Carramba Rookery Kids

Once the Rookery Local Lane was sure that things were going smoothly on his old stomping grounds, he has come around here to shake things up. From an assortment of 'somehow related' worlds, these kids are now taking classes at Carramba with the focus of eventually being placed at the Rookery as riders.

Why he's doing this, to what end, who even knows. Maybe Local Lane is actually trying to attone for prior misdeeds? Maybe he just wants to stir the pot with his doppelganger Repurposed Keenan. These students have been collected in "year +9", shortly after the Hippies show up. Not that that's ever mattered to anyone - time is so wonky on Twoarth that you'll still be finding prehistoric students along side those from the end of the universe, and that always bleeds over into whatever other dimension these kids travel to and from.

Name Gill Finn
Gender Male
Homeworld Rapture / Earth with Bioshock Flavor
Class Freshman
Nut Not
Totem Earwig
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 3**
Drive 6
Looks 5
Cool 3(6 in Stand Down mode)
Bonk 3
Powers **Luck
Stand Down
Run Like Heck
Plasmid Use
-- Animation -
-- Super Swim -
-- Zap -
Clusters Planning and Scheming +2
Navigate Anywhere +2
Skills Plasmid Aiming +3
Read Blueprints and Code +3
Knacks Tool Identification +3
Handle Any Situation +3 (Stand Down mode)
1 Swim Team / Hilton
2 Cartography / Rex 903
3 Celtic Studies / Underwood
4 Speculative Engineering / Valarian
5 Basic Architecture / Yresh
6 Political Science / Talshoy
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler
8 Powers and Their Use / Ramrod


none, those eels with Adam in them maybe!
Dragon Sea F. Coral
Parents Who knows, they're still in Rapture
Siblings Nope, an only child, which is kinda saying somethin' innit?

Name Vy
Gender Female
Homeworld Rapture / Earth variation Bioshock
Class Freshman 20kk
Nut allergic, will try to avoid!
Totem Sloth
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 7
Drive 1
Looks 3
Cool 4 (6 Anti-Rumple)
Bonk 4
Powers Anti-Rumple
Plasmid Use
- Deep Freeze.
Clusters Business Acumen Like You Wouldn't Believe +2
Skills Fashionista +3
Plasmid Aiming +2
Inexhaustable +3
Knacks Clean Freak +3
1 Fashion Technology / Phoenix
2 Public Relations / Qeats
3 Business Math / Varnhagen
4 Economics / A. Vale
5 Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious / Carver
6 Allergies Are Everywhere / Virus
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott
8 Coddling Codexes / Kale-Baah


oh no, they're disgusting
Dragon Mua Thu (autumn)
Parents They were still alive in Rapture
Siblings Younger brother and sister, avoiding being made into a Little Sister

Name Horacio Bastos
Gender Male
Homeworld The World / Dishonored dimension
Class Senior 40kk
Nut Nutty
Totem Spider
Smarts 10
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 8
Drive 4
Looks 1
Cool 2
Bonk 2
Powers Magic Spells
Clusters Yes, He Is That Smart +5
Skills Technology Is Still Magic +4
Remarkable Eye For Details +3
Super Steady Hand +3
Recognize Any Magic +3
Knacks Always Above The Law +4
Rats Are Friends and Food +4
1 Bookbinding and Typesetting / Liaxeri
2 Cartography / Rex 903
3 Dungeon Crawl Team / Ashigaru
4 Inter-Species Politics / Kuyul
5 Decoding Magical Texts / Liaxeri
6 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist
7 Practical Potion Making / Malai
8 Explosions! / Walsh


Rats or whatever, he's not picky and neither are they
Dragon Bonecharm
Parents Alive on World, hunted
Siblings Killed by Abbey

Name Ahn'd'daa aka Honda "transformed color and state"
Gender Femaleish, who can tell with Vorts?
Homeworld Born on Rookery Earth, among the very few
Class Freshman 20kk
Nut Nut
Totem Chinchilla
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 5
Cool 8
Bonk 4
Powers Vortigaunt Abilities
-Vortal Communication
-Zappy Electric Blast
-Vortal Flux Shifting, out of control
Clusters Understand Written Languages +2
Code Like The Pros +2
Skills ^Research +3
Assemble Poetry +3
Color Theory +2
Knacks Easily Startled (instant Vortal shift) +4
1 Hyperdimensional Calculus / M. Vale
2 Computational Topology / Varnhagen
3 Basics of Law / Chanay
4 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis
5 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
6 Penmanship and Calligraphy / Feliciane
7 Theater Tech / Cat'director
8 Track and Field / ahlKhat


Dragon Vibrance
Parent Yes, at Rookery
Siblings Yes, at Rookery

Name Beelees ha-baa / the controller of only himself, aka Habanero (because fiery)
Gender Genderless, presents male
Homeworld Born on Xen of the Rookery?
Class Sophomore 25kk
Nut A little Nutty
Totem Racehorse
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 8
Luck 9
Drive 0
Looks 3
Cool 5
Bonk 6
Powers Controller Abilities -
-Vortal Communication
Power Transfer
Bonk Drain
Clusters Organizational Skills Like Mad +4
Skills 3D Navigation +4
Evade Judgement +3
Knacks Gets How To Use Powers +3
Shriek Menacingly +1
1 Ceramics and Sculpture / Ainea
2 Realtime Geometry / Rex 903
3 Mars and Venus Culture / Noah
4 Pokemon Training / Carson
5 Advanced Fire Magic / Tim the Enchanter
6 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
7 Martian Studies / Gabriella
8 Explosions! / Walsh


stray Vorts
Dragon EIEIO
Parent nope
Siblings elsewhere

Name Ha'sturr, doesn't belong to anyone but herself
Gender Female believe it or not
Homeworld Born on Rookery's Xen shortly before their invasion
Class Sophomore 25kk
Nut Sometimes, Not
Totem Jackalope
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 8
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 2
Cool 4
Bonk 8
Powers Vort Grunt Abilities
-Vortally seen
-Super Tough
-^Weaponry and Tactics
*'Animistic' Power
Clusters ^Weaponry and Tactics +3
*Situational Animistic Tactics +3
Animal Observation (not innate) +3
Skills Aim +3
Improvise Weapon or Vehicle +3
Repair Unusual Technology +2
Knacks Animal Liberation +3
Surprisingly Good Study Habits +2
1 Realtime Geometry / Rex 903
2 Mars and Venus Culture / Noah the Vort
3 Armor and Weaponsmithy / Collins
4 Advanced Interrogation / V. Sanger
5 Speculative Engineering / Valarian
6 Basic English / Gabriella
7 History of Warfare / Pointman
8 Improvisational Weaponry And You / Freeman


Many animals like her
Dragon Hoch Mach
Parent None, perished in invasion
Siblings Any Grunts from any world

Name Special Assignment Student Six - SASS
Gender Male (ace/aro)
Homeworld Armacham Earth
Class Junior 30kk
Totem Jackalope
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 5
Drive 6
Looks 3
Cool 4
Bonk 2
Powers Skill Downloads*
^Ninja Shit
Clusters ^Ninja Stuff (stealth, melee, thrown) +3
*Research Memory +3
Skills *Architectural Estimation for Climbing +4
*Memory Tools +4
^Aiming Thrown +3
Communication Without Speaking +3
^Improvised Weaponry +1
Knacks How Does He Eat? +2
Appear In Improbable Places +2
1 Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement / S. Fate
2 Battlefields of Earth / Pointman
3 Speech / Pointman
4 Cartography / Rex 903
5 Dragonriding and Tactics / H'lis
6 Martial Arts for Deselection Practitioners / Hart
7 Fun With Physics / M. Vale
8 Universal Sign Language / W.B. Poddie


Dragon Varanot
Parent A Replica clone
Siblings Plentiful, but they're all still at 'home'.

Name Robin
Gender Male (?)
Homeworld Talos Earth / Aperturth
Class Freshman 20kk
Nut Doesn't want to admit he's a little Nutty
Totem Parakeet
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 11
Luck 4
Drive 1
Looks 7
Cool 6
Bonk 2
Powers Spoilsport
Clusters Detail Oriented +3
Skills There's Always A Way In And Out +4
Thinks With His Own Portals +2
Knacks Absolutely Not A Mimic +3
1 Costuming for Stage and Fandom / Velenis
2 Realtime Geometry / Rex 903
3 Dungeon Crawl Team (monsters) / Ashigaru
4 Shapeshifting Techniques / Arothphael
5 Research Tactics for Genetic Engineering / Shy
6 Archaeology / A. Sanger
7 Alien Evolution / C'thain
8 Journalism / Leland
Pets He has a squad of Mimics
Dragon Multiplicity
Parent Do Mimics have parents?
Siblings Oh yes, plenty of them

Name Rally
Gender Male (agender most likely but presents male)
Homeworld Aperturth
Class Senior 40kk
Nut Sometimes Nut, Not
Totem Jackalope
Smarts 9
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 7
Drive 2
Looks 3
Cool 3
Bonk 1
Powers Interdimensional Travel
^Clone Talents
Jetpack Flight
Clusters Think Outside The Box Dimension +3
^Temporary Cluster, any needed skill at +3
Skills Invent Cool Technology +4
Repair Anything +4
Knacks Surfing +5
Jetpack +5
1 Hyperdimensional Calculus / M. Vale
2 Theoretical Physics / Freeman
3 You And Your Clone / Canby
4 Nano Culture and Cyborgs / Mandragora
5 Interdimensional Surfing / Dude
6 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler
8 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lethe


stray cats or raccoons
Dragon Senumi
Parent A West of Cali native Prime
Siblings Thousands

Name Atalanta
Gender Female, Aggressive
Homeworld Aperturth
Class Freshman 20kk
Totem Dolphin
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 10
Luck 5
Drive 0 (ride/navigate otherwise 3)
Looks 9
Cool 9 (11)
Bonk 5
Powers Shoot Ice
Stand Down
Reality Shifting
Clusters Dimensional Navigation +2
Tactics +2
Skills Improvised Weaponry +3
Use Shifting Magnificently +2
Knacks Handle Any Situation +3
1 lnterdimensional Surfing / Dude
2 Snappy Comebacks and Superhero Banter / H. Healer
3 Technical Writing / Leland
4 Property Damage Control Issues / Ramrod
5 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
6 Warfare and Tactics / Hagen
7 Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone
8 Explosions! / Walsh


She should not be trusted with animals
Dragon Scorchwing
Parent Work for Aperture
Siblings Younger Sister

Name West Wakeman
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperturth, though spied on local Black Mesa
Class Junior 30kk
Totem Bush Baby
Smarts 9
Bod/Feet 8
Luck 5
Drive 7
Looks 5
Cool 6
Bonk 2
Powers ^Natural Born Sneak
Fly (Portal Device)
Know It All
Clusters ^Stealth and Spy Thriller Stuff +3
Talk His Way Out or In +2
Skills *Research +3
3D Navigation +4
Cleanroom Habits +2
Steal Anything He Can Carry +4
Assess Physical Requirements (Portals/landings) +3
Knacks He Makes White Latex Look Good +3
Actually Understands Technology +3
1 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
2 Journalism / Leland
3 Paintball Team / Axemurderer
4 Political Science / Talshoy
5 Economic Structure and Reassignment Via Physical Means / Magpie
6 Theoretical Physics / Freeman
7 Betting and Odds / Haital
8 Concealment and Stealth for 'Heroic' Purposes / Dane


Dragon Sandstorm / Orangesicle
Parent Yes, spies at Black Mesa
Siblings Yes, little sister

Name Denice, D-3N1C3
Gender Female, still (did not have full Conversion yet)
Homeworld Rookery Earth (rescued before full Conversion)
Class Senior 40kk
Nut Allergic
Totem Jackal
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 7
Drive 4
Looks 4
Cool 6
Bonk 6
Powers Luck
^Grease Monkey
Clusters ^Mechanical Aptitude +3
Weaponry +3
Vehicular Mastery +3
Skills Aim and Shoot +4
Tool Identification and Use +4
Still Stylish As Hell +3
Knacks Knows Combine Codes and Isn't Afraid To Use Them +3
Takes Orders Really Well +2
1 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
2 Nano Culture and Cyborgs / Mandragora
3 Calculus Basics / N. California
4 Speculative Engineering / Valarian
5 Warfare and Tactics / Pointman
6 Deselection Process and Assignment Procurement / S. Fate
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler
8 Special Forces Training / Pointman


She was a pet, let's not talk about that
Dragon Combo Breaker
Parent They are now Stalkers
Siblings Older Brother in hiding