Aperture/Mesa Clones version 4 - More Girls!

GLaDOS's last batch (for now) consisted of a similar makeup as the others: fifteen subjects, with varying skill sets and strong Vortal or Physical abilities. By the time that these girls entered Carramba High's program, their eldest sisters had been settled back into protecting their homeworld, and one or two of them had decided on their new mates. Of course, some of those mates were the same ones making up the variant clone population among these spectral genes! Don't worry. There were plenty of individuals among these clones who can sort out exactly who should or shouldn't be paired up in the future.

Since their course of action had been set for several years, the youngest group of girls was set up with the idea that the world would be in its strongest flux stage. While the dangers of the Combine still loomed everywhere, rebels were becoming more organized, and thus also needed both protection and 'something to do' until the time they would be able to wander their own planet without fear.

Among these girls, Scarlet forced her way to the top and remains there with both the aid of and the temperance from daughters of Melissa Larrabie. Even though Scarlet was a bit hot headed (pun intended) her knowledge and occasional bouts of paranoia were often deadly correct. 'I told you so' became her mantra for a time, until Amber began to use distraction tactics on her. It's one thing, Amber realized, to command a bunch of people to do something when they're under duress. Another entirely to make them feel bad about not listening in the first place. Of course, her sister Dahlia lends her own disapproving tisked tongue when needed. Though Scarlet is the go-getter, both Dahlia and Amber are powerful Vortal genetic engineers and medical providers.

The 'fix-it' crew of this batch consists of Saffron, Coral, and Poppy. Saffron is up front about everything, not afraid to get her hands dirty, and is in most ways considered to be very much like her 'mother' Alyx Vance. She utilizes an Aperture portal gun to get around, and enjoys maintaining the facilities of high-tech areas just as much as infiltrating Combine systems. Coral concentrates on mobilization, and almost seems to be able to fix things by looking at them hard (without using a power, that is). Poppy takes the idea of fighting fire with fire to an artform: she's managed to import her own 'mothers' giant robot schematics to this world, and wants to try a version of "Attack On Titan" on any of the Combine-controlled city wall units...

In order to adequately defend and infiltrate, as well as to do some damage to the Combine wherever it sits, Jade, Azure and Maize are sent out to remote locations. With Jade, any given Combine without a brain in it (all machines) believes that she's "one of them". That leads to some interesting disoveries, and her chameleon power helps her to escape if need be. However, once she knows where something is, she passes that information off to Maize and Azure. Maize will invariably locate the spot to be 'cleansed'. Once she's got the location set and the locals cleared out safely... Azure fucks it over. Hard. They all pretty much make their 'mommies' proud.

Once more the Kshau analogs come to the fore with medical knowledge and safety issues. Hyacinth and Patina are often found together, at difficult sites, making sure that injured people are cared for immediately. Hyacinth does tend to concentrate her efforts on children and longer-term care, while her 'neice' Patina is exceptional at trauma care.

In order to make sure that the injured parties make it home safe and sound, or even to a place they can call home, Cyan and Ivy are called in. Cyan's ability with birds often seems a bit weird, but she uses them as their 'sire' does, to communicate as well as have eyes in distant places. She is faintly responsible for setting up 'guard animals' in spots, but also can place heavily injured people into stasis while they're being worked on or moved. Her 'sister' Ivy, without saying a word, will move whole groups to safety as needed, but also is able to make changes to the environment simply by willing it. Both Cyan and Ivy, along with their 'brother' Turquoise, can be found sitting around in a Xenian grotto, or even playing chess in Keenan's Vortally-created office. They all have the ability to produce such a construct.

As the dust settles, Henna is able to help console, educate, and occupy the refugees and children. She and her brother Madder are training people to use fabrics and existing materials, for new clothing and textiles, along with giving basic education and mental health care. Though she is gentle and definitely well liked, she has a firm grasp on how serious their situation really is. She does wish that her counterpart Beryl would use a little empathy now and again, when she makes sure that people are 'doing what they're supposed to be doing'. Beryl is as brisk and haughty as her 'siblings', but there is no doubt that of groups needing to be reminded what to do she's exceptional at it. Beryl does a lot of follow-up with Sulfur to make sure that things he's had in mind go smoothly in the end.

** Doll Maker: Azalea's Fairytale Scene Maker

Name Scarlet
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Totem None
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 5
Drive 2
Looks 5
Cool 7
Bonk 5
Powers Telepathy (magical)
Spell Magic
Natural Magic
Clusters Fire Is Intimidating +3
Skills Gets Things Done +3
Uncomfortably, Right +3
Worst Case Scenario +1
Knacks Takes Aggro, Bounces It +3
1 Thriving in Post Apoc Dystopia / Aretha
2 Optimism Under Duress / Cthain
3 Business Math / Varnhagen
4 Steam Tech / Wheeler
5 Decoding Magical Texts / Liaxeri
6 Naming and True Names / Akarist
7 Geocaching / Vasquez
8 Advanced Fire Magic / Tim


Burn (f)

Dragon Ruharton
From Healing Den Red and Green Winter
Donor Parent Nero (mage)
Siblings Russet

Name Dahlia
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 4
Drive 3
Looks 5
Cool 6
Bonk 7
Powers Telepathy (vortal)
Genetic Manipulation (S)
Pheromone Production
Nigh Indestructable
Clusters Emotional Blackmail +3
Skills Execute Orders Perfectly +3
Computer Use +2
Remember Genetic Combos +2
Knacks Compulsive Collecting +3
1 PsychOut / Axemurderer
2 Snappy Comebacks / Wynnah
3 Technical Writing / Leland
4 Modeling / Heddi
5 Business Math / Varnhagen
6 Super Team Building / Dane
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott
8 Genetic Engineering / Mason


Dragon Covensturra
From Healing Den Red and Green Winter
Donor Parent Melissa Larrabie
Siblings Topaz, Gold, Amber

Name Amber
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 5
Drive 2
Looks 7
Cool 5
Bonk 8
Powers Telepathy (vortal)
Genetic Manipulation (all)
Emotion Control
Power Dampening
Clusters Recognize Powers +3
Skills Keep Sister Occupied +3
Medical Tools +3
Attract Hotties +2
Knacks Flip Her Shit +1
Swear Like Mom +3
1 Naming/Power of True Names / Akarist
2 Royalty and Regular Folks / Sean
3 Mental Healing / Malai
4 Ironic Literature / P.Fettel (... not the same one)
5 Measuring Up / Haital
6 Thriving in Post-Apoc Dystopia / Aretha
7 Genetic Engineering / Mason
8 Semi-Pro Massage Tech / Zoeller


Dragon Hupalaraur
From Healing Den Red and Green Winter
Donor Parent Melissa Larrabie
Siblings Topaz, Gold, Amber

Name Saffron Vance
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 4
Drive 6
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (local)
Teleportation (portal gun)
Mechanical Whiz
Machine Control
Clusters Make Anything Work +3
Skills Adorable Grease Monkey +3
Computer Use +3
Improvised Weaponry +2
Knacks That's Not Demure +3
1 Thriving in a Post Apoc Dystopia / Aretha
2 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis
3 Netiquette / Charybdis
4 Speculative Engineering / Valarian
5 Dragon Riding and Tactics / H'lis
6 Paintball Team / Axemurderer
7 Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott


Rusty (m)

Dragon Bellows
Donor Parent Alyx Vance
Siblings Copper

Name Coral
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 5
Drive 7
Looks 5
Cool 4
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy (comm)
Brilliant Tinkering
Machine Empathy
Radio Manipulation
Clusters Kick It To Fix It +3
Skills Invent Odd Shit +3
Odd Shit Is Useful +2
Not Get Tangled +2
Knacks My Name's Not Kaylie +3
1 Hyperdimensional Calculus / M. Vale
2 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis
3 Speculative Engineering / Vax
4 Computer Graphics Animation / Ashigaru
5 Warfare and Tactics / Pointman
6 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler
8 Improvisational Weaponry / Freeman (daddy!)


Dragon Makoradith
(Donor Parent) Gordon Freeman
(Siblings) Umber

Name Poppy
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 4
Drive 8
Looks 5
Cool 4
Bonk 5
Powers Telepathy (comm)
Wiretap (Teleport)
Electronic Manipulation
Grasp Big Picture
Clusters Giant Robot / Vehicles +3
Skills Get Guys To Work +3
Anime Explosion +2
Fire Mounted Weaponry +3
Knacks Blink Audibly +2
Hair Flows Perfectly +2
1 Hyperdimensional Calculus / M. Vale
2 Nanoculture and Cyborgs / Mandragora
3 Gun and Weapon Safety / Vasquez
4 Explosions! / Walsh
5 Weather Control Implications / Tempest
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne
7 History of Warfare / Pointman
8 Mech Suit Piloting / Valerian


Flapper (m)

Dragon Tiro
Donor Parent Jennifer Crane
Siblings Chestnut

Name Jade
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 6
Drive 5
Looks 5
Cool 5
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy (comm)
Flickershift Teleport
Chameleon (hide)
Fool Combine Machines
Clusters Shoot ALL the things! +3
Skills Emulate Voices +2
Drink Like Dad +3
Show Up Suddenly +3
Knacks Got A Following +3
1 Cyberdecks and You / Lyle
2 Battlefields of Earth / G. Fettel
3 Concealment+Stealth / Retali8r
4 Nanoculture+Cyborgs / Mandragora
5 Big Game Hunting / Vasquez
6 Train Your Radio Voice / Milsap
7 Chaos Geometry / Caroline Clone
8 Journalism / Leland


Dragon Conion'airi
From Healing Den Red and Green Winter
Donor Parent Barney Calhoun
Siblings Sage, Slate, Raylene
Name Azure
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 5
Drive 3
Looks 4
Cool 5
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy (invasive)
Teleport (genrehop?)
Go Vortally Dark
Share Buzz
Clusters Take Bodies/Biology Apart +3
Skills Use Bare Hands +3
Use Tools (bleah!) +2
Use Explosives! +3
Knacks Holy Fuck Stop That +3
1 Martial Arts and Stealth / Hart
2 Optimism Under Duress / C'thain
3 Practical Anatomy / V Sanger
4 Deselection Procedure / Carver
5 Advanced Interrogation / V Sanger
6 Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone
7 History of Warfare / Pointman
8 Practical Composition / Feliciane


Dragon Ore M. Rionaty
Donor Parent Dr. Mars Walsh
Siblings Malachite, Midnight, Nohaa, Cho'xen

Name Maize
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 6
Drive 2
Looks 4
Cool 5
Bonk 7
Powers Telepathy (magic)
Telepathy (Vortal)
Animal Mastery
Clusters Track Anything/Anyone +3
Skills Magic Spells +1
Sort Through Contacts +3
Pick Up Others Projects +4
Knacks Not Get Hurt Doing That +3
1 Alchemy / Varnhagen
2 Mars/Venus Culture / Noah
3 Betting and Odds / Haital
4 Geocaching/Treasure Hunting / Vasquez
5 Decoding Magical Texts / Liaxeri
6 Public Relations / Qeats
7 Mastering Spell Magic / Alorel
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott


Intri(cate) (f)

Dragon Zyoros Filidethersalyin
From (PlanetZar)
Donor Parent Iris of Domina
Siblings Aquamarine, Ivory

Name Henna
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem None
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 5
Drive 3
Looks 6
Cool 6
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (local)
Mineral Manipulation
Empathy (strong)
Clusters Art For Emotion Help +3
Skills Artistic Tools +3
Can Read Magic +2
Grooming +4
Knacks Easily Occupies People +3
1 Textile Manufacturing / Shalen
2 Herbs and Veggies / Ihrinnah
3 Speech / Pointman
4 Grooming For Success / Dian Rhein
5 Measuring Up / Haital
6 Modeling / Heddi (mom!)
7 Religion and Belief / McPanda
8 Tea Ceremony and Club / McPanda


Velvet (f)

Dragon Kashreuz
Donor Parent Zula Heddi
Siblings Madder

Name Beryl
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 5
Drive 3
Looks 5
Cool 4
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (invasive)
Dimension Gate
Magic Use
Mental Stun
Clusters Make People Do Things +4
Skills Rituals +2
Vortal Ass Kicking +3
Verbal Tongue Lashing +3
Knacks Disdain Always Obvious +3
1 Linguistics / A.Sanger
2 Dimensions +Pocket Universes / Lane
3 Pain Compliance Tech / S.Fate
4 Time Travel Mapping / Q.Pepper
5 Decode Magical Texts / Liaxeri
6 Naming+Power Of Names / Akarist
7 Chaos Geometry / Caroline Clone
8 Martial Arts Fashion Conscious / H.Healer


Dragon Sugalurra
From Healing Den Red and Green Winter
Donor Parent Mars Callifatan
Siblings Sulfur, Absinthe

Name Cyan
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem None
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 3
Cool 4
Bonk 8
Powers Telepathy (Vortal)
Teleportation (any)
Bird Affinity
Clusters Is This Really Wise? +3
Skills Match People With Pets +3
Damage Control (emo) +2
Highly Empathic +3
Knacks Expert Chess Player +3
1 Powers And Their Use / LaShan
2 Careers: Men In Black / Ny
3 Using Telepathy Politely / D'ouberville
4 Time Travel Machinery & Mapping / Q.Pepper
5 Teleportation Practice / Retali8r
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne
7 Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone
8 Universal History / Argle


Various local bird flocks
Dragon Ni'shaa dey-mun
From Aireona
Donor Parent Keenan Lane
Siblings Turquoise, Ivy all the Vahhs

Name Hyacinth
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem None
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy (all)
Teleportation (dragon)
Nexus Travel
Family Communication
Clusters Yes, That's A Dragon +3
Skills Childcare +3
Medical Tech +3
Medicinal Herbs/Toxins +3
Knacks Will Poison You To Sleep +3
1 Nexus Geohistory / Tessrabia Kshau (auntie Tess!)
2 Advanced Technical Languages (medical) / Charybdis
3 Dungeon Crawl Team ('healer/druid') / Ashigaru
4 Measuring Up / Haital
5 Herbs and Veggies / Ihrinnah
6 Pre-Pre-Med / Walsh
7 Sea Dragon Care / Acuan
8 Practical Composition / Feliciane


Skully (f)

Dragon Neelua
From NeekoX3 at Deviantart
Donor Parent Baeris Kshau
Siblings Viridian, Lapiz

Name Patina
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem None
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 3
Drive 2
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy (all)
Teleportation (between)
Posse (school kids?)
Detect Health
Clusters Injury / Disease Knowledge +3
Skills Clean Anything (wound, area) +3
Field Medic +3
Stabilize Wounded +2
Knacks Chat While Rebreaking Leg +3
1 Practical Composition / Feliciane
2 Health for N00bs / Virus
3 Interspecies Politics / Liaxeri
4 Measuring Up / Haital
5 Pain Compliance / S.Fate
6 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau (mom)
7 Magical Animal Healing / Wenona
8 Dragon Racing / Staff


Dragon Brechtain
From Healing Den Red and Green Winter
Donor Parent Tessrabia Kshau
Siblings Emerald, Pine

Name Ivy
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem None
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 7
Powers Telepathy (Vortal)
Teleport (all/genrehop)
Environmental Manip
Large-scale Teleport
Clusters Dimensional Feng Shui +3
Skills Knows Where That Was +3
Doesn't Need To Eat +2
Fix Dad's Boring Places +3
Knacks Hardly Ever Speaks +3
1 Teleportation Practice / Lane (daddy)
2 Interior Design / Yresh
3 Inter-Species Politics / Liaxeri
4 Ironic Literature / P.Fettel
5 Personal Space Creation / Bunyi
6 Chaos Geometry / Caroline Clone
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott
8 Make Your Own Planet / Ninhursag


Dragon Gahduh Sikani
From Zekiran genetic mix
Donor Parent Keenan Lane
Siblings Turquoise, Cyan All the Vahh clan