
Ori'kul (ahlVahh)

Ori Kul - patrols the puzzling path

Art By and Adopted From The Elder Trinity on Deviantart (?)

Status Pelatih / Dragon Master (breeder)
Gender/Age/Lifespan Female / 35ish / 400+
Born Year / LAZ 10505 / Kiran / Le'ret / Ski'nahket
Breeding B6 with added offworld dragon splices
Fertility Seasonally - Semi with normal Zekirans, Normal+ with Draconic/Shifter partners
Parents / Family All Spliced, no specific individuals dominate genes, includes splices from Offworld dragon types
Bred To / Offspring Tsecut+Pyrdakayu spliced / Kahtahg'ori, **'ori, ori'** (pending)
Int - 83
App - 59
Edu - 76
Cha - 62
Str - 85
Soc - 74
Hea - 82
Agg - 77
Agi - 83/123MDx
San - 59
Rea - 85
Cou - 76
Sensory Mods
All Psionics 170
Touch 40
Taste 40
Movement Mods
Flight Priority 250
Body Type
Rolled 84+Wings/Tail 164
Land 594
Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Kiran / Le'ret / Ski'nahket 28, Estate at the perimeter of the Vahh holdings
58, Animal+Dragon Genetics Lab inside facility (large)
64, Scientific Library (with other stuff! cafe!)
168, Dragon Land, surrounding Estate
Tana / Difar / Ablan 9, Home, high ceilings and few walls
42, Vet and Dragon Health Clinic
225, Dragon Land
Bayaran 3 - Doesn't care much for dealing with money so these are Vahh-supplied and work exclusively at their holdings
Budak 7 - 1 at Ablan homestead for upkeep and grounds, 2 at Ablan clinic
1 in Ski'nahket home for maintenance
1 personal attendant for paperwork and meeting arrangements and to remind her sometimes people want her wearing clothing
2 at Ski'nahket facility genetics lab assistants
Hires Kaumburuh - several work at homes and grounds doing landscaping and making sure it's all being used correctly
Tuantana - at least two around both homes are holders and she pays them to help maintain the grounds
Membayar - works with legal processes mostly, and in Library
Pelatih and Dragon Masters - works directly with dozens of each, helping train them or educate them for their services
Savings ~500kc, hardly spends on stuff, beyond food and maintenance costs for the Holdings so she's got a bundle just waiting to be distributed to any offspring for their inheritances...
Profession / kc per year

Pelatih - land based animal training for guard duty, deals often with reptile sales, and some amount of down-time tours and hunting in the deserts of Le'ret / 25kc per year typically, though as dragons have taken more time she is okay with letting this practice dwindle (though she will eagerly do hunt duties!)

Dragon Mastery - aerial training services for both Masters and Dragons. While she specializes in "Sky Dragons" locally, it's clear that she also is able to train and command basically any kind of dragon be it local Zekiran or offworld as long as they're of a similar configuration (not mammal or superficially mammalian, see below). She helps with designing plans of attack and patrols for areas covering anything from small neighborhoods in urban areas, to entire islands off busy coasts, and will work with locals to make sure those plans are executed correctly and do their job / up to 20kc per month worth of training, often takes on small teams for specific locations and dedicates half a year to only their needs

Genetic Purity
Power Rank


Defensive Adaptation - a variable ability that works all by itself, but can be consciously controlled, allowing her to resist damage or difficulties from environmental sources. 8 points to negate things such as modest to harsh cold or heat, high altitudes and pressure changes, visibility, even water based exploration though it won't help her breathe water... This works for a day or so, and takes a few hours to fully manifest, but she usually will arrive to an area well before needing to start heavy training in the environment

Minor Animal and Dragon Gene Alteration - works best with reptiles, draconic splices, and avians to a degree, doesn't work on insects or fish (not 'sea dragons' but actual fish) and has less effect on any splices with those things in them. Modestly works with mammalians without any of those features, but she's far more comfortable working with the easier types. Generally speaking can sense with the much stronger ability below, and alterations are made exclusively in vitro before implantation or splicing with other genetic sources. She will commonly do several rounds of testing before introducing different bloodlines or breeds, but can still gently tweak the results if they are promising enough but not quite working. This mainly comes in the form of 'compatibility' alterations, she herself is the result of such a change thanks to Maal's work. She can nudge cells to resist mutation, even if a breed or splice will likely do so, and also fix superficial issues with skin and sensory DNA. She cannot use this to produce whole-cloth dragons or animals, but her work has been included in a kind of assembly line for experiments at Ski'nahket


Genre Portal - able to open a portal to other dimensions suitable for herself to step through. It doesn't last very long and cannot be held open for others, but whatever is clinging to her or near enough to touch her can come with her - don't dawdle you will absolutely miss this ride. She is able to learn from traveling around with her dragon as well as other people and theirs, and via the teleporter under Ski'nahket to boot, so she is gaining some ability to accurately return to specific locations and realms rather than haphazardly getting lost (she has heard of some people who just do not know how to control this ability and have to be retrieved by Vahh... how embarrassing for them! some of them are his own family...). This power does exhaust her considerably, so she must be both well rested and ready for it, and have some kind of resting place on arrival. She is worn out from this single power far more than flying an entire circuit around the Ski'nahket Zone

Dragon Tuned Suite - These abilities and some below are all geared toward Sky and Desert dragons and virtually any non-mammal or low-mammal like types from any Offworld source. She can push the power to work on dragons outside of that range, but to less effect and closer range

-- Dragon Warning System - any given dragon in an area of 1km of herself (thanks to the Special tier below) can serve as an alert if they are startled or trained to notice things. This is one of the most important aspects of getting dragons and their masters trained in the field, because placing numerous dragons out there widens their network and the potential to stop an Incursion before it gets anywhere. She can turn this ability on and off at will, having practiced so much it's rather easy but not typical for this kind of power

-- Summon Large Dragon - Dragons of any sort up to BT 200x10L (meaning 'about the size of her dragon bond' below or smaller) and within 2km of herself will urgently respond to her conscious summons, no matter their level of aggression or inclination to run away or fight other creatures. They act as if she is their mate/parent/offspring and will defend her from 'the thing she thinks is scary', even to the point of teaming up with dozens of smaller dragons who also will arrive. They will put off any hostility toward one another in favor of getting their proper defensive job done, and will go their separate ways afterwards without incident. This does work best with Sky, Desert, and any similar Offworld dragon - particularly ones with strong telepathic reception as well as higher intellect than local dragons

-- Train Dragons (All) - Working with any given dragon, with bonuses for her 'types', she can reduce the amount of time taken to become fully trained in any given behavior. From learning where the latrine should be, to fetching a specific piece of gear, and from visual or psionic recognition of friend/foe, to specific tactics to use when those foes or friends are discovered. She uses this in conjunction with her humanoid suite to grant the dragon's Master a similarly strong training session, and one which they then can customize where needed afterwards. She will first assess the dragon and Master's needs - do they fight the Incursion? Do they need to patrol or guard? Are they more for transport or for hunting duties? Each type of activity usually can be mastered in about a month if the dragon is young (though old enough to be trained) and if they have similar skills or existing training, some aspects may be reduced to just a few sessions over a couple days time. Those people or dragons that may be resistant to Psionics will take considerably longer, but she can still pass on proper visual and body language cues, vocal and even scent instructions, and the like to those that aren't capable of 'hearing all dragons'. While she can train multiple dragons at a time, they do need to be of the same type as one another; with a mixture, orders might get confused between duller minded local dragons, so she will generally leave those mixed bags to other trainers. For "Offworld" types, she could easily be considered a Weyrling Master


Humanoid / Draconic Psionic Suite - all of these abilities are not only very strong in their own right, but can be applied to all forms of intelligent life as long as it's 'about the same as any human or dragon type creature' regardless of their origin point or biology. All abilities work best with her 'types' but equally, if an avian-mammal gryphon with strong mental psionics came by, she'd easily be able to communicate and work with it. Those with (-) run somewhere below Special tier in strength, while those with (+) act considerably stronger. Thanks to her incredibly low GP, there are markedly few creatures who could ever successfully resist some of those powers. Also because of that and her Power Rank, her effective range for powers may be far greater than normal

-- Empathy (+) - able to detect the overall emotional state and mental well-being of people and dragons up to 10 miles away, though this does mean that in large groups or in very close proximity she may be subject to being 'swept away' with their emotions should they be all similar. (Fear, elation, anger, etc - don't bring her to your political protest please.) She does not try to control emotions in anyone

-- Invasive Telepathy (+) - she can detect deeper thoughts than just your shopping list, casually able to dig into a memory here or a motivation there, within about 500 meters, and normal communications at up to 20 miles. Her mind is, for lack of a better word, 'sleek', almost 'tense' but not in the emotional sense, more if you feel her nosing around your memories, it is like a tightwire vibration. Her voice is clear and focused, unless she's having a fertility event...

-- Sense, Locate, Identify - minds of sentient life forms within 2 miles can easily be spotted if she knows them, and she can dedicate memory to specific people if they become 'known'. She can spot the exact location or general direction depending on the distance, of those individuals. This is of use during hunting season, when people tend to get lost in the scrub desert and need rescuing

-- Hypnotic Suggestion and Mind Stun (- / -) - with close proximity (under 50 meters) she can deliver a sharp stunning 'mental slap on the back of the head', which renders the person or creature a bit addled for a few minutes. During that time, however, she can insert quiet instructions or suggestions, which may either be acted upon immediately after they're 'awake' again, or with some longer term trigger to set things in motion. While Vahh thinks this is a very useful power, she tends to only reserve it for those Dragon Masters who need to repeatedly be reminded of their instruction set, such as 'when your dragon makes this noise, you do this thing immediately'. It's not great for instructional purposes, but she can use it that way

-- Information Transfer (++) - This power combined liberally with others allows her to take specific information and move it to another person or creature's mind directly. Now, this doesn't mean they will know exactly what to do with it, but it forms the basis of future training. This system is in heavy use at Ski'nahket for their 'Icarus Treatment' processing, with both electronic and psionic imprinting of basic skills such as cooking and self-care, or even more complex ones like identifying political leanings and histories. She uses it to put the same physical command structure and recognition into the Dragon Masters she's training up. That way, everyone knows when she raises one hand in such a way, she means do this move and not the other one. Reinforcement is key to this power, however, so even if she's taken the time to imprint on someone, if they don't actively practice it, it will be lost within about a month. She can also take information (not necessarily 'skill set') from any sentient brain and store it in her own, reviewing it like a textbook, for approximately two full weeks, and then with dwindling memory of it over the next two weeks. A version of this is commonly used for couriers and those with super-secret things needing to be handed off and then forgotten - she would normally use this for 'which students am I training this month' and has never misnamed or mis-titled anyone while she's working with them or their dragons! She must be with someone closely to move a full skill set, and this usually involves repeatedly going over the same details like comparing copies to their originals for flaws. She does use this for her DNA powers as well, whoops don't want that gene pair together, reinforce this other instead to look more like the one in my mind! She has trained herself up to use it this way, it's not necessarily typical that the person performing the transfer actually uses the information gathered

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Special Tier Suite: Dragon Morph - From her head to her feet she is modified and custom built out of DNA from a variety of sources, and it shows. While there are definitely lesser-bred folks with many of these features, putting them all together means she is an imposing and unusual person to encounter.

-- Leathery Skin - she is not 'armored' so much as fit with heavier and thicker skin than normal, including between her 'fingers' on those big wings. It is soft enough to move freely, but thick and durable, notable only when touched. It does mean that she has reasonably good natural resistance to damge (8 points) from cutting or impale damage as well as elemental wear and tear from heat, wind, grit, and the like. However it also means that she has a lowered sense of Touch, her hand-fingers are still reasonably sensitive, but overall her body and wings tend to ignore sensations that might bother her if they were at full sensitivity

-- Modified Head - bearing a muzzle with sharp teeth that includes fewer molars for grinding, and more cat-like for cutting and shearing, she has dietary preferences though no true allergies or requirements. She prefers meat and fruits, as well as insects (hey if you're flying around over a field you are going to get a mouth full of bugs, why not learn to like them), and likes natural sweets like honey. Her sense of taste however is also at a disadvantage from having a more specialized tongue. Though she has longer, pointed ears, they do not offer any particular bonus or penalty. She has two heavy back-pointing horns coming from over her forehead, and if absolutely needed she can head-butt with them for 4 points of Bashing damage, but she uses them for show and intimidation, not letting herself fall into the trap of breaking her own skull...

-- Added Wing Arms - fully functional flight wings, joined to her body at the upper chest rather than the shoulder area. They are quite large when fully extended, allowing her to fly easily on good warm winds, and they connect about a third of the way down her tail for stability. They are very flexible as shown, and while she has finger like sensation in each of their tips, you won't see her using them to put a signature on anything or do typing on a datapad. But she can hold a stylus and pad with them! They act very much like a second set of longer reaching hands, and can be folded into what looks like a 'cloak' when she's indoors or in company. Since they are still 'fingers', she can perform rudamentary skills with them and leave her full hands for detailed work, adding to her Agility in the form of a Manual Dexterity bonus. The thumb 'wrist' is the only portion of her hands that bears a long curved claw. These wings are great for warmer climates, but tend to lose a lot of heat in the cold, so she much prefers to remain where she was born, in the desert. These wings add a full amount of Body Type effectively doubling her mass

-- Modified Legs/Feet - muscular and full legs to help her run and support the rigorous flapping needed to fly, she has longer feet with three toes each having a large sharp curved claw. The claws combined with a good swift kick can deliver both Bashing (4 points) and Cutting (2 points each impact) damage to prey or an enemy. She doesn't wear shoes, unless it's important...

-- Medium Tail - around half her full height long, and quite thickly muscular, this tail allows her to stabilize her flight, do extreme agility tricks in the air, and generally look quite badass. It adds another 1/4 to her Body Type. While she could conceivably use this tail as a weapon to bash, she claims that it hurts to do so. It also prevents her from wearing much in the way of clothing thanks to the wing flaps connected to it

-- Fertility - Ori'kul is listed as 'Semi Fertile' but that's for 'normal' Zekiran breeding cycles. More accurately, she has seasonal fertility events every 4 years where she is fully fertile with other draconic or similarly spliced person/creature (creatures that are also people anyway). With the right partner she can naturally conceive to produce up to three live-born offspring at once, or produce thickly leathered egg sacs which then are 'born' and continue to grow as a fair approximation of a dragon's egg might. She would only bear one young normally with a non-spliced Zekiran person. However she is also fully spliced and ready to go, her DNA is markedly good for splicing!


Seasonal Fertility Is Also Known As Proddy - along with those 'offworld' dragon genes comes a stranger aspect: her 'coloration' is not consciously able to be shifted but her skin, wingsails, and that brilliant red marking on her chest increase in intensity during the time before she is fully fertile. She also becomes more... aggressive toward both females and males, in different manners of course. If she fails a Social Skill roll, she will openly snap at other females even if she knows them well, or throw herself at any given male in an extremely unladylike manner. Maalysah claims she attempted to mitigate this feature, so who even knows how bad it might have been without that? Effectively she becomes a "glowing Queen" in Pernese terms (not that she is specifically a Pern-based splice, there is probably DNA from them in her however) when she's ready to 'fly'

Can't Easily Wear Clothing - while this is more of a personal taste issue, and she doesn't suffer specifically from any lack of Social Skill because of it, her physical form definitely dictates fashion. She might put a harness around her neck, or use a specifically-cut bodysuit for modesty, but it's something that must be custom made to suit her specific body and needs. She does know that some people want to not see private parts, okay fine, do you know how difficult it is to put a body suit around a tail? Shoes are just. Pfff. She spends most of her time outside in the warm daylight around Ablan, or hot sun of the desert Ski'nahket facility, flying around naked. But when she must, she can be fitted with clothing appropriate to wherever or whoever she'll be around. Needless to say she does not spend a lot of time window shopping for cute sundresses or even hats thanks to the horns, but that also means she can free up her closet space for more effective tool harnesses for work, and sashes or scarves for pleasant - not too risque - company

Intimidating and Scary - any normal Zekiran comes up to about her shoulder, and because her neck is longer, and her body accommodates another entire pair of arms/limbs, she is very tall even for her 'rolled' Body Type. Add to that her actual wings, admittedly-sexy tail, horns and fierce teeth? She cuts a very impressive figure. One that, if you're not prepared for, will incur a Sanity loss of 4 points temporarily up to three times if a Sanity roll fails, and face literally needing to run away or cower if a Courage roll is failed. Her students and any draconic-spliced types do not need to roll for Sanity, however they must roll for Courage or be effectively frozen in place while she's trying to teach them. NOTE that if she is approaching her fertility event while these rolls are required... just come back later. Because they will be twice as hard...

Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level)
Basics Literacy
Status C
Law /
Politics /
Professional /


Personal Skills F
Power Use T
Dragon none yet
Bonded at  




Name: Orodinth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 10'6" s / 55' l / 85' ws // 160x10L Body Type a large dragon here
Colors: pale grey body with defined high black points on muzzle, feet, wing fingers, and tail; transparent wingsails (... fffff windows 10 removed the transparency) in dark grey; crest and tail spade shiny high black; horns graphite; eyes red
Features: Pernese-Alskyran/Danachian/Eienic Mutt, four legs and two wings, feet have apparently retractable claws, wings have large wrist thumbs with thick claws; angular head with knobs having very long and sharp horns, faceted eyes, and a jagged tall crest, echoed on the spade of very long slender tail
Powers: Str 3, Spd 3, End 5, Agi 6, Hea 5, Int 4
5 tk voidtp 4 tpath shadowspell 3 life vrb 2 loc sense 1 shift fire
Parentage: Calietosth and Dairruinth
Origin: Checkerboard Ball 2021 (retroactive retracted dragon screw AUs, this is the one and only)
Other Info: 3 hours until Midnight

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