Wesson's Finest Heroes

Greg Wesson is originally from Aperturth Prime, but given how things usually go on any Aperture-centric world, he wound up somewhere he didn't expect. That would be Twoarth. While he first dropped into San Diego just south of Crescent City, he moved up to the Nexus town because weirdness attracts more weird, and frankly he wanted a bit of a break from the heroic business... and Aperture itself, for a while. Taking on a teaching gig at Carramba High was as good a career move as any, and for a few years, he really just kind of took a back seat to the action, and helped a generation grow up.

And then, Keenan Lane approached him with a proposition. He had a couple... interesting students that seemed very willing to leap into action at a moment's notice. A siren or two outside and they were all but hovering at the door waiting for the bell so they could, presumably, start beating on bad guys. As Nachos California, Lane recognized this as a heroic instinct he'd developed while in Paragon City. And as Wesson had been a hero himself, perhaps... it was time to put together a team. But this one would have a twist: they could be dragonriders in addition. Some of them might be needed back on the Rookery, after all at least one of them is from there. Since Greg is... well, let's just say a computer genius? He juggled the campus computers a little and got those students into one or more of his own classrooms to evaluate the situation. And sure enough - though a couple were... well, less than stellar students in any class, they might make a very fine bunch of heroes.

Wesson's Aperturth Prime (and numerous other worlds connected to that one's) original super team was called The Finest, and there was no reason not to pick that name once more for the new group here. While they will be quite local - and very much under the scrutiny of authorities to make sure they don't lapse into villainy or property damaging chaos - 'local' hardly means anything when one of your team sponsors is a multidimensional energy being and the other works regularly with teleportation and portal technology...

Name Fionah Cloudforge - CLOUDFORGE
Gender Female, she/her
Homeworld Wildstorm Earth
Class Sophomore 25kk +5
Totem Dolphin
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 9
Drive 4 (0 veh 4 drg 8 self)
Looks 5
Cool 7
Bonk 5
Powers Electrical Zap
Force Field
Teleportation (electric)
Clusters Navigation +3
Skills Keen Perception +3
Hit Exactly Where She Wants +3
Organizational Monolith +3
Knacks Herds Cats, In Fact +3
1 Party Planning / Dawe
2 Big Game / Axemurderer
3 Computer Code / Wesson
4 Astronomical / Saiintenella
5 Heroic Banter / HH
6 Naming / Akarist
7 Fiction Writing / Singe
8 Superhero for $$ / LaShan
Dragon Induction
Team Spot Team Leader

Name Tatum Darby - DRAGONFLY
Gender Female, she/her
Homeworld Twoarth, possibly hybrid
Class Junior 30kk +4
Nut Nut
Totem Poodle / Dragonfly
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 10
Luck 9
Drive 7
Looks 6
Cool 7
Bonk 3
Powers Dragonfly Totemic Powers
Clusters Navigate Like A Dragonfly +4
Skills Discerning Palate +3
Follow/Give Orders +3
Math Is Easy +2
Knacks Perch On Bigger Team Mates +3
Fashionable To A Fault +2
Audible Blink +1
1 Super Team Tactics / Wesson
2 Pain Compliance / Aliza
3 Taekwondo / Canby
4 Steam Tech / Wheeler
5 Trigonometry / Nachos CA
6 Royalty+Regular Folks / Wolf
7 History of Warfare / Pointman
8 Practical Composition / Feliciane-
Dragon Pterostigma
Team Spot Defensive Lead

Name Yong Cáo Zá BOOMBUNNY
Gender Agender, they/them
Homeworld Gelgelan
Class Junior 30kk +5
Nut Nut
Totem Virus
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 10
Luck 4
Drive 6
Looks 5
Cool 2
Bonk 6
Powers Air Elementalist:
Thunder and Lightning
Sonic Control
Clusters Weathering The Storm +3
Attract Weather Gods +1
Skills Sense With Soundwaves +3
Architectural Nightmare +2
Fra-Gee-Lay? +2
Distinguish Any Voice +1
Knacks Hum Any Music +4
Perfect Pitch +3
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel
2 Big Game Hunt / Axemurderer
3 Computer Code / Wesson
4 Algebra / Nachos CA-
5 Heroic Banter / HH
6 Universal History / Argle-
7 Martian Studies / Gabriella-
8 Super Team Tactics / Wesson
Dragon Barrage
Team Spot Offensive Coordinator


Name Hudson Evergaze TRACKS
Gender Male, nonbinary, they/them
Homeworld Twoarth, Magical Area
Class Junior 30kk +5
Nut Sometimes
Totem Amoeba
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 1
Drive 2
Looks 5
Cool 5/6
Bonk 8/13

Werewolf Powers

Clusters Actually A Druid +3
Casual Environment Damage +2
Friends, Not Food +1
Skills *Omnivore +3
Navigate In Nature +3
Will Hunt That Down For You +3
*Fight Like A God +2
Knacks Leaves Marks In Solid Stone +3
Super Fierce For Justice +3
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel
2 Geocaching / Vasquez
3 Computer Code / Wesson-
4 Algebra / Nachos CA
5 Heroic Banter / HH
6 Living Mythology / Kirabo
7 Martian Studies / Gabriella-
8 Air Bassoon / Zeets
Dragon Leafshade
Team Spot Heavy Combat If Needed

Name Soon-rae - SUNRAY
Gender Male? they/them
Homeworld Xen, Vortigaunt
Class Junior 30kk +7
Nut Nut
Totem Earwig
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 4
Drive 1
Looks 1
Cool 7
Bonk 4

Vortigaunt And Then Some
Vortal senses
, shield, heal, electrical blast, Vortal Tunnel

Clusters Vortessence +4
Linguist +1
Skills Electrical Conduit +3
Estimate Shield Strength +2
Remember Names +2
2 Fingers Is Enough +2
Knacks Colorful Language and Colors +4
1 Dimensional Travel / Lane +
2 Teleport / Retail / +
3 Computer Code / Wesson
4 Algebra / Nachos CA -
5 Royalty+Regular Folks / Wolf -
6 Naming / Akarist / ++
7 Practical Composition / Feliciane
8 Thumbless Crafting / Kuumba
Dragon Sunsword
Team Spot Defense and Support

Name Kai "Nuclear Knuckles" Najjar
Gender Male, he/him, bisexual
Homeworld Praetorian Earth, Resistance
Class Sophomore 25kk +6
Nut not at all
Totem Scallop
Smarts 1
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 7
Drive 5
Looks 2
Cool 3
Bonk 11 (st 10, end 9, hp 11)
Powers Nuclear Punches
Radioactive Reflexes
Clusters Size Up Opponents +3
Skills Punch Initiative +3
Rules Lawyer +2
Knacks Pose / Flex +2
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel
2 Careers: Admin / Wesson -
3 Adv. Relaxation / Dude
4 Computer Code / Wesson -
5 Business Math / Varnhagen
6 Non-Sentient Lang / Luau
7 History of Warfare / Pointman
8 Fur-Side Studies / Keevok
Dragon Squiggy
Team Spot Intimidation Rubble Rescues

Name Sebreth THE SLAG
Gender Male, he/him
Homeworld Eridia, via Pandora
Class Freshman 20kk +5
Nut Full Zany
Totem Sloth
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 1
Drive 5 (fly/ride)
Looks 2
Cool 3
Bonk 2 (yes, that's pretty fragile for such a big kid)

Eridian Guardian Elemental


Clusters Eridians Are Very Organized +3
Skills Aim And Shoot +3
Written In Blood +2
Navigational Prowess +2
Knacks Somehow Fits In Doorways +2
1 Telepathy / D'ouberville
2 Earth Religions / Sidki-Sanger
3 GenreFic / McPanda +
4 Textiles / Shalen -
5 Careers Admin / Wesson ++
6 Track+Field / ahlKhat +
7 CompTopo / Vax
8 Trigonometry / Nachos CA
Dragon Tarhunz
Team Spot Bold Attacks and Shiny Distractions

Name Siluna Wile SPLISH SPLASH
Gender Female, she/her, gay
Homeworld Benderverse
Class Freshman 20kk +7
Nut not at all
Totem Earwig
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 4
Cool 7
Bonk 4
Powers Bending Elementalist
(Water++, Air+, Earth-, Fire--)
Clusters Combat Bending +3
Skills Learn Kata Quickly +2
Navigate Close Quarters +2
Knacks Always Right Temp +2
Artistic Parkour +2
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel
2 Pool Sports / O'tir
3 Spec Engineering / Vax
4 Algebra / Nachos CA-
5 Current Affairs / Talshoy -
6 Universal History / Argle
7 Fiction Writing / Singe +
8 Super Team Tactics / Wesson
Dragon Blaze of Glory
Team Spot Crowd Control, Enemy Pursuit

Name Nozzeroz aka Zero
Gender Male*, he/him, pan
Homeworld Twoarth, Magical Djinn
Class Sophomore 25KK +5
Totem Porcupine
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 10
Drive 0 (Fly/Self 6)
Looks 3
Cool 5
Bonk 5
Powers Magic Djinn Powers
Clusters Wish Assessment +3
Skills Adapt Appearance +3 *
Wish Accuracy +2
Inspire W/Augmented Reality +2
Knacks Always Absorbing Information +2
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel / --
2 Teleport / Retail /
3 Computer Code / Wesson / -
4 Algebra / Nachos CA /
5 Heroic Banter / HH / +
6 Living Mythology / Kirabo / ++
7 Fiction Writing / Singe / ++
8 Fractal Art / Boreah / +
Dragon Flamegust
Team Spot Support and Triage