
There are always plenty of kids running around any given Weyr, and Dragonhope is no different. From drudges to wanderers, crafthall kids and rider's children, almost any time of day you'll be likely to have several brats nearby. They're quite handy for delivering messages, getting dragons and weyrs cleaned, serving food and cleaning.

Unlike in a hold or hall, Dragonhope's weyrbrats are generally well-educated unless they show a particular skill and concentrate only on it. If any of them are searched, of course, they're immediately put into the weyrling candidate classes for further instruction. Like many weyrs, most riders' children are fostered to others. In Dragonhope, however, a lot of families remain together, and even foster others from the sea hold below, or the wandering groups on the plains past the western mountains.

Some of the brats will be searched and sent off to other Weyrs, while others may remain on the sands at Dragonhope.

Jehniu, Candidate at New Dark Moon Weyr

Status: Rider Born (parents: green riding mother Vaijeh and brown riding father N'ski)
Age: 14
Gender: female
Siblings: several half siblings on either side of their family, typical of Weyr riders
Born: last
Legitimacy: born before their parents could marry
Childhood Health: frail child
Adult Height: a moderately tall person
Adult Build: lithe but muscled
Skin Tone: rich brown
Hair Color: black with brown streaks
Hair Style: dredlocks
Hair Length: high back
Eye Color: rich red-brown
Literacy Level: are able to read and write reasonably well
Politeness Level: everyone knows them as a rude person
Focus: if focus had a name, this character's would be it
They are attractive
They will rarely share with anyone

Values and Goals
Passionately hates: their appearance (it distracts other people, she doesn't like being stared at!)
Values: Busy Cotholds
Average goal: prove themselves to their family
Extremely strong fear: open spaces
Very weak dislike: Bustling cities

Feels Moderately in favor of being a dragonrider like parent(s)
Skill most often practiced: cooking staff


She'd always been around dragons, so it was really not much of a surprise when she'd been searched. But Jehniu was still trembling a bit while she stood on the sands at Dark Moon. It was not cold, hardly - in fact it was so much hotter than she'd ever expected it to be. But she wasn't alone in her excitement, she knew that everyone else had the butterflies and the spinning head. Her own head-spinny came to an abrupt peak, when she looked into the eyes of a bright green dragonet.

"Kisath..." she whispered. She wanted to shout, to tell the whole world, but Kisath merely wanted some food and scratching, and to some day see the world from above.

Color: green
Color Size: green
Length: --
Height: --
Genetic Code: XgWdF XgwDF Rr Bb Hh LL UU C1C2 T1T2 OO (Ss N1N1) M1M1

Jensel (J'sel), Candidate at New Dark Moon Weyr *** 1.7.21 moved to Isla clutch 31***

Status: Rider Born (parents: a blue riding mother Jemoe and brown rider father D'sel)
Age: 14
Gender: male
Siblings: no living siblings or half-siblings
Legitimacy: born to married parents
Fostered due to: threadfighting rider parents
Childhood Health: average for a youngster
Adult Height: a moderately tall person
Adult Build: thin as a twig
Skin Tone: tanned
Hair Color: rich black
Hair Style: softly curly
Hair Length: short and stylish
Eye Color: black
Literacy Level: can only read very simple things
Politeness Level: on occasion they've been known to mutter an insult openly
Focus: they enjoy their work on the whole
This character is pretty good looking
They give and take without thinking of consequences of either

Values and Goals
Dislikes: their clothing (not expensive)
Passionately hates: light places
Very weak goal: teach others their skills
Practically nonexistent fear: too much attention
Very strong dislike: Islands

Feels Extremely strongly in favor of being a dragonrider like parent(s)
Skill most often practiced: gopher and message-delivery - uses blue flitter Myxi
Other skills: karate

Cinera, Candidate at Isla Weyr

Status: Guild-Born Parents (Virin and an unknown man)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Siblings: one half-sibling from their mother's side
Born: last
Legitimacy: born while their parents were married
Childhood Health: rarely in good health, always kind of ill
Adult Height: an average-height person
Adult Build: slender and willowy
Skin Tone: fair to tan
Hair Color: black
Hair Style: tightly curled
Hair Length: to mid-back
Eye Color: grey blue
Literacy Level: are able to read and write fairly well
Politeness Level: they are impolite to people they ought to defer to (this is a trait she's picked up from Virin in the infirmary)
Focus: they carefully attend to details
Their looks are not spectacular in any way
They often share with their friends

Values and Goals
Values: a friend
Passionately hates: Wilderness
Low goal: learn
Practically nonexistent fear: being neglected

A locked crate or box is in their posession

Crafting Guild: Healing - stitchery and surgery, Status: equivalent to journeyman, but will be weyrbound rather than traveling
Other Skill picked up around Guild folk: philosophy


Isla's hatching was going to be reasonably short, as there were few eggs to go around. What was weird was that the tiny egg that everyone wondered about hatched a miniature bronze! He'd impressed a boy and then the other eggs had been hatching in the meantime. The first green to emerge headed right over to Cinera.

A green was the first to move after the bronze was gone. She stopped next to Cinera who gasped in surprise. "Risomath!" was all she got out before her dragon asked for food. A blush, a grin, and a promise to provide all the food Risomath wanted and the two went off the Sands.

Virin was pleased at her daughter, riding was truly in their blood, but she was glad it had skipped her... The dark, sturdy green would certainly be of excellent use for a healer, there would always be need for emergency riders. Risomath seemed to know this already, peering around looking for any sign of injury in her peers or their bonds.

Color: green
Color Size: green
Length: --
Height: --
Genetic Code: Xg WDF XgWDF Rr Bb Hh LL UU C1C2 T1T1 Oo3 (ss N2N2) M1M1