*You know the story of the Vault Hunters, yes? The one where four people gather together on a bus, unload into the dusty town of Fyrestone, and begin raining terror down on bandits and psychos, eventually to unleash and destroy a monster from the Vault?

This is not their story. This is the story of what happened after, perhaps long after they were successful in opening another Vault and pushing Hyperion and Handsome Jack off of our world, the world of Pandora. This is the story of the children of raiders, of mutation and madness... The story of how a foursome of fierce toddlers grew up together, avoiding invasions and detention alike. Somehow this brave band of hoodlums made it from Krom's Canyon into another dimension, perhaps it was the Eridium and a nearby Siren that opened one up, no one knows, this is not her tale either.

These are the Krom's Canyon Transfer Students and their adventures going to a much cleaner... less deadly planet. They took a little while to adjust to the... conditions here. Where you can learn at your own pace, and won't be tossed to the skags if you miss a test. Where there are skag students, shapeshifters, a gun range, and beautiful sunsets all in one safe campus.

*best if read in Markus' voice

Click their names to reach their full pages!

Name Greasy Grace
Gender Female, she/her
Homeworld Pandora (the shitty one), Krom's Canyon
Species Midget (Marauder, Shotgun)


Nut absolutely fucking nuts, yes
Class Junior, 30kk
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 9
Luck 5
Drive 1
Looks 3
Cool 4
Bonk 4

Grease Monkey ^
Run Like Heck

Clusters ^Mechanical Aptitude +5
Skills Substance Recognition +3
Rally the Troops +3
Great With Distances and Angles +3
Knacks Trick Shots +2
Loves Fruit So Much +2
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Mechanial Engineering / G0rd-OS / Superb
2 Realtime Geometry / Lari / Superb
3 Mars and Venus Culture / Noah / Decent
4 Archaeology / A.Sanger / Excellent
5 Martian Studies / Gabriella / Decent
6 Dysfunctional Ceramics / Zoeller / Decent
7 Geocaching and Treasure Hunting / Vasquez / Excellent
8 Super Team Tactics / Wesson / Decent
Pets (Gun) Name: Grace's Guileless Grease Gun
Dragon White Blue Gold M Marvilth
Bonded At Academia de Magica
Name Smashy Sal
Gender Female, she/they
Homeworld Pandora (the shitty one), Krom's Canyon
Species Goliath (possible 'large twin' to Grace)
Totem Scallop
Nut Peanut Brittle (careful with those allergens AND sharp edges)
Class Junior
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 3
Drive 1
Looks 3
Cool 5
Bonk 10
Powers Monster Out
Clusters SMASHY SMASHY! +4
Skills Surprising Amount Of Peripheral Vision +3
Aim And Freeze +3
Nowhere Near Dumb +2
Knacks Keep Head On Straight +4
Artistic With Snow +2
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Martial Arts (Punching!) / Barnes / Superb
2 Battlefields of Earth / G.Fettel / Decent
3 Speech / G.Fettel / Decent
4 Math, Just Math / Smith / Decent
5 Royalty and Regular Folks / Wynnah / Decent
6 Property Damage Control Issues / LaShan / Passing
7 Practical Anatomy / Masui / Excellent
8 Advanced Pain Compliance Tech / Pandemonium / Superb
Pets (Gun) Name: Hell Hath Frozen Over
Dragon White Icewing M Snowblind
Bonded At (Deviantart)
Name "Death Kiss"
Gender Male, he/him
Homeworld Pandora (the shitty one), Krom's Canyon
Species Human, Nomad
Totem Jackal (Scary Harbinger of Death; Dark, misunderstood, slobbers when happy or hearing dinner bell) s+2, lk-1, lo+1, cm+2, bk-1 +5kk
Nut Coconut (hard to crack, but surprisingly good for you)
Class Junior
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 3
Drive 3
Looks 6
Cool 7
Bonk 3

Photographic Memory
Natural Born Talent (Engineering, gadget-based powers)
Bonk Transfer, Spoilsport, Buff U Up, etc


Gadgetry +5
Chemical Engineering +2


He Heals But Don't Call Him A Doctor +3
Not Hot Under That Outfit +3
Talks Shop With Anyone +3


No, Really, He Is A Scary Monster! +3
Sets Off Every Metal Detector Known To Twoarth +2

Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Hypercalc / M. Vale / Superb
2 Advanced Pain Compliance Tech / Aliza / Excellent
3 Armory and Weaponsmithy / Collins / Decent
4 Galactic Geography / Huntington / Decent
5 Non-Human Languages: Offworld / Noah / Excellent
6 Speculative Engineering / Vax / Superb
7 Technical Writing / Leland / Superb
8 Improvisational Weaponry / Freeman / Excellent
Pets (Gun) Name: Heart To Heart
Dragon Rainbow Brown M Siionivacuth
Bonded At Healing Den Rainbow Glitz
Name Grim Frank
Gender Male, he/him
Homeworld Pandora (the shitty one), Krom's Canyon
Species Human, Marauder
Totem Spider (Itsy Bitsy totem; lots of limbs, nothing to lose) s+2, bf+3, rwp-1, lk+1, dr+2, lk-2, cm-1, bk-1 +8kk
Nut Deez
Class Junior
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 9
Luck 5
Drive 8
Looks 5
Cool 3 ^6
Bonk 3

Buff Out

Clusters Drive or Ride Anything +4
Navigate Anywhere +2
Skills ^Fight Like A God +4
Guns Guns Guns +3
Vehicle Repair and Upkeep +3
Knacks Fashion and Style +3
A Bit Cavalier +3
^Handle Any Situation +3
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Realtime Geometry / Lari / Superb
2 Battlefields of Twoarth / G.Fettel / Excellent
3 Gun and Weapon Safety / Vasquez / Decent
4 Grooming For Success / Dian Rhein / Decent
5 Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter / Peacemongrel / Excellent
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne / Excellent
7 Mechanical Engineering / Vasalo / Excellent
8 Drive: Hovercraft/Gravity / Donbon / Superb
Pets (Gun) Name: Trenchdigger
Dragon Bloodstone F Tamileth
Bonded At Academia de Magica