Name: Miguel Floyd

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~15, aged, RY12

Origin: Rookery to Repurposed parents

Family: Mother Midell, father Adam, twin sister Alanna; half-siblings exist, auntie Helen, and many ELL relatives

Other: though an enjoyable and stable friend, Miguel is looking for someone to spend a long life with, he knows that he won't be growing old any time soon... and wants to have a life-long partner

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 110* inherited Icarus brings his weight down dramatically given his stature and musculature, which is significant, he's not got an ounce of fat on him

Hair: darkly black, loosely wooly, kept short; has heavy eyebrows and a short patch of beard

Eyes: dark blue, considerably deeper in color than their mother's, and definitely not brown like Adam's... Narrow, with more of an epicanthal fold than his sister's

Appearance: dark brown with quite a few freckles and moles, gathered mainly on his face and shoulders, he has the look of a falcon with a strong gaze and measured expressions. He has thick lips, and a broad nose, equally broad are his shoulders and chest, and he's never skipped leg day either... Likes wearing portions of Icarus armor and assembled leather gear, it's even possible that the shiny shirts he likes wearing are woven by Fantell, as they're definitely more showy than most. He has a deep, resonant voice, but he hardly uses it; if and when he does settle down to have a family, people will be able to hear his lovely singing voice.

Icarus Processing: Inherited from both sides, and affected strongly, with no need for further treatments even when he and his sister were taken in for aging and skill downloads at age 3. He is clearly well muscled, and ridiculously durable, not as speedy as his father or even mother, but he heals from injuries - if they even show up on his tough skin - within minutes; he's been known to lose part of a leg and grow it back within an hour, and his only complaint there is 'where's my boot is it still in the bullsquid's nest?' He has stunningly strong senses, like Midell's able to discern fine detail in both visual and audible surroundings, and can feel his way through an entirely dark area just by how his breath echoes against the walls or items. He is hard to hurt, but he does still take some amount of damage from energetic sources, and though he heals completely from radiation burns those seem to affect him strongest (though still weak compared to the 'dead' that they'd often make other people)

Image Credits: Azalea's /Doll Divine lotr

Genetic Abilities: his body is a temple, and it's a magnificent one indeed. Strong, fast, durable, and ageless, he is definitely among the people that Melissa believes to be 'technically immortal', though if he does sustain a brain injury it's not clear whether he'd recover from it fully (the way she does). He has never been sick a day in his life, and won't be bringing home any parasites, they simply cannot latch on to any part of him, not even flakes of skin or shed hair. He doesn't have strong telepathy with anyone except his sister Alanna, but that's at any distance, perhaps even between dimensions. (And his dragon, let's not forget that!) But he is strong willed and able to be communicated to easily by those who he 'knows' - Vortigaunts and the Rookery Pantheon, and their dragons. He can tell when a Combine Advisor is near, however, somehow picking up on the weird non-Vortal psionic energy that they give off - thankfully he is not affected by them, and can't be 'read' even if they did dig into his brain with one of their disgusting appendages. Thus he's developed a terrifying trick of playing 'dead' around a known nest of the Advisors, letting them get close enough to try and sample his brain, and then just rip them to pieces with his bare hands. Even Paxton likes the thought that someone can do this, those grubs are disgusting at best and should be put down at any opportunity - and he gets that opportunity more often than most for this reason.
Skills or Profession: does professional lure and bait ring a bell? It should, Paxton played that role as a youth (though... that was mostly because he wouldn't hide during hide and seek and not because he was actively impossible to hurt). When Alanna finds a good target while exploring, Miguel is brought in to entice whatever is in that Combine facility right out into the open. He seems to make a great and attractive lure, because this trick works every damn time. Since they haven't caught on yet, obviously - that's because no Advisor survives an encounter with him and thus can't warn any others, nor even get a word out via their comms - this trick is going to be the go-to for any known Advisor areas in the future. Otherwise he's had skill downloads for navigation and structure analysis, geology, cartography, and the like. But he's voluntarily gone back for other instruction more consciously, such as construction and plumbing, basic building and home making techniques, and that's because he wants a home worth protecting.
Personality: He does protect that home! He knows that the Combine threat will continue to be terrible on this world, but he also knows - for a fact - that he'll still be around and in his prime when they defeat them. To that end, he wants long-term strucutres, safe homes and secure futures. He is dedicated and somewhat serious, and everyone around him knows that the moment something looks bad he'll be on the front lines for them.
Events or History: As with his sister, he was carried to term by a surrogate and raised across two of the Rookery's protected areas. He feels like the Grounds and the Mansion's areas should be better protected but does reside full time in the Rookery because that's where he's needed most. When he was fresh out of the aging vat, a young Sandwing approached him and they went exploring almost immediately, picking up pieces of Combine gunship husks, left over from a battle that they'd both watched from afar. After that battle, however, Miguel and Expedition trained up and have become among Paxton's most trusted front line and sneaky warriors. In their down time however they do love exploring and looking for items to bring back to the Rookery for either their own use or to help the rebuilding process.


Name: Expedition
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (bulky) 14' s / 75' l / 140' ws
Colors: from under chin to tail tip a bright buff cream color, with caramel trim scales, brown on the dorsal strip, and deeply black scales between them; wingsails are brown at the arm and wrist and grade to a silvery white at the edges; dorsal fin is light cream; horns and claws golden tan; while his eyes are covered by spiffy shades, they are brilliant gold in color
Features: Sandwing standard, plus wears armor pieces picked up around Cities done in black, creamy white, copper, and brass, and the blue colored lenses shaped for him from Combine glass; all these are fitted specifically and made to order by some of the armor specialists in the Rookery
Powers: Winged Flight, he is a good tough flier, though he does tend to only fly to and from mission sites and in combat. He doesn't suffer from having to wear that armor, but it does limit a bit of his motion, so he's more direct when he flies, and definitely more direct when he fights in the air. He is strong, however, and can maintain his hovering as he is tearing up a Combine ship in flight
Verbal Speech, speaks clear English and understands a little Vort and a bit of other human languages, though very little Draconic; has a strong voice so he can bark out orders and call for forces to his location easily even in a pitched noisy battlefield. This is aided by Alanna's dragon Sangria's power, she keeps her eye on him while they're in battles together, and makes sure that whatever he says is heard by the right people
Desert Adapted, he is easily able to withstand the heat and aridity of the dune deserts, and the local Rookery terrain suits him well. He doesn't need much in the way of water nor food, and enjoys a quick meal of 'whatever meat is left on that Combine Dropship'... He can equally stand the chill night air in the desert, and keeps himself toasty warm, so if there are refugees or human and vort fighters needing a little rest while they're in the field overnight, he can provide a nice shelter from the elements
Fire and Heat Breath, as most Sandwings are adept with fire, Expedition's breath weapon is a force to be reckoned with if you're on the recieving end. The Combine ships that come into contact with this dragon are simply ruined in moments, blistered and burnt, but also that's not even the flames doing - it's the heat that goes with it. While he can create a beam of open flame a meter across and 200 meters long at a burst, the area around that beam is superheated and can ignite any gas or substance, melting rubber or metal alike. So that '1 meter wide' flame shoots through a 3 meter wide hole in metals even 1 or 1.5 feet thick... He can burn through basically anything in minutes, even solid stone or thick treated metals, melting bits until nothing but a puddle of slag and ore is left behind. A pickup crew can easily go in later on and if they have elemental controls, the Vortal powers they can exert on these leftover puddles sorts easily through them for useful elements. So an expedition led by this dragon, aptly named, can simply head off in a direction, and keep going indefinitely without interruption, a tunnel made of his incredible torch breath behind them...
Parentage: Unknown, pure Sandwings possibly born on Rookery or Twoarth
Origin: adopted from Synthwave(ms981) with k9 lines on Deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He's found quite a bit of interesting stuff while tunneling through mountains and ruins alike! Come look! He can judge when he should 'not' burn things, somehow, and leaves 'the good stuff' for people to pick through and use if it's in good condition. If it's not, they will put it on a pile and let him melt that shit into slag.