Formerly known as the Crazy Dragon Lady's loft, and found at the url cdflappycats.htm, with 2 pages (lethe-loft and lethe-loft2) associated. (This may have also appeared on /dragonsites/dawnlight/kshau_protectorate for no good reason, all have been moved to /dragonsites/theendings/the_endings now)

The Flappycats, or flying cats, or pests, or pigeon-cats, they're not exactly gryphons, not alisgryphs from Alskyr, they're something else entirely. Teensy little flying cats, or maybe large catlike pigeons. They tend to run a bit sleeker and smaller in size and dramatically lighter in weight than cats.

The Loft will be splitting up into several pages for organization's sake: 'retired' or 'non breeding' 'fixed' pets, and 'breeding males/females'. As of 8.16.22 I'm going to likely be retiring a number of them outright, and making the decision to only breed any given kitty maybe... twice? before retiring them. That way at least I can move pets around to folks who want them (mine) and spread the joy of pretties (me and everyone else).

Pages for original group finished up 8.17.22! Cats are ready to rumble!

Breeding Female
Breeding Male

Name/Gender### and:

Bred* (here or other cattery)
Child^ of this cattery (parent/s from me)
~ Parented from off-world cattery
(both parents from others)

Ruckus/F017/* Toodles/FP01/ Batty/MP01/
Butterball/M013/* DeeDee/FP02/ Trooper/MP02/
Suzu/MP03/* Pigeontoes/F018/ Dirtball/M012/
  Mixer/F019/ Rico Suave/M026/~ (Rufa/Rusty)
  Jiffy(pop)/F032/^ (Ruckus/Butter) Coolio/M029/^ (Ruckus/Butter)
  Creamery/F106/~ (Abrico/Beul) Gotintoit/M030/^ (Ruckus/Butter)
  Gracie/F135/^ (Abrico/Suzu) Burny Mac/M133/^ (Abrico/Suzu)
  On The Fence/F144/~ (Omb/Fl) Strep/M145/~ (Procyon/Adhara)
Traditional Disclaimer and Copyright Statement: Lethe is me, don't try stealing me. The artwork on the main pages is mine. Any other art or world is credited where used. None of it is for use beyond this site and cannot be distributed by anyone but me, and that does include No Fucking Thanks and any collections online. If you didn't see it on my site it is stolen.