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Ilya Farber - Human from Mostly Earth, teaching Philosophy and Reality 2; Logicial Thinking 6, 8; What You Can Learn From Looking At Your Brain 4, 5, 7; and hangs out otherwise with the Dungeon Crawlers and RPGers. Has a dragon in another universe. |
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Sovereign Fate - Though born offworld, he is either Kin or Furry in nature. With a band that stole his name providing a solid income (through blackmail and threats of course) and a dragon more stunning than most (and more egocentric after all he helped write this bio) we're pretty sure that Sovereign won't actually hurt anyone while on campus. Outside of that... Watch out. Teaches Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement periods 1, 2, 6; Advanced Pain Compliance Tech 3, 4, 5. |
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Clementina Feliciane - a Literist from a Nexus world, a devotee of the written word and all its connotations. Also, a dragon rider (here with her shapeshifting draconic companion Liaxeri). Teaching Practical Composition 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, and Penmanship and Calligraphy period 6. |
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Paxton Fettel - Human ghost/revenant from Armacham's universe. Pointman's annoying little psychic brother. Teaches Afterlife Choices 3; Ironic Literature 4,5; You and Your Clone 7. Has a massive female fan following. Note well that these guys aren't the same as the Repurposed or Rookery versions, so be warned. |
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Pointman (Geoff Fettel) - Human from Armacham's universe. Paxton's mute (silent?) older brother. Teaching Battlefields of Earth 2; Speech 3; Special Forces Training 4,6; Warfare and Tactics 5; and History of Warfare 7. Does not hesitate to growl, and hangs out with Gresilla Hagen as often as possible. |
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Stayathia Filidechiroptidae - arriving with a number of other dragons, instructing her strong points! Magic for Non-Humanoids 1, 8; Comparative Dragon Anatomy 3, 5, 7; Advanced Shadow Magic 4, 6. |
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American Foxx - is perfect. She is a superhero, acrobat, performer, activist, and now a teacher! She lives with several members of her super team, who have been known to visit Paragon or even Metropolis on occasion. Instructing Non-Human Heroics 1, 3; Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter 2; Superheroing For Profit 4, 5, 7. Now is a dragon rider too! |
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Desmond Elias Fragment aka Defrag - a young augmented cybernetic artist, working with Sarif and Alabaster in equal turns. Highly talented and colorful! Instructing Computer Graphics for Animation and Gaming 1, 3, 7; Danger Rooms and Reset Buttons 3, 6; Practical Augmentation Control (specializing in non-combat coding and work) 5, 8. |
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Dr. Gordon Freeman - His contract came up for bid and we couldn't pass him up! Though quiet, he's got a lot to say, and it's best to listen because you'll learn a ton about practical applications for theoretical physics! Teaching Theoretical Physics 2, 3, 6; Improvisational Weaponry And You 7, 8. He is also a dragonrider (now), of course. ('After' the Road Rally!) |
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Clio Freemind - Who gets a lot of strange looks from the aforementioned Gordon, because Clio is his mother's name. Clio, like Charybdis, is from the Fifth Matrix and serves as our genrehopping 'fictional' liason. Adept with learning the 'rules' of a dimension and able to sometimes manipulate them, 'she knows kung-fu' and all! Instructing Advanced Computer Coding 1, 2; Virtual Realm Maintenance 3, 4; Multiplanar History 5; Careers: Diplomatic Envoy (Fictional) 6. Technically speaking she should have a Verean dragon by now... |
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"Chipper" Frostborne - our newest Physical Education specialist, hailing from Fur-side Canada. Chipper is a championship Ice Hockey player, curling silver-medalist, and all around joy have working for us. Instructing Inline Skating (race) 1; Roller Derby Team 2; Roller Hockey Team 4; Curling Team 5; Speed Skating 7; Ice Hockey Team 8, and continues with the ice hockey events during the year. |
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G0rd-OS - Fur-Sided Gordon Freeman from Twoarth was a living Akita-kin, until meeting an untimely demise... but that's never stopped him, as he uploaded his consciousness into the Black Mesa mainframe and created a bunch of synthetic cyborg clones to replace his body! Now, he's been brought on board here to instruct Mechanical Engineering 1, 5; Electronics for the Future 3, 4; Advanced Computer Coding 7, 8. Like his human non-local duplicate, he is a dragon rider, somehow?! |
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Angelino Gabriella - Though he rooms with Crazy Doc Sanger, and they actually look like light and dark copies of each other, he's still an angel to us... Honors English 2; English 101 6; Psychology of Aliens 3, 4; Martian Studies 5, 7. Sponsors one of the dragons who has become a professor! |
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Gembira and Shalesanri - Coming to the school as a couple, this pair of wingless dragons head up a number of Draconic courses, some taught together, while others specialized apart. They do like sitting in on each other's courses, so they're rarely found apart. As a team, they teach Draconic Dancing 2, 3, 6, 7 |
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Gen(Eric) - The more 'feminine' presenting of the Action Twins, they don't teach, but are part of the Carramba Childcare system as well as Campus Security team. The Legons in the childcare rooms are tended to by them, and may go on field trips since the children are small enough to stand on their shoulder pegs. |
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(Gen)Eric - A more 'masculine' presenting Action Twin, they don't teach, but are part of the Carramba Childcare system as well as Campus Security team. They support the Legons in the childcare facility and are oddly similar to them in their 'haphazard parts' assembly as well as magical origin. |
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Ghinjarr - a dragon thrope from Lantessama, one quite adept at admonishing demons. And, apparently, teaching in the nude. Demonic Reorientation 5, 8. |
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Margaret Olivia Goddard aka ULTRA - a well-known west coast superhero and leader of her own super team! Loud and ... bright... With constant vigilance the city can be rid of crime! Teaches Super Team Building 1, 3; Super Team Tactics 2, 4; Navigation and Skywatch for Fliers 5, 8. She also hosts a superhero-style 'seminar/party' for young potential heroes every few weekends. Has paired up with just the best dragon, Rexy! |
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Iris Goldstem - a lovely Fey bringing her flowers and artistic style to our realm. Teaching Floral Arrangement 1, 7, 8; Careers: Party Planning 4. She also hosts monthly formal dinners and is often called upon by the administration for any specific display needs for events at the campus. Not one but two Sanger-dragons have accompanied her here and participate with her classes. |
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Lethe Katherine Gray - Human from Mostly Earth, an author of imaginary renown. Advanced Role Playing 2, 5, 8; Careers: Publication Media 4; Flitter Management 3, 7; Fiction Writing 6. Gifted with a dragon - and many more over time. Formerly the Publishing and Illustration 3, 4, 7 instructor, but now has a monthly jam session afterschool club bringing in her connections from publishing houses, experts in illustration, comics, and the like, in addition to the Careers class; Flitter Management is like the Familiar Training class only geared toward 'high volume of pets' rather than training a single unit |
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Gresilla Hagen - Immortal elf, it's a good thing she doesn't need health-plan bennies! Armoring/Weaponsmithy 8; Martial Arts 3, 4; Combat Magic 2; Tactics and Warfare 6, 7. Has a dragon, and a boyfriend that has finally managed to get around her species nasty predisposition of being immortal until having children... |
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High Mistress Mita Haital - Zekiran, with betting and money in her blood, it's no wonder this math whiz was hired for the math department! Party Planning 2; Measuring Up 4, 5, 6; Betting and Odds 7, 8. In 2024 she helps get the logistics, measuring accuracy, and ordering done at the Tincture Kitchen. |
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Halmoni - a Daemon from Avengaea, having spent several years as a student and soaking up the local energy, is now our new Draconic Physical Education instructor! Well, along with an assortment of other classes, he's adept with quite a few varied subjects and is on hand to aid other professors frequently as well. Instructing Draconic Team Sports 1, 3; Draconic Physical Education 2, 6; Genetic Engineering / Draconic and Magical 4, 7. |
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Renee Hart - an Armacham created and Icarus-enhanced ... um... assassin. Don't worry, she's got a heart of gold. Or at least platinum. Instructing Martial Arts/Stealth for Deselection Practitioners 1, 6; Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement 7. A Rookery dragonrider. |
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Synergy and/or Pattern Haze - in addition to being a major corporate sponsor for Carramba High, this pair (... group?) of brilliant programmers have been playing around in the cyber lab as well as any place on campus with a good wifi signal (and that's pretty much everywhere, thanks to S/E and Alabaster) (and Silverknight...) and have thus begun to offer hints and tips on a variety of topics such as 'how 1337 are you?' and 'your mom snipes better than that' and 'lolnub lern2game'. Also known as Analyzing Military Tactics Through the Use of Video Simulations 1, 3, 6, 8. |
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Zula Heddi - Human native of India, with a keen eye for talent. Art Interpretation 5; Art 7; Fashion Tech 3; Modeling 4, 6; Laser Art 8. Has been tapped for the Rookery's genetic samples. |
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Red Herring - Human who can place first in any cooking competition! Fertilizer and You 1, 2, 4; Taxidermy 6; Trout Breeding 7; Advanced Sushi Tech 8 - in that order... Sells cookware and sushi in the Pavillion, and in 2024 is likely to retire to a life of cooking at the Tincture Kitchen's 'it's safe, really! all you can eat allergen-free see'-seafood' stand. |
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Yodel Hidalgo - This magnificent Drag Queen is spending time helping young heroes and fashionistas build their skills during the day, and performing brilliant stage shows on the weekends! Instructing Fashion Identities 1, 3; Costuming For Stage and Fandom 2, 6; Gender Studies 4, 8; Modeling 7. Also serves as one of the Gender Issues councilors at the school. Recently attended the Checkerboard Ball and somehow came back with a half-dozen or more very colorful dragons not from the event... |
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Coach Hilton - Had been the coach of the Football team since who knows when. Brought the team to victory dozens of years in a row and wishes to see that trend continue. Also taught Swim Team and had been subbing for other sports instruction until more specific new staff could be placed. He can now concentrate his efforts on Football! With changes on the roster he is not retired, but does only intstruct the Football Team class and provides their on-site coaching for both home and away games, period 5. |
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Beatrice 'Beez' Hill - Human from a nearby dimension, dragonrider, with her husband Edgy, and their kids attending school here; her dimension experienced tremendous social unrest after events in 2001, prompting her to become an activist and political science major. Though things are a little more calm here on Twoarth, never let it be said that more can't be done to smooth relations between species as well as countries. Instructing Political Science 7; Also instructing at C4 several days a week for similar classes. |
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James 'Edgy' Hill - dragonrider, came along with his wife Beez and their kids, working with troubled students and potential dragonriders alike (some are the same thing), he uses his own turbulent past to help guide and protect vulnerable kids. |
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Miko Hirayama - Human from Japan, amazingly perceptive and can learn a new language with only a few hours of training with a native-speaker. Teaches Earth Languages 3, 7, 8; Grad Student Training 4, 5, 6. |
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Piers Hoarfrost - Human dragon riding mage from an alternate dimension, enjoying a break from his Presidency (yes, he's the President of the USA in that dimension) to teach Warding and Shields 2, 3; Politics of Magic 4, 5. |
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Maqumos Houten - Draconic representative residing with and bonded to Kuumba. Teaches Advanced Light Magic 2, 3; Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes 5, 7. |
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Tarag Houten - A cousin of Maqumos and descendant of Zenizap, keeping it in the family for becoming an instructor after a few years of C4 for education and teaching degrees, Tarag is a speedy shapeshifter capable of instructing on two or four legs, or even in the air. Teaching Four Legs Plus (emphasis on draconic shifters) 2, 6; Draconic Physical Education 3, 4, 5. |
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Zenizap Houten - Maqumos's mother, an amazing holiday spirited dragon visiting her kin from the Healing Den, and having chosen to help with professorial duties. Surviving and Thriving While Unbonded 2, 7; Often works for the Pet and Familiar Sitting services. |
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Yimna Hu - close friend and business partner of Kezul Masui, concentrating her efforts on creatures and interactions with them; a dragon rider needs to know how to ride, after all! (Even if their dragons are hardly the type to be ridden.) Instructing Marine Biology 1, 2; Genetic Theory: Animals 4; Animal Riding 6, 8. |
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Lela Huntington - Even though she lives with the Constructs, she insists she's human. With no home town, social security number or known relatives. Galactic Geography 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. |
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Ehuni Hylith - Though technically speaking Ehuni is from Zekira, she is also a Triptych, a shapeshifter with numerous animal forms in addition to her humanoid one! This has enabled her to become quite amazing at vocal emulation, as well as understanding Fur-Side issues even if she's not local. Instructing Fur-Side Earth Languages 1, 4, 8; Zekiran Culture 2; and the Science of Shapeshifting 3, 5, 7. |
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H'zardus - Brought from a far away planet in a slaver ship, H'zardus escaped during a routine cattle probing mission, and set off to find a safe haven. In the process of the slavers attempts to locate her, their ship crashed and caused a minor nuclear explosion. Fortunately, her species has a tremendous resistance to natural radiation. Unfortunately, humans do not. Meaning that she accidentally doomed several well-meaning farm families, their animals, and their crops. She works with Paragon sources to keep her radiation under control, and is attempting to make up for her earlier mistake by rounding up villians. Now, she's been tapped for Carramba's Radiation studies, and is teaching Non-Human Heroics 5, 8; Radiation Is Your Friend 6, 7. |
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Ihrinnah - A plant-human genetic experiment, dragon rider, and space explorer. Be careful, her pheremone production has been known to 'sway' males... Teaches Hedge Mazes 1,8; Herbs and Veggies 2, 5; Dragon Care 3, 6. Is a dragon rider but won't play with the Stunt team. In 2024 she and Virus help work at the Tincture Kitchen, she and her Hedge Maze class designed and maintain the gardens outside. |
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'Ink' - after attending the Checkerboard Ball, this talented and open-minded tattoo artist wandered a bit and has been picked up after Patty Kelley's retirement party! He knows a lot about various types of inking, from traditional stick and tap techniques to modern laser etching. Instructing Tattoo Art periods 6, 7, 8. That Checkerboard Ball also came with a dragon! |
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Monet Jackson - having been an assistant for years in the Journalism and Media departments, we've promoted her to a full time instructor. Teaching Communications and Broadcasting Technology 1, 4, 7; Cyberdecks and You 3; Journalism 5, 6. |
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Dyshelle Jefferson AKA Disco Damselfly - The result of a magical rave gone wrong, which also produced Carob thanks to Wade Cameron's spells, Dyshelle has become a hero in Paragon using her abilities ('sonic/fire') to stop crimes, but in the meantime she dances her days away teaching at Carramba! Off-Beat Powers (Sonic, Light, etc) 2, 3, 5; Modern Dance B 6, 7. |
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Sonith Jensen AKA Silverfish - after her own ordeals in school on another Earth dimension, she's here to make sure that unusual superheroic types get the chance they deserve to live a great life! She is a dragon rider in addition to instructing Political Science (focus on Superheroics) 1; Ground Navigation for Speedsters 4, 5; Heroic Ethics 7; Careers: Urban Heroics 8 |
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Kami-Kami Tatami, "Kami Origami" - newly hired Fantail dragon shapeshifter, this wild girl is all about folding. All about folding. You will learn so much about folding. And crafts! Instructing Non-World Specific Arts and Crafts 1, 2, 6, 7; Crafting for the Thumbless 3, 4, 5. |
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Lishan Kayode - A recent transfer from an east coast school system, with their eye on broadening the literacy level everywhere! Happy to help after class and in seminars on the weekends, Lishan can say they're among the most popular new instructors. After all, their name means 'awards joy' (more or less) and they're rarely happy unless everyone in the class is doing well. Instructing Basic English 1, 3, 5, 7; Fiction Writing 8. During periods 2, 4, and 6 they generally do tutoring for English and Writing based classes, but have also been known to help out with the History and Language departments. Is now a dragon rider with a lovely Opal Court! |
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Coach Kazkegu - brought in with the newly renovated and expanded Draconic Studies Program, track and field, ball sports, and team afterschool events will be well instructed! Teaching Draconic Track and Field 2, 5, 6, 7; Draconic Ball Sport 8 and Afterschool Team Junior Galactic Softball |
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Knot Leaf Kale-Baah - the fur-side has its own mortal-born(?) Keenan Lane, this one supports a vast technological research facility that rivals, or perhaps mirrors, the skin-sided Black Mesa. Is now a proud dragon rider, or at least a friend of one! Instructing Careers: Accounting and Logistics 1,2; Linguistics 3, 4; Coddling Codexes 8. |
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Zed Karoo - Fur Side Australian with goals to educate folks, in order to avoid the conflicts and strife that his people have gone through. Instructing Locals Fur-Side History 1, 5, 6; Fur-Side Language (Herbivore, Display, Local Dialects) 2, 3, 7. He is a dragon rider, however that may be a distinct dimensional doppelganger. |
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Manida Keevok - A pronghorn reporter taking a break from the action, to help skin-side learn more about her fur-side life. Teaches Fur Side Literature 1, 3; Fur Side Studies 4, 8. |
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Karen Kenobi - Trained as Sith and Jedi, currently neither and both. Dragonrider with a host of wacky bonds. Teaches Practicing Sith Powers 2, 6, 8; Dragon Care 4, 7. Some of her dragons love to perform with the CDST, and notably she heads up the 'colony' of folk hailing from her Galaxy Far Far Away... |
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Penjagan Morr'sah Khavahli - Though born on Zekira, and though she has impressive Zekiran ancestry in the form of Mirage, Morgontain, and Vanya, Morr'sah also has three Human ancestors, a full-blooded fey god, two incredibly powerful multidimensional beings, and a Lumin king in her bloodline. She and her twin brother Shaa'rus might conquer worlds together, but she's more inclined to learn and teach! Extensive knowlege of wards and spellcasting, information technology and Lumin magic, as well as animal and shapeshifting talents. Here to instruct Careers: Diplomatic Envoy (Fey/Sylvan) 1, 3, (Zekiran) 7; Shapeshifting Techniques 2; Magical Metals (crystals) 4, 5. |
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Kirabo Ekikondo - known as the Gift of a Candlestick, lighting the way for a great many in the Fur-side African continent. Instructing Fur-Side Ritual and Mythos 2, 5; Living Mythology 3, 6. Lives with and is marginally bonded with Kuumba and her dragon partner. |
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Ed Krueger - Imagine a shop teacher who still has all his fingers! Amazing! Teaches Autobody and Paint 2, 7; Metal Shop 3; Driving 4, 5, 6; Silk Screen 8. |
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Baeris Kshau - a Nexus powerhouse, dragonrider (Greeny-gold Dulath who is usually found with her, as she's a very small dragon), genetic engineer and dragonry leader. The Healing Den is normally her domain but between she and Alabaster they have the local dragon population housed and healthy. Teaching Dragonry Recordkeeping and Data Collection 1; Dragon Hatching Seminars 2, 5, 8 (plus off-season and summer courses); Familiar Care and Training 3, 6. |
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Tessrabia Kshau - dragonrider and daughter of Baeris, a confident and caring young woman whose concerns about dragons allows her to continue in her mother's footsteps easily. Instructing Nexus Geohistory 1, 5, 6; Dragon Care 2, 8. |
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Kuumba Zawadi - a Kwanzaa gryphon, here teaching Mythological History periods 1, 2; Crafting for the Thumbless periods 6, 7 and 8. She enjoys giving and getting gifts! Resides with her draconic partner Maqumos Houten. |
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Monica Kuyul - or more accurately Moh-ha'ne^k'aa Lo^Kuyul as spoken in Izantan, a recent addition from Izanta. A Historian and Interpreter focusing on bringing cultures together in peaceful ways, research, and recording of information. Yes, those are tiny engravings on her skin, telling the entire history of her people. Instructing Diplomatic Envoy (Alien/Offworld) 2, 7, 8; Recordkeeping Tactics 3, 6; Interspecies Politics 4, 5. While she isn't a dragon 'rider' so much, Monica has somehow collected some rather annoying... um, fun little raptor-dragons. |