Honey Gibbs

Name Honey Gibbs
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none (Image from Wayward Martian)
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 2
Drive 1
Looks 4
Cool 3
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (close range, group)
Empathy (very close, group)
Insect Control
Magnetic Sense / Minor Control
Clusters Organizational Skills +2
Skills Exceptional Sense of Direction +3
Food Production +2
Medical Supervision +2
Knacks Smells absolutely wonderful +4
1 Practical Composition / Feliciane
2 Quantum Entomology / Batty
3 Earth Geography / Rubio
4 Cartography / Rex 903
5 Vortigese Language / Noah
6 Adv. Pain Compliance / Pandemonium
7 Parkour/Free Running / Saqqaf
8 Curry! / Batty


Numerous insect swarms or single large roaches, notably Antlions will obey her
Dragon Myzinum F Venomwing
Donor parent Heather Gibbs
Siblings Fawn

Honey just loves being part of a group, and is a natural leader of busy-workers. She's no queen bee: she serves best as a lieutenant to those with more specifica people-oriented skills such as Paxton or even Melissa, and does so with gusto.
While she likes reading and writing, she wants to make sure that people understand exactly what she means, when she writes instructions. Feliciane's Practical Composition class serves her very well for this purpose, and she excels in it.
One of her favorite things in the world is insects, and Batty's class on how insects can transform into fruit is just amazing! She attends Quantum Entomology as well as Curry! taught by the Most Interesting Bat In The World, and yes, those classes are very connected... These two classes are probably her best, she's never gotten less than perfect marks in either.
Her third and fourth period classes complement one another nicely, Earth Geography and Cartography - being able to memorize locations and sense where she is has a lot to do with her good grades in those classes, though she does become a little confused because Twoarth's geography is ... a little different from Rookery Earth's. But that's fine, she knows how to use layers in Cartography and with a flip of a toggle, bam - the right location appears on any map!
She's used to Noah's weird rambling style of instruction, and is taking the Vortigese language class to round out her class schedule - most people cannot speak Vort, but she can understand far more of it than many in the class, since she's Vortal herself and can grasp the nuances and context that non-telepaths miss.
Her presence in the Pain Compliance class is contingent on having collected venom from her lovely bright dragon Myzinum, whose natural tusks produce it. The venom can be quite deadly if administered improperly, so she always makes sure to have a healer looking after it, to make sure that it won't overtake any given student while they're... studying.
With her ability to detect magentism, she has a flawless sense of direction, and though she's not the fastest runner on the Parkour team she certainly never gets lost.



Name: Myzinum
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large/Long 12' s / 70' l / 130' ws!
Colors: limbs including wing arms/fingers, back of wings, head, back, and tail all dark ashen-graphite mottling, with much darker graphite on tail end; belly scales are fiery orange-yellow splatter with a tint of red-orange here and there, also found on back/tail spikes and tail barb mostly lighter toward body and redder at ends; wing undersails are vibrant black with extremely bright yellow-orange airy swirl patterns, also found on neck hood; face has yellow-orange eye scales, horns are black with that marking color; all other horns and claws are black; eyes are vibrant blue and green; tusks and teeth white
Features: Venomwing, very long with 4 tiny-feet on long legs, with 5 and 4 digits, thumb on fore, sharp back-pointing heel claw hind; two very large, long and sharp leathery wings with 4 fingers and elbow strut visible only underside, wide 'hand' with strong wrist thumb, all have narrow, curved claws at ends; body is heavily scaled with rough patches and upward pointing limb scales, body is heavily overlapping angled scales, belly with very large armor plates more spaced under tail fit for bashing, tiny scales on wing sails; head is sharply pointed with curved nose hook and chin plate, back-pointing jaw spikes, external ears, two very long sharply curved backpointing horns, prominent eye scaling, and two long retractable venom-carrying tusks on lower jaw; neck has angled and sharp point-edged hood expanding when confronting things; from mid-back to tail end extremely long individual spikes, tail ends with sharp, jagged barb fit for inflicting serious damage; venom is injected with tusks, though might carry genetically in tail very rarely
Powers: Winged Flight, very clearly a dragon with wings this large is a master of the skies, and Myzinum is no exception. She is incredibly fast in the air, seeming to zip from one place to another in mere moments. She tends to spring into the air, almost instantly gaining her full speed, and then landing to become motionless again. Given her massive size, she is remarkably light on her feet, as well, doing hardly any damage to landing and takeoff points, even among ruins or loose bricks. She is also very well suited to tight overhead environments, and seems to be able to move between even very close obstacles such as tree limbs, vines, power lines, or broken buildings. She is not durable in the air, however, and if she's actually hit by something substantial while flying she will tumble, recovering only in time to land without damage if high enough. She can obviously carry goods or people, but it's a little difficult so Honey has requested a harness be made for any transport needs. While carrying anything or anyone, Myzinum flies at a much slower and steady pace.
Verbal Speech and Draconic Communication, she speaks with a hissing, buzzing sound pervading her voice, like a thousand bees are singing together. It's a bit unnerving, actually. She understands Draconic of many sorts, a bit of Vortigese, and most English.
Venom, with the pair of retractable tusks in her jaw, Myzinum is able to inject a potent venom into prey, which paralyzes or kills - the larger the object injected, the less deadly effect it will have, but guaranteed at her size, most large dragons would be fighting off paralysis. Given that it is deadlier to human-sized creatures she must be very careful to not just let it loose anywhere. Like other VenomWings, she knows how to 'milk' her tusks, and Honey collects this for medicinal purposes. Mostly for dragon care, as it can be deadly even in smaller amounts to Humans and other people, but with the right care taken, it is an integral part of the medical process on the Rookery. Given that most of the medical resources of their Earth have been destroyed over time, and certainly can't be reproduced easily given the lack of facilities, a natural solution for surgery and other anesthetic needs comes from this venom. Myzinum is extremely proud to be part of this process, she much prefers using her venom for helping, rather than fighting.
Maternal Care, unlike most of her kin on her homeworld, and likely why she left her tribe at all, Myzinum truly wants to be part of a group and care for both young and old alike. Having found her little human friend Honey, and being introduced to other dragons, has been pure joy. She enjoys watching other breeds of dragons for their behaviors around one another, and makes note of those who are more argumentitive or prone to fight, and avoids them if she can. She is however quite protective of young and smaller dragons, or humanoids, and will stand up to even the few bigger dragons in the Rookery if they threaten anyone.
Parentage: Unknown, mostly because Venomwings don't give a rat's ass about who parented whom, unfortunately she was unable to bring knowledge of her specific bloodline from the nursemaids at the creche where she hatched, so she herself can't say whether she'd be related to any other VenomWing that shows up. So far, she's the only one... But with those other extremely pretty dragons around, maybe some day she'll be a mother? (She'll be having eggs with the stunning Skywing Squiggy at Carramba!)
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, fan tribe by x-Tamara-x and Moonshimmer981
Other Info: she and Mongoose, her human's sister's dragon, are quite similar in nature, they both look far more fierce and scary than they actually are when you get to know them. They are both, however, also quite casually dangerous as they're huge. Also note that Myzinum is very much interested in that Hallowed Silk 'flight' thing being plotted out. Some strange people have come up to her wondering if she'd like to participate and would her eggs be open for 'modification' whatever that means... She said yes of course! Eggs!