The riders found in the Rookery are not necessarily your standard 'commander' 'wing leader' 'crafty' types. The roles they play here have more to do with their functionality in the 'real world', rather than as a rigidly defined group of dragon riders on other worlds. Iit is more a collection of riders and individuals who are attempting to save their world from a dire threat, the Combine. While there are certainly a lot of characters one might think are powerful enough to make that a simple task, it's far from easy - the Combine are pervasive, and number in the hundreds of millions just on the Rookery's Earth alone - outnumbering by far, those few survivors attempting to take back their planet.

To distinguish worlds: Repurposed Earth - contains Armacham/Aperture (Half Life / Portal / Fear) in addition to other game-related worlds; ColorGuard/Rookery Earth - near-stock Half Life / Portal; Aperturth - logically where the corporation Aperture Science was the primary driving force rather than any other and things went sideways for them just like everywhere else; Carramba - Twoarth, nexus universe containing "all" plus its own versions; Zekira - both stock and Dragonmasters version of that planet; Paragon - the City of Heroes universe (which is mixed liberally with Carramba as it seems likely to be a nexus universe as well). Magic flows as freely as psionics and Vortessence on some worlds - on Rookery Earth it doesn't do so well, so those characters who have a stronger magical basis than Vortal are at a disadvantage.

Some characters exist simultaneously on different worlds, while others may also exist contiguously, that is to say they went from one to the next. Yes, this is a touch confusing. (Some Carramba instructors are also known to Repurposed characters but may not be the same as theirs unless stated.) Note well that Repurposed Earth has a Paragon Program, and that is different from Paragon City with the superheroes...

Characters are organized by relevance and grouped by theme, however Paxton is most certainly the overt 'Wingleader' of the entire Rookery in terms of dragons and patrolling. Eli is the social and personable head of the place, and Keenan likes to just stand back a bit and watch as things fall into place. The Vortigaunts and Color Guard have their own leadership to look up to. (Click 'back' to reach this page, or the menu link.)


Black Mesa
Antlion Ranch

EC Pantheon
Reborn Pantheon
Color Guard
Synthetic Scouts
Little Gods
2nd Generation+

Hippies, Carnies, Convicts, Guards
Grounds and Mojave

Generally older adults, survivors of Rookery and Repurposed Earths
Vortally powerful genetically engineered, younger adults
Recreated from samples and notes, aged, integrated into Pantheon
Created by GLaDOS, cloned students attending Carramba
Born to the Pantheon, Color Guard, and some others
Imported from Aperturth, Odd Powers
Black Mesa Dragon Rookery is (c) Lethe Gray / Droppin the Fork and is not to be reproduced anywhere. Do not take images from the site unless that page grants specific permission. Always link back appropriately.