Fawn Gibbs

Name Fawn Gibbs
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 3
Drive 4 (6 ride)
Looks 4
Cool 3
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy / Empathy (moderate distance, strong, best solo)
Mammal Control / Telepathy
Small Animal Summoning
Sense and ID Mammals
Clusters Veterinary Services +3
Skills Tame Weird Animals +3
Environmentalist +2
Bring Home the Bacon +2
Knacks Allergen Production...+3
1 Big Game Hunting / Vasquez
2 Fur-Side Social Issues / Rayne
3 Genetic Engineering: Animal Theory / Shy
4 Veterinary Tech / Kali Marad
5 Measuring Up / Haital
6 Dragon Care / Ihrinnah
7 Earth Archaeology / A. Sanger
8 Fur-Side Studies / Peacemongrel



Plentiful weird animals always around her, all furry/feathered or scaleys, no bugs
Dragon Mongoose M Night/Sandwing
Donor parent Heather Gibbs
Siblings Honey

Because Fawn is pretty focused on animals and their uses and behaviors, she's one of the few people in the Rookery to actually have a solid grasp on dragon anatomy and care. Though she remains mostly at the North Aperture facility with the rest of the Color Guard, she is tapped quite frequently for vet work and dragon-healing. Her Dragon Care class therefore is her primary focus.
Fawn enjoys both caring for, and hunting of animals. She doesn't see the big deal with it, that's what they do with each other, right? Since she can sense and even summon animals she is of use in Vasquez's hunting class and often called upon to pick up stray critters when they get loose on campus.
Both of her 'Fur Side' study classes keep her positively mesmerized. These are classes where she can supply sound advice, even coming from a Human like she is, due to her powers. She can tell where issues will come up for Furries (such as 'where to put the tail in a chair' or 'how many words can describe the smell of freshly-licked neck fur'). Also this has meant that not only does she excel in those classes, she's well-respected in them even by furries themselves, and not just as a 'token Human in the class'.
The paired classes of Genetic Engineering and Veterinary Tech help her apply the knowledge that she seems to have innately. Learning the words for specific parts, species that aren't even available on her Earth, and how to classify creatures, she even understands how best to feed pets or food animals.
Her math class, Measuring Up, might help with those feeding schedules, but that's about where the appreciation ends. She's not got the head for math or advanced anything, honestly.
And finally her Earth Archaeology class ... well, she uses that more for the exploration and understanding how to extract items without doing damage to the surrounding area, because those things may serve pretty well on the Rookery. Otherwise she doesn't much care for the history lesson, and Abdul-Razi doesn't much care for that... He still likes her, though, because well he's still a furry some of the time.



Name: Mongoose
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (bulky) 10'3" s / 40' l / 90' ws
Colors: Limbs, back, dark graphite with deep warm grey scales, belly from neck to tail tip graphite, neck has orange spots on central scales, eyes are brilliant copper-fire orange; wingsails and back fin fire-red-orange slightly mottled, wings have tiny dark star patterns speckling all sails; teeth white, tongue black, horns and claws black
Features: Nightwing Sandwing hybrid, night dominant; burly build with four strong limbs, fore much bigger than hind, 5 and 4 claws, high heel-claw hind; two leathery 4 fingered wings with elbow strut and prominent wrist thumb, all limbs with curved short claws; body is front heavy and barrel-shaped, scaley skin, wide soft armor on underside from chin to tail tip, limbs have prominent plating, rough on hind parts and tail, smoother on fore and neck/head; body from head to tail tip has flexible short fin; head is beaked with forked tongue, external ears, strong eyebrow ridge, two conical back-pointing horns; tail ends in sharp stinger with venom sac for hunting
Powers: Winged Flight, a powerful, durable flier, Mongoose takes to the air at dawn or dusk but loves night flights or even flight over cities and ruins. He can lift quite a bit, but tends to fly low with weight. He is not speedy in the air, but actually on the ground can run remarkably quickly for such a huge beast. However in both air and on the ground, he is superbly flexible. He can twist around light poles and buildings, do loops over flying enemies, and squirm into improbable ground locations though he might get stuck... He is quite strong, though, and often will wind up crushing breakables or ruins if he runs into them.
Verbal and Vortal Communication, speaking Draconic in several breed-tongues, Mongoose has a smooth and somewhat oddly high voice. He can understand and speak English, some Vortigese, and often enough listens in on any semi-intelligent animals that chatter around his human. His Nightwing side, however, also gives him the ability to telepathically communicate, though he tends to only be able to do this with his human friend, or others with strong Vortal power. His range on this power is less than 300 meters.
Venom tail, in addition to his claws, powerful bite, and horns to damage things, Mongoose has a Sandwing's venom-filled stinger which he uses to incapacitate larger prey or enemies. He himself is also absolutely immune to venoms and toxins - though only animal or plant based, not synthetic ones.
Animal Friends, through his human's abilities, he can be 'accepted' by almost any animal that she desires. So it's not uncommon to find a bunch of animals hanging out with this large dragon, which he likes to treat as his 'current family'.
Parentage: Unknown Nightwing mother and Sandwing sire, however Hellfire does seem to share some Nightwing features particularly the coloration, so they may be related.
Origin: adopted from HufflepuffHannah, original by StephanieSilverfield on Deviantart, Wings of Fire world
Other Info: Though big and strong, and clearly dangerous looking, Mongoose is more protective and defensive than aggressive. He isn't all that 'friendly', but he definitely won't go seeking trouble, prefering to wait for it to come to him. It often enough does. And like Myzinum and several others, he's been tapped for this weird Human-invented 'Hallowed Silk' flight thing. It means he will get to hook up with other amazingly colored dragons, so he's all for that.