Runa Taika - A skilled water bender with a strong emphasis on healing powers. She's not afraid to mix it up, and will fiercely defend her companions as well as whatever she sees as the 'greater good'. She is not above aiding enemies, even in battle, if their lives are at stake and she knows they are not intending to attack. That said, she will take precautions when doing so in order to keep them from harming her. In Paragon City she established a supergroup Pro Bending team, and here in Carramba she's instructing Basic Water Magic 2, Advanced Water Magic 7, and Blood Magic 4, 8; along with supporting the local minor-league Bending teams with her friends Nyala and Batu!

Dominique Talshoy - Mind the Mohawk ma'am! Knows her subject because she's been in them for years. Current Affairs 2, 3, 5; Political Science 4, 6; Political Training 8. Is also a member of the Carramba Dragon Stunt Team.
Summer Tempest - Local Heroine controlling weather and wind! Teaching Mastering Flight 1, 2, 8; Weather Control and its Implications 3, 5, 7. Has recently connected with a lovely dragon named Breathless!
Bunyi Teremteni - A 'local' goddess of her own sound-based universe. "Let There Be Sound" as first principles. Teaching Proper Pronounciation Techniques 2, 4, 8; Personal Space Production 3, 5, 6. Sponsors two dragons, quite colorful stripey ones!
Grace Tirleda - Multidimensional (somehow) mechanic and superhero aid, participated in the Road Rally 2014! Works with all kinds of folks, from Professor Pepper to local superhero groups needing gadgetry and vehicles. Instructing Gadgeteering and Accessible Foci 1, 7; Vehicular Engineering 3, 5, 8; Weapon-Based Martial Arts 4 (blunt)
Treason - Zekiran immortal shapeshifter, showing off a bit.  Normally he's not quite so flamboyant, but catch him on a weekend? Poofy! Powers and their Use 2, 6; Shapeshifting 3, 5; Mastering Flight 4, 7; NonHuman Martial Arts 8.

Trickster's Jackalope AKA Jack Trickster - centuries old, and blessed (or is it cursed) by Coyote and Crow, this unique superheroic warrior unites so many aspects of the past with many in the present. As a member of Spirits of Paragon, and known to be quite close with Wenona, Winter's True Spirit, he has seen both the worst and the best that man has to offer. And he is only one-third Man, since the other parts of him are hare and antelope... (and this is where Crow calls out 'and wings! from me!'). Instructing Colonization and Conflict 3, 8; Ancient Fur-Side Cultures 4, 5, 6, 7.

He has a gloriously lovely dragon!

Ling Hsu Tai Yen Tseo aka "Coach Joe" - Graduated in the early 90s from CHS and moved on to C4 in their sports medicine and ball team sports department, and has returned to pay it forward! Instructing Boys General Physical Education 1, 2, 5, 7; Outdoor Ball Sports (Baseball, Soccer) 3; Football Team 4; Soccer Team 8
Minnie Tuttle aka Minuette - originally centered in Paragon City, Minnie has come west to show students that injuries and disabilities can be overcome in beautiful ways! Instructing Practical Augmentation Control 2, 8; Instrumental Music (Piano and Keyboard specialty) 4, 7, (Orchestra) 5, 6.
Mike Underwood - With his wife Jedi Dawe also instructing, it was natural that we boost this expert in literature and mythology from assistant to full professor! Teaching Celtic Studies 1, 3; Olde Engylshe Studies 2.
Vaelan of Dragondeep - Though he had once been a student at Carramba as a youth, he's been through rather a lot in the meantime. His world will grow closer to others if he has anything to say about it. As a Lumin King he has the right to go where he will. After visiting Paragon City for a time, he's come to teach here. Teaches Selecting Wands and Foci for Magic Use 1, 7; Repair of Magical Objects 2, 5; Career Diplomatic Traning 3, 4.
Pelatih Dragon Breeder Khaimaera Vahh - A recent acquisition from Zekira (DMZ), this reasonably young professional is already staggeringly good at his work of genetic engineering for avians and flighted dragons. Don't bother trying to chat at him about politics or sports (beyond dragon or aerial steeds!) but if you catch him to chat about health or genetics he will absolutely talk your ear off! Instructing Flighted Animal Riding 1, 7; Genetic Engineering: Draconic Psionic and Magic (psionic and tech only) 2, 5; Comparative Dragon Anatomy 4, 8.
Thirrea Valarian - Human mech-professional from Not This Earth. Speculative Engineering 4, 5; Mech Suit Piloting 2, 3, 7, 8. While she's participated in the Road Rally multiple times, having won a couple of them means she was one of their commentators during the race's broadcast in 2014 instead.
Anderson Vale - Mike's Evil Twin, human. Advanced Statistics 1, 6; Economics 2, 4; Advanced Biochemical Reactions 3, 7.
Mike Vale - Anderson's Good Twin, human (duh). Both graduated from CalTech. Hyperdimensional Calculus 1; Fun With Physics 2, 4, 6, 7, 8.
Morgan Valena - Arriving to Carramba via Paragon City, Morgan is an artist and patron of educational systems in no fewer than three dimensions. Marked by the Outsider, he has a tremendous grasp on magic as well as society. Instructing Magical Metals 1, 2; Glyphs and Script 3; Fine Art 4, 5; Metalshop 6.
Vampcat - yes, that's actually her name. Or at least it's been her name since as long as she's been a vampire. Please don't stare at her tail, yes it's been broken as long as... she's been a vampire. Instructing Daywalking For Nightstalkers 8.

Miranda Varnhagen - fur sider, just as keen on science and technology as her featherless counterpart, but with a twist as she's not 'technically' from Twoarth, she's from Dragondeep, and is a mage. Instructing Alchemy 1, 8; Weapon-Based Martial Arts 5; Magical Metals 6; Repairing Magical Items 7. This version has a gryphon friend!

In the 2024 school year, Miranda's Alchemy classes are found in the lab under the Tincture Kitchen.

Miranda Varnhagen - skin sider, a leader in Artificial Intelligence and Cyborg tech. Teaching Binary Information Structure 1, 5; Computational Topography 2, 4; Topology Vs Topography 3, 7. One version of her impressed a dragon, too, though it's not this one (yet). Participated in the Road Rally 2014 on Team Fluffy.
Moraga Vasquez - Hunter from Pandora (not the blue one, the dusty one), instructing Geocaching and Treasure Hunting 2, 4, 7; Gun and Weapon Safety 3; Big Game Hunting 1, 5; Familiar Care and Training 8. Also instructs evening classes for Geocaching that kind of mix advanced cartography with alcoholic treasure hunting... Has a lovely new dragon!

Velenis - Human exotic dancer and stage performer, instructing Costuming for Stage and Fandom 1, 8; Stage Magic 2, 3, 4; Pole Dancing and Burlesque* 6, 7.

* Note that these courses must come with an adult-signed waiver, they do not involve any sexual contact or content and are geared to exercise and performance value, not titilation

Vola Vola - a fine Pokemon Trainer, though not necessarily a master of her trade, she's quite capable of getting the basics of both hunting and training Pokemon or other such store-in-your-backpack-monsters here! Instructing Pokemon Hunting and Training 2, 4, 6, 8

Virus - the sentient, Human personification of a billion-year-old life form. Ihrinnah's partner/mate. Though he's quite handsome every effort should be taken to prevent his rather aggressive attempts at 'friendship'. Teaching Health for N00bs 2, 7; Allergies Are Everywhere 3, 6; Radiation is Your Friend 4, 5.

He and his partner have not only a massive number of kids together (and apart) but a large quantity of highly dangerous dragons. In 2024 he and Ihrinnah work with the Tincture Kitchen's 'allergen' lab to make sure things aren't killing people (too soon).

Dr. Mars Walsh - hailing from Repurposed Earth, though with a doppelganger found at Black Mesa, Mars enjoys a variety of interests and is usually found with Carver and Lane. She has a dragon at the Rookery. Teaches Pre-Pre-Med 2, 6; Forensic Studies 5, 7; Explosions! 4, 8.

Wavehawk - very local former surf and snowboard pro, Waverlin Hawakima, known more by his merchandising branding as Wavehawk, has retired from the professional sports field and finally went back to get his high school diploma and subsequently just kept attending in order to acquire a Bachelors degree in Physical Education, along with several Associates degrees for a variety of related things like therapy and sports medicine. As an all-around sportsman Wavehawk truly can help our students learn from their fun times on the beach or on the slopes! Instructing Board Sports (both team and solo) 3, 6, 7, 8. Also supports afterschool events in the Skate Park, including 'stay in school' promotionals. Hey, he had to go back to high school in his thirties, you don't want to do that!

Has introduced his dragon friend Sled-flip to the school's dragonry program, and within a few semesters they're found together in the wave pool or park!

Agent Greg Wesson - An Aperturth Prime PR rep, hero across numerous dimensions, and Charming Face Of Aperture. Instructing Super Team Tactics 1, 8; Careers - Admin and Legal 2, 5; Advanced Computer Coding 3, 4. Has a dragon at the Rookery.
Wenona, Winter's True Spirit - an avatar of ice and Winter, right here in our fair city! Coming from Paragon for a while, interested in furthering community relations with Powered individuals. Instructs Magical Animal Healing 1, 7; Basic Ice Magic 3, 6; Divinity 101 4, 5. A version of her and Rita have dragons!
Regent Bartholomew Wheeler - a royal inventor and airship designer, dimension traveller and diplomat. Teaches Royalty and Regular Folks 1, 8; Robotics 2,3; Steam Technology and Alternate Power Sourcing 4, 6; Technical Writing 7.
Akilah Whisperwing - a dragoness well versed in magic! Arrived through the Nexus and often gives advice to young dragons attending the school. Teaches Advanced Air Magic 3, 6; Advanced Water Magic 4, 7. Also serves as the Draconic Student Councilor.
Wolf Queen Wynnah - from Dragondeep (originally fur-side Europe), spending time away from her Wyldkin duties to instruct Blood Magic 3, 7; Royalty and Regular Folks 5, 6.
Xayn (Shym) - with his wife Xhaiq, from Zed, active and fast on his feet! Instructing Hand-Eye Skill Training 1, 3; Indoor and Team Sports 2, 5, 7
Xhaiq Shym Gymnastics 1, 3, 7, 8; Hand-Eye Skill Training 5, 6
Vel Yinn - A Zabrak Jedi serving as a diplomatic envoy as well as instructing various physical and Force-based courses. Instructing Practicing Force Powers 1; Force Sensitivity Training 2; Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious 3; Careers: Diplomatic Envoy (Far Galaxy) 4, 5; Weapon-Based (lightsaber and sword) Martial Arts 6, 8.
Angela Young - Born locally and attended CHS, this feline is an expert at English and Literature, from a fur-side perspective. Instructing Journalism 1, 3; Basic English 2, 4, 6, 8.
Mistress Yresh - Zekiran architect of great renoun and potential! Instructing Interior Design 2, 3; Basic Architecture 5, 6.
DJ Zeets - mostly human girl, collecting the universe's best in sonic pursuits. Instrumental Music 2, 3; Electronic Music 4, 5; Party Planning 6; Advanced Air Guitar 7, 8. Is another sponsor of yet another music club. Participated in the Road Rally 2014.
Zhül Xai Zero - a Zeddian graduate now residing full time on Twoarth! A dragonrider, highly attentive to the needs of offworld students. Instructing Non-Human Cultures 1, 5, 6 (generally focused on Zed); Martial Arts for Non-Humans 4. Also offers Peer Counseling Assistance 2nd period, and Offworld Immigration Assistance period 7.
Z'iun - a Zeddian mutant (the right number of limbs, the wrong types, if 'wrong' means big beautiful leather wings who wants to be right?) who is a remarkably talented glass shaper, psychometrist, and civil engineer able to put beauty into everything she designs! Instructing Civil Engineering 2, 6; Glass Art 3, 5, 7.

Xavier Xander Zoeller - From Zedd, this grinnin' multilimbed professor enjoys his job and wants to pass that enthusiasm along to all his students. Teaches Typing and Virtual Pod Use 1, 3; Semi-Professional Massage Tech 2, 5, 8; and 'Dysfunctional Ceramics' 4, 6.

Is now a dragon rider thanks to the Checkerboard Ball, with Etor Zwitterion getting friendly with Dapper his Egyptan

Kai Zuvraat - an arachnoid splice from Zekira, along with wife Zenqee, they have brought a massive amount of catering and food preparation experience to Twoarth! Kai's specialty is more spicy and flashy. Teaching Food Prep and Serving 1, 3; Careers: Catering 6, 8; also works breakfast, lunch, afternoon, and afterschool shifts at the Cafetorium


Zenqee Zuvraat - a spider splice from Zekira, with husband Kai, she serves many with what is at hand (and she has a lot of hands); teaching Food Prep and Serving 2, 4; Careers: Catering 5, 7; also serves breakfast, lunch, afternoon and afterschool shifts alternating periods with Kai in the Cafetorium

* In 2024 the Zuvraat Catering company helps with the staffing of the Tincture Kitchen's various mundane tasks from janitorial to wait staff and line cooks, shipping and receiving, and the like!

Zvan - Though he and his queen Dvrinne are not from this dimension, the skills that the king cheetah learned there are clearly of use. He is another Sanger, with his own interesting twist of being both a mage (late blooming) and royalty (only realized after being invited to the princess' ball). Instructing Transmogrification 2, 4; Royalty and Regular Folks (taught with Dvrinne) 3; Ballroom Dancing 7, 8. They have two pairs of dragons usually residing half-here half-home!