Mesa Riders, Support, and Science Team

Even though the worlds are different, there are still a good number of overlapping locations that folks come from. There are those who died in the Rookery's Black Mesa yet still live on in the Repurposed world, and where there are duplicates that both survived, sometimes they just go on like there's absolutely nothing weird about meeting their doppelganger.

Note that Keenan, Wilson, and Virva appear in the Pantheon page, not here, but they all play vital roles in this location as well. The experienced adults at the Mesa, the Enrichment Center, PHEAR, and later the Black Mesa Antlion Ranch come under this banner. Some of the PHEAR members ought to be over in the Pantheon, but as they were not specifically trained as such, their Vortal skills remain untapped for the most part, and they are included here instead.

Rider Name Dragon (Color, Gender) Profession / Skill Current Role Per Location
'All locations' = resides at Rookery
Repurposed Earth Heroes - Armacham-Aperture Enrichment Center / Black Mesa / (s) Shorepoint (Rookery-born) (l) Local non-Shorepoint / (^) Other Dimension
Gordon Freeman Orange/Black M. Ay'geevee
Orange/Black F. Grabbity
Theoretical Physicist, Instructor Teacher@Carramba High; Guardian/Protector Rookery, Hero
Barney Calhoun Blue Daemon M. Hudaralak Security Guard / Spy Herding Cats, wherever he goes
Rachel Cooper W-Orange M. Silent Night
Green-Red F. Fenyobundath
Technology Expert Hero, EC and Borealis
Mars Walsh B-G M. Jurr ha-yit'sah Explosives, Forensics Renovations, um... explosions, everywhere
Collette Green Toxic F. Weligusi Engineering Upkeep, maintenance, exploration via Lambda
Gina Cross Radioactive M. Katukan Engineering, repairs Electrical and teleportation tech wherever she can reach
Arne Magnusson Sand-Mud M. Quarry Scientist, Engineer, Rocketry Rocketry and Explosives development, anywhere
Adrian Shephard Sky Rain M. Goose and
Rain Sky F. Osprey
Military HECU cleanup Assault, protection, defense, scouting, all locations
Renee Hart Rain-Ice F. Varh-ell Armacham assassin, sneaky Protection, scouting, defense, all locations
Silver Night-Ice F. Borealis Secretary... Inappropriately Forward; logistics, all locations centered at Rookery
LR-N M. Sirenevyi ...Cloned Reception Also Inappropriately Forward, RY12+ Hoyle's Enclave in North Aperture
Breens (Original does not bond) Watching for Overwatch Enclave and sometimes other worlds
Wally the Barkeep
White-Gold F. Zukianth Social Services, Psychology At Rookery and Enclave
Whilce the Watcher
Brown-Tan M. Zulmollarth Logistics, Recordkeeping Mostly Rookery, sometimes heads to other worlds, Searchrider
Willard the Scientist
Violet F. Zianazuth Plotting, Probably Evil Under watchful eyes at Rookery
Judith Mossman Greeny-Gold F. Yilanith Engineer, Scientist Technology retrieval and repairs, Borealis
Isaac Kleiner Blue M. Chidiloth Scientist, engineer Teleport and gate technology, all locations
Eli Vance Leaf F. Pellucida Engineer, 'everyone's dad' Moral support, repairs, advice, all locations
David Hoyle Violet M. Night-Silk Nebula Politician, Psionicist Distraction, refugee shuffling, entertainment, logistics; Enclave RY12+
Snakefist / Halford Super Badass Spark Buddy Technology and Loud Electronics, security, defense, cloning, all locations needing them
Simmons Blue-Violet M. Campanula Engineering, transportation Moving people undersea, Rapture, all sites
Rufus Townsend Teal F. Qyvneth medic/triage / military Medic rescues, checkups, surgery, etc; all locations
Cubbage Green F. Vashtith tall tales and bold lies Rounding up people and taking credit for their work, kept at Rookery
Otis Betters Black-Blue M. Hinnith Black Mesa Security And donut inspector...
Dante Maleev Indigo M. Indrobiiz Badassery in the Workplace Marine Corps Sniper, Scientist at Rookery
Griggs Blue M. Zakath Medic, scout Medical Triage, locating injured, all locations
Sheckley Brown M. Polinth Scout, engineer Defensive and scouting missions, all locations
Vish and Kesh Grey-White M. Hantaith
White-Grey M. Osejith
Medical and Genetics Health and welfare at the Rookery
Walter Bennet Tan Sand M. Dorsalis Biosciences, Healing Dragon health, education at the Rookery
Julie (s)
Pink White Red F. Devotion
Pink Red White M. Honor
Random Skills for Random People General support, protection, education? Rookery
Santana Gomez (l) Leaf-Sand M. Oregano Food Supplies, mechanics Rookery pizza girl
Rosenberg Lilac Leaf Rain F. Jasmine Engineering/Science Keeping the Teleports working, Rookery
Alice Wade White Rain F. Brightsun Research, Logistics Logistics and information technology at Rookery
Caroline Johnson ^ White Pink M. Snowblossom
White Violet F. Snow Glory
Research, Science, Testing Hard Sciences / Math, North Aperture and Borealis
Cave's Clone ^? Mud M. Savage Just fucking crazy. Wherever he can teleport to
Sky F. GlaDOS
Daisy Hayes (l) Monarch Silk M. Flightpath Logistics As close to Overwatch as a human rebel could get, Rookery + Lane
Aretha ^ Leaf-Night M. Silence Mediation and Heroics Paving the way West with dragons (New Vegas Mojave Conglomerate)
Lauren (l) Sky M. Loveletter Deliveries Lane Mansion, Grounds, travels widely
Ivan the Space Biker (l) SandNight M. Azh-arr Nox Science and Survival Xen, Rookery when it's easy to get there
Lois (l) Beetle F. Carabus Bugs and Radio Xen Exploration Team
Claudio (l) Beetle M. Melonborer Red Shift Security Xen Security
Stig (l) Mud F. Ammonite Engineer, Researcher Xen Exploration Team
Suzumi (l) Gold F. Taanumitae Scientist's Kid Xen Exploration Team
Pascale White M. Mokiz PHEAR team Xen Protection Scout
Gus (l) LemonLime F. WT Forklifts and Safety Rookery
'Cass' (l) Silk M. Cynth Cider Combine Rescued Borealis
Leon (s) Slate M. Brittle Logistics, Communication Borealis, Generally recognized as team leader
Chester (s) Blue Leaf-Ice F. Bluestar Monitoring, Tracking Borealis, External security
Noriko (s) Albino M. Haruka Mechanics, Repairs, Vehicles Borealis, Scavenging for parts
Winston (s) Water F. Nessie Lurk Defense, Medical Borealis, After being injured, likes to keep others healthy
Arlene (s) Green M. FrostyMoss Vehicles, Scouting Borealis, Scouting and scavenging
Bastian (l) Denim M. Noctilucent Icebreaking Tech Borealis, Aperture Engineering
Kjartan (l) Sky F. Stormwatch Ship Upkeep Borealis, Maintenance and Storms
Toivo (l) Green F. Phumelela Architecture Carver House
Tunnelskip (is the dragon, M shrimp) Liquid Waste Cleaning Rookery
Lane Mansion also has its share of Vortigaunts, listed with Pantheon, also... Um, Lane lives there. Both of him. This eventually turns into the Coffee Grounds along with the Mansion proper, since the entire area is being refitted for life including several large plots of farm land, orchards, a cattle ranch, and two off-world relocated coffee mountains. And a Xenian crater, and some other stray weird shit. Not to mention the Carnies and Hippies that arrive a little later...
Daniel (s) Night F. Latte Defense and Refugee Settling Lane Mansion
Jacob (s) Night M. Spot Monitor, Security Lane Mansion
Cody Cubbage Mud-Ice M. Cappuccino Water Purification, Defense Lane Mansion
Hercule Cubbage Ice-Mud M. Chip In training Lane Mansion
"Pal" ** Vegan Headcrab Zombie Lane Mansion's Grounds
Note that Rapture Vortigaunts are listed with the Pantheon
Al (s) Night-Sea M. Leviathan Radio and Communications Rapture
Boxcar Joe (s) Ice-Sea M. Sleuth Scout above, Detective below Rapture
Manhack Matt (s) Leaf-Sea M. Squeegee Maintenance, Systems Rapture
Sanders (s)
Blue-Green M. Jiman Scavenging, Repairs
Laszlo (s) Silk-Hive M. Lampblack Research and Development Rapture
Mary (s) M-S F. Topographic Tide Logistics Rapture
Thomas Page (l) Black M. Karph Plasmids and Grafting Mad Science at Rapture
Rhea Mercer (l) Sea-Leaf-Hive F. Spyrogyra genetics/science, singing Didn't just bail in this universe; Rapture
PHEAR crew and assorted Armacham related individuals
Note * Pan indicates that these people may have been part of the Origin project, but moved by Armacham and separated from the Enrichment Center kids, so they were not part of the Pantheon originally. Some have undergone the Icarus process after being reunited in the EC.
Douglas Holiday* Red M. Skywing Harrier Explosives, Transportation Evac and demolitions, all locations
Kiera Stokes Blue Spotted M. Prrljati Communications, infiltration Scout, Strike Teams, all locations
Rodney Betters Blue M. Irjith Logistics, transportation Lane Mansion
Jin Sun-Kwon Leafy-LeafRain F. Ficus forensics, cleanup Rookery centered
Manny Morales Mud M. Tank Heavy Weap, Transport Hit stuff harder, get there faster! all
Cedric Griffin * Green-Gold F. Jaizath
Black Green M. Cilriantos
Scout, command, recon Rookery and Cities
Steve Chen * Blue Icewing M. Freezerburn tactical, logistics Borealis and Citities in Europe
Harold Keegan * Tan F. Sandwing Haze Vortal Lure, fighting Rookery, Ranch, MoCon at times
James Fox * Bronze M. Vedoth strong emp, soldier Defense and Assault, Rookery and Cities
Black Mesa Antlion Ranch - yee haw! *Note that the Vorts at the Ranch are listed separately and on the Pantheon page
Marissa Cream F. Jarulik Scout, Leader of Ranch Logistics, Food, Dog Management
Bree Blue M. Dzuruth Food Service Food and distribution, Ranch to Rookery
Delia Violet-Blue M. Pyxath Ranch Hand Gets Stuff Done
Shane Ocean Teal F. Umith Ranch Hand, Transportation Moving goods beween locations
Lee (l) Brown Mud F. Burrow Construction Demolitions, Reconstruction
Max Green Hive M. Firefly Tech and Scouting Scouting, construction/maintenance of items
Avril Violet M. Heliozmaj Tools/Metals Blacksmith, Mechanic, Techie
Jayde Green F. Bugbait Scout, animal handling Antlion tracking, trails, and cooking at times
Father Grigori (l) Red M. Hellfire Preacher, Hellfire variety Moral support, traps, and zombie killing
Roger (l) Grey Night M. Chimera Medic, Clinic Emergency Medical support and transportation

Strays and Unusual Activity outside of the Rookery Roster
Unbonded dragons, both those who like being around humans (Thorn, CP/Plasmid) and those who would eagerly eat them.

Urban Nightmares Witch (F. Icewing) Lurking Ruins of Albuquerque, they haunt the streets and buildings waiting for innocent people to cross their paths...
Boomer (M. Mudwing) Prowling
Charger (M. Mudwing) Attacking
Captured CP and Plasmid Recovering Combine Silks Rapture
Glow Glowworm Hiding, luring Underneath Ranch
Thorn Desert Thorn Dragon Healer Ranch
Stylianoss Xeno-Styx M Tunneling and Healing Underneath Mesa
Ashkah'Clastio Sandstone Copper M Gem Metalwork North of Mesa
Gurrah'meh-darr Teal M PhoenixDragonfish Causing Mysteries Outside Rapture
Black Mesa Dragon Rookery is (c) Lethe Gray / Droppin the Fork and is not to be reproduced anywhere. Do not take images from the site unless that page grants specific permission. Always link back appropriately.