The Pantheon consists of the Vortally powerful children in the Paragon Program - calling themselves the Pantheon - but also stand with their Vortigaunt friends, the ELLs, as well as the Vahh clan's accidental patriarch Lane. For the most part, these are younger than most of the Black Mesa and PHEAR teams, and older than the Color Guard. Notably though some of the PHEAR team members are in fact geared or engineered, and later enhanced to Pantheon level ability, they are on their own page with the normals. Also of note, the Reborn Pantheon, since they did not grow up with those who survived the original Events, are detailed separately, though they are all of Pantheon stock.

Rider Name Dragon (Color, Gender) Profession / Skill Current Role Per Location
The Pantheon / Paragon Students - Armacham-Aperture Enrichment Center Genetic Engineering, Most residing at Rookery Black Mesa
Keenan Lane Black M. Danhadarvahth Collector, observer, Teleport Instructor Retrieval/Cross-dimension diplomacy; Teacher@Carramba High; Hero in Paragon; resides at Lane Mansion
Wilson Carver Black Red M. Tashtinath Bodyguard, Instructor Infiltration, Superhero at Paragon, Instructor at Carramba, resides own home
Local Keenan Lane Midnight M. Pharoah Bureaucrat, Pest Has residence at Mansion, Xen, wherever he wants
Nachos California BkGreen F. Qutobi'carr Superhero, Instructor Why not. Why. Not. Carramba exclusively
Virva Novak Green Sea-Leaf F. Nerissa Heroics! Radiation Upkeep. Um. Removal? Removal! Resides at Lane Mansion
Journey Blankenship Ice-Sky F. Encore Transdimensional Assist Centered on Lane Mansion, but on call to other worlds, also Xen
Ziva Ryan Ice-Sky M. Pneumo Living Plasmid? Moves between Rapture here and her own dimension
Paxton Fettel Red-Black M. Marquisth
Brown M. Plerusqueth
Brown M. Vih'den ahlXen
Red M. Brightburn
Twilight Ore M. Khazparu
Blue-Red F. Blood Blizzard
Blue M. Tallorok
Blue Opal M. Amineth
Dark Green F. Reinith
Dark Green F. Vezilk
Tan Black F. Sting
Crimson M. Fetch
Clone Control Leadership and a bit of burning sensation; all locations have a couple of his dragons and Replicas on hand at all times, Paxton remains on hand at Rookery and teleports as needed to whoever and whatever facility requires his personal touch
Geoff Fettel Night-Sea-Rain Green M. Nightflight Stealth, Protection Pointman, scout, pathmaker; Rookery
Alyx Vance Rainwing Blue F. Sunrise Invention, tinkering Technological genius, builder of amazing things; Rookery
Melissa Larrabie Ice-SkyWing F. Aurora Genetic Assembly Queen of her Hive; Rookery, often Rapture, much to Paxton's annoyance also spends time at Carver's place and the Lane mansion...
Isabella Red M. Ordelegeth Nightspark Flight/TK, Spy, Assassin Rookery, moves to Hoyle's place in North Aperture in RY12
Cricket Silver-Purple M. Padak Electronics, Infiltration Coding and scout Rookery, often found skirting Cities
Lydia Icewing F. Voo'ruu Cryokinetics Temperature Maintenance Rookery, consultation for Borealis and Rapture
Jillian Gold-Red-Green F. Fisoarth Light Illusions, Childcare Childcare and education at Rookery
Lynne Blue M. Natta Sikani Extreme Vortal Sensing Childcare/Tutoring, Vortal 'canary in a coal mine' at Rookery
Sandy White F. Pavitra Sikani Healing Heals the worst of the injuries anywhere they're found, resides at Rookery
Chandler Green-Red F. Qathir Illusions and Distractions Keeping people occupied, anywhere needed, resides at Rookery
Ruben Red-green M. Adairim Fire / Acceleration Defending and patrolling all Pantheon property, resides Rookery
Dolores Green F. Aglogita Nightspark Empathy/TK Information Distribution, Rookery
Corey Red M. Yebauath Matter attraction/Glue Supply runs wherever needed, Rookery, Cities
Leigh Blue M. Myrrhath Matter repulsion/Punt Supply runs and rubble extraction where needed, Rookery, Cities
Eden Green Red F. Shelgwyn Plant and Garden Crop and plant maintenance, resides Rookery but is tapped for Rapture and Aperture
Gracie White F. Nyawa Sikani Telekinetic / Entertainment Defensive Area Clearing / Entertainment, Rookery, to Hoyle's in North Aperture RY12
Bruce Pale Blue M. Batasi Sikani Communication Link Distance and localized scouting/relay, Rookery
Constance Pale Blue M. Terang Sikani Emotion / Crowd Control Manages panic and influences crowds, Rookery
Carmen Green-Gold-White F. Patlak Genetics / Medical Health/genetic collecting at Rookery, keeps samples safe at Repurposed EC
Cybil Gold F. Ismeranth TK / Psychometry Organization and Communication at Rookery
Mike Becket Copper-Bronze M. Hangiventh Soldier/Defender Patrols, Scouting, Defense and Offense at Rookery
Veronica Night-Blue M. Durmak Mapping, Numbers Cartography and Scouting at Rookery
Don White-Red M. Roola-mai Chxalli Exploration, Safety Toxic Waste Redistribution at Rookery
Zonie Grey-Purple M. Anash-mai Chxalli Toxins and Foodstuffs Search, Rescue, and Bringing of Food at Rookery, Ranch
Martin Black Cyber M. 'Clank' Programming/Electric Engineering and Security, North Aperture
Rex Red-Yellow M. Irhujath Fires and Visions Entertaining and occasional Defense at Rookery
Natascha Lightning-Black M. Perun Electric Badass Electrical output, protection, poking the bear; usually at Rookery under careful watch
Damon Smoke M. Dymati Exploration and Defense Explores nearly anywhere they can reach; Rookery
Nigel White-Glow M. Xildarr Light Communication Scout and Communication Network any world, Rookery
Jared Night-Sand F. Topaz Crystals and Metals Repair, maintenance; Rookery and Aperture North
Chet Sky-Silk F. Preserver Psychometry People shuffling, distraction; Rookery
Jamie RuneGlow WT F. Glow
Green M. Silo
Animal Control Patrols anywhere with animals to keep bad ones away; Centered on Rookery, scouts all locations before inhabitation and trains guard animals for use there
Tina White-Blue F. Anakatono Mind Link Gathers Information anywhere, resides Rookery
Chris Cream-Brown M. Dereyk Medical Med Tech, triage; Rookery
Teddie Lilac F. Azhnach (Starpath) Aura Detection Crowd Control, refugee shuffling; Rookery
Simon Grey M. Zeil Guard, Investigation Out of Body perimeter searches and rescues; Rookery
Clay Sand M. Varve Earth Mover Structure and Repair, protective; Rookery, tapped for Rapture and North Aperture
Kitty Mud-Ice M. Impact Strength / Durability Scouting, maintenance; Rookery and Cities
Kayla Ice-Sea M. Fogmire Cryokinetics Food storage + distribution/collection, all sites; resides Rookery but prefers Borealis
James Rain F. Hibiscus Empathy / Information Threat detection (localized), crowd control; Rookery
Pamon Dehnlahlee (is a dragon) (is also a Mystery) Observation, potential aid, Xen
Expendable Labor Lifeforms - ELLs from the Enrichment Center / Armacham
Rayell Copper-Graphite F. Kalikimakass Duct Inspection Repairs+Facility Upkeep any facility / Infiltration at Combine Sites; resides Rookery
Kyell Green/Red F. Oshubiuith Mechanical technician Maintenance at Rookery
Zoell White Green M. Morizinur Maintenance and Tactics Mechanical and technical maintenance at Rookery, North Aperture
Chell Blue M. Keik and
Gold M. Yolkongang
Maintenance, Defense Mechanic and Experiments at Rookery and any Aperture sites
Dydell Green F. Tvalth and
Blue M. Spalteth
Maintenance, Childcare Vent maintenance, Child Care, Rookery, but will head to North Aperture eagerly
Norell White Red M. Crosshair Sniping, Perimeter Protection and Distance, any location; Rookery, Cities
Tariell Bright F. Coppershine Infiltration Spycraft, Infiltration, any location; Rookery
Uriell Sand F. Buffet Destruction and Moving Demolitions, protection, Rookery, Ranch
Mell (l - technically) Green Violet M. Echo 50s tester and athlete North Aperture
Jenell Leaf-Rain F. OH Newly made +Icarus Lane, DT2
Darell White Sand M. Moonpale a... male ELL? Borealis
Brell (flirty) LF F. Blush 'Service' industry Originally Rookery, moves to New Vegas
Evanell (stealth) NR F. Curtains Spy + Infiltration Borealis
Shyell (heights) L-H M. Sunny Delight Heights and dangling Rookery, to North Aperture to work on the Shafts
Videll (tk) Silk F. Scoria Telekinetic Cleaning Rookery, various scientific locations
Winell (shy) Green Leaf M. Verdant Plant tending + vinyard Lane / Grounds
Chenell Yellow M. Honeycomb Long Range Spying Rookery, North Aperture
Hydell Gold M Khebaka DjehSenn Repairs and Sorting Rookery, NAp, and Rapture
Haniell (performer) Red F. U'ishik Tailor, Performer Grounds, made specifically for the Mansion area
Gloriell Mud Sea M. Pearl Diver Tour Guide + Logistics Hoyle Enclave, specific to reception and people moving
Satinell Red-Gold M. Nori Itemizing, Cleanup Hoyle Enclave, and North Aperture shafts specific to storage and research
Fantell Silk F. Solaris Colorful Keeper Bayou herbalist and maybe mystic or something we don't know she's lovely
Estell Sea-Ice M. Snazzy Explore, Mechanic North Aperture, Rapture part time
Aysell Night M. Proudsky Watershaping Bayou, Ranch, Rookery, on call
Liesell Black M. Marquee Entertainment Rapture
Raquell Silk F. Deco Sculpture, Metals Rapture
Odell Star-Cloud M. Anshenath Human Resources Rookery, all sites visited
Ixchell Sea-Silk F. Argyroneta Health, Fertility Rapture
Mehetabell White F. Inyekiz Facility Clearing North Aperture, on call
Yanell Sky F. Painted The Sky Vet Service Ranch
Montell Cloud M. Orchitath Tactical Switchboard Rookery, on call after fights
Bountell Light F. Sparkle Distraction, Entertainment NAp, Rapture, Grounds on call for fights too
Tatell Levi F. Stingray Scouting, Maps Xen
Vodell Silver F. Rathegengeth Code Monsters Rookery, Borealis, Rapture on call
Wrenell Red F. Hwamith Psyche Assist and Screening Rookery
Pastell Blue Silk F. Sanctuary Healing/Preservation Rookery, on call for rescues
Midell Sea-Hive M. Archosargus Scout and Distant Ranch, entire Rookery area
Questell Silver M. Oha'lyk ComSat Retrieval North Aperture
Tawnell Ice M. Glaze Medical Borealis and Carver's bungalow
Axell Steam Opal M Mizzelth Nanomachines Aerie, on call Rapture/Etc
Excell Sky F Giraffire Synth/AI Psyche Sent to Gulper Island
Drexell Night F Hatch Synth+ Psyche Requested by Wakefield
Luxell Silk M Eventide Synth/Nonhuman Psyche Sent to MoCon
Nevertell BkGold F Brocade Multidimensional Comms Twoarth and Rookery
Carell Blue F Patchwork Sewing, Clothing Retrieval Grounds
Corell Brown Leaf M Breve Field and Bean Maintenance Grounds
Tanell Orange Sea F GalaxSea Deep Water Salvage Gulper Island
Ardell SilverGold M Silver & Gold Ore Processing The mines around the Ranch

In RY 12 after the arrival of the Hippies, Carnies, and later the Swat team, and the formation of the Mojave Conglomerate on Vault Earth, Eden decides to do something about the needs of the various locations. The state of their gardens and plant life is not in any danger, in fact over at the Mansion and Grounds they're positively flourishing. But there's the thing about crops, sometimes they need to be rotated, the ground needs work, and ... well, storage and transportation of food products shouldn't just be left to guys lugging around train cars. (Which they do, in fact, since the Grounds are directly beside tracks!) So with Melissa's help and the insertion of some ... very new or, rather old genes (thanks to Hollis nudging folks over at Carramba! hey they have an entire planet full of bored dragon riders on Alskyr) a set of specific-use ELLs has been created. Where the original ELL series dealt almost exclusively with mechanical aptitude, these have virtually none of that inherent to their genes, but they all still have very similar appearances and eerily synchronized movement like the rest of their sisters.

Also notably, by this point in time, the ELL moniker has been tweaked to mean 'Enrichment Latency Logistics' and this series have all gotten thematic naming thanks to Eden's 'make sure people understand that they're for horticulture' nudges. All of these ELLs have one of five existing ELLs as a base, and specifically added DNA from another 'parent', usually which dictates their overall power level and abilities. This is on top of the underlying ELL code that has been in use from the original Repurposed dimension's Enrichment Center, modified over time with that found among the Rookery's stash.

Each of them spends most of their time at a specific location around the Rookery's many digs, but are all available on call for visits elsewhere; yes that means even the ones on Vault Earth...

Snowbell   Storage and Organics Rookery
Silverbell   Water and Sanitation Rapture
Amberbell   Climate Balancing Rookery/Bayou
Lantanell Rain F Holofoil Plants And Psyche Acadia/Gulper Island
Jezebell Hive F Sampler Health and Entertainment North Aperture/Hoyle's
Rosell Wyvern F Euporie Health and Genetics Mojave Conglomerate
Harebell   Animal Management Wakefield Vault
Bluebell Ahgohris F L'kut-len dara'ree Crop and Tree Adjustments Grounds
Annabell Leaf F. Icy Autumn Hydroponics, Plant Craft Borealis
Grendell Beetle M. Sherbet Protective Plant Life Ranch
Introduction of the Orange Eyed line, RY 10
Korivell Gold Black F Zwuroth Retrieval, Scouting Rookery, all locations available
Yorell   Pathing and Scouting North Aperture, others on call
VORTIGAUNTS (l) indicates Local Rookery Earth rescue, some may be Shorepoint, others on-site at Black Mesa
Tan/Brown F. Melody Antlion Ranching, Poetry Herding, Organization, Social Connection, BMRanch
Now Also CHS! He has a collection of Chick dragons
Baird Galaxy Gold M. Boozey Antlion Ranching, Stunts Herding, Distribution, Drinking, BMRanch
Tomyx Gold Striped M. Tony Antlion Ranching, Extract Herding, Extract ... extraction, BMRanch
Dust (l) Galaxy Blue M. Midnight Antlion Slaughter, Upkeep Meat curing, carving, distribution, Ranch upkeep, BMRanch
Burl (l) Strawberry F. Juice Antlion Defense, Hunting Defensive and Offensive, BMRanch
Hatch (l) Grass Spring F. Kelrikith Guardian Wrangling Actually punching, BMRanch
Star's Key (l) Candycorn F. Bedrix Tech, Repairs Technology in deep Rookery (silo, mines)
Castor (l) Albino Night F. Lotus Antlion Defense Rookery
Pollux (l) Night M. Static Healer Rookery
Uriah Yellow Sand F. Dunestrike Technology Expert Science Assistant to Magnusson, Rookery
Igor Green Wht M. Strut bme originally Science Assistant, North Aperture
Dum (l)
Dee (l)
But Polite
Defense and Scouting, Borealis
Noah Cream F. Bethoi Kwaturr Instruction, Weird Wisdom and Names, Lane Mansion, Xen
Bakar Lone Vort (l) Tan M. Stripe Explores, Hunts Combine Lane Mansion and grounds
Shepherd (l) Tiger F. Pallienth Training/Bugbait, Rescues Lane Mansion, DT5
Sweepy (l) White F. Illumination Once under Combine rule Maintenance, Rapture
Cookie (l) White Xeno M. Candycorn Chef BME Rapture
Boxy (l) Sea-Ice F. Clue Power, Equipment Detective Joe's Assistant, Rapture
Bahhsan Rain F. Meinae Healer, Seeker

Twoarth's Jedi, exploring different Xens connected by whatever means each world's Nach'lih kallah-vahh offers them

They reside typically on Twoarth's Xen because it's 'central' to their needs

Dararm Bz M Nohaa'eeyah-lelth Defense, Fighter
Tahndarr Hive-Silk M. Agamemnon
Xen-Blue F. Slaykirgog Luctus
Scout, Diplomat
Kaggat Green F. Ahmun'azh
Red M. Darr'turr
Explorer, Instructor
Black Mesa Dragon Rookery is (c) Lethe Gray / Droppin the Fork and is not to be reproduced anywhere. Do not take images from the site unless that page grants specific permission. Always link back appropriately.