Callum Hoarfrost

Name Callum Hoarfrost
Gender Male
Homeworld Rookery/Twoarth, Half-Mage / Currently stationed in Rookery and North Aperture
Class Junior, Born RY6
Nut Not
Family Lilac and Piers parents; Petal, Lily sisters
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 10*
Drive 3 (Ride Dragon 6)
Looks 4
Cool 5
Bonk 4
Powers Magic Use - Combat-Cantrips, Callum among his siblings is a combat mage, but he tends to use a stealthy and sneaky approach, as well as focusing on traps and delayed use items. As such, he has an extensive set of short-duration self-aid spells like invisibility, speed boosts, and minor item enchantments. He can touch a rock or hand-held item (such as a doorknob) and enchant it with a simple spell to explode on contact with the next user, or expand to fill a hole to prevent an enemy following behind. His skills in enchantment are more extensive than this, however, and he does know how to develop his own spells. Those cannot be taught to anyone else, and rely on his unique mixture of Vortal and Magical power to work.
Magic Use - Potions and Enchantment, When Callum has time and ingredients, he is positively devious with potion making and item enchantment beyond simple single-use cantrips. He can follow spell lists and recipes flawlessly and even point out problems with existing ones. His potions range from basic healing draughts to advanced shapeshifting and shielding, as well as the occasional poison and damage-dealing explosive. Do not mix those up, by the way. These have a long term shelf life, and he does make a point of clearly labeling them. The Black Mesa scientists actually could use some tips from him in that regard. His enchantment abilities, while not as good as potions, are varied; he has created books that write themselves based on the user's inner thoughts, mirrors that show other dimensions, and dragon riding gear that adapts itself to the dragon and user's body form - and it is this last one which has made him exceptionally popular among riders at the Rookery. A simple bracelet or anklet can be enchanted to morph into a sturdy spine-holding glove or cleats that grip slick armor. He's been put to use creating these in particular for some of the fast-moving or difficult to sit on dragons riders.
*Teleportation - Instinctive short-range teleportation, Callum is apt to suddenly be somewhere else. This first appeared when his sister was endangered by a Bullsquid in the wilderness around the North Aperture facility when they were children. While he can somewhat direct himself to not teleport automatically, it is basically an instant defense mechanism, and it has saved him quite often as well. His 'luck' is actually an advanced magical and Vortal field around him that blends prescience with action, moving him out of the way of incoming bullets or falling hazards, steering him clear of breakaway ledges, and the like. It does not deflect things that aren't 'meant' to harm him (like his sister's playful headsmack or a headbutt from his dragon). This power also activates to aid others in his direct line, strongest with his twin, and present in Local Lane's descendants to a weak degree, and is usually limited to near area only (about 1 mile).
Family Connection - Lily and her twin callum are strongly connected, though not clone-like in that manner as some might be. Their powers and sensibilities are quite different, and as such they can complement each other's functionality. They do have the ability to communicate with each other over any distance including dimensions, though it's weaker with worlds in the way. Any very strong emotional or physical sensation can be detected, but thankfully they don't automatically respond to such things unless it's clearly a call for help or support. Yes, they cheat at games with this ability. No, your Vortal eyes cannot see their communication, because it's also liberally mixed with inherent magic. While they can communicate more easily to their sister and parents, they lack other telepathic powers outside of this.
Clusters Master Potion Maker +3
Skills Combat Cantrips +2
Fashionable Gear +2
Mixologist +2
Knacks Recover From Surprises +2
Always Has Soda +2
Does His Own Stunts +2
1 Alchemy / Varnhagen Excellent
2 Practical Potion Making / Malai Superb
3 Current Affairs / Talshoy Decent
4 Measuring Up / Haital Superb
5 Decoding Magical Texts / Liaxeri Excellent
6 Warfare and Tactics / Hagen Decent
7 History of Warfare / Pointman Decent
8 Improvisational Weaponry And You / Freeman Excellent
Dragon Fizz


Callum and his sisters are close, though he does a lot on his own more because they're into slightly different aspects of life than he is. He enjoys hanging out with both scientists and alchemists, and often enough has to diffuse the tensions between the disparate groups - he does both potions and mundane chemistry, why can't they enjoy the fruits of all their labors?

When Fizz came to Carramba it was a bit of a surprise, because he was rather young and inexperienced, and very few people could figure out how he got there in the first place, because he didn't take the Rookery route on his way to his human. But he's grown up in a short time, and has the benefits of learning around a huge variety of dragons as well as other species.

Dragon Name: Fizz
Gender: Male
Size: Medium-Large (broad wings) 12'4" s / 65' l / 118' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip pastel salmon pink with blue underlight and more pink by other scales; face, neck, body, limbs, tail, wing arms sparkling pink with pastel purple cloudy areas mostly along dorsal parts; all armor including face, limbs, tail, wing arms is highly sparkly and reflective, grading from sky blue through shiny pink, lavender highlights; wingsails nebula-cloudy pastel pinks, sky blue, cyan, violet with fizzy white tiny sparkles everywhere on ventral side only; dorsal wings are pink and violet as body with more violet tones; claws, jaw nubs, horns white; eyes cyan-aqua blue
Features: Califeran / Pyrrhan LightWing
Powers: Winged Flight, Speed Flight, Fizz with his broad wings and strong body, Fizz is quite powerful in the air, and equally impressive are his aerial maneuvers. He lives up to his name in that regard, being remarkably light and fluttery, all the while being able to just tear up enemies, ruin buildings and take quite a few people on long-distance rides. While he can certainly bounce around in the air a lot, no one has ever fallen from his back. He isn't actually as fast in the air as some other Lightwings, but he is still extremely speedy compared to virtually any other dragon in the Rookery. He can, when not carrying passengers, reach speeds up to about 120 mph for over 2 hours at a stretch, but this does come at a price, as he basically cannot stop or slow down, and generally if he has to turn, he'll wind up miles from his intended destination. Like a few of them, he can effectively go sub-orbital, to make the most of this flight feature.
Communication, Fizz has grown up with extremely little contact with any Pyrrhan dragons to teach him their language, but he still has enough of a grasp to follow conversations... mostly. He's definitely smart enough to not try and interrupt, and if he gets lost listening he'll simply wander away rather than embarass himself. He speaks English and knows how to vocalize Vortigese, but again he knows he's not proficient in the telepathic side of it to actually hold a conversation with a Vort.
Explosive Breath, though his fire breath is at least as hot as any other LightWing (that is to say, extraordinarily so), he has developed a sort of 'spray and pray' approach to using it that follows with his super-fizzy appearance and flight tactic. Rather than a single 'bullet' or snipe that can do a lot of damage all at once, his fire expands into a fireworks show of quickly moving, but unpredictably bobbing, balls... Remarkably similar to the High Energy Pellet developed by numerous factions on several Rookery-related worlds. While they don't outright destroy things they touch, and are quite a bit smaller (HEPs are known to be around the size of a volleyball or basketball, while Fizz's orbs are around the size of a tennis ball) and ricochet dramatically if they hit a surface such as stone, metal, or glass. The surface will get scorched every time, and eventually dent or melt if hit repeatedly in the same spot. If it hits water, it will basically fizzle away into nothing... but if there's any gas or oil around, it will definitely ignite spontaneously when it hits. Organic matter will suffer burns, and be knocked back a bit with each hit, eventually the fire will engulf them if hit with more than half a dozen of these balls. Fizz can produce a small number of them at slower speeds, useful for training in superhero classes! But also he seems to be able to make literally thousands of them before needing to take a break and rechage for a day or so. They also make an incredible amount of noise when they hit things, and have a distinctive hum, exactly that of the HEP.
Parentage: Unknown wild Lightwings, and it's possible that the method that brought him to Twoarth wasn't the same as the portal openings to the Rookery.
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight, Fantribe by LunarSolstice981 and lines by x-Tamara-x on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Fizz truly enjoys his classes, and wants to practice a bit more before being sent anywhere really dangerous. He knows he already is quite good at what he does, but since he'll be relied upon for not only combat but retrieval, he wants to shore up his skills to be more effective.
Stats and Classes
Smarts 5
Bod 18
RWB +++
Luck 5
Fly 9
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk +++
1 Hed
2 T
3 Gl
4 Sp
5 M
6 Liv
7 Int
8 D