Hannibal Tirleda-Blackstone

Name Hannibal Tirleda-Blackstone

Male, he/him, pan

Homeworld Twoarth, from disparate dimension parents
Class Junior
Nut A sneaky sneaky super-hot and spicy single sunflower seed in a bag that's only supposed to be salted
Species Human, sorta Pernese, sorta Superhero
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 2
Drive 5
Looks 4
Cool 6
Bonk 3

Strong Technological Savant - acts as *Tech Cluster as a +3 freebie, anything that's mechanical, powered or not, is his to create, destroy, modify, and manage. Can easily understand virtually all technology from stone age tools to far future or far far away items ('this was a long time ago?!') just by looking them over, even more so if they're in use while he watches. While this isn't so much a 'power' as an innate skill set, it almost feels like most machinery responds to his touch eagerly.

Psionics - a suite with strong empathy for living or sentient creatures (including tech-based), and minor localized telepathy (best with other telepaths who can pick up his mind, but also with proximity any non-shielded mind). His own mind has a distinct 'shop class' scent and feel to it, but a well-oiled machine at that.

Genrehopping - with neither parent having come from Twoarth, and both of them from worlds where such things do happen regularly thanks to powers, tech, or magic, it is an innate ability that Hannibal can concentrate (hard) on a location no matter how fanciful or made-up it might be, and go there. He can return easily, but getting anywhere that he hasn't been to before is quite taxing on his system and he needs to rest, so he often imagines that his arrival spot will be 'safe' to sleep in for a few hours. He cannot take anyone else with him, just himself and whatever he's wearing/carrying.


*Technology +3 as above

Memory Tricks +3 his mind is a shiny steel trap, an open book that writes itself, an ongoing record of anything he dedicates to learning. Hannibal isn't gifted with a photographic memory but he is able to specifically dedicate just a touch of effort and can bring up virtually anything he's learned in this manner. Provided that he's got this 'trick' going, he will soak up information at a rapid pace, and can answer test questions or use the information in practical terms almost immediately. This works for intellectual pursuits, and theory best, because physical skills must be repeated to work right, but in theory he can build a nuclear powered hovercraft or speak with Hutts in their native tongue equally well.


Perfect Attendance +3 not necessarily 'to class' as he has occasionally skipped classes in favor of other activities, but he knows any schedule and can work around it, he's an absolute monster when it comes to logistics and arranging things. He is a good 'right hand man' not necessarily the leader of a team or group, but their strongest support system since he is always on top of who needs to be where, with what powers or gear, and won't hesitate to correct things if needed to get them to work smoothly.

Remarkably Physical +3 his mother is a superhero and his father is a bronze-riding weyr leader, so you'd expect those muscles, but he never really looks all that intimidating when you're just standing in the halls talking. But his PE class knows, and anyone that's ever seen him at the beach enjoying the summer sun, that he is positively shredded under those sedate Green-caste outfits that his dad provides.

Excellent Judge Of Character +3 that judgy look on his face is there for a reason. He's sizing people up every moment, making little notes about their quirks, tone of voice, unconsious or subconsious movements that betray their true feelings. He definitely will beat you at poker, and he is absolutely certain he's better than you - but he rarely seems to need to prove that fact, it just comes out all by itself most of the time.

Knacks Clean and Tidy +3 with white hair and perfect nails, unscarred skin, and always-clean clothing, you'd never expect this kid to be climbing out from under a kaiju-busting mech, but there he is. It's as though dirt and oil just don't stick to him, he hardly ever smells bad though he certainly has a lingering machine oil and steel sort of scent to him. He cleans up so well it's ridiculous. This also applies to his work area, he keeps things in their place, never just walking away from a work bench without at least putting spare items away.
Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Hyperdimensional Calculus / M. Vale / Excellent
2 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lane / Excellent
3 Dragon Riding and Tactics / Barnes / Excellent
4 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis / Excellent
5 Mechanical Engineering / G0rd-OS / Superb
6 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Decent
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler / Superb
8 Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious / Alcott (Moondive) / Excellent
Pets ?
Parents? Grace Tirleda and Hollis Blackstone - they met at the Carramba Rally 2014 (which in their world appears to be way longer ago given he's a junior...)
Siblings? Several half-siblings on both sides (Hana and Helena, Amania and Reng) (that second one might be super out of date or confusing but they are definitely Grace's kids)
Image From Lethe, made for a 'Generations' project inspired by the nexus in 2013
Other Info He doesn't have much in the way of a superheroic personality but will definitely fit right in either as a support type in a superhero lab, or a rider in the field

H'lis came to this son of his one morning before the start of his Junior year, with Grace and Cybil behind him. And Hannibal knew that it was H'lis and not merely Hollis, the guy who brought clothing and coffee and secrets... It was the bronze-dragon rider, leader of a Weyr, with a broad grin on his face. How completely opposite they were, father and son, in appearance. Well, not entirely, with their white hair, but the son had all the melanin he could pack into that flawless skin, and his mother's tight wooly hair (oddly enough a whiter shade of cream than his own), but he did have the Blackstone grey eyes. Grace also grinned, however, as she could sense her son's excitement just by looking at him. He didn't seem to be all excited, or even the excitable type. But she knew. A mother knows.

But why was Cybil there? Oh yes. To record all this for the record, since...

"So we've found a place for you to stand," H'lis said, carefully enunciating stand because like all things it was significant when a dragon rider said it.

That got Hannibal to his feet, he didn't want to look rushed, but he certainly snapped-to quickly.

H'lis handed off a printed out page of information which was quickly read and understood. "A... a court," Hannibal looked around at their shared home, one which only Hannibal actually resided in full time. There were plenty of portraits and photos on the walls, most of which were dragon-related. There were some that he could never quite identify, and those images on this paper looked a lot like some of them.

And radically unlike them too.

He was given time to assemble his gear, clothing and whatnot, and almost immediately was flown away to the Nidus.

There was hardly a pause in his activity. Found a dorm, dumped his stuff, and was moved to the eggs where others were already celebrating the hatchlings that had come to them. It was a brilliant green and black that stood up and took notice of Hannibal the moment he arrived.

You and I have much in common, he bespoke, I am Matrixth, if you are my Hannibal.

"I am, in fact, your Hannibal!" The young man laughed, and gathered up the dragonet. "You even match my Caste, dad'll be happy about that!"

He took his time, but no time passed. Hannibal's own power over dimensionality helped the dragonet learn, as he fledged as well, how to travel from one location to the next without harm and without pause. It did wear both of them out, but they made it back to the Crescent City home in one piece when it was decided that he'd be best off learning from the other dragon professors at CHS.

Thus Hannibal's Junior year was also Matrixth's Freshman term as well! They shared some of their classes, though truth be told Matrixth was much better at the history class than Hannibal, and each of them would relate their daily experiences to one another in a constant stream of telepathy.

As they both grew up and older, that connection strengthened into a perfectly meshed unit. Hannibal could help out his heroic mother and dragon-oriented father equally well, and then they branched into their own 'heroic rider unit' when it was clear that the city could support one! They often tackled industrial issues, or incidents which occurred in situations where a machine could do the job of a dragon, in safety. Hannibal fitted his dragon with a device that he and Grace had put together, which controlled a drone that could swoop and move as if it was a miniature version of himself, no they didn't want to endanger a flitter going into a gas-filled warehouse!

Matrixth did his homework, long after 'school' was out - he kept track of locations and events, committing to memory who was where, whose tracks they had to follow, and soon the draconic heroics department had an extensive database of spots that could or could not be accessed by normal flesh and blood creatures, and which organizations had been the most likely to have ... 'incidents'...


Name: Matrixth (matrix lisped)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 8'8" s / 35' l / 60' ws
Colors: Opal Court Matrix Green as shown
Features: Opal Court, features mature over time as shown
Powers: Winged Flight, swift and acrobatic, as a smaller type he can often fit where other much larger dragons dared not go. Even at the risk of singeing his feathered wings, he could manage to go through an open ended warehouse to pluck trapped workers out and to safety before they'd be trapped 'forever'. He can carry a lot more than just his rider, unexpectedly strong, he's been known to lift train cars off twisted tracks and hold them up steadily while others grab people and goods from under it
Teleportation, as above, his ability to move both on and off world is quite good, working in tandem with his rider rather than another more skilled dragon. Together they can move across the cityscape and coastline, dotting their mental map with specific hotspots and revisiting them regularly, now without exhaustion on either of their part. They can also move between the dimensions previously visited, and though they need just a little time to rest up, it seems that the dragon provides the raw endurance, while the rider offers the direct connection
Verbal Speech and Telepathy, Matrixth prefers telepathic contact with Hannibal, and will speak to other people when needed in his voice. They share a truly perfect link, one which doesn't wrest control from one to the other, instead relying on each other to shore up weak points or do what one cannot, including 'talking to kidnappers without eating them'
Discern Truth and Lies, Karmic Weight, he can use this ability but does so sparingly: they are not here to judge, but to rescue or defuse a situation before it gets too bad for anyone. Once everyone is safe, once everyone has had their say in a court if needed, only then might he nudge things a bit for the people involved in an altercation
Kismet, yes, he can say he's almost always in the right place at the right time!
Genetic Memory and Trance; this is where he centers his activity, finding who may have the right tactic or physical move to reach a specific spot, what might be said to someone who is acting irrational, and how they themselves managed to work out the details of helping a 'villain' do his reformation work successfully. He wants to share this with others, and has plenty of opportunity at CHS and later in the Crescent heroic force. Matrixth is the heroic equivalent of a living database, and studies all the police bands and court follow-ups he can, keeping very good records indeed
Prismatic Breath, he prefers not to use a breath weapon, his is truly rainbow-shade and acts accordingly, with different features for specific needs. Others are more reliable with this power or some other breath weapon, he leaves them to it
Parentage: Engineered by Shan and technically unrelated to Opal Court dragons
Origin: Nidus Asteri by Dragonflight
Other Info: Very much enjoys being a hero, even if he's also a nerd to the extreme!

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) *favored from 2 years of attendance, not necessarily all the classes attended over those years
1 Advanced Statistics / A. Vale / Excellent over time
2 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lane / Decent-Superb over time
3 Dragon Riding and Tactics / Barnes / Superb over time
4 Draconic Team Sports / Brianola / Superb
5 Current Affairs / Talshoy / Decent
6 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Excellent
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler / Superb
8 Practical Draconic Chemistry / Potion / Decent