Name: Gotintoit M030
Gender: Male
Coat: Ash Red Bar
Eyes: Orange
Genetic Code:
BA//b (Ash Red, Carries Brown)
C+//c (Barred, Carries Barless)
D+//d (Wild Type, Carries Dilute)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 4
Domestication: 96
Friendliness: 69
Noisiness: 26

Parents: Ruckus F017, Butterball M013
Siblings if known: numerous! including Jiffy(pop) F032 and Coolio M029


Current Location: Lethe's Loft
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray / Nidus Corona

Yes, he absolutely got into it. Whatever 'it' is. This cat sticks his head into everything. Bags, boxes, under the bathroom door, into the plumber's little helper. Frankly he is lucky as hell that he is about the size of a grapefruit, because he's not quite strong enough to knock over heavy things as easily as his daddy. At first I was worried that he'd been injured as a kitten with that coloration, but nope, that's gorgeous feathery fur.

Traditional Disclaimer and Copyright Statement: Lethe is me, don't try stealing me. The artwork on the main pages is mine. Any other art or world is credited where used. None of it is for use beyond this site and cannot be distributed by anyone but me, and that does include No Fucking Thanks and any collections online. If you didn't see it on my site it is stolen.