Carramba High is filled to the brim with quality instructors hailing from as far away as the Gates of Heaven and as close as 'Across the Street'. Each instructor may be listed with their approximate origin (human, near-human, etc) and homeworld if known to be different than Twoarth, plus their class schedule. Please remember that in the course of a school year, things may change and schedules might be off or the classes may be taught at a different time, or by another instructor due to illness or injury/absence. A number of Retired and Swapped instructors are now found on their own page. |
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Cantor Acornus "Candycorn" - Friendly and easily one of the most upbeat magical centauricorns, you'll want to sample his snacks and sweets when he brings them to events for sure! Even if he isn't instructing too many team sports, he always loves bake sales and track meets. Instructing Four-Legs Plus (taurs and quads in a 2-legger's world) 1, 5; Cake! (mostly decorating and presentation, and candy/sweets) 2, 7; Decoding Magical Texts 4; Practical Potion Making 6, 8. In 2024 his potion making lab as well as the source materials for the decoration and preparation of his cakes and candies are found at the Tincture Kitchen up the road. He has been found by a ghost dragon, Selma, who helps 'test' student creations in the bakery! |
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Ked Acuan - Shifter Cascatan/hybrid dragon. Though he acts quite young, almost passing for a student at times, he's a mature sea dragon who makes sure that all of his students, draconic or otherwise, feel at home. Instructing Sea Dragon Care 1, 2, 7,8. |
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Kaytcha Linea "Kitty" ahlKhat - With a number of Carramba Staff retiring recently, some grads and alum have stepped up to fill positions, and we're so proud to have Kitty be among them! A professional surfer and local sports promoter now, she is instructing Girls Physical Education 2, 3, 4, 6, 7; and Interdimensional Surfing 8. Is a dragon rider, along with her partner Feng 'Fluffy' Su |
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Leticia ahlKhat - Kitty's once-long-lost mom, now finished with her lengthy journeys around the multiverse! An expert at physical skills and exploration, who better to instruct track and field sports? Running, Hurdles, Long and High Jumping, Biathalon, Triathalon Training/Running, Cycling, Relay, Shot Put, others as needed, 2, 3, 6, 8. |
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Ainea - Elf from Abode, with powerful telepathy though she rarely speaks aloud. An exceptional tanner (leather crafter) as well as artisan in ice, rock and crystal. Dragonrider too! Teaches Ceramics and Sculpture 1, 2; Rocks, Gems and Dirt 5, 6. |
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Airich - a time and space displaced Unicorn Kin hitch-hiker, whose specialty in herbalism and gardening has become quite impressive since he resides in a hyperspace dorm on the Science Vessel Caledrus! He takes time here at CHS to help tend and maintain the grounds but also instructs Careers in Landscaping 1, 8; Herbs and Veggies 3, 4, 6, 7. Is one of the older inhabitants of the starship and has several unusual dragons serving with him. |
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Akarist - a traitor away from the Oranbagan Circle of Thorns, leaving their ways but still immortal inside a rented body. Teaches Naming and the Power of True Names periods 1, 3, 5, 6. Now look, Rita's partner has a body that will last thanks to her, and their kids are part of the 8rs crew in Paragon City. It's entirely possible that they are Brie-Callie Yvane's grandparents. |
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Sean Akegata - our lovely Usagi Queen from Gelgela, occasionally assisted by her husband, King Sapadt. Instructing Necromantic Manipulations 1, 3, 5; Royalty And Regular Folks 2; Dragonry Recordkeeping and Data Collection 7. They have not only a collection of kids, but a collection of dragons to boot |
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Selene Alcott AKA Moondive - While her original intended field was astronomy, she wanted to apply what she'd learned and see if she could help fend off otherworldly invaders such as Rikti. She has gravity-altering abilities, as well as what she calls 'the chill of space', freezing enemies. Moondive got her heroic start on the west coast, now she's back home (well, San Diego to the south anyway) and instructing Exploring Portals Safely 1, 3, 4; Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious 8. She and Darkmatter both came back from the Checkerboard Ball with dragons! |
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Aliza - after having defeated the demonic invaders and putting an actually-decent family on the throne of her world, with the aid of magic, meditation and dragons, this feline kin and her companion Malai, along with their bonded dragons, are here to tutor and encourage students. Advanced Pain Compliance 1, 2; Dragonry Prep 3, 4; Demonic Reorientation 6, 7. |
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Alorel - though some folks see him as a bit of a threat, this otherworldly mage has mellowed over time and even occasionally admits the errors of his old ways. Instructing Oneiromancy 1, 5; Ancient Scrolls 2, 6; Mastering Spell Magic 7, 8. Contributed to the Color Guard's second generation, convinced that Crimson was a good match (she is), their son is Alastor |
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Sayf al-Sahra' - A newly added professor of some interesting and varied subjects! Teaching Rocks Gems and Dirt 3, 8; Sentai and Magical Team Tactics 4, 6; Battlefields of Earth (Skin+Fur) 5. Sponsors students in the APEX Rangers! Has a dragon in the form of a great skywing! |
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Apogee of Bald Mountain Holt - Finally dragged back here to become an instructor after numerous trips to the campus with her friend Ainea, this small and athletic Elf loves to teach and learn in equal measure, and has always been interested in human culture, an unusual feature for her species. She has opted to replace Molly D'ouberville for a couple of her courses, since she's a telepath herself. Instructing Using Telepathy Politely 1, 3, 6; Diving (low, platform, cliff) 4, 7, 8. Not only is she a dragon rider, she's the chieftess of the Bald Mountain tribe on Abode! |
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Mayor Aretha of New Vegas - There's never any telling where Nexus travellers wind up, and the weird west of the future is Aretha's origin point. Adaptable and tremendously intelligent, Aretha has brought political as well as physical experience from her gritty home. Thankfully, not so much 'actual grit'. Thriving In A Post-Apocalyptic Dystopia 1,6; Martial Arts and Stealth for Deselection Practitioners 3, 8. Like many dimension hoppers, Aretha has befriended a dragon, and they share duties for the Rookery as well as here |
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Zoop Argle - Near Human from Z'bopp, blue skin and hair, and always smiling. Alien Languages 2, 7; Universal History 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. |
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Arothphael Imabrosia - a Supernal dragon of extremely dramatic bent, sponsored by Gabriel. Instructing Choir and Chorale 3, 7; Shapeshifting Techniques 4, 8. |
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Ashigaru - Furry side, Japanese-American to be precise. Teaching Weapon Based Martial Arts 2, 7; Dungeon Crawl 3; Publishing and Illustration 5, 6, 8. He has another human incarnation, with his own dragon, though now our furry instructor has his own! This one goes on the Road Rally (before his dragon finds him)! Formerly Computer Graphics 2, 4 |
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Autry the Vortigaunt - A Vort residing at the Black Mesa Antlion Ranch, now instructing at CHS! A dragon rider with a Whiptail dragon named Melody, Autry is teaching Off-Beat Powers (electrical specialty) 1, 4, 6; Animal Riding 2, 3; Rodeo Sports 7, 8. |
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Oman Awesomesauce - with a name like that, there's very little else that can be said. A galactic hitch hiker, Paragon City superhero, and spore-dragon bonder! Contemporary Galactic Hitchhiking 5, 6, 8. |
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Tony Axemurderer - Human from the Midwest. Don't ask too many questions about just where. PsychOut 1; Big Game Hunting 2, 8; Paintball 3, 6; Psychoanalytical Procedure 7. Contributed to the Color Guard's second generation, his son is Cameron Axemurderer with Carmine |
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Detective Dragonrider Beau Barnes - Originally from Aperturth but brought through the Rookery and Mojave Conglomerate, teaching Muay Thai and other Martial Arts 1; Dragon Riding and Tactics 2, 3; Dragon Flight Formation Training 4, 5. |
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Batty - The Most Interesting Bat In The World. Instructing Ultrasonic Composition 1; Quantum Entomology 2; Curry! 3, 8; Mastering Flight 6. Is also the current Furry Councilor when he has time. 2024 - He brings in quite a few fur-side and four-footer patrons to the new Tincture Kitchen, in particular the spices and herb farms are his domain! Also he has found himself a draconic friend or two who typically help out! |
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Dr. Hassan Beck - Coming from Paragon City where Portal Corp is centered, he uses technology and science to make the world a safer place. No torches indoors, none of that necromancy nonsense in the halls. He is teaching Lab Safety 1, 7, 8; Scientific Ethics 2, 6. |
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Cherifa and Tawfiq Benali - with she runs a professional Ballet academy, but with the advent of Carramba's new dance hall they have moved into this space and have full time instruction for ballet dancing. They do expect much from their students, of course, but they are also well aware that the students in their care have many other things on their mind. But a fair few of them will have careers if they concentrate! Cherifa instructs periods 1 and 5; Tawfiq takes periods 4 and 8. They have full performance in mind, so quite a few of the students will be actively participating in afterschool dance recitals and evening performances during specific seasonal events! |
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Batu Berat - Batu will follow his friend Runa wherever she goes - including through weird portals and into new worlds. As an Earth bender, and a citizen of Republic City, he was intending to enter training for metalbending, but has yet to grasp the power. It's possible that he won't develop it, but instead some other version of the element he expertly bends. Instructing Basic Earth Magic 1; Advanced Earth Magic 3 |
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Bethoi Kwaturr - the Ancient Dragon Mother, along with her Vortigaunt companion Noah, has decided that instructing young of any breed is more important than sitting around on Xen twiddling her telekinetic fingers. Teaching Draconic Literature 1, 4, 5, 8; and Vortal/Verbal Communications 2, 3, 7; notably she's partly why the Draconic Library was constructed, because... well, she's huge, and even young dragons are huge, so they needed space! |
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Hollis Blackstone - Human from Dawnlight/Nexus. Brilliant tactician, rather like his relative Skie. Dragonry Recordkeeping 2, 3; Dragon Riding and Aerial Tactics 5, 7; He's the leader of the Carramba Dragon Stunt Team. |
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Blitz - a Weasel morph from Fur-Side California, the Alabaster over there in fact. Blitz has seen some shit. His tail has seen more shit than you can even imagine being that broken. How it got that way? Well that's classified but it very much as to do with the local versions of some 'wildlife rescuers' and 'animal liberation retros' that have been covered up pretty hard by Engelstoat of furry Alabaster... He is a dragon rider and as such also has a strong influence from that dragon, hence their shared teaching experience! Blitz instructs Way Off Base-10 (when you're a furry, you might only have two fingers! what about 3? hooves?) periods 1, 2, 4; Cyberdecks And You (he never asked for this) 6, 7; Careers: Diplomatic Envoy - Local Twoarth Fur-Side Search 8, taught with his dragon Pholdoth as much as the weasel kin! |
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Boreah - Holographic construct AI residing in the Hyperlabs. Instructing Laser Art 2, 4; Digital Dancing 3, 6; Lightshow Tech 5; and Fractal Art 7,8. |
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Brianola'Taykah Selamputo - a dragon shifter graduate, now back after getting a teaching degree and helping with dragons and shifters alike! Teaching Draconic Shifting 1, 3, 7; Projectile Control 2, 6; Dragon Team Sports 4, 8 |
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Brasedi - Hathian dragon, a former student who is now (2020, RY5?) taking up the mantle of Team Sports coach! Also contributing to the CyberCourt, along with several others. Instructing Exotic Team Sports 4-8. |
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Penelope Brennan - once a student, and now back with not only a queen dragon but a teaching degree for gender studies and social psychology. Penny is a gender shifter, get her wet and she's a he for the duration. Knowing that a larger number of students (and even staff) these days are similarly shifty, she'll help work out how to get through life. Instructing Gender Studies 2, 6; Political Science 3, 5; PsychOut 7, 8; offering gender counseling periods 1 and 4 as well as-needed one on one help after school or on Search for dragon riders. |
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Nachos California - .... if he had his way, Keenan Lane would never, ever talk about this. But frankly, he's actually having a lot of fun with this 'incarnation', and though one might expect by his appearance that he's more of a surfer... He's still Keenan Lane, after losing a bet in a drunken card game. Apparently he is compensating with pretty straightforward math classes. Algebra Basics 2, 4; Calculus Basics 3, 6; Intro to Trig 5, 8. He is also not only a dragon rider now, but has his own kids... |
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Master Wade Cameron - a Mage from Kinda Earth, teaching Celtic, Old One, Mayan 1, 7; Alchemy 3, 6; Summoning 4; Party Planning 5; Dispelling Things 8. |
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T'ver Canby - Human from Dawnlight, a security specialist and Dragon Rider in the Nexus. Martial Arts 2, 7; You and Your Clone 3, 6, 8; Careers: Political Training 4. Member of the Dragon Stunt Team. |
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Alicia Cane - Furry mage from Anthro IV, mistress of many forms of magic and wizardry! Instructing Basic Earth Magic 1; Basic Water Magic 2; Basic Air Magic 5, 7 |
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Rafael Cannon - from a Far Far Galaxy, this professional expose-writer has seen a lot of amazing events in his galaxy, and is looking to expand his own experiences as well as help young investigative reporters do the same! Instructing Non-Local Galactic History 1, 2, 7; Journalism 4, 6 |
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A Caroline Clone - Several of dozens brought from another reality level by Professor Ed (who thankfully does NOT teach here). Carolines are remarkably flexible and do many jobs better than most folks. Teaching Choir and Chorale 1, 6; Lyrics and Poetry 2, 5; Chaos Geometry 6, 7. ** Note that they are not Caroline Johnson's clones, though they very well could be, in some dimensions |
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Delia Carson - a bright addition from Skin-side Seattle. Modern Dance 2, 3; . -- fifth period antigrav taken over by others, pokemon training/hunting taken by others, cheer taken |
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Wilson Carver - don't tell anyone, but he's Mr. Lane's clone, new and improved and far more physical. Teaching Exotic Diets and Cooking 2; Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement 3, 4; Martial Arts For The Fashion Conscious 5; Camouflage For Better Living 7; Snappy Comebacks/Heroic Banter 8. Among the first of the Rookery to have a dragon, and it's a very fine dragon indeed. In 2024 he connects The Vent nightclub with yet another locale, the Tincture Kitchen's herb and spice garden. Any garnish for the drinks, and every tasty spice, grown fresh! |
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Suzerinne Iolen Chanay - A Zekiran lawyer and Bond agent renown in her generation. Teaching Basics of Law 1, 3, 7. |
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The Chaperon of Copper Portal - when Vaelan of Dragondeep began his long and difficult journey through high school (and before he became known as the 'bloody mutt') interest in this dimensional portal thing rose. Designed by the Clockworks at the Cog Tower, Chaperon took on the job of guarding the vast and well-used Copper Portal. Now, he instructs safety and heroics! Teaching Danger Rooms and Reset Buttons 1, 4; Non-Human (inorganic) Heroics 6; Exploring Portals Safely 7, 8. |
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Charybdis - Matrix denizen with a very strange history. Don't mind those sentinel tentacles on her head. Really. Don't. Teaching Netiquette 1, 3; 13375p34|< and other Tech Languages 2, 4; Virtual Realm Maintenance 5, 6. Has a version who returns to the Matrix, with one dragon, and likely another here in this iteration! |
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Chastity Pandemonium - you read that right. Though she's a bit dangerous at times, being the daughter of a nature demigod and a nightmare, she is more than able to put her emotions on hold and instruct some highly useful trade skills. Teaches Basic Plant Magic 1, 5; Evolutionary Magic 2, 3; Basic Fire Magic 4; Advanced Pain Compliance 6-8. Has befriended an undead-mutt dragon named Deasakcolanath |
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Nyala Chon-gi - Along with her friends and pro-bending team mates Runa and Batu, Nyala arrived to Paragon City and is looking to make a name for herself and the team. Though she's a fire-bender she can also manipulate electricity, and she is careful to use this power wisely. Many Fire benders are also a bit 'hot headed', but Nyala maintains her sensibilities even in dire fights. She comes from a ranking but not elite family in the Fire Nation, so she often foots the bill for their expenses, and sends home many trinkets and keepsakes. Now that she's in Carramba's system, she is instructing Advanced Fire Magic 4, 8; Pyrotechnical Combat Strategies 5-7. |
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Mike Collins - Armor and Weaponsmith locally. Dragonrider and artisan! Armor and Weapons 3/4. Though he's got a dragon he does not play around with the Stunt guys. Instead, he practices with the lancers. |
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Kharra Ct'hain - after her arrival from Scorpius, rather resembling a scorpion herself, she headed up some social work favoring 'unusuals' like herself, and got picked up for instructing Alien Evolution 7, 8; Optimism Under Duress 2, 3, 5, 6. |
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Dane - Just known as Dane, he's the leader of a supergroup locally. Coming into conflict frequently because of his berzerker rages, but always able to cleverly talk his way out of things. Teaches Navigation and Skywatch for Fliers 2; Concealment and Stealth for Heroic Purposes 4, 8; Super Team Building 6; and Super Team Tactics 7. Contributed to the Color Guard's second generation, with Purple, their daughter is the stunning Devakhi |
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Una Darby, Art (dragonrider), a local-born Oryx kin that does beach-side airbrush tshirts and surfboard customization. Teaching fine art 1, 8; Art Interpretations 3 (old link) |
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Dr Darnold - after flipping around the Rookery with his lovely feathered dragon, this Potions professor is ready to make his Carramba debut. Note: do not diss his potions. Yes, it's a chemistry class. No, they aren't magic potions unless you count the ones he makes on the sly. Shhh. Instructing Chemistry 1, 3, 6, 8; Practical Potion Making 4, 5. Also note his bonded dragon, Potion, is instructing the Practical Draconic Chemistry course 3, 7, 8. Both of them are heavily invested in the Tincture Kitchen's operations in 2024. |
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Magni Darrow - a French-Canadian Haitian-born acrobat and voodou practitioner, tending to not only the acrobatic and dance classes, but to the APEX Rangers sentai team! Instructing Sentai and Magical Team Tactics 1, 3; Anti-Gravity Aerobics 4, 6; Pole-Dancing and Burlesque 8. |
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Alicia Davis-Dawg - along with her husband Terrance, this CHS alum has returned to pay forward the advancements that she benefitted from in her teen years. After all, having a white boyfriend would have been 'scandalous' two decades before that, but having a dog kin when they were teens... She is keenly aware that times have changed, andshe wants to make sure that her students understand how the world got where it is, and where it can go now. Teaches Anthropology 1, 4, 7; Political Science 8. Recently took a group of students on a journey, and wound up with a dragon of her own in the process! |
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Terrance Davis-Dawg - lifeguard and pool sports assistant, also helps organize events at the beach or in the Dome's waters. Technically not an instructor but he might as well be |
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Jedi Dawe - hardly a day goes by that our resident Jedi isn't challenged by a new upstart or found fighting off Sith. Don't get in her way! Teaches The Force and You 3, 5, 7; Art 2, 6; Party Planning 1. |
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Molly D'ouberville - a quiet Human woman from Phoenix AZ and we know she would have been merely a housewife if not for the experimental chemical explosion in her first class. Home Ech 2, 5, 8; Using Telepathy Politely 1, 3, 6 * Apogee replacement. 2024: With the creation of the Tincture Kitchen, Molly has decided to move away from instructing (after a very, very long career) (and no she doesn't look a day older than when she was in that weird event, more than 40 years ago) and has headed up the administrative and forward facing aspects of the Kitchen. |
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D'reshial - once a transfer student from Mirus, has taken years to research and work with lawmakers, helping to form the basis of a strong Draconic legal network. Now back at Carramba as the Draconic Liason for legal work, and instructing several classes to boot! Illusions and Charms 1, 4; Careers in Draconic Legalese 3, 7; Transmogrification 6, 8. |
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Anpine Donbon - Twi'lek agent recruited to instruct young and talented kids in the numerous ways of stealth, infiltration, and subterfuge. Camouflage for Better Living 1, 4; Driving/Gravity and Hovercraft 3, 8; Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement 5; Careers: Men In Black 6. |
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Dreamwalker - Superheroic coma victim, sleep doesn't stop her from teaching OR heroics! Teaching Mental Health issues 1, 7; Oneiromancy (dreams) 2; Mastering Flight 3,5. |
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Cat d'Rector - Fur Side local whose professional stage work has gotten a lot of praise and awards. She's a graduate of Carramba! Teaches Backstage Pass 3, 4; Theater Tech 7, 8. Part of the Animal People Playhouse, whose sponsorship of a great many dragons from Mirus add to their charm as well as their stage shows! They performed during the down times of the Checkerboard Ball's Stage shows. |
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Surfer Dude - the son of a Time Lord and a local hippie woman, and an expert at interdimensional travel via surfing. Many of his students are from off-dimensions. Teaches Surfing 1, 5; Advanced Relaxation Tech 3, 4. Notably Dude has a kid, who also attends CHS |
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Lela Dyal - A graduate of the local school system and with experience elsewhere as a heroine, she and her family are well known in the heroics and engineering cultures. As smart as she is pretty, and with an exceptional moral compass, she will float her way into your heart! ... Partly because she can't stop flying but we'll gloss that over... |
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Jeff Engel - a Fur-Sided stoat version of the interdimensional dragonrider, namely the one responsible for a lot of the improvements on Carramba's campus with his skin-side counterpart. While the skin-version is apt to show up for business meetings and finance consultations, the stoatmorph instructs Economics 1, 6; Careers: Marketing 3, 4, 7. |
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Letha Katarin 'Elkay E' Eriksson - local sound-and-light controlling mutant who helps run a nightclub in Crescent City, and often performs at Carramba and C4 sports events. Radio Communications 2; CCTV 3, 5; Bollywood and FlashMobs 6; Off-Beat Powers 7, 8. Participated in the Road Rally |