Name Barbakane Dahash
(BAR bah cane dah HAWSH; barr bahh keh ain - chants to many to fix their ills forever)

-- Status description
-- Years In Profession

Suzerain - highly adept political force, high-value holdings with high-value people, focused on specific locations to safely work or protect / 17
Peridian 6th Degree - able to select, examine, manipulate, and wholly own creations based purely on genetics; Barbakane focuses on making people who are able to tolerate physical extremes, and have powers equally adapted to that purpose / 8
Dragonmaster - added after the Ball, with a grant of land and effectively infinite boost to income limits / New

Gender/Preference Female, she/her, attracted to powerful people of whatever configuration, but don't ask her to actually carry a child please that would ruin her figure
Year/App Age/Lifespan 10526 / Adult / 270* (note dates have changed)
Home L/A/Z

Tana / Imaa / Lendau


B5 multiple generations / Icarus Treated * indicates boosts/changes

Bred by Maalysah, for the Vahh clan

Fertility Partial, Easily Spliced
Mother Barnaabee Beena ? (Arregon ancestry)
Bryn ?  
Father Khaen Dahash Kenya Ksena (Kshau cousins)
Havish Eshy  
Vanya (Viridia ancestry)
Bred To/Offspring

Nash Marad / 10603 / Arkane Maradash

Int - 80
App - 83
Edu - 78*
Cha - 93*
Str - 68
Soc - 90*
Hea - 62
Agg - 70
Agi - 80
San - 64
Rea - 90
Cou - 70
Sensory Mods Electrical - 90
Genes - 180
Movement Mods --

Body Type: 65, well rounded, imposing


Land - 833 / *1088 including Dragon Land

Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Tana / Imaa / Lendau 15 / Estate
60 / Apartments
61 / Bar (investment/parents)
67 / Genetic Lab+Storage
Zerin / Zuca / Latihan Island 13 / Estate
27 / Clinic (powers)
54 / Genetic Lab+Storage
316 / Land
Curra / Mi'a / Zifan / EC 5 / Dorm
142 / Genetic Lab+Testing
Kiran / Le'ret / Ski'nahket 2 / Dorm
71 / Genetic Lab+Storage+Testing
*255 / Dragon Land (doesn't normally count, AU)

Bayaran Total - 20

Lendau - 4 Bar, 1 Apt manager, 3 Apt upkeep, 2 Estate upkeep
Latihan - 2 Estate upkeep, 5 Land upkeep
Zifan - 3 Site upkeep (part of Vahh group only)

Budak Total - 21

Lendau - 4 Lab work, 2 Lab upkeep
Latihan - 2 Clinic work, 2 Lab upkeep, 5 Land upkeep
Zifan - 3 Lab work
Ski'nahket - 2 Lab upkeep

Kaumburuh - hires around 20 at assorted non-Vahh locations, 10 on-Vahh sites for maintenance, basic lab work, paperwork, upkeep
Tuantana - hires 5 at non-Vahh locations for various functions, 3 on-Vahh sites

Earnings - 70kc/year from Peridian work, ~35kc/year from Testing/Training
Savings - ~600kc after paying others

Genetic Purity/Power Rank
33 / 3



Tech Affinity - senses and comprehends powered technology inherently, has a small boost to use of everyday technology such as data pads and comms, stronger boost to breeding tech

Electrical Sense and Immunity - is effectively always aware of the electrical currents of both technology and living things; when powered items are in use sometimes they will react to her innately, she cannot control this - they may turn on or off if she's casually thinking about it, so she tries to contain her feelings or needs until she's in the right room; takes no damage from any form of electric energy, whether that's from a power or from tech or natural sources


Strong Psionic Suite - all act with bonuses to skills requiring interaction of any of these, such as intimidation or events organization

Invasive Telepathy - At close range can read deep thoughts, at medium to long range only surface thoughts of those PR 3+, PR2- may resist
Empathy - At medium range or nearer, can detect overall mood and general intentions of both groups and individuals, if known to her this effect can be at greater range or with stronger granularity of understanding moods
Command Mind - At close range can nudge or even shove the thoughts of someone PR 3+ to believe things that aren't necessarily true, or to spontaneously do things they aren't inclined to do (yet, or ever); PR 2- may resist, PR 0 strongly resists
Memory Shift - At close range or with touch (+ ability) can sort through a subject's memories and selectively alter, change, remove, or subdue them; this is used often to remove or treat traumatic events, but alternately she might use this against someone to keep them in line reminding them of 'that time they hurt themselves badly' and 'associating this event with her'; She can also utilize electronically stored memories, such as found in Icarus Download sites, with Vahh's approval - she had been working with this process before becoming Peridian in fact, helping load new subjects with existing skills from other people
DeadSwap - a sought-after and extremely rare power to not just attract or detect 'ghosts' of high-powered psionic individuals, but to insert their personality, existing or remaining memories, skills, and even sometimes their powers (provided they are exclusively mental or emotional and not elemental or physical ones) into a newly created shell body. This is in use but also carefully monitored at Vahh sites only

*AU Dragon Tuned - Because her mother is literally the child of dragon riders and a good bit of her father's side the same, Barbakane has always been gifted with a sense of how both on-world and off-world dragons 'work'. She is not particularly a 'rider' so much as an 'attendant', but as she's been chosen to attend the Checkerboard Ball by Vahh, it's absolutely no surprise that it's not because she is just another pretty dance partner. She is able to apply the basics of her abilities to understand DNA to dragons, but not actually alter any of them; mainly she can communicate and understand dragons' minds and emotions without any difficulty, and they seem to seek her out if needed


Auto-Reacting Prophesy / Out of Body Sensing - She seems pretty twitchy sometimes, and that's because she cannot control this ability in any way; if one of her attendants notices her starting to get a little wobbly they will need to attend to her body should there be any danger to herself or the equipment in use; Technically speaking 'the Ghosts' are doing this - they roam far and wide, and sometimes 'visit' in the form of dragging her psyche out for a stroll and showing off what they've discovered. Sometimes this is helpful, such as that time they found a stray in the Le'ret desert in need of aid; sometimes it's just 'I am so fucking bored it sucks being dead come look at the weird animal life out here please'. They do seem to drift into the 'future events' pretty often, however, so she always makes notes after these incidents to make sure that either something does come about, or doesn't, depending on what it might affect

Genetic Suite - her physical manipulation of DNA developed more strongly after Icarus treatment, and not coincidentally when a couple ghosts showed up with plans for her... These abilities all come with very strong boosts to her natural skill set, in addition to anything downloaded from the existing Vahh storage

Gene Sense - Gifted with close range (touch +) sensing, Barbakane can determine the functions and flaws of a person's genetic code; she has chosen to concentrate on specific use combinations such as physical adaptations that also work with external elemental controls, or defensive psionics, and knows those genes from anything else surrounding them in the fluff of the Zekiran system
Gene Alteration - Extremely adept with changing those genes, requires being isolated and cannot do this to living flesh unless she's used her further Creation power first; if a gene is 'close but not quite' she can nudge it easily, the farther away from an intended effect, the more difficult the shift is, but she uses concentration and a very well versed knowlege of the subject to aid her in creating functional powers and mutations out of even 'normal' genes
Create DNA - a modification of her alteration, she can literally just take raw proteins and make Zekirans out of them. Generally using sample tissues, she can 'grow' what equates to 'generic baseline DNA' with which to then spin into more elegant or useful things to insert into existing people for gene therapy or outright alteration; this power does take a lot out of her but she has worked on improving her durability with it, and tends to drink a lot of zpara to stay up with a sample until she deems it 'done'
Flesh Shape / Advanced - when the DNA isn't quite enough to make a statement, she can add a physical change to an existing subject, even as much as creating new bone and sinew or internal structures, muscle, blood vessels, skin and armor tissues, horns and feathers, or whatever else is appropriate. This is incredibly painful for a waking subject so she will generally not do this to sentient or waking people - this is made-to-order, the 'blanks' that she create don't have minds yet, and will not remember this work; someone else can come along later and 'make permanent' these alterations, when she's done, as normally Flesh Shaping is temporary. Notably however, if she has worked on this start to finish, and attracts a 'ghost' into this new body, these changes are very permanent though they will not breed true as they are not part of the full DNA (unless altered by others)

Self-Enhancement - most of these changes listed above can also be applied to herself, if she really wants to; sometimes it's just sprucing up her own skin and nails, but she has been known to soak up raw DNA tissues and use them to create (non-functional, pretty) wings, tail, etc - she likes playing DNA DressUp...

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Minor: Pointed Ears - these are part of the Technology and Electrical suite that tend to run in bodies/powers, and in her case they are connected to both; she does like the fact that she can put in way more earrings than her friends...

Minor: Short Claws - normal Zekiran nails are neither this long nor this strong, and she keeps them honed and pointed, sharp enough to use as weapons (1 point cutting or even impale damage per nail); do require fancier upkeep equipment since they are not typical for the society

Major: *Icarus Treatments - this has affected her most in psionics rather than physically, however she does have a greatly enhanced lifespan; Genetically speaking, at birth, her expected lifespan was in fact 270 years, but with Icarus treatments this could be tenfold... Icarus also boosts both Charisma and Social Skill - she's an imposing person and holds herself in ways that will get the best results. Also notably, the Icarus treatment comes with the skill downloads * as shown


Major: Vampiric - her ancestor Dahash is actually an 'emotional' vampire, who may subsist on psionics or emotion of those around him. His brother is the actual blood-vampire, with the fangs and all, so this certainly has an effect on her physical presence, lifespan, and preferences for moods or styles. She is dangerous, and has an aura about her that screams it. This will cause people to pause and either run screaming or stand in terror for a moment or two (considered a Sanity check, on meeting 2x); there's nothing visibly about her appearance that is in any way shocking or unexpected, she's quite beautiful; but it's her demeanor, posture, aura, and psionic potential that affects people very strongly

Special: Attracts The Dead - Barbakane's weird magnetism applies to social oddities such as the entire Vahh clan, but also strongly to the existing Zekiran dead; any psionic presence (alive or dead) of PR 2- will spot her easily and be drawn to her; those who are dead in particular will be amenable to working 'with' or 'for' her, but she can also simply twist them and command that residual psionic energy to her whim anyway; they very rarely disagree or argue, though she has had to be careful in selecting those who will work on particular Vahh projects, since they might actually be spies... sent by Etan, Engel, or Arregon - none of them trusted enough to see the projects in question lest they get back to those people to either warn or give away trade secrets


*note that Icarus skill downloads have been inserted and cost no Edu points
#powers boost by 5 ^powers boost by 10


Literacy 8 - quite well read, can understand very advanced subject matter though tends to apply only to her field of genetics and power use
Mathematics 6 - there are quite a few numbers and formulae that are required for her purposes
Personal Upkeep 8 - she treats herself like a majestic creation, that's because she is a majestic creation
Land/Area Knowledge 5 - not that she goes out into the dirt and snow, but it's there, and she knows where it is, and a bit of each Hold's history as well

*Debt Assessment 5 - since she deals in Bayaran for normal situations as well as unusual ones, she does have the legal right and brain space to deal with the numbers

*Contract Writing 5 - and keep those rights straight, on paper, strictly

*Command 15 - her natural poise and scary aura does half of this, but she also is well trained in how to get people to do work with a few words of encouragement or nudging with a nod and wave; note that typically this is for Bayaran and Budak, but she absolutely uses this on anyone else too

*Law / Hold 5 - what she owns, she keeps, and knows how to keep it legally
*Law / Hard Stock 10 - she does deal in people, after all, but she definitely treats her Budak and Bayaran with care, since Vahh demands secrecy they are all chosen or placed with that in mind
*Law / Peridian 10 - since she isn't actually breeding people so much as creating their structures in a controlled manner, she doesn't generally need to worry about breaking laws about such things

*Politics / Local-Active 15 - as a highly ranked Vahh attendant, Barbakane attends voting meets and Zone-based council meetings alike, though she isn't intending to run for any office she will certainly bring on board those who will, if needed, based on her findings at those meets

Office Work 5 - generally keeping the files straight and the lights on, knows her way around an office but hardly ever actually works in one
#Computer / Comms Use 5 - they just come to life for her anyway, she knows there's more to it than this but hasn't ever needed to look into code or read the manual...

#Barter 10 - if she wants to buy it, she'll be getting a discount; if she needs to sell it, she'll have buyers lined up easily


^Advanced Biology 20 - A broad category of living things all do about the same stuff, breathing, digesting, reproducing; she specializes in mutated persons so there may be added bits that are covered below
^Advanced Anatomy 20 - Where should those organs be? Why aren't they in the right place? She'll be able to recognize them as well as suggest courses of correction
^Advanced Genetics 30 - A consummate professional who knows those genes inside and out, there are very few Peridian who can claim her level of work, she learned from some of the best after all

Tool Use / Natal 5 - she doesn't really implant embryos unless there's a need, which she can do, it's just not her real specialty
Tool Use / Breeding Assembly 10 - this is more her speed, though she usually sticks with her own powers to do this, she's fully capable of working with the mechanical tools needed to fix DNA or rearrange it, sort through strands, and the like
Tool Use / Vat 15 - her full strength is put into the development and maturation of (cloned) people, and they are not left on their own to grow up unless Vahh wants them to; for this reason, most of the life forms she creates rest in long rows in the facility's storage area, where she monitors their measured growth and scans each of them for any aberations or changes
Tool Use / Restraints 5 - at the training facility sometimes it's necessary to prevent injuries either to the user or to those around them, while elemental or other powers are being thrown around; she is carefully able to net, bind, or immobilize those people, though there are many other ways to do it, and she's not the one that is typically doing this

^Breeder's Eye / Powers 15 - just at a glance, Barbakane is sure to pick out the right person for a project, just by watching them use their powers
^Breeder's Eye / Mutation 15 - similarly, she knows how those powers interact with, are affected by, or are caused in tandem with their physical mutations, and can discern ways to prise them apart in the lab to boot
^Breeder's Eye / Suitable 20 - given a task that needs to be performed or a role to be filled, and the money and legal wrangling to allow her to approach damn near anyone on the planet, Barbakane has a checklist and just rolls with it - almost always producing remarkable results, and often leaving the donor or subject quite happy and rich, or even part of the Vahh clan itself, if they're that good

#Condition Recognition / Confused 10 - at the training facility this comes in handy since a lot of newer kids or newly made subjects don't understand how to do what needs to be done with their powers
#Condition Recognition / Scared 15 - and sometimes, those powers are really, really dangerous, which everyone including herself knows is a downright scary thing
#Condition Recognition / Angry 10 - there are a few cases where these subjects don't appreciate being a subject
#Condition Recognition / Manipulated 15 - and there are some rarer cases, where those subjects have somehow made it through either the processing or the selection on the street that are not who or what they appear, and she will root them out, you better believe it

#Bedside Manner / Calm 5 - there's not a lot needing to be done with a patient who isn't all stressed out, and she likes keeping them that way; even if she's an intimidating woman, she does have a presence that can instill confidence or security when you know she's on your side
#Bedside Manner / Struggling 10 - and then there's the ones who aren't happy to be here, who need to be reminded that it's for the best that they cooperate; she takes a firm hand, but rarely resorts to openly trying to harm anyone to get them to behave, a lot of Pemilik could stand a lesson in this...


#Events Organization / Powered 20 - specializing in how to get people's powers working well on their own as well as in conjunction with others, and toward specific goals, she is quite good at making sure that there is good 'party balance' (range, protection, effects, recovery)
#Events Organization / Party 15 - her mom helps her family run their nightclub, it's in her blood! She does tend to organize some ... strange parties, but still, no one has a bad time at them, at least not and remembers enough to give bad reviews
#Events Organization / Clean-Up 10 - after those big boozy romps or large flashy training exercises, she can also make sure that people whose job it is to pick up the pieces, do so without hesitation and without worry of injury. If there's a bunch of psi-created glass shards, make sure that someone with damage resistance is on it.

#Style / Fashion 15 - there is no doubt that this woman is built to look good, and she knows just how to accentuate her looks with the right patterns, materials, and postures when she wants to be seen; if she doesn't want to be seen, you won't even notice her, and not because she's blotting herself out of your vision or memories

#Social Manipulation / Lie 10 - darling you don't want to know what she really does for a living, but for any given person in a room she'll have told them a different thing
#Social Manipulation / Sway 15 - her hips sway, her hair sways, even her voice sways, and so will you once you get into her sights; if you have something she wants, needs, or will do for her, you will - give it, freely, of your own will, right?
#Social Manipulation / Provoke 5 - there are times when someone is on her nerves, and there's someone else in the room that will certainly come to her aid; pitting one against the other is simple, all she needs to do is raise her voice a bit...


Genetic Sense+Engineering / Accuracy 15 - when you're dealing with minute changes to billions of potential connections, you need to be as accurate as possible
Genetic Sense+Engineering / Duration 10 - it does take some time, effort, and long term use, so in order not to make mistakes, she trains for durability
Genetic Sense+Engineering / Endurance Recovery 10 - while these powers are active, they do still drain her, slowly but surely, and she's made herself a virtual storehouse of power

Memory Alteration / Accuracy 15 - she can keep track of tiny details that she implants or removes, just in case there's a cascade effect later on relying on one that has been changed
Memory Alteration / Area of Effect 5 - when really needed, she can block out, wipe away, or otherwise impact a small group at a time; this is used frequently when a child has an injury or accident that may traumatize both themselves and others
Memory Alteration / Range 5 - on a single person, can aim and target them at medium range rather than close up; this also boosts power use with touch significantly

Dead Sense+Manipulation / Range 5 - she'll spot them just shortly before they spot her, in that space that is not living...
Dead Sense+Manipulation / Area of Effect 5 - and she knows that they gather, so why not lump them up so they can be of use that way?
Dead Sense+Manipulation / Identify Powers 10 - the psionic remnants generally called ghosts on Zekira are literally packets of former power potential with memories attached; she can filter through the memories, and learn which powers that specific ghost had, to place them in the right body once more, or mix them with one that's compatible ** Note that she has used this power on Vahh himself, and nearly went into a coma in doing. What ghosts linger in his psyche are his own business, he doesn't hold this against her, she was just not prepared for the sheer volume of it

Dragons Pyrdakayu nye'nnay
Bonded at Checkerboard Ball

Barbakane's mother drifted through the Vahh clan's sights and this was the result. Of course, her father had been a Budak - to one of the most despicable Peridian the world had ever seen, Sahvistahni, whose desert holdings were ... let's say accumulated by others when she ... let's say 'passed away' some decades before. Her lines include Sengihr and Arregon, Kshau and Dahash, which puts her literally everywhere. The only place it doesn't put her is 'mediocre' or 'low class' - even if Dahash is still Budak he's also still immortal and has time to work on being the best Budak he can be...

Originally intended to help with the training facility recently assembled on Latihan Island, her powers grew exponentially as they did the Icarus treatments on her (a living carbon-chemical mixture that enhances abilities as well as physical traits such as weight and flexibility). With these newly functional powers, they realized they had an absolute gold mine on their hands, and so did she.

Barbakane's main work for many years has involved helping move skill downloads from the databanks and biological sources into newly developed or existing subjects. She is one of a dozen such specialized folks, and while the systems are in place to be able to do this with technology, it's vastly preferable to do it with mind to mind contact. She can effectively copy and paste specific memories, such as how to react in certain circumstances, how to aim and assess powers, and how to choose the correct ability for the local needs. With her able to also effectively take memories from ... non-living sources, those spare psionic ghosts (that also affect the Outsiders on the canon World of Zekira, including the immortal Vanya Sengihr) can be tapped to basically be siphoned out of the aether and dumped back into a biological body and brain. These ghostly memories are not whole people, by any means, they're fractured portions and leftover power that lingers. Only Vahh knows the true extent of just how many dead Zekirans are hanging out, but he takes her on journeys around the world, in heavily populated areas but also in spots where he knows 'big fights between psionics' have occurred. Because someone's gonna wind up dead at some point, and their powers might still become useful to him even long after the body has crumbled to dust.

All she needs to do is stand around and wait, because those dead spirits show up attracted like moths to a flame. She effectively catches those moths in jars, brings them home, and makes them part of something amazing. Their cloned Budak are assembled by her and others, using raw DNA and a lot of skill and artistry; none of the ones she tends to work on 'start with' minds of their own, they are purposefully stunted in that regard until they have the right potential use, and then their brains are rewired, usually by her, to be fully functional. They develop their own full personalities over a short period of time, but are often quite obedient and useful only to Vahh since they were coded that way. (He hates to admit this, but that whole idea comes from the annoying - and dead - Peridian Waad, who no one remembers, because Vahh erased those memories and all traces of him from the world. But Waad had something going, he just kept applying that idea of 'can be possessed by x person' to the wrong people. *Glances at Maalysah*)

At the facility, Barbakane can help fix up testing ranges, fit for a wide variety of uses. Testing out elemental powers, physical challenges and strength training, body alterations for endurance or resisting that damage. But also for psionic combat, so setting up folks who have strong resistances and quick reflexes just in case powers go awry. In her lab, however, she is the master of all she collects - she literally does have bottled up DNA samples, tissue that has been grown (usually by her) that is waiting to be used on larger projects, and the like. She actually can create that tissue based on a small amount of existing material, such as skin for transplanting on those who have been burned, or bone marrow for ones with immune disorders. Very well organized, she and Maal often compare storage notes, because while Barbakane has bits and pieces (eye of newt and tongue of frog) Maalysah has whole projects in stasis (lil' baby combinations of folks, she can't help herself). They both have walls and walls of these stored items, and only they know truly what's in each of them.

That's all fine and well for her professions, but her personal life is no less amazing. After all, Barnaabee is the manager of her folks' nightclub, and the Vahh group has numerous clubs and party venues of their own. All of those can certainly be fun for someone with an eye on locating useful powers and appearances, but also for throwing a little wrench into things for people just to spice up their lives. When she walks into a room, anyone with any sense in their head will pause and take her in, because she's absolutely assessing them too. She doesn't much tolerate signs of disrespect - either toward herself, or even the lowest Budak in the building. As long as everyone's doing their duty and their work, it's smooth. But the moment some errant Lordling or malicious Atasan start acting like they own someone they do not, or raising a hand to ones they do, Barbakane will definitely step right in and prevent the inevitable wounds - be they physical or emotional.

She has bought, Raised, Freed, or otherwise taken on a good number of people's debts just to get them out of the hands of such people, and they uniformly work for her with pride. She may be demanding, but she's no fool - she won't place a Bayaran in a mine if they are best suited to a kitchen, after all. But some folks do exactly that, and she doesn't tolerate it. Since she is not just part of the Vahh clan but granted the rights of a Peridian, at any moment if she suspects that a Budak or Bayaran has been mistreated in a breeding situation, she is able to just take them away. They sort this stuff out in courts all the time, and she's proud to have been part of those proceedings in several city Zones.


She knew something was up, when Kallah Vahh kept looking her over, and then getting that misty-eyed look like he was talking to someone much father distant, and on a mental frequency that Barbakane could not detect. She was right: he was talking all right, to his doppelganger from another dimension. While Barbakane knew there were such things, as being part of the Vahh group and having a lab at Ski'nahket required a bit of information to avoid scares or incidents, she'd never actually been down to the teleport chamber. The desert facility was cool and protected all the way down here, and unlike quite a bit of the upper areas, this lab (and much of this whole excavated area) was not simple hewn red stone and natural caverns. The delicate machinery and computer systems down here required clean air, no dust and grit, and there was a lot of dust and grit everywhere above.

She was cleared by one of their Budak whose job involved manipulating tiny tiny particles in the air - she was cleaner than she'd ever been, literally, once he was done. Her clothing and hair, even her nose ring and under her claws... not a spot of dirt or sand. Only she took the moment to nod toward that Budak and thank him for it, and she felt the clear wave of pride from him a moment later.

It wasn't just her, it was a dozen or more people gathered together at this large circular chamber. The center of it was dominated by another pit - but this one held several jutting armatures and lots of equipment that already rang loudly with life. She - could feel those machines - their functions called to her, or perhaps responded to her. Up in one of the nested observation rooms she heard someone mentioning an uptick of activity when she entered, but it was nominal afterwards. When the device was fully powered and ready, a huge ball of energy pulsed in the center of that pit, and... of all things a walkway extended from their ramp area. Into it.

Vahh tilted his head, with that quirked eyebrow and a very faint smirk. "Go ahead, single file or as a group, it won't matter, you'll all arrive safe and sound."

It was quite the departure, and quite the entrance, and very much quite the party that arrived to the party.

She spent a moment or two getting her bearings. This place was very, very different. Still quite far under the surface but much farther than back at Ski'nahket, and under water. Vahh was uncomfortable, she felt that quite strongly, but he disguised it well enough. It was only halfway through the night when he took off, escorting another dignitary off to wherever she needed to be. Quite the gentleman. There were like five of him here, and Barbakane got a chuckle out of the baffled looks on people when they realized they had been talking to one but not the other...

Barbakane was very impressed with how smoothly this event was going. After all she was reasonably expert with such things! She could tell how much effort had gone into its planning, and execution, and wow it would be ... quite challenging to clean up. She did find herself a bit intimidated by being at the ocean floor - like most Zekirans she couldn't swim and didn't float (even though she looks quite curvy and well padded, Zekiran oceans weren't like the one surrounding Rapture - they had very little salt to help lift). So she avoided looking for very long out at the depths, but there were ... multiple windows with different worlds behind them, clearly not mere projections, they were really looking out at deep space, and at a beautiful sunset-lit pier, and a variety of weird worlds.

They are facinating, aren't they? A voice appeared in her mind, after she'd done a tour of the casino and the bar, had a bit to eat, and danced a little with a handsome furry or two. It was bold of someone to telepathically connect with her, but she had noticed earlier that people weren't as outright afraid or cowed by her very presence like they were back home. Good, in most ways. It had certainly led to at least one fool human trying to grope her in the casino, but that ended with him nearly peeing himself with the glare she gave.

"It is pretty unusual..." Barbakane replied, out loud, as she knew the mind that had connected with hers was near enough to hear. "I - I think that's actually Fi'ir, isn't it? That's on my world."

The dragon that approached only came up to her mid-thigh, but it was still a young one. Not fresh-hatched, obviously, but definitely not matured. She could tell this, probably a combination of her own powers at work.

"I... should like to see that mountain, then. It looks lovely, what is the word - rugged?" She spoke in Barbakane's tongue, which surprised the Zekiran enough to get her to look down fully and appraise this creature. Pale shiny white, with dramatically dark wings, the short but already bi-color mane and tail that would grow in probably spectacularly...

"We can do that," Barbakane replied, taking a moment to clear her skirt from her knees, and kneel before this lovely dragonet. "I'd want to stay clear of some parts of it, our ... company has enemies there."

That made the dragonet look surprised, her ear floof exaggerating the expression. Is it bad? Are they dangerous? Can we spy on them?

And that made Barbakane burst out laughing. "Well they're certainly dangerous, but it's not--" she suddenly broke off and narrowed her eyes. No, no that man up there wasn't the same Engel as on her world. This one was proudly showing off the little bitty dragonets that his lovely silvered white dragon had sired. That certainly wasn't Atasan Engel. In a much quieter and conspiratorial tone, she added near the dragonet's ear, "it's our job to spy on them, you see!"


Oddly enough the group didn't have to use some mechanical teleportation device to return to their homeworld. Odder: a number of Vahh brought them using their own power. It was very strange to have such powerful psionic energy enveloping the group, and their dragons. There were several distinct variations of them, but all had a specific wavelength. They did get back to their start point, though on the whole, after such a long night of partying... they were all as disheveled as could be expected! Plus there were a couple that declined to come, they had found alternate homes, or were going to be exploring. Barbakane was sure she'd see them again eventually, as at least one of them was a direct relative to Vahh.

So now... now they were going to have to set up with land, fit for a dragon master! (Though ... truth be told - she would be putting other people's dragons on it. Her own would remain by her side in as much as would be possible!)


Name: Pyrdakayu nye'nnay (peer dah KYE you NIE un nay; a complicated name for a complicated dragon line. Since they are supermutt with Legend Drak bloodlines they have a given name, a clutch moniker (in this case nye standing for New Year's Eve/nt for several different pairs), an ' elide, and a parent-determined last portion (in this case females get nnay, males get aynn). If they breed with further Drak like lines, or those which have naming conventions of some sort, this should carry logically, though the complexity of the Legend Drak naming has been simplified a bit for this clutch)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 9'6" s / 43' l / 57' and 33'4" wingspans
Colors: body shiny soft white with brighter and darker speckling catching the light; wingsails matte high black, buttwingsails matte mist white; mane, leg, and tail floof platinum and high black; ear floof high white; horns and claws graphite and pale grey; eyes green
Features: Drak-like supermutt, four legs with heavy claws, fluff on back legs; four wings two main and two butt-wings, with claws on the fore and Shatternak-styled wing barbs on hind; head has two horns, ear floof, a silky mane, multicolored sclera with pupil; tail has floof and a sharp (poison?) spine; they are furry but they are also egg-layers
Stats: Strength 2, Speed 4, Endurance 3, Agility 4, Health 3, Intelligence 4
Powers: Winged Flight (2) though gifted with large wings, Pyrda rarely takes flight unless she's needed elsewhere; she can certainly carry her rider and then some, but prefers to keep low and slow, to avoid any incidents; that said she can get where she's going rapidly if she doesn't have to carry anyone or be super careful about it
Teleports - Nexus (6) this dragon is quite adept at showing up in unusual places, including 'not' dragonmasters Zekira, the Rookery, Carramba, and other spots far distant; she does always seem to know just where she's needed or where there is something of use, so she won't hesitate to tell Barbakane and they'll go jaunting; Known Location Portal (6) as those spots accrue she will keep each of them in mind, and visit them regularly just to make sure she's not drifting into other realms instead, and this does include to each of Barbakane's homes or labs; Local (4) on site she can pop from outside to an indoor area, or across the testing range, up to 6 times without tiring, but can push either the distance or quantity of rapid succession ports, at the cost of needing to rest fully later on; her nexus and other portal creation effectively takes no exhaustion level, so while she will want to get her bearings and tuck away any info before leaving, she can move across five different dimensions, visit three more homes, and be back in time for lunch without breaking a sweat
Verbal Speech (5), Telepathy (4); quite good with understanding both English and Zekiran, but also Vortal speech since she can connect mentally with any other telepathic mind nearby. Uses big words, techincal speech, and can read (though not write) those languages that she's exposed to; her telepathy is minty-fresh, though if she's angry or in a bad mood that 'flavor' turns into black licorice which is certainly an acquired taste
Gene Alteration / Self only (5) given the right partner or information about what she's needed for, Pyrda can change her ova or existing fertilized eggs to select for specific things - hardy endurance, strong musculature, intelligence or powers, frilly pretty externals, all easily done; also this makes her remarkably good and flexible for actually using in Zekiran dna splices, she just needs to donate those ova (usually with the help of a Pelatih, since her anatomy is radically different than a Zekiran humanoid's and Barbakane is decidedly not going to squish around where she isn't confident)
Color Shifting (4) another very desirable trait that can be of use in splicing, her entire coloration scheme - all the fur, wingsails, feather floof, hair, and even the horns and claw material, can seem to shimmer into slightly different values. Mostly this comes as sparkling body that dances with super white stars against a dim grey background, or her wingsails gently undulating through dark and light to produce hypnotic patterns; this ability does require concentration, and sometimes she can be startled and suddenly become all white or all dark
Acid Spit (1) and Poison Stinger (2) these are largely unused, but in times of danger or stress, she can produce a sticky and mildly acidic spit that is ... modestly accurate (who practices spitting!? not her!), this spit dissolves quickly but definitely can cause irritation if it's on skin, and brief blindness if it gets in eyes; her tail stinger is definitely both more accurate (at close quarters) and quite a bit more painful, though still not deadly, she has a poison that comes out through pores in the stinger (not an injected venom though it certainly would get into a puncture wound it is not itself injected) that can be extremely irritating and causes mild caustic burns on contact, and incredible pain and burning sensation if it gets into the blood; it tends to linger a little longer but can be wiped off easily, and goes inert within a few minutes though its effects remain particularly on sensitive skin and eye tissue - notably, both of these are used (after samples are taken) to help test armor and adaptations in subjects and trainees at the Latihan facility
Parentage: Merajanay and Bales apa Larsis'Iann
Mate/Offspring: Spliced with Tsecut+Ori'kul / Carries the triplets after Ori' cannot any more
Origin: Checkerboard Ball 2021/2
Other Info: (above)


  doll from Meiker/Shidabeeda GothGift