upgraded with the rest of the campus. While their older pool was more than adequate for humanoid-sized students, it's been clear that they needed bigger and bolder areas to work with. The Dome being out in the actual ocean means that safety equipment is set up for events, but otherwise usually is in the form of on-site lifeguards rather than more complex force fields or netting. Anything that can injure local wildlife or surfers is put up with obvious warnings and is taken down when an event is over. All manner of safety methods are in place to prevent student or spectator injury, but sometimes water has its own ideas, so please exercise caution at all times around any of the campus' varied water features. |
OW | 160 T | Track and Field Team | x | x | x | x | x | x | often | 2/3/6/8-L.ahlKhat; 5/7-Phillips^ | Field | ||
Includes Running^, Hurdles^, Long and High Jumping, Marathon, Biathalon, Triathalon Training/Running, Cycling^, Relay^, Thrown (Javelin, Kaber, Shot Put), others as needed | |||||||||||||
OW | 360 T | Draconic Track and Field | x | x | x | x | yes | Kazkegu | Outer Field | ||||
Includes courses for wingless ground races, agility training, climbing, burrowing, etc in addition to aerial agility, speed, and other such needs, for individual competition and workouts rather than strictly team-based | |||||||||||||
OW | 261 V | Verticality: Climbing And Scaling | x | x | often | Saqqaf | Gym Interior | ||||||
OW | 261 P | Parkour And Free-Running | x | x | often | Saqqaf | Anywhere | ||||||
OW | 268 E | Urban Exploration | x | x | yes | Saqqaf | Undisclosed Locations | ||||||
OWS | 163 T | Teleportation Practice | x | x | x | x | x | yes? | 1/8-Lane; 2/5/7-Retali8r *crossover with Special Trades |
All Over | |||
The Track and Field department covers motion and running, as well as the traditional events which should only be handled outdoors such as javelin and shot put, high and long jumping, and the like. The new larger field incorporates a running track as well as cycling, though more rolling sports occur indoors and with their own grouped classes below. |
OW | 160 F | Specific Sport Teams | x | x | x x |
often | 4-Football-Tseo 5-Football-Hilton* 8-Basketball-Lilitu 8-Soccer/Futbol-Tseo |
Field, Arena, Varies | |||||
These periods are dedicated to their individual competitive teams, a focus class that, while it may have other students, they may or may not serve as team members - perhaps as backups or sideline aides. The teams themselves and their coaches may often be found traveling to other schools and even other states for events. They may be indoor or outdoor games, depending on the instructor and the scope of the sport. Multiple teams may be training on the field, depending on the period taught, and their instructors may vary. | |||||||||||||
O | 160 O | Outdoor / Team Ball Sports | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | often | 1/5/7-Neko^; 2/4-Phillips*; 3-Tseo!; 6-Lilitu; 8-Kazkegu | Field, Arena, Venues |
Baseball!, Blaseball*#, Brockian Ultra Cricket*#, Cricket^, Croquet, Softball (normal)*, Tennis*, Golf^, Soccer!, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, others as needed; Jr Galactic Softball exclusively taught period 8; #banned during school hours, alternate reality field only, requires waiver |
O | 160 I | Indoor / Team Ball Sports | x | x | x | x | x | x | 1/4/8-Lilitu*; 2/5/7-Xayn | Sports Arena | |||
Badminton*, Basketball*, Bowling, Dodgeball*, Hackeysack*, Handball, Racquetball, Table Tennis, Foosball, Air Hockey, Volleyball* | |||||||||||||
OW | 160 W | Exotic Team Sports | x | x | x | x | x | often | Brasedi supervising, Various | Field, Magic, etc | |||
Magical, Zekiran Steed Polo, Full Immersion Virtual Capture the Flag, Dragon Racing^, others as needed ** Brasedi added after 2020 graduation! | |||||||||||||
OW | 160 R | Board & Rolling (Team & Solo) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | often | 1-2/4-*Chipper; 3/6-8-**Wavehawk | Skate park, Dance Hall | |
*Roller Hockey, *Skating (inline, racing), *Roller Derby; **Skateboarding, **Snowboarding, **Skiing, **Hoverboarding, **Luge/Street Luge, **Half Pipe (Skate/Ski/Board) | |||||||||||||
OW | 160 Q | Ice Rink Sports | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | often | 2-4/6-*T.Qitara; **5/7/8-Chipper | Expanded Indoor Rink | |
*Basic and Advanced Ice Skating, *Ice Dancing, *Figure Skating, **Ice Hockey, **Curling, **Speed Skating | |||||||||||||
OW | 360 W | Draconic Team Sports | x | x | x | x | often | 1/3-Halmoni; Brianola 4/8 | Dragon Field, Magic, etc | ||||
Riderless or ^dragon specific teams; includes Parade Management, Elemental Use, and other variables (overlaps Dragon Racing with a different emphasis), Grounded and Aerial (and likely Aquatic) specific sports | |||||||||||||
OW | 260 M | Animal Riding (^ flighted) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | usually | 1/7-Vahh^; 2/3-Autry; 4/5-Raihu^; 6/8-Hu |
Field, Dome Exterior |
DAW | 260 R | Rodeo Sports | x | x | yes | Autry | Field / Event Areas | ||||||
OAW | 261 D | Dungeon Crawl Team | x | x | x | often | 3-Ashigaru, 7/8-Mehta | BELOW... | |||||
DW | 261 C | Geocaching And Treasure Hunting | x | x | x | often | Vasquez | Anywhere | |||||
O | 188 A | Storable Monster Hunting & Training |
x | x | x | x | often | Vola | Field | ||||
OAW | 268 H | Big Game Hunting | x | x | x | x | often | 1/5-Vasquez, 2/8-Axemurderer | Field? | ||||
OW | 161 P | Paintball Team | x | x | often | Axemurderer | Field / Bunker | ||||||
OW | 261 A | Gun And Weapon Safety | x | often | Vasquez | Field / Bunker | |||||||
OAW | 261 S | Special Forces Training | x | x | often | G.Fettel | Field / Bunker | ||||||
OW | 261 I | Improvisational Weaponry | x | x | usually | Freeman | Field or Undisclosed | ||||||
OWS | 361 | Practical Augmentation Control | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3-Mandragora; 5/8-Defrag *Crossover with Special Trades |
Gym / Bunker | ||||
OW | 161 M | Martial Arts | x | x | x | x | x | x | often | 1- Barnes; 3/4-Hagen; 6-Phoenix; 2/7-Canby | Gym Dojo | ||
DW | 261 W | Weapon-Based Martial Arts | x | x | x | x | x | x | often | 1/3-Odalo; 2/7-Ashigaru; 4-Tirleda; 5-Varnhagen/fs; 6/8-Yinn |
Gym Dojo* | ||
Note that for all Martial Arts, if there are weapons to be learned, the student must be able to prove legal ownership/have family ownership of items. Various martial arts taught include but are not limited to: Fencing, Boxing, Archery, Wrestling, Karate, Wing Chun, Bando, Kickbocking, Taekwondo, Savate, Jujutsu, Judo, Aikido, Iaido, Bojutsu, Kendo, Banshay, Kalarippayattu, Offensive Accurpressure; Lightsaber work requires special permits and approval, and do not use full beam strength | |||||||||||||
OWS | 261 M | Martial Arts for Non-Humans | x | x | x | x | often | 1-Saiintenella, 4-Zero, 6-Lari, 8-Treason |
Gym 2nd Floor | ||||
OW | 261 X | Martial Arts and Stealth for Deselection Practitioners | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/6-Hart, 3/8-Aretha | Gym, don't get in their way | ||||
OW | 261 F | Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/6-Darnell; 3-Yinn; 5-Carver; 8-Alcott |
'Carvin' It Up' (Wilson's Fitness Center) | |||
Optional - one course per year |
Requirements / Course # |
GENERAL TRADE | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off-Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
O | 180 | Home Ech!onomics | x | x | x | D'ouberville | Shop Room A | ||||||
O | 180 A | Cake! | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/4-Shy; 2/7-Candycorn | Food Pavilion | ||||
O | 180 S | Curry! | x | x | yes | Batty | Food Pavilion | ||||||
O | 180 P | Mixology | x | x | yes | Racön | Food Pavilion | ||||||
O | 180 E | Exotic Diets and Cooking | x | x | x | yes | 2-Carver, 6/7-L.Sidki-Sanger | Food Pavilion | |||||
O | 180 # | Food Prep and Serving | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3- K.Zuvraat, 2/4 Z.Zuvraat | Cafetorium | ||||
O | 184 B | MetalShop | x | x | 3-Krueger, 6-Valena | Shop Room B | |||||||
O | 184 A | Autobody and Paint | x | x | Krueger | Shop Room B | |||||||
OW | 262 | Driving (Manual) | x | x | x | yes | Krueger | Shop Lot | |||||
OW | 262H | Driving (Grav/Hovercraft) | x | x | yes | Donbon | Shop Field | ||||||
OWC/S | 360 | Mech Suit Piloting | x | x | x | x | yes | Valarian | Shop Field | ||||
OWA | 362 | Starship Basics | x | Lyle | Shop Room A | ||||||||
OW | 265 | Excavation and Tunneling | x | x | yes | Stonefist | BELOW | ||||||
OA |
271 | Armoring/Weaponsmithy | x | x | x | 3/4- Collins, 8- Hagen | Shop Room B | ||||||
OW | 272 | Taxidermy | x | Herring | Shop Basement | ||||||||
O | 170 T | Textile Manufacture | x | x | x | x | 1/4- Shalen; 6/7- Lallidarr | Shop Room A | |||||
O | 185 | Silk Screen | x | x | x | 2/5- Phoenix, 8-Krueger | Shop Room C | ||||||
?? | 270 | Recordkeeping Tactics | x | x | yes | Kuyul | Library | ||||||
O | 170 B | Bookbinding & Typesetting | x | x | x | Liaxeri | Library Back Room | ||||||
O | 186 | Trout Breeding | x | Herring | Food Pavilion | ||||||||
OA | 286 | Advanced Sushi Tech | x | Herring | Food Pavilion | ||||||||
O | 182 | Typing and VPod Use | x | x | Zoeller | PS C 303 | |||||||
O | 378 | Civil Engineering | x | x | Z'iun | PS ? | |||||||
OA | 388 | Environment Crafting* | x | x | x | yes | 5/6-Penbardd, 8-Silverfawn | PS Varies | |||||
*Enviornment Crafting also qualifies under Special Trade training, however it is a more technologly-friendly version of the Terrain Correction classes taught by the Magic studies / Dimensionality group and tends toward practical engineering rather than improbable alterations. | |||||||||||||
DA | 641 | Forensic Studies | x | x | yes | Walsh | PS Basement | ||||||
OA | 298 A | Economic Structure and Reassignment Via Physical Means | x | x | yes | Magpie | .... Not sure. They're thieves. | ||||||
OAW | 298 B | Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/2/6-S.Fate, 3/4-Carver, 5-Donbon, 7- Hart, 8- Ravenquill | Stay clear of wherever you see them. |
Optional (requires special circumstances in many cases) - one course per year |
Requirements / Course # | SPECIAL TRADES | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off-Campus | Taught By... | Building and Room Number | |
Divine and Demonic Studies - these classes cover abilities that occur due to spiritual or belief-based methods, such as prayer, demi-god status, being blessed by a deity, or alternately cursed; they also cover manipulations of those effects or abilities, and may be considered heretical by many religions. Care should be taken to only ever practice or do homework in a safe location for that reason. While divine/demonic forces are certainly welcome on campus, they may be disruptive outside it, Carramba High School's waiver does not cover any damages incurred while off school property. | |||||||||||||
O | 086 | Meditation Tech | x | x | Luau | Anywhere | |||||||
O | 085 X | Prayer That Works | x | x | 2-Luau, 4-Mehta | Anywhere | |||||||
O | 085 C | Afterlife Choices | x | P.Fettel | Magic Campus | ||||||||
OG | 085 A | Godhood And You | x | x | yes | Nergal | Off Campus Lab | ||||||
OG | 085 | Divinity 101 | x | x | yes | Wenona | Off Campus Lab | ||||||
OG | 085 D | Demonic Re-Orientation | x | x | x | x | yes | 5/8-Ghinjarr 6/7-Aliza | Off Campus Lab | ||||
OG | 085 B | Responsible Channeling | x | Ninhursag | MS N6A | ||||||||
OAWS | 289 A | Advanced Summoning | x | x | yes | 2-Lethe, 4-Cameron | MS S | ||||||
OWS | 289 X | Dispelling Things | x | x | yes | 1-Lethe, 8-Cameron | MS C | ||||||
OWS | 289 W | Warding and Shields | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/3-Hoarfrost, 4/7-Shelby | MS C | ||||
OWS | 083 X | Haunting | x | x | yes | Shout! | MS N5A | ||||||
OWS | 083 Z | Spirit Management | x | x | yes | Shout! | MS N5A | ||||||
DWSA | 583 B | Sciomancy | x | x | yes | Price | MS N5B | ||||||
DWS | 583 A | Necromantic Manipulations | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3/5-Sean, 6/7-Price | MS N5C | |||
OS | 199 B | Living With Undeath | x | x | x | x | yes | 3/8-Shout, 5/6-Nergal | MS ** | ||||
Dimensionality - these courses affect both the physical world and any others connected to it, usually through raw force of will or technology, though can include divine or magical means. As above, Carramba High's campus is a safe zone to practice these abilities, however anything that directly alters on-site structures will be scrutinized, and any off-site use may be subject to legal punishment without a permit. Notably however, Crescent City does have numerous seasonal openings for permits, so get that ski lift ready, or a big tsunami party on the beach... Just make sure you've got the right permits for it. | |||||||||||||
OWS | 289 B | Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes | x | x | x | x | yes | 2-Lane, 5/7-M.Houten, 8-Lethe | MS 2B | ||||
OWS | 289 C | Personal Space Creation | x | x | x | x | yes | 3/5/6-Bunyi, 4-Lane | MS 2B | ||||
OG | 541 | Terrain Correction | x | x | x | YES | 1-Ninhursag, 7/8-Nergal | Off Site Lab | |||||
OWS | 192 | Contemporary Intergalactic HitchHiking | x | x | x | yes | 5/6/8-Awesomesauce | Rooftops, poolside, wherever | |||||
OWS | ### | Exploring Portals Safely | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3/4-Alcott; 7/8-Chaperon | Hyperlab Portal Chamber | |||
Interdimensional Surfing | x | Dude | crossover with Pool | ||||||||||
Combat and Elemental Magic - the mainstay of the Magic Department's training, this covers sparring and expression using both willpower and foci, primarily for those who will specialize in tournament or real combat later in life. Obviously no combative use of these powers is allowed outside of class, and no practice is allowed off-campus unsupervised. | |||||||||||||
OWS | 389 | Combat Magic | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 2-Hagen; 3/5/6-Lethe; 4/7-Darnell | MS 1A | ||
OWAS | 487 O | Advanced Offensive Magic | x | x | yes | Amalthea Sanger | MS 6B | ||||||
OWS | 084 P | Pyrotechnical Combat Strategies | x | x | x | yes | 5-7-Chon-gi | Off Campus Lab | |||||
OWS | 387 F | Basic Fire Magic | x | yes | Pandemonium | MS 1B | |||||||
OWS | 387 I | Basic Ice Magic | x | x | yes | Wenona | MS 1B | ||||||
OWS | 387 E | Basic Earth Magic | x | yes | Berat | MS 1B | |||||||
OWS | 387 W | Basic Water Magic | x | yes | Taika | MS 1B | |||||||
OWS | 387 A | Basic Air Magic | x | x | yes | Alicia Cane | MS 1B | ||||||
OWS | 387 S | Basic Shadow Magic | x | x | yes | Shelby | MS ? | ||||||
OWS | 387 L | Basic Light Magic | x | x | x | yes | L. Stonefist | MS | |||||
OWS | 387 P | Basic Plant Magic | x | x | x | yes | 1/5-Pandemonium; 8-Yvane | MS | |||||
OWAS | 487 A | Advanced Air Magic | x | x | yes | Whisperwing | MS Demo Hall/ Outside | ||||||
OWAS | 487 F | Advanced Fire Magic | x | x | yes | Chon-gi | MS Demo Hall / Outside | ||||||
OWAS | 487 E | Advanced Earth Magic | x | yes | Berat | ||||||||
OWAS | 487 W | Advanced Water Magic | x | x | yes | 4-Whisperwing, 7- Taika | MS Demo Hall/ Outside | ||||||
OWAS | 487 I | Advanced Ice Magic | x | x | yes | Shelby | MS ? | ||||||
OWAS | 487 S | Advanced Shadow Magic | x | x | yes | S. Filidechiroptidae | MS Demo Hall/ Outside | ||||||
OWAS | 487 L | Advanced Light Magic | x | x | yes | M. Houten | MS | ||||||
Non-Combat Magic - Though most magic-users will assert that many aspects of these courses may contribute to combat, they're rarely used during a fight, and concentrate on exploration, healing, and practical uses of magic. The standard Waiver for magic studies must be fully up to date for every class. Note that some aspects of these courses may be quite helpful outside of Carramba, some may require additional permits and business licenses to practice elsewhere. | |||||||||||||
OWS | 085 H | Magical / Psionic Healing | x | x | x | x | yes | 3/5-Malai; 4/8-Retali8r | MS 4B | ||||
OWS | 385 B | Blood Magic | x | x | x | x | yes | 3/7-Wynnah; 4/8-Taika | MS ?? | ||||
OWS | 085 E | Evolutionary Manipulation Via Magic | x | x | yes | Pandemonium | MS Modern Library B | ||||||
OWS | 387 P | Practical Potion Making | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3-Racön; 2/7-Malai; 4/5-Darnold; 6/8-Candycorn |
MS Potions Lab |
OWS | 386 | Selecting Wands and Foci for Magical Use | x | x | yes | 1/7-Vaelan; 2-Darnell | MS Ancient Library A | ||||||
386 B | Repairing Magical Objects | x | x | x | yes | 2/5-Vaelan; 7-Varnhagen/fs | MS 2B | |||||
?? | Magical Metals | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/2-Valena; 4/5-Khavahli; 6-Varnhagen/fs |
MS 2A | ||||
OWS | 285 A | Transmogrification | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/4- Zvan; 6/8- D'reshial | MS 3B | ||||
OWS | 540 T | Familiar Care and Training | x | x | x | yes | 3/6-B.Kshau, 8-Vasquez | Dragon Field | |||||
OWS | 540 N | Magical Animal Healing | x | x | yes | Wenona | MS 4B | ||||||
OWBS | 066 | Shapeshifting Techniques | x | x | x | x | x | often | 2-Khavahli; 3/5-Treason; 4/8-Arothphael |
Unknown | |||
DWS | 285 B | Magic While Shapeshifted | x | x | yes | Amalthea Sanger | MS 3B | ||||||
OB | 087 | Four-Legs Plus | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/5-Candycorn; 2/6-T.Houten; 3/7-Dian Rhein |
Field | ||
OWS | 489 | Magic for Non-Humanoids | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/8-S. Filidechiroptidae; 3/4-Mint | MS Demo Hall/Outside | ||||
OWS | ### | Psionics For Morphs and Kind | x | x | yes | 1/8-Mint | MS/Outside | ||||||
OWS | ? | Proper Pronunciation Techniques | x | x | x | ? | B. Teremteni | MS | |||||
OWS | 187 C | Illusions and Charms | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/4- D'reshial; 3/7- L. Stonefist | MS | ||||
OWS | 187 D | Oneiromancy | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/5-Alorel, 2-Dreamwalker, 3/4-7/8- Oneirocritic |
MS | |
OWS | 387 B | Mastering Spell Magic | x | x | yes | Alorel | MS | ||||||
Heroic Studies - Carramba High is home to a number of blossoming hero teams, and its training is nationally lauded. Its field-training facilities are shared with C4, and plays host to a number of West-Coast divisions of heroic recruitment centers. Though Carramba does not openly condone turning to villainy, we understand that expectations differ from families or associations, and CHS will remain neutral for any legal purposes. If required by law, records and grades will be turned over, but not offered until necessary. | |||||||||||||
OWS | 084 B | Superheroing For Profit | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/8-LaShan, 4/5/7-Foxx | Off Campus Lab | |||
OWS | 384 B | Super Team Building | x | x | x | yes | 1/3-Ultra, 6-Dane | Off Campus Lab | |||||
OWS | 384 T | Super Team Tactics | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/8-Wesson, 2/4-Ultra, 7-Dane | Off Campus Lab | |||
DWS | 384 M | Magical and Sentai* Team Tactics | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3-Darrow; 2/5-Yvane; 4/6-alSahra; 7/8-Shimizu |
Off Campus Lab |
* note that while the title may inspire specific imagery, any student with a 'transformation sequence' is very welcome in this class. Team Building, Interpersonal Relations, and Transformation Tips all included | |||||||||||||
OWS | 084 F | Mastering Flight | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/2/8-Tempest; 3/5-Dreamwalker, 4/7-Treason; 6-Batty | Off Campus Lab |
OWS | 084 N | Navigation & Skywatch for Fliers | x | x | x | yes | 5/8-Ultra, 2-Dane | Off Campus Lab | |||||
OWS | 084 S | Ground Navigation for Speedsters | x | x | x | x | 3/8-Phillips; 4/5-Silverfish | Heroic Field, City | |||||
OWS | 084 Z | Powers and their Use | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/4-LaShan, 2/6-Treason; 3/5- Darkmatter; 7/8-Ramrod |
Off Campus Lab |
** | ** | Non-Human Heroics | x | x | x | x | x | 1/3-Foxx; 5/8-H'zardus; 6-Chaperon | Off Campus Lab | ||||
OWS | 084 W | Weather Control and its Implications | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/4-Shimizu; 3/5/7-Tempest | Off Campus Lab | |||
OS | 084 | Property Damage Control Issues | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 3/6-LaShan; 2/4/5-Ramrod | Off Campus Lab | |||
384 S | Concealment and Stealth for Heroic Purposes these need to be companions in numbering | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/3-Retali8r, 4/8-Dane | Off Campus Lab | ||||
OWS | *** | 'Off-Beat' Powers (Sonic, Electric, Light, Etc) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/4/6-Autry; 2/3/5-Jefferson^; 7/8-Eriksson^ |
Music^ / Off Campus Lab |
OW | *** | Gadgeteering and Accessable Foci | x | x | yes | Tirleda | Shop | ||||||
*** | *** | Danger Rooms and Reset Buttons | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/4-Chaperon; 2/5/7-Moonrose; 3/6-Defrag |
Off Site Lab | |
Danger Room course counts as both Physical Education and Special Trade - note well that only those who are capable of traversing a course may be allowed to take it (ie: powered, magic, miscellaneous physical qualities). Students may opt to have it qualify as on the job training for C4 credits and/or City Permits for heroics, and it is automatically applied to any local training requirements as such. | |||||||||||||
OAWS | 036 | The Force and You | x | x | x | often | 3/5/7-Jedi Dawe | Bunker | |||||
OAWS | 037 | Practicing Force Powers | x | x | x | x | usually | 1-Yinn; 2/6/8-Kenobi | Bunker | ||||
OAWS | 035 | Force Sensitivity Training | x | x | x | 2-Yinn; 5-Odalo | Magical Studies Facilities | ||||||
OAWS | 138 | Holocron Technology | x | x | Odalo | Modern Magic Library | |||||||
OWS | 583 D | Daywalking for Night Stalkers | x | yes- night | Vampcat | Magical Studies Facilities | |||||||
OAW | 366 B | Warfare and Tactics | x | x | x | yes | 5-G.Fettel, 6/7-Hagen | Humanities/Campus | |||||
OS(B) | 067 | Camoflage for Better Living | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/4-Donbon, 2/3-Dean Rhein, 7-Carver; 8-Darnell |
Can't find em! | ||
Dragonry Courses - though many students apply, these courses are generally for those who have already bonded, Impressed, paired up, or acquired a dragon; some may be taken by those who have been searched as a potential rider, however, or who wish to help maintain a dragonry without being a rider | |||||||||||||
OWS | 088 | Dragon Riding and Tactics | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/3-Barnes; 4/5-H'lis | Dragon Field | ||||
OWS | 088 B | Dragon Flight Formation Training | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/6-Malai; 4/5-Barnes | Dragon Field | ||||
OWS | 088 A | Dragon Care | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/8-T.Kshau, 3/6-Ihrinnah, 4/7-Kenobi | Dragon Field | ||
OWS | 089 | Comparative Dragon Anatomy | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 3/5/7- S. Filidechiroptidae; 4/8-Vahh |
Dragon Field | |||
OWS | 089 S | Sea-Dragon Care | x | x | x | x | yes | Acuan | Dragon Pond | ||||
OWS | 088 H | Dragon Hatching Seminars | x | x | x | yes | B. Kshau | Dragonry Specific | |||||
OWS | 088 R | Dragonry Recordkeeping and Data Collection | x | x | x | x | yes | 1-B.Kshau, 2/3-H'lis, 7-Sean | Dragonry Specific | ||||
OS | 194 S | Dragonry Prep | x | x | yes | Aliza | Dragon Field (inside) | ||||||
OS | 194 D | Surviving and Thriving While Unbonded (draconic) | x | x | yes | Z. Houten | Dragon Field | ||||||
OS | *** | Flitter Management / Training | x | x | yes | Gray | Dragon Field | ||||||
OS | *** | Draconic Shapeshifting | x | x | x | yes | Brianola | Dragon Field / MStudies | |||||
OS | *** | Projectile Control (Draconic) | x | x | yes | Brianola | Dragon Field | ||||||
Draconic Teleportation | x | x | 1/5-Gembira^; | Dragon Field, Above City | |||||||||
Optional - one course per year |
Requirements / Course # |
PSYCHOLOGY and RELATIONS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off-Campus | Taught By... | Building And Room Number | |
O | 191 A | PsychOut | x | x | x | 1-Axemurderer; 7/8-Brennan | > Science bldg | ||||||
OA | 290 | Xenopsychology (formerly Psychology of Aliens) |
x | x | Gabriella | > Science bldg | |||||||
OA | 292 | Psychoanalytic Procedure | x | Axemurderer | > Science bldg | ||||||||
OA | 292 C | Mental Health Issues | x | x | yes | Dreamwalker | > SCIENCE BLDG | ||||||
O | 194 | Interpersonal Relations | x | x | yes | Rubio | H 306 | ||||||
OS | 194A | You And Your Clone | x | x | x | x | 3/5/8-Canby, 7-P.Fettel | Varies per need | |||||
OW | 190 | Optimism Under Duress | x | x | x | x | C'thain | PS 102 | |||||
OA | 588 | Grad Student Training | x | x | x |
yes |
Hirayama | C4 (was H305) | |||||
O | 278 M | Politics of Magic | x | x | x | yes | 3-Darnell; 4/5-Hoarfrost | H 208 | |||||
OS | 382 H | Heroic Ethics | x | x | x | yes | 1/2 Peacemongrel, 7 Silverfish | Off Campus Lab | |||||
OS | 382 S | Scientific Ethics | x | x | Beck | PS C 404 | |||||||
OA | 583 | Basics of Law | x | x | x | yes | Chanay | H 208 | |||||
OA | 378 | Thriving in a Post Apoc Dystopia | x | x | yes | Aretha | H 404* | ||||||
OAW | 293 | Advanced Role Play Gaming | x | x | x | yes | Gray | Cafetorium | |||||
O | 193 A | Analysing Military Tactics Through the Use of Video Simulation Modules | x | x | x | x | yes | Synergy / Pattern | Wherever. They're all playin' video games. | ||||
OAW | 399 | Advanced Interrogation | x | x | x | x | yes | 4/7-V.Sanger, 5/6-Ravenquill | PS 104 | ||||
OAW | 399 B | Advanced Pain Compliance Tech | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/2-Aliza; 3-5-S.Fate; 6-8-Pandemonium | PS 204 |
Career Training - These courses directly apply all lab time and appropriate testing toward permits, job training, and professional resume building. | |||||||||||||
OAW/S | ??? | Careers: Men In Black | x | x | x | x | yes | 2-Ravenquill, 3-Lane, 6-Donbon, 7-Paveh |
Classified | ||||
OA | 278 | Careers: Political Training | x | x | +ADD | 4-Canby, 8-Talshoy | H 308* | ||||||
OA | 278 D | Careers: Diplomatic Envoy | x x |
x x |
x x |
x x |
x x |
x x |
x x |
x x |
1/5/6-Mirlande*; 2/7/8-Kuyul* |
H 303! / H 307* / H ???^ / this is a mess work 303 |
The diplomatic teams found in our school system include Draconic and Shapeshifting (Mirlande), Alien / Local Offworld (Kuyul), Sylvan/Fey and Zekiran (Khavahli & Zhountiq), Mixed Dimensional (Vaelan), Far Galaxy (Yinn), Fictional (Freemind), and Twoarth-Specific (Blitz). These classes generally are very small and select, but are also open to sit-ins to observe. |
OA | 294 | Careers: Party Planning | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | always | 1-Dawe, 2-Haital, 3-Nightwind, 4-Goldstem, 5-Cameron, 6-Zeets, 7-Qeats, 8-Singe | Anywhere, Any time (they're always planning something!) |
Each instructor brings their own special flair to things: Spacey, Business, Goth, Elegant, Exotic, Jumpin', Techy/Lan, Rockin' Out | |||||||||||||
294 A | Careers: Catering | x | x | x | x | yes | 5/7-Z.Zuvraat, 6/8-K.Zuvraat | Cafetorium | |||||
?? | Careers: Admin and Legal | x | x | Wesson | Admin Wing | ||||||||
?? | Careers: Draconic Legal | x | x | D'reshial | Admin Wing / Draconic | ||||||||
Careers: Accounting and Logistics | x | x | Kale-Baah | Admin Wing | |||||||||
*** | Careers: Marketing | x | x | x | yes | Engel(fs) | Admin Wing | ||||||
?? | Careers: Managing Nonprofits | x | x | yes | Silverfawn | Admin Wing | |||||||
OA | Careers: Meta-Logistics | x | x | x | yes | Oneirocritic | Admin Wing | ||||||
O | 193 | Careers: Public Relations | x | x | x | x | often | Qeats | Admin Wing | ||||
O | *** | Careers: Publication Media | x | Cons | Gray | Art 302 | |||||||
Careers: Lifeguarding | x | x | Plunge | Dome Exterior/Beach | |||||||||
Careers: Landscaping | x | x | grounds | Airich | School Grounds + | ||||||||
Careers: Urban Heroics | x | Silverfish | Hero Hall | ||||||||||
O | 500 | Home Study | yes | Staff | Home | ||||||||
O | 500 A | Administration Assistance | Staff | Admin Building | |||||||||
O | 500 B | Security Assistance | yes | Staff | Admin Building / Campus | ||||||||
O | 500 C | Childcare Assistance | Staff | Admin Building | |||||||||
O | 500 P | Pet and Familiar Sitting | yes | Staff (often specific) | Admin Building / Campus | ||||||||
O | 500 G | Gender Counseling | * | * | yes | *Brennan, Hidalgo | |||||||
O | 500 D | Peer Counseling | * | yes | *Zero, Staff | Admin Building | |||||||
O | 500 I | Offworld Immigration | * | yes | Starchaser, *Zero | Admin / Campus | |||||||
Optional - one course per year |
Requirements / Course # | ARTS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Off- Campus | Taught By... | Building and Room Number | |
O | 172 A | Art 2a | x | x | x | 2/6-Dawe, 7-Heddi | Art 101 | ||||||
O | 372 | Fine Arts | x | x | x | x | 1/8-Darby, 4/5-Valena | Art 101 | |||||
O | 172 B | Art Interpretations | x | x | x | yes | 3-Darby, 4-Phoenix, 5-Heddi | Art 400** | |||||
O | 172 C | Ceramics and Sculpture | x | x | yes | Ainea | Art 306 | ||||||
O | 172 D | Dysfunctional Ceramics | x | x | yes | Zoeller | Art 306 | ||||||
O | 172 G | Glass Art | x | x | x | yes | Z'iun | Art 306 | |||||
O | 172 O | Non-World-Specific Crafts | x | x | x | x | yes | Kami | Art 400** | ||||
O | 172 E | Crafting for the Thumbless | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 3-5-Kami; 6-8-Kuumba | Art 400 | ||
O | 172 L | Laser Art | x | x | x | 2/4-Boreah; 8-Heddi | Art 102 | ||||||
O | 175 A | Photography | x | x | yes | Phoenix | Art 103 | ||||||
O | 173 | Illustration and Publishing | x | x | x | 5/6/8-Ashigaru | Art 302 | ||||||
O | 171 A | CCTV Performance | x | x | yes | Vax | Art 201 | ||||||
O | 171 B | CCTV Production | x | x | yes | A.Leone | Art 201 | ||||||
OC | 174 A | Website Creation | x | x | x | x | Silverfawn | HL S-001 | |||||
OC | 174 B | Computer Graphics For Animation And Gaming | x | x | x | Defrag | HL D-001 | ||||||
O | 172 H | Fractal Art and Rendering | x | x | Boreah | HL B-001 | |||||||
OA | 179 A | Basic Architecture | x | x | yes | Yresh | Art 500 | ||||||
OA | 179 B | Interior Design | x | x | yes | Yresh | Art 500 | ||||||
O | 172 F | Flower Arranging | x | x | x | yes | Goldstem | Art 500 | |||||
O | 175 B | Fashion Technology | x | x | x | x | 1-Phoenix, 3-Heddi, 5/7-Lallidarr | Art 301 | |||||
O | 175 S | Fashion Identities | x | x | Hidalgo | Art 303 | |||||||
Costuming Stage Fandom | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/8-Velenis, 2/6-Hidalgo | Art 305 | ||||||
O | 175 F | Grooming For Success | x | x | yes | 4-Dian Rhein, 5-Lane | Art 301 | ||||||
O | 175 M | Makeup and Hair | x | x | x | Shalen | Art 301 | ||||||
OWB | 287 B | Tattoo Art Instruction | x | x | x | yes | Ink | Art 304 | |||||
O | 176 A | Music Theory | x | x | yes | Singe | Music 102 | ||||||
O | 176 B | Instrumental Music | x | x | x | x | x | x | yes | 2/3-Zeets; 4-7-Tuttle | Music Basement | ||
O | 176 E | Electronic Music | x | x | yes | Zeets | Music Basement | ||||||
O | 176 U | Ultrasonic Composition | x | yes | Batty | Music Basement | |||||||
O | 176 C | Choir and Chorale | x | x | x | x | yes | 1/6-A Caroline Clone, 3/7 Arothphael | Music 101 | ||||
O | 176 P | Lyrics and Poetry | x | x | A Caroline Clone | Music 101 | |||||||
O | 176 R | Advanced Air Guitar | x | x | yes | Zeets | Music Basement | ||||||
O |
176 L | Lightshow Tech | x | yes | Boreah | HL B-001 | |||||||
O | 176 J | Club DJ Training | x | yes | 3-Singe, 6-Zeets | Music Basement | |||||||
O | 176 M | Marching Band | x | x | x | x | yes | Penbardd | Music/Field | ||||
OA | 277 B | Voice Acting (was radio) | x | x | Milsap | Music 201 | |||||||
O | 178 B | Backstage Pass | x | x | yes | Cat'director | Music 201, AUD | ||||||
O | 178 | Drama | x | x | x | yes | 1/2-Leone, 5-Milsap | Music 201 | |||||
Theater Tech | x | x | yes | Cat'director | Music 102, AUD | ||||||||
Stage Magic (not 'powers') | x | x | x | yes | Velenis | Music 102, AUD | |||||||
Bollywood and Flashmobs | x | x | x | yes! | 4-Shalesanri; 5-Zhountiq; 6-Eriksson |
Varies! | |||||||
Special Courses And Seminars |
Carramba High offers new series of seminars for the special interests of students and teachers alike! This year, in the tradition of Practical Learning we've established at Carramba, many subjects have been offered and electives expanded. But now time is being made for those extra special and often ignored lessons of Life. Each seminar will be held in its own appropriate location. We recommend, if you're interested in participating in the seminars, that you sign up early because space may be limited (as shown on sign-up information below). There are some special requirements for seminars, also listed below. Transcripts and videos are available for most seminars and will be sold after the date of the seminar in the Student Store. For more information regarding each seminar, contact your counselor. Seminars take place at 3:00 PM (after school) and go between 1 and 4 hours. Seminars this year include... Practical Procrastination - you want it WHEN?: Hosted by resident fiction writer Lethe Gray, November 14-15 or ... sometime around then. While it's very important to know when a project is due, it's also vital that the work being done is up to par. Many folks just haven't yet grasped that a lot of us do our best work under the pressure of a deadline. This seminar will help you decide whether you're one of those folks - who can easily apply themselves to a project in the final hours - or one who really does need coaching and coaxing all the way through to produce a good piece of work. No grades or pass/fail for this seminar, it's an informative workshop on determining your inner procrastinator. Communication Via Currier - Special Uses of Flitters, Owls and Robotic Messengers: December 8th and 9th in the Main Auditorium. Ever wonder how magicians are always 'in the know'? Ever think, hey I could use one of those shoulder dragon things! Well now, with the creatures and technology available from various dragonries and magic schools, you can! Instant travel, specific location spotting, and memory exersizes can help you deliver all your holiday and birthday packages, special information, or payments on-time-every-time. Even before time, but watch for bounced checks. Taught by Baeris Kshau, Zora Domina and Cybil Qeats. Flitters and other familiars are optional, but very helpful for this seminar. Dragon Sponsoring for the Common Citizen: January 12-17 on the Dragonry Flats. This week long course taught by notables from a variety of dragonries around the Nexus will introduce any student, their parents, relatives and the general public (it's an open campus after all) to the benefits and difficulties, legal aspects and rewards of putting up a sponsorship to a dragonry for a young dragon. Quite like fostering a child or sponsoring an exchange student, the current Nexus Law community has become interested in this too, so keep your eyes peeled. Sponsorships may occur spontaneously at this seminar, so please only come if you're good and ready for a dragon to come home with you! Multi-Genre Relationship Building With Yourself: January 20-25 in the Main Auditorium. Didn't you know there were multiple dimensions? Didn't you hear that there's another couple infinity of yourself out there too? Want to meet them? We've got the means to help. We've also got a number of them here at one time. Crazy Doc Sanger and Baeris Kshau host this interesting week-long seminar set on how to locate, identify, and get along with your other-dimension Dopplegangers. Expect to come away from it all knowing yourself a bit better. Economics from the Top, by Jeff Engel: February 7th at the Mathematics Auditorium. Mr Engel is the CEO and full owner of Alabaster Incorporated, and is a business lawyer without compare. His company has provided Carramba with security details, the Mathematics lab, as well as the Cybernetics and Neural Ware labs. No special requirements, 300 seats Graphic Design for Useful Stuff, by Leo daVinci (via timeport): February 21st at the Mathematics Auditorium. Latin recommended, but not required (there will be telepathic translation available), artistic talent and/or interest recommended. Artists and mathematicians alike will enjoy this seminar that flawlessly combines the arts and sciences. 300 seats. Winning That Battle, Counterpoint, by Lifera and Gresilla Hagen: March 7th at the Main Auditorium. No special requirements but it is recommended that any weaponry be checked at the door, as this debate will be a hot one. Gresilla and her brother Lifera are immortal and paying our campus a visit (in Gresilla's case for an extended period). Lifera claims that he is not in fact out to conquer the world but of course... who really knows? He can wait. You can't. Learn how now! 700 seats. Welcome to the Future *tm*, a special eight week long presentation by the Chris n' Dave Institute, ongoing projects include:
Starts March 21st and goes until May 9th. Each seminar will be held at undisclosed locations - watch the bulletin board or just use your lizard, buck! Aerial Acrobatics and Doin Donuts, by TranspoTech Club Members: May 16th outside and overhead. Vehicle required (licences and insurance will be checked) and sign up soon because there are only 100 spots for this full participation seminar. Observation is free of course and there is unlimited 'seating'. Mastering That Extra Limb, by Kharra Ct'hain: May 23rd in the Physical Education Courtyard. Limbs required. If you were born with one, but never knew just how to control it, or if you've mutated over the course of puberty, or perhaps even had a new arm or leg added surgically, this seminar will help you learn to use your brain fully and access all the fun tricks you can do with your new limbs! 50 seats only. Enhancing Your World - Chemicals, Neural Ware, Over the Counter Programming that can Change Your Life, by Mandragora: May 30th, in the Cybernetics Complex. Requirements: any Cyberdeck, Bionics, or Construct based lifeform may attend. Virus detection, utilizing new downloads, how to advertise your Virtual Services on the net, website building and much more. 50 seats only. Getting In, A Guide To College Life, by American Foxx: June 6th and June 13th in the Main Auditorium. No special requirements but you should be there or be left out! Foxx is our local heroine representing the Crescent and Talon city ares for the last few years in the Superheroes Convention, a graduate of the local Crescent City Community College (C4) system. 700 seats each time. Below are some "Adult Classes" which only qualified and legal adults may attend. Students who qualify as adults must be able to produce proof of birth date, others may provide proof of parental approval (in person only) before attending if underage. Additionally, some courses also require health testing. Tantric By Design, sponsored by Crazy Doc Sanger: a night course to be attended only by open minded legal adults. Learn how to access your inner beast, or your mythical power-deity, how to plan a proper orgy, or just learn how to get into that last Kama Sutra position. Flexibility and an open mind are both a must for this course, however partners are not required and are usually found during class. Held during the school year the third Friday every month, and during summer every other Thursday, from 7 pm to midnight (usually). Advanced Pub Crawl, hosted by Staff Members (to be determined): another adult-only and able to prove it activity. Taking place after 6 pm every Tuesday during school months, this is a staff and faculty favorite. Tour the local bars and pubs of Crescent City, as well as portal to other locales farther off, even off-world and through time! Tabs are run starting at the beginning of the semester, but must be paid within 2 weeks. Beach Bum Bonfires, hosted by Staff Members (as available): open to all students as well as staff and local populations. The bonfire is an old tradition on the beach, and at Crescent's beautiful curved shore they often light up the summer nights. This activity takes place when the first warm nights start, and often go through fall. Usually held during the summer months, almost any evening. Bring food, drinks, and be sure to clean up after your own party. Nighttime lifeguards and underwater patrols of local superhero groups keep the sand safe for all. Alcohol is served by and to proven adults only. Snow Bunny Warm Up, hosted by Ninhursag (the lady of the mountain, who else?): Mountain scaling, biking and skiing at its best. Held weekends or on demand. Ninhursag provides the mountain, and (miraculously, of course) takes it back when you're all done with it. She also hosts Rock Climbing contests and free-style climb, no equipment allowed. Virtual Reality Training, hosted by Vax in the Hyperlab: When you need a place to study you COULD go to the library. But you could also take a virtual trip into a world where your mind is able to roam free. Any study-hall requirements are met by this lab course, including staff and faculty brush-ups for teaching purposes. Why read about the battle of 1699 (fur side) when you can BE there? Certain incompatible physiologies might be precluded. (Or, might be used as an experimental beta-tester for the next version of the software... You never know. But you WILL get credit for it!) *** Got a special request for a new course? A language that (somehow) isn't taught? Want to suggest something we've missed? As always, the Carramba High admin are available to make these and any other suggestions in the Admin building! Or, drop an email and we'll get to it right away! |
stuff that's new