Superheroic Character Information Page
Character Name
Grace Tirleda
Character Aliases
Greasemonkey (unused in modern era); Ms Fixit; ToolKit
Lethe; Created in 1985, Page made 10.9.23
Character Allignment
Character Gender
Female, She/Her
Character's Preference
Likes men, all kinds of em
Character Age
Supposedly 30s
Apparent Age
30s at most
Group Affiliation
Several including SACCADE, CHS, ULTRA, Professor Pepper, etc
Status in Group
Advisor and Technology Assembler for anyone
Is the Black Queen's Bishop's Pawn SuperChess
Has had kids with Hollis Blackstone over at CHS, son Hannibal
Has other boyfriends over the decades she's been active, and alternate universe daughters Amania and Reng T'kau (dragonriders), and definitely has a son with one of the members of her original supergroup
Day Job if any
Runs a motorcycle shop in Paragon and Crescent Cities
Also does superheroic consultation for 'danger room' activities, vehicular needs, and gadgetry students
Teaches at CHS (Course Schedule Below)
Period Class Teaching
1 Gadgeteering and Accessable Foci
2 --
3 Vehicular Engineering
4 Weapon-Based Martial Arts
5 Vehicular Engineering
6 --
7 Gadgeteering and Accessable Foci
8 Vehicular Engineering

Had been in a gang for about all of two months before realizing that what she liked about it was the bikes, not the people on them. Almost immediately decided to go back to school (she'd dropped out at 16 but by 17 was in in a trade school) and picked up that Masters much quicker than she expected to. As heroics started spreading through that dimension she took up with a group that has long since been disbanded, fighting along with Burl and Caelin and several others who all had mutations or abilities she lacked, but keeping up with them easily. Eventually it appeared that she was no longer even in that dimension? Whether she's the same person who Amania and Reng claim is their mother is in question, as she's never been to Pern and doesn't have a dragon named Tirledath ... But she does chill with the Pepper crew, as he has strong interests in not only installed devices and portal machinery but vehicles as well. She's helped keep their hovercraft, air-cars, jet skates, and jet-skis in working order. Also she went with Team Pepper on their Carramba Road Rally 2014!
Everyone likes getting where they're going on time, right? And safely? Sure! Truth be told though, she had one of her special vehicles stripped down by thieves when she wasn't around, and after that point would make sure that no one had to go without their pride and joy or their required wheels again. Actually Wheels is in another group she's worked for, though he made his own chair...
She doesn't have powers so much as gadgets, vehicles, and the ability to make them go faster, work longer, be more efficient, and overall just make sure they don't explode when you hit them. However she also has other aspects - she learned how to fight both dirty and clean, while with those gangs
A professional level vehicle maintenance and design degree goes a long way when you've got customers that have everything from inline skates with motors on them, to wheelchairs that need gravity defying parts, land-speeder engines, motorcycles, and even starships... She can identify virtually any vehicle with a once-over even if she's never seen anything like it, and if she does get a good look at its engine or motor, that's where she truly shines. She likes designing individualized vehicles or even just enhancements for them (like a nicer seat and arrangements for special-needs controls, backup cameras, gunnery...). Also her martial arts is something to behold, as she is much faster in motion than you expect; she enjoys archery, staff fighting, and blunt weaponry more than the edged weapons of her counterpart Ashi, and can fling a sports javelin or heft a wrench like nobody's business. (And yeah sure, she'll spar with Gordon or G0rd-OS with their crowbars, let's do it!)
While she's in it to win it for a short-term gig, she does have her own life and her own business to attend to. She can't go out on very long extended vacations to other worlds (without a little time travel or dimension aid, she knows those exist), so she can't necessarily commit to joining a supergroup for the long-term; she'll help a little here and there, she'll definitely do the rounds, but she is a businesswoman and needs to keep that up if she wants to afford actually buying or making those amazing cars and cycles for others
None, she's more or less a solo act that goes with other groups, than one that has her own. However she does instruct at Carramba now, and in that regard she will pick and choose a fair few kids that do well in her classes to tutor or give particular hints to
She's the hit em before they see you coming type, using her lithe frame to her advantage
Grace's durability is something to behold, she simply never stops once she's on a roll
Nimble fingers, used to fiddling with bolts and screws, triggers and small electronics
Bodily she's remarkably flexible and sure of herself on a rooftop, power line, motorcycle doing wheelies, or just doing a hand-stand
Doesn't concentrate on knowing more than she needs to about things outside her focal point, she's not the brains of the operation but she understands enough
Has a Masters degree in vehicular engineering and it shows! Doesn't particularly need more than this, but puts it to good use every day
While she can surely put on airs to people that need to be talked-up, she doesn't rely on words or sweet talk, she gets to the point
A very solid and gorgeous woman, she's not afraid to take that jacket off and work with just a snug tank top, keeping anyone just a touch distracted...
Shows up and makes an entrance, knows how to dress and act when she needs to be the center of attention
Definitely a daredevil, but not stupidly putting herself in harm's way. She heroically jumps into a fray, in between victims and bullies, and dares villains to try her!
While she is not a 'powered' individual, she definitely knows her gadgets, vehicles, and gear inside and out, and can use them as though they're part of herself
Her skills are something to watch, from tuning up a Trans-Am to doing baffling martial arts moves, juggling, and archery, she hardly misses a beat


Weakest --> Strongest; Good --> Evil / Order--> Chaos; Little --> Most


Enjoys what she does, and wants to make sure that her skills can be of use to allow others to make a difference too Heroic but not to a fault, she knows the difference between law and order, and hangs with people who aren't always obeying laws As a hero she definitely knows who the villain is and where their victim might be, though will often choose to fight the villain and let someone else handle the victim's needs

Other Info: