
Name Lapiz
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 5
Drive 2
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk 5
Powers Telepathy (strong)
Dragon Teleport/Nav
Clusters Recognize Any Family +3
Skills Medical/Genetic Tools +3
Poisons +2
Read Any Chart +2
Knacks Always Oriented +3
1 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
2 Royalty and Regular Folks / Sean
3 Advanced Pain Compliance Tech / Fate
4 Cartography / Rex 903
5 Forensic Studies / Walsh
6 Genetic Engineering / Mason
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler
8 Teleportation Practice / Lane


Seeker (f)

Dragon Night Drak Iglatyna
(Donor Parent) Baeris Kshau
(Siblings) Viridian, Hyacinth


Because there are many scattered refugees that require medical attention, any time any of the exploration teams come across a hospital or even a veterinary facility, that area is placed on the high-priority defensive list and the medical experts brought in. In this team, that comes in the form of Lapiz and Pine primarily. Lapiz deals with poisons and blood very well, though he also has the ability to tap his ancestry - literally, he can home in on Baeris Kshau, therefore the Kshau and Sanger lines across the multiverse respond to his calls. They can add a tremendous amount of knowledge where he might not have it.

Do NOT let that smile fool you.



Name: Iglatyna
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Smallish Bipedal, 7'5" hip / 30' l / 35' and 38' ws
Colors: Night Drak, bright metallic gold body and limbs; deeply black wingsails and mane/tail floof; eyes are green, horns and claws are graphite; those bloody markings in dried and bright red are permanent.
Features: Icarian Drak; four legs, bipedal with longer hind legs than fore, 3 fingers and thumb, 3 claws with dewclaw hind; four wings, hind are slightly larger than fore but not by much, all have three visible fingers with a prominent wrist thumb, all bearing sharp claws; hide is thick leather with short heavy fur, mane covers back of head and full neck, strip down chest, tail tuft; head has external wedge-shaped ears, and two short spiraled backswept horns; Icarian naming, offspring will inherit naming structure (males na**, females **na).
Powers: Winged Flight, Igla is an adequate and durable flier, though not fast and not as agile as some. She can tolerate a lot of weight, though not all that large herself.
Portal / Teleport, she is able to move between spaces up to 10km apart with ease and without tiring, distances over 25km require a little rest, and over 50km she must not only plan her destination properly, but begin in a well-rested state. She cannot 'emergency portal' that far.
Mental Bond, Verbal Communication - perhaps because she knows that her bond is ... sort of related to her own sire in that distant "he's really a doppelganger of a Sanger in Drak form" way, Igla is able to absolutely get her point across to him instantly, doesn't need to wait for confirmation in any decision making, because he will always agree with her. She does speak with a strong drak-lisp, and has a large vocabulary.
Venom Bite, don't worry she won't use it on people. Of course even when she does bite prey, the venom hardly has time to settle into the bloodstream and she's bitten off a limb or two. She is exceptionally savage when dealing with enemies. The venom she has can outright kill a Hound-eye, and certainly means a humanoid would die within half an hour or less. That is again assuming she hasn't just torn its limbs off.
Parentage: Draks Ore Female Benngena and Rough Trade (marked ore) Male Iriarty; Siblings (all) Banityna, Iglatyna, Gunnaty, Rionaty
Origin: Icarus Dun Keiba messy nest
Other Info: Most Night draks are 'serious and thoughtful', and Igla is no exception there. But she doesn't hold back when there's something needing to be said or done, and has strongly held opinions on most matters that touch the Color Guard or indeed the Rookery at large.