Kaleido Lyle

Name Kaleido Lyle
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut HE isn't. But...
Totem none
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 3
Drive 1 (ride dragon 3)
Looks 3
Cool 6
Bonk 6
Powers Confusion and Chaos - Vortally speaking, Kaleido is a swirling mess of emotion and sensation. He passes this along to anyone nearby, particularly normal people who cannot resist it, but even decently strong Vortal people or creatures have always felt a little dizzy or weirded out around him. While he can turn this power off, he usually just intensifies it as needed, it's normally a low-grade sensation. Every person perceives him differently, every being is affected in their own way. He can control whether everyone is getting the same intensity, in a 25 meter sphere up to 100 individuals. If one of them goes up, generally the rest go down in that effect. Some people do not like this one bit, but have a very difficult time pinning down who it is that's 'doing it' to them, because for the most part, this effect renders him 'off their radar' for the duration. Some people might develop resistance to it, while others an addiction, so he has to keep careful watch for any of those symptoms. Since he cannot control the effects, he has to be very, very careful around groups. However, dump him into a Combine facility, and let him wander around? That's beautiful.
Senses Insanely Sharp, but also Synaesthetic - including his Vortal ability to detect and communicate, Kal's normal senses are all at various degrees of 'way better than normal': sight and hearing are at 4x, touch and other 'physical' like balance or pressure senses along with his mental and Vortal perception are at 3x, smell, taste, and any assorted others like 'electronic and energy' are at 2x. He can detect someone long before they enter an area, listen in to a conversation across a stadium with ease, and pick up fine changes in electronics which while he can't 'read' data transfers, he certainly knows when a broadcast is being done such as on Combine radio. Thing is: they're all mashed up together, and he's likely to say 'that sandwich sounds teal' or 'her voice tasted like photography chemicals'. His mother claims this would make him an incredibly good Pilot. Only he can make any sense of all these things: anyone Vortally or Psychically looking in on his mind will be really lost.
Clusters Huge Vocabulary No One Understands +3
Skills Psychology +3
Looks Out For Problems +2
Social Science +2
Knacks Apologizes Frequently +3
1 Netiquette / Charybdis
2 It's Astronomical / Saiintenella
3 Dungeon Crawl / Ashigaru
4 What You Can Learn From Looking At Your Brain / Farber
5 Party Planning / Cameron
6 Recordkeeping Tactics / Kuyul
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott
8 Using Telepathy Politely / Paveh
Pets Butterflies seem to like him
Parents? Bethany Lyle
Siblings? Sardonyx




Name: Cloudy With A Chance Of Rainbows "Cloudy"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8'6" s / 52' l / 90' ws
*Colors: Yes. Only the white armor parts, claws, and horns remain as they are. Everything else is subject to change, always either pastel (belly) or vibrant with 'cloud passing' (scales), or that greyscale bubbly cloud thing going on the wingsails (reversed on the neck frill); black dots remain dark, eyes remain green.
Features: Pure Rainwing
Powers: Winged Flight, absolutely loves to fly, and can do so in pretty much any condition from perfect sunny skies or late night moonlit, to gale winds and snowstorms. However, the best flights are at dawn, dusk, and in light spotty rain with gaps in the clouds. Because rainbows! Cloudy can lift a surprising amount, carrying up to five humanoids on his back, or lifting a medium pickup truck worth of stuff. Care must be taken with lifting, those claws... He's not particularly fast, but is durable and can fly for literal days.
Communication, Cloudy speaks in a chipper, high voice, which may be confused for a female's. He doesn't care, he can sing and titter, groan and wail, loves to recite poetry. Does so in Draconic, English, Korean, and apparently Old One. Has a strong Vortal connection to his rider only, and can make easy sense of all that mashed up sensation.
*Color Shifting, obviously as a Rainwing Cloudy is apt to have a variety of patterns on his scales, but he takes it to a whole higher level. Though he can control this, mostly in his belly scales, he tends not to bother. He can show off so much more if he just lets his colors shine! He does not 'do requests', the patterns on his scales and wingsails are basically 'it', and 'brown' has never even occurred to him.
Venom, Rainwings have potent venom for hunting, his is of moderate danger to humanoid sized creatures in that it will be quite painful and render the nervous system incapacitated for hours if left alone. He can chomp down on much larger creatures or enemies, such as Combine Airships or Gunships, and paralyze them so their rotors and weapons stop working and they crash, but this can only be done about once per week at most, since it uses up most of his venom.
Parentage: Unknown pure Rainwings, unrelated to anyone in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Happy go lucky, endlessly cheerful, and not shallow. He genuinely has a good time with any task, even grim ones like cleaning up a battlefield or air dropping his human into a dangerous nest of Combine. He will protect Kal with his life, and has done so - that's how they know he can paralyze a Gunship...