Alicia Davis-Dawg's students have been carefully selected to go with her to the Empyrean Stair, though whether they will all remain together once a dragon or two are introduced, who knows? They don't all have the same class period together, but they do all (almost) have her classes in common. Also they don't all necessarily do well in her courses, but ... that's not the criteria that Hollis and Lane used to find them. Their dragons (among others at Carramba's dragonry) did all that, and both of those riders know better than to argue with their dragons about searches.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that this group is... unusual. But then that's what Carramba High is all about! Finding ways to work abilities and skills into daily use, honing them into career-mode or broadening them into side-hobby skill sets. But dragons are anything but a hobby, right? When these kids get back home, their class schedules will change a bit, since they will be needing to work with dragons on a daily basis, provided they actually come home with one. Actually, even if they don't, they'll put in for transfers to that department. Many of them enjoy events with the dragons, wouldn't it be fantastic to even be a part of their health and welfare?

Of course it would!

None of them are ‘lazy', every one of them, including the other two “MAR” brothers, have a diligent mindset, and are very open to new ideas. Since they're all reasonably young, Freshmen and Sophomores, they have another two to three years of standard education to attend regardless of a dragon coming home with them. To that end, obviously, Carramba has a strong support system for them to take a little more time or have different class requirements. It will mean that they'd be likely to take summer courses that would allow them to have fewer per day during the rest of the school year.

And that's not even mentioning the number of existing dragon riders on site! Plenty of professors and staff are quite familiar with the needs of their dragons, and when this group comes home they'll be provided with contact information to help them decide who to ask those difficult questions. After all, a water-born dragon might have considerably different medical needs than a feathery one, those with live birth (though apparently quite rare) would need certain care beyond those that hatch.

These things were listed in their introduction and information packet, but only with time and experience will they become true dragon riders.


Name Reiko
Gender Female, she/her, furry-centric straight
Homeworld Zhmrrel
Class Freshman 20kk+5
Totem Racehorse
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 5
Drive 6
Looks 3
Cool 7
Bonk 7

*A Natural Born Talent (tech)

Clusters *Fix It or Break It! +5
Skills *Item Identification +4
Vehicular Expertise +3
Climb Any Mountain +2
Knacks Grooming +3
Not Get Caught In Stuff +3
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Anthropology of Earth / A. Davis-Dawg / Decent
2 Current Earth Religions / Sidki-Sanger / Decent
3 Netiquette / Charybdis / Excellent
4 Armoring and Weaponsmithy / Collins / Superb
5 Warfare and Tactics / G. Fettel / Superb
6 Advanced Relaxation / Neko / Excellent
7 Mechanical Engineering / Vasalo / Decent
8 Intro to Trigonometry / N. California / Decent
Pets She'll get too distracted to have one
Dragon Light Court Green Watath
Bonded At Empyrean Stair Court 2022
Name Pemi Aspect
Gender Female, she/her, monster-centric pan
Homeworld Paragon City (Earth, not this one)
Class Sophomore 25kk+5
Totem Dolphin
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 7
Drive 5
Looks 8
Cool 8
Bonk 5

Reality Shifting


Dimensional Awareness +3
Down To The Genes +1


Damn Right She's Pretty +4
Spatial Estimation +2
Monster For Every Occasion +2

Knacks Compassionate Soul +2
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Genre-Driven Fiction / McPanda / Superb
2 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lane / Superb
3 Careers: Diplomatic Envoy / Vaelan / Excellent
4 Modeling / Heddi / Excellent
5 Research Tactics for Genetic Engineering / Shy / Superb
6 Calculus Basics / N. California / Decent
7 Anthropology of Earth / A. Davis-Dawg / Excellent
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott / Excellent
Pets Wants one, gotta be cute!
Dragon Opal Court Blue Oloketh
Bonded At Empyrean Stair Court 2022
Name Zunzun
Gender Male, he/him, fur/bunny centric bi
Homeworld Gelgelan mother, demonic father
Class Sophomore 25kk+5

Crumbled Peanut Sprinkles, Honey-Roasted

Totem Jackalope
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 10
Luck 4
Drive 1
Looks 6
Cool 4
Bonk 3

Demonic And Fluffy Bunny
Hellfire Manipulation

Clusters Gotta Go Fast +3

Are We Good Guys Or Bad Guys? +4
Cute Monster +3
Navigation +2


Cleans Up Well +2
Will Eat Small Animals Whoops +1
Is Woeful At Gambling -3

Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Anthropology of Earth / A.Davis-Dawg / Excellent
2 Mythological History / Kuumba / Decent
3 Glyphs and Scripts / Valena / Decent
4 Pyrotechnical Combat Strategies / Chon-gi / Excellent
5 Teleportation Practice / Retali8r / Excellent
6 Alchemy / Cameron / Decent
7 Demonic Re-Orientation / Aliza / Decent
8 Betting and Odds / Haital / Failing ... oops
Pets Oh god no
Dragon Geode Bronze Ytiiyath
Bonded At Empyrean Stair 2022
Name Marlon (MAR series, designation LON)
Gender Male, he/they, ace
Homeworld Twoarth, Black Mesa (skinside) facility
Class Freshman 20kk+6
Nut Allergic


Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 3
Drive 5
Looks 7
Cool 3
Bonk 6

Favored by Lane


Location Location Location +3


Computer Subterfuge +3


Why DON'T We Have To Wear These Awesome Ties +3
Read Legalese +2

Period Class/Instructor/Grade ^ w/Marcus # w/Marshal @ w/both
1 Teleport Practice / Lane / Superb
2 Theoretical Physics / Freeman / Excellent ^
3 Topography Vs Topology / Varnhagen/skin / Excellent #
4 Anthropology of Earth / A.Davis-Dawg / Decent
5 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Decent @
6 Penmanship and Calligraphy / Feliciane / Excellent
7 Camoflage for Better Living / Carver / Excellent
8 Concealment and Stealth for Heroic Purposes / Dane / Excellent
Pets No, and you might want to make sure of where your lab rats are...
Dragon Dark court gold female Lonmiath
Bonded At Empyrean Stair 2022
Name Marcus (MAR series, designation CUS)
Gender Male, he/him, bi
Homeworld Twoarth, Black Mesa (skinside) facility
Class Freshman 20kk+5
Nut Dark Chocolate Covered Hazelnut


Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 2
Luck 1
Drive 6
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk 5

Defensive Adaptation
Photographic Memory


Moody Heroism +3


Organizational Skills +4
Social Confidence +2


Make Yourself Useful +3
Yes He's Got A Tattoo +1

Period Class/Instructor/Grade ^ w/Marlon # w/Marshal @ w/both
1 Swim Team / Hilton / Excellent
2 Theoretical Physics / Freeman / Superb ^
3 Way Off Base-10 / Saiintenella / Excellent
4 Linguistics / Kale-Baah / Excellent #
5 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau / Decent @
6 Fiction Writing / Gray / Superb
7 Danger Rooms and Reset Buttons / Moonrose / Excellent
8 Powers and their Use / Ramrod / Excellent
Pets He has groupies, do they count?
Dragon Blood Court Purple Cushavoth
Bonded At Empyrean Stair 2022
Name Marshal (MAR series, designation SHAL)
Gender Male, he/him, gay
Homeworld Twoarth, Black Mesa (skinside) facility
Class Freshman 20kk+4
Nut Shelled Spanish Peanut


Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 2
Luck 1
Drive 6
Looks 7
Cool 6
Bonk 5

Talk To Machines/Electronics
*Grease Monkey


Effective Engineering +5*


Surprisingly Softhearted +3
Color Coordination +3
The Right Man In The Right Place +2


Doesn't Need A Hair Net Thanks +2

Period Class/Instructor/Grade ^ w/Marlon # w/Marcus @ w/both
1 Practical Augmentation Control / Mandragora / Superb
2 Robotics / Wheeler / Excellent
3 Topography Vs Topology / Varnhagen/skin / Excellent ^
4 Linguistics / Kale-Baah / Decent #
5 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau / Decent @
6 E/A Lit / Leland / Passing
7 You And Your Clone / P. Fettel / Decent
8 Mech Suit Piloting /Valarian / Excellent
Pets He might make his own little clockwork creatures
Dragon Light Court Brown Shalrohath
Bonded At Empyrean Stair 2022