Back! (( note that the dragon team images are older versions ))

(2nd Coach)

Kozepth - Center Field

Center Field Kozepeth

(Center Coach)

(Right coach)

Left Field

Second Base

Right Field

(Left Coach)

(Short Coach)


(Pitch Coach)

(3rd Coach)

Third Base


First Base

(1st Coach)

(Catch Coach)


Coach Kazkegu

Their classes were tough, at least for some. But they could always rely upon one another - and some of the other dragons in the Healing Den - to help out with their homework. They had to learn to spell and write, using equipment specially manufactured for them by Alabaster, and naturally some were better at that than others. But like all good teams they had a way of shoring up each other's weaknesses, bolstering their strengths, and looking out for one another.

They still wanted something more, though. As they progressed, Carramba High also started to change. With an influx of so many new dragon students and a fair share of instructors as well, the whole campus required more space, more large scale classrooms and facilities, and more classes to suit the needs of such students. The softball field was one of those improvements. These dragons were still humanoid-sized even with their wings and tails, but local businesses started taking note, repurposing old warehouses or selling land to the school district to annex for those bigger buildings, those wider halls.

Until one day it was almost like a new school entirely!

Well, it actually was - since Carramba had always hosted an extradimensional realm in its Administrative wing, they just kind of sort of hid the restructuring away until they could slap it down all at once between semesters. They had so much more space to explore and get lost in, but at least the team weren't alone in that! When they finally reached their collected destination it was with a greeting from ten heads - one dragon.

"Welcome to the team," the main head said, "I'm Coach Kazkegu, I've been reading up on you lot," he began to slightly pace, but at least six of his heads were still focused on the group of students. It wasn't just the dragon team, there were at least another dozen kids - mainly larger sized nonhumans. "And I must say I'm impressed. Each and every one of you have good enough grades to have an extracurricular activity." He straightened up, he was quite big, but the new physical education field structure was much larger than it used to be, too. "I'll help you keep up on that if you need it, but I think you can all handle this." Kazkegu raised all of his heads - ten of them including the one that had been speaking - and looked at the gathering of nearly two dozen students. Centaurs, an ogre, a supermutant, dragons, all. "Welcome to Carramba High Softball!"