Name |
Tsecut, they/them pronouns |
Status |
Pelatih / Dragon Master |
Gender/Age/Lifespan |
Shifter - F biped / M taur / 35 / 220+ |
Born Year / LAZ |
10504 / Kiran / Emosah / Bilo |
Breeding |
B5, 4 generations steed-based, 2 generations shifter |
Fertility |
biped Normal as female, taur Normal but specialized partner only and only sires |
Parents / Family |
Mother Bayaran (taur steed type)
Father Pelatih (single-form shifter with dragon features) |
Bred To / Offspring |
Ori'kul+Pyrdakayu spliced only / Kahtahg'ori, **'ori, ori'** (pending) |
Int - 78
App - 57
Edu - 95
Cha - 63
Str - 71/140
Soc - 49
Hea - 52/100
Agg - 83
Agi - 99/130
San - 57
Rea - 75
Cou - 52
Sensory Mods |
Hearing 150
Psionics/Item 150
Movement Mods |
Taur/Priority 150
Taur/Move Dist 3x
Body Type |
Biped 111 / Taur 340 |
Holdings |
Land 1250
Note: is on
Dragon Forces
Councils in both
and Mi'a
advising for
Swamp, Stone, and Sky
type facility regulations
Land/Area/Zone |
Amount, Use |
Kiran / Emosah / Bilo |
24, Estate |
58, Dragon Training Facility |
61, Hunt/Wilderness Supply Shop |
152, Wilderness Themed Resort |
168, Dragon Land (Stone/Swamp) |
181, Hunt Park (marsh and cliffs) |
Curra / Mi'a / Zifan |
32, Estate |
50, Hunt/Wilderness Supply Shop |
53, Dragon Training Facility |
151, Dragon Land (Swamp, Sky) |
157, Hunt Park (marsh and mountains) |
163, Wilderness Themed Resort |
Bayaran |
14 - almost all of these work in the shops and at the resorts. Almost all of them are non-Tuned, and have been tested for any future dragon-type abilities, so if there ever is one that pops the traits, they will be immediately Raised to whatever appropriate status. |
Budak |
9 - 2 in each Estate for upkeep and maintenance
1 personal attendant keeping track of clothing or other needs, as well as doing a lot of nearby gopher duties
2 in each Hunt Park for upkeep and guest services
Hires |
Kaumburuh - has at least four at each Shop, and probably half a dozen at the Parks for menial duties, upkeep, and stocking shelves/storefront work
Tuantana - known connections to transportation and equipment shipping
Membayar - several working with both legal and Land political departments, and assorted hires at Resorts and Parks for gear and goods or services
Pemilik - Steed-shop type services and party arrangements
Suzerain - numerous political connections
Pelatih - hires no fewer than a dozen for each large facility, service for Steeds (such as feed, care, tack, enviornmental maintenance), and at least one available at the Shops for similar duties and consultation
Dragon Masters and Breeders - on hand for any given dragon type for trainers and supplies specific to their needs
Peridian - only those who are necessary for their own breeding needs!
Sehatan - two full time (+investors) at the Hunt Parks, for health care and damage control
Works with several Atasan and Penjagan to make arrangements and have larger groups at resorts and parks |
Savings |
200kc, though a lot of that is income from the resorts, since they hire out their Dragon training facilities as well as Steed needs there is always a very steady income otherwise |
Profession / kc per year |
Hunt and Excursion Management / 15 years experience with Steeds and 10 years with Dragons / around 44kc per year but with individual per-need training for either Steed or Dragon (non combat/guard) |
Powers |
Genetic Purity
Power Rank |
Minor |
All act as Major due to PR
Item Suite - from their mother's side of the lineage, comes a varied group of powers that all apply to physical items. These can be any particular item that a person has come into contact with, rather than just 'natural items like leaves' or rocks. The closer that an item has come into contact with, and the duration of that contact, increases the range of perception as well as the details discerned through them, and there is no way to resist the effects of any of this, since the power is not technically applying to any person even if they're wearing that ring
-- Sense and Sense Through Item, This is usually in the form of specific pieces that are given out at the start of any hunt or excursion. Allowing Tsecut to easily sense each one and perceive through them, when someone goes missing. Because they are often re-used they have a lot of residual psionic energy and can be seen like an actual 'waypoint' or target as though in a video game's HUD, at up to 5 miles in a sphere around Tsecut. This is a very large range, but also this power cannot be turned off, even if they are using another version of the power as below at the same time. There is always a ghostly sheen of 'it was here' in their mental landscape view. The sensing-through portion of this extends in a range of about 10 meters in a sphere around the item, and includes vision as well as audio (as per their modified senses) though other senses cannot be detected this way
-- Locate Item - as above, but if they are not familiar with the item or it was only in their presence for a short time - such as if someone has lost an item, this is the power used. One of the perks of having a Budak that is on hand all the time, as well as telepathic, is that they can grill the person about the appearance of this item and she can convey this directly to Tsecut. Though it is a bit circuituous in nature, this allows them to pinpoint where it was last in contact with the person at ranges up to 2 miles. Within that they can then do a more detailed search under 1km. If the item is not on Tsecut's familiar-enough list, they cannot sense through it
-- Portal-Based Summon Item (small), known and small items such as the Hunt Park tags above, can be instantly manifested into Tsecut's hands from a range of 10 miles. They can specifically target items that they aren't familiar with but know their location exactly (such as 'via a view screen and a map') at up to 2 miles away. The items can only be less than a total of 10 BT worth of mass, so a 'cat sized' single mass, or any combination of smaller things up to that point. They can only do this about once a day, but the items themselves if small and separate - as long as they are known - can all be summoned from different locations at once. Often they'll do this in case a tour party has finished their excursion and someone may be wandering off with property they shouldn't have...
Major |
Single-Form Shape and Gendershift, numerous Triptych probably went into their lines from both sides, and the effect of this is their additional rather large grounded Steed-like form. They cannot alter themselves in pieces or 'grow legs' consciously, but can concentrate for a few minutes and suddenly they're half a torso taller and distinctly less female. They are somewhat susceptible to powers that provoke shifting so they usually make sure that there's enough room to do so... This form has quite a few advantages physically, particularly for their career choices (see Mutations)
Special |
Steed and Dragon Command Suite - Due to their variety of genetic influences, Steeds as well as Swamp, Sky, and Stone dragons respond to their commands far more easily, and apply to Offworld dragons and to Spliced invidivuals that have the same types to Minor effect as well. People with psionics and these features get a resistance roll vs PR but are at an advantage as though they are on PR better than they usually are. Note that Tsecut can use these powers (and their others mostly) in both Taur and Biped forms. Works best with Grounded Steeds since they lack wings
-- Sense and Sense Through, as their Item power, this allows Tsecut to feel for their strays, and in the case of sensing through, can spot missing flock members or their downed riders. Their range on this ability is a stunning 50 miles, though only apply to their Steeds that have been in contact and trained with Tsecut their whole life. (so there's about 2 dozen of these!) The extent of their perception is 'any sense' including touch, sight, scent, hearing, and even taste. Tsecut cannot sense psionically through them, however so no 'daisy chain' of steeds and items to bypass their range restrictions...
-- Locate Steed/Dragon, within 20 miles, they can pinpoint a distant creature within their gene range. This works best in conjunction with their ID ability
-- Identify Steed/Dragon Condition, within about 500 meters, Tsecut can determine the physical and emotional status of their creatures, as well as which specific animal or creature it is they're detecting. Closer than that, they can actively feel the damage from an injury, so it's best to have another Pelatih on hand for repairs, since Tsecut cannot heal without hospital equipment. This and the Location ability both work on Splices and Offworld dragons to Minor effect and much closer range
-- Command and Train, up to 8 Steeds at a time, or dragons of Int under 40 and up to 4 individuals, can be trained at one time. Training simple tasks such as individual hand and body visual commands or verbal cues can be achieved in one hour session, though the quantity of creatures being trained at once will lengthen this from one to four hours. For those early commands and basics, they must be in close proximity, not farther than 50 meters away and able to see or hear Tsecut. A creature in the middle of a task misperforming can quickly be corrected with a Command, though with multiple others doing the 'right' behavior can actually make this command unnecessary! For Steeds and flighted Dragons, obviously training for larger things like aerial maneuvers must be done while in flight, but their range for already-trained creatures is 10 miles as long as there is clear line of sight. They can tap their Location or Sense powers to bring them back into view. Most of their work however will be with grounded types of both Steeds and Dragons, and as such their range is often shorter anyway
-- Summon Steed/Dragon, within a 2 mile sphere around Tsecut can alert both Steeds and Dragons (only those trained by them) to immediately drop whatever they were doing and return to their trainer. When their use of their Item sense hasn't brought success, sometimes this will! Someone wandering away on a Steed unsuited to their tasks, or getting into trouble, that Steed is often the best way to... convince them to come on back whether they want to be or not. Those creatures on their way will not pause or falter, or even think twice about it: their person needs their aid right freaking now. They will not fight or provoke other creatures summoned, and behave themselves properly around their trainer once they arrive. Even the surly Stone Dragons won't pick fights, and that's saying a lot
Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages |
Mutations |
Minor: Long Ears, hearing sense is doubled for distance and clarity, there is no particular down side as they are no more susceptible to loudness or other features than normal
Major: Medium Horns, a pair of forearm-length spiraled, swirl tipped horns grow from Tsecut's skull just above and slightly in front of their ears. These can be used for a hard hitting head-butt attack dealing 4 points of Bash damage, though this is a last resort. They might also consider the pointed hook ends, as they are worth 2 points of Impale damage should they connect to soft tissue...
Major: Large Tail, they have a thick, spined (horn material) tail about 3/4 of their body size adding 50 points of Body Type mass even as a biped. This tail can be quite useful for balance as a taur in running or even as a weapon (4 point Bash), though as a biped it's rather ungainly to get running they can use it for a seat if needed! It does make clothing a little difficult to wear so they rely on loincloths, skirts, and tunics in biped form. Also this tail on biped form is thick-skinned and can easily resist Cutting, Impale, and many kinds of elemental damage up to 16 points. The rest of their body is not so lucky
Shift form above is a Special level physical mutation and all carry at once to offspring
-- Strength and Health Alteration - the Taur shape is large and durable particularly compared to their normal size
-- Agility Boost - with four hooves on the ground they can move far greater distances and more quickly than those on two feet, keeping up with the Steeds in fact! They are also very easily able to dodge or move around obsticals at speed
-- Fur and Leather - in this form only, they have the 'Leathery Skin' upper parts, and a thick, stiff fur coat on their taur parts including their normally-reptilian tail. This affords protection against Cutting and Impale (up to 4 points) and Environmental Survival (no -mods) up to 8 points of negative modification for cold, heat, or other such natural extremes
-- Hoof Damage - if needed, they can pummel the crap out of a dangerous creature below their hooves. Each impact is up to 4 points Bash damage
-- Gendershifted - in this form only, they develop a full set of male parts, but they are only really able to 'mate' with those of equitable configuration. Not that there's a lack of taurs around here, but as this form is rather big and difficult, if you want to mix them up in a lab using splices, that's a more viable alternative.
-- Can Also Carry - while shifted, however, they are capable of maintaining a pregnancy started in their female form without issue. This is pretty far outside of the norm for many shifters, actually
They also have a few disadvantages that only really show up if they maintain this form longer than a day or so:
-- Diet Requirement - with their current size and configuration, they have two of a few organs that normally they wouldn't... Including two hearts, a huge set of lungs, and a stomach that needs grains and vegetable matter in quantity. If they need to maintain their quad shape longer than a full day, they need to eat basically "like a Steed", avoiding most uncooked meat but they can still have it without issue thanks to their Draconic splices. If they don't have access to enough foliage and roughage, they will suffer as time goes on, so it is in their best interest to either have access to it, or shift back before they start starving...
-- Attractive To Weird Things - It's entirely possible that Steeds listen to them while they're shifted because they are simply accepted as the Flock leader. Or as a being of ... Interest. They do tend to have more gnats and insects gathered around, you can tell when their ears start flicking that they're getting on Tsecut's nerves
Disadvantages |
Minor Susceptibility to Steed/Dragon Tuned Psionics - if a Pelatih or Dragon Master is around and closer than 25 meters using an ability, there's a chance that it can interfere with Tsecut's powers and abilities. Particularly any shift-based powers, but also things like commands and controls, even healing and harming, are at least sensed by Tsecut. At worst, they may cancel out or cause Tsecut's powers to misfire or twist into something else. The Steeds or Dragons involved will become confused or even aggressive if misused. Notably Tsecut shows up very strongly on any Pelatih's psionic radar if they are sensitive to Steeds or Dragons in their line
Weirdness Magnet - a Special tier social change, leading to 'whatever strange shit going on' will happen to them. This isn't always a negative thing, for instance it's broght them into contact with the Vahh facility at Zifan, where they have been tapped for psionic training and draconic needs! That said, a lot of people do think that Tsecut is 'really strange' and gives off strange vibes, and they wouldn't be wrong. People who are put off from shifters, taurs, or even 'animal-spliced' often will take any opportunity to not interact, so a lot of their customers at the Resorts and Hunt Parks are 'not those people'
Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level) |
Basics |
Land/Area |
Status |
Law /
Politics / |
Professional / |
Ad |
Personal Skills |
F |
Power Use |
T |
Dragon |
none yet |
Bonded at |