Name: Pollen

Gender: Female, Pansexual

Age/DOB: 19, 8 at arrival

Origin: born Aperturth, shortly before the hippies settled in the Mansion there, is 4th oldest of the surviving kids

Family: Mother Crystal, father Ideal, brothers Kono and Inteus, sisters Calypso, Lotus and Liana

Other: Is now the age her mother was when she was born... And is highly likely to continue the trend! She becomes a donor for the B-ELL project, and Snowbell is one of 'hers'

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 135* Icarus has lightened her considerably, though she looks much more curvy than she weighs, and she's pretty far from muscular

Hair: Vibrantly black, very slightly wavy, really heavy and full; kept quite long, and styled as 'pretty' as she can get it done

Eyes: surprisingly green for having parents with brown and blue... though her pupils aren't normally this dilated. Strong epicanthal fold, very thin eyebrows

Appearance: She looks considerably more Eastern than either parent, but Ideal isn't 'white' so much as 'Swarthy' maybe? Or perhaps it's just the effects of the Icarus, or moving between dimensions. She's long and tall, but nicely padded, soft, and people really love sitting next to her or getting a hug from her; She has a high pitched voice, and sings well though not expertly; no she doesn't float, but she does like thin wafty looking gowns even in the field

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 10 along with some other hippie kids. Her processing definitely left a physical impression, giving her a boost to her agility and lightening her bones and muscles. However it very strongly improved her Vortal ability. She heals very quickly and suffers no ill effects from ingesting what might be considered poisonous foods, including skin-based allergens from plants.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Diety

Genetic Abilities: Proving that her father does have some kind of latency for plant life, Pollen is a specialist in blooms, spores, and pollination techniques. She senses virtually every plant in a 50 meter wide sphere, and can tell whether it's doing well, about to flower, or is being gnawed on by something unseen. While she can't do much about pests, she certainly can boost the plants ability to flower. Some she can speed up their normal life cycle, to grow a seed into a sapling in a day or two given enough resources and water. She can guide pollen somehow, perhaps with a form of telekinesis, to its right destination - mainly she'll scoop it up Vortally into a bowl or bin, seal it up, and move it to where it's needed. She has a huge selection of fungi in a portion of the northern housing area by the coffee mountain, which she experiments on for potency of chemicals, flavor, and other functions such as textile use. She can be relied upon to make sure that all the plants in an area are viably pollinated, and when there are doubts, can also reinvigorate the plant enough to bloom or spore again if it's life cycle supports it. Flowers simply love her, and will open no matter the time of day as she passes them, and there is always a scent of night-blooming jasmine around her. She does have a moderate amount of telepathy at close range, less than 50 meters at most, though others who seek to communicate with her say they just need to follow the lovely smell in their mind.
Skills or Profession: As above, she is the local pollination expert, and also has a strong backing with herbalism and fungus. She is quite a good cook, too, having gotten some tips as well as skill downloads straight from Eden and her daughter. She would like to learn how to play some of the exotic musical instruments she's heard playing in recordings, though finding one of those would be the hard part.
Personality: Gentle, but knowledgeable, and confident in herself. While she's not a loner nor introvert so much as usually thinking about her own work and not those around her, she can seem a bit aloof at times. But if she believes someone thinks she's snubbed them she more than makes up for it later with a surprise spice cake or flowers.

Events or History: Though she was not the earliest born hippie child, she might be the 'most' hippie of them.

Resides near the coffee processing and cafe, cultivating her shrooms and making sure there are stored goods just in case something happens. She and Burn are centered at Dragon Tower 14 near the crops and coffee, though she usually is on her own, and Burn does like playing with the other hunters and defenders.


Name: Burn
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8'8" s / 44' l / 90' ws
Colors: Face, neck, body, limbs, tail strong dark red; neck, belly, under tail dusty orange; face armor, dorsal armor, inset scales, limb armor grade from rust red through medium yellow, to very bright yellow at tail tip; wingsails and dorsal fins, tail spade grade from bright orange through bright yellow at ends / head to tail; horns, claws, fin spines bright yellow, eyes vibrant red
Features: Leafwing, though with these colors possibly related to a Skywing or two... or three; he really does like watching fire...
Powers: Winged Flight, Burn is quick for short bursts in the air, though he does tend to leave a bit of a wake everywhere particularly when he's low to the ground. He doesn't tend to need a lot of space to take off or land, but he will stir a lot of dry leaves or pollen - which Pollen herself uses to her advantage when it's time to distribute the goods over a field! She'll strap a basket to him or just let him hold it, and just shake it out while flapping, works every time. He's not particularly strong but since he's also not tiny he can still support a couple rebels or refugees if needed to get them out of harm's way.
Communication, Burn has a loud, somewhat screechy voice, almost like a teenage boy's cracking now and then, he's clearly not all that old but this is a feature that won't be changing any time soon. He has a reasonable grasp on English and can understand a lot of Vortigese, but isn't particularly well versed in his own Draconic which tends to make some of the older dragons grumpy with him. He's quite the classic 'cross generation' kid, picking up on a lot of the Human behaviors around him, and applying them to dragon ways, but also fully immersing himself in his own culture when it's available.
Photosynthesis and Plant Sensing, though he cannot actively shape plants like his little human buddy can, Burn is able to detect in a much larger area, up to 250 meters distant from himself, the condition of plants, and any significant or overt issues that plants are having. Since Earth's plant life is much smaller than that on his homeworld (though he's clearly suited to life here) his refinement could use a little work, but as time goes on he's sure that will improve. He can and does sit out during the morning hours on the top of the Dragon Tower to soak up sunlight, though he does eat Xenian plants, which may have some odd side effects. Over time he has been able to start actively sensing those non-Earthly items, so this may be of great use later on in his life.
Trap Making, though not truly 'shaping' plants, Burn is very clever with his paws and can gather up a tremendous amount of scrap wood, sticks and branches, and tinder overall, in a short time. He can probably sense through the living wood to locate the dead, somehow. But in this manner he can then start assembling intricate traps - some for lighting into a fire, others to enclose and capture, some even to pierce and kill. Where he needs a trigger placed, Pollen usually can oblige, with a sensitive mushroom spore here and there that explodes on a foot falling onto it, Rube Goldberg style chain of events later and you've got a platoon of Combine soldiers trapped in a circle of fire fighting a Bullsquid...
Parentage: Unknown Leafwings, though it's clear by his coloration that there's at least one Sky in there recently
Offspring: for the Fall 2024 giveaway Burn and his two partners Clipper and Royal allow their children to find partners in the Nexus; Autumn-Touch, Patchwork, Rot, and Night in the Pumpkin Patch, Candleweb, Biolume respectively
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Burn is self-starting, and capable of doing his own thing without causing any issues with the people or dragons around him. He picks up on ideas quite easily, so when he hears his human friend humming he knows it's time to go work with her; when those nasty Combine come out, he will definitely set up traps for them...